958 resultados para Littoral drift


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The European Water Framework Directive requires member states to restore aquatic habitats to good ecological status (quality) by 2015. Good ecological status is defined as slightly different from high status, which, according to the Directive, means negligible human influence. This poses problems enough for restoration of natural habitats but artificial reservoirs are not excluded from the Directive. They must be restored to good ecological potential. The meaning of good ecological status is linked to that of 'high' ecological status, the pristine reference condition for aquatic habitats under the Directive. From the point of view of an ecologist, this is taken to mean the presence of four fundamental characteristics: nutrient parsimony, characteristic biological and physical structure, connectivity within a wider system and adequate size to give resilience of the biological communities to environmental change. These characteristics are strongly interrelated. Ecological potential must bear some relationship to ecological status but since the reference state for ecological quality is near absence of human impact, it is difficult to see how the criteria for ecological status can be applied to a completely man-made entity where the purpose of the dam is deliberately to interfere with the natural characteristics of a river or former natural lake. Rservoirs are disabled lakes, ususally lakcing the diversity and function provided by a littoral zone. Nonetheless, pragmatic approaches to increasing the biodiversity of reservours are reviewed and conclusions drawn as to the likely effectivemess of the legislation.


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The wind error of the double-edge technique Doppler lidar due to the instability of injection-seeding solid laser and the drift of interferometer s spectrum was analyzed. Corresponding numerical simulation indicated that if the wind error of 1 m/s was achieved, the unsuccessful injection-seeding pulses should be less than 0.06% in integration time of 5 min. (30000 pulses). In the respect of spectrum drift of the interferometer, double temperature control systems were used and the accuracy of minus or plus 0.002°C was obtained, corresponding to the wind error of minus or plus 0.226 m/s. Monitoring of buildup time of the injection-seeding laser and temperature of the interferometer was significantly to improve the invertion accuracy of wind error by rejecting the data with frequency jumping and drifting. Researches of injection-seeding and spectrum stability of the interferometer were practical for the development of double-edge wind lidar.}


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Neste trabalho são apresentados os procedimentos de caracterização de um sistema comercial portátil de Fluorescência de Raios X por dispersão em energia, o ARTAX 200, bem com seu processo de calibração. O sistema é composto por um tubo de Raios X, com anodo de Molibdênio e um detector XFlash (Silicon Drift Detector) refrigerado por Efeito Peltier. O procedimento de caracterização do sistema foi realizado utilizando-se uma amostra de referência contendo Ferro e Cromo. Foram também usadas amostras certificadas (National Bureau of Standards) D840, D845, D846, D847 e D849 para a realização do processo de calibração do sistema para análise quantitativa. O processo de calibração foi realizado por três metodologias diferentes a fim de avaliar qual deles apresentaria melhores resultados. A caracterização do sistema ARTAX 200 foi realizada executando testes de estabilidade do tubo de Raios X, repetibilidade, reprodutibilidade, resolução em energia do sistema, levantamento da curva de limite de detecção e verificação do centro geométrico do feixe (CG). Os resultados obtidos nos testes de estabilidade apresentaram um coeficiente de variação médio menor do que 2%, o teste de repetibilidade apresentou valores médios menores que 0,5 %. A reprodutibilidade apresentou um coeficiente de variação médio menor que 1,5%. A verificação do centro geométrica mostrou que o CG encontra-se alinhada com o centro ótimo do feixe em duas das três direções do plano cartesiano. A resolução em energia do sistema para a energia de 5,9 keV foi de 150 eV. O limite de detecção apresentou valores menores que 1 % do Si ao Cu. Na avaliação das metodologias para calibração verificou-se que uma das metodologias aplicadas apresentou melhor resultado. Comparando os resultados com outros sistemas portáteis de XRF observa-se que o ARTAX 200 apresenta eficiência superior em relação aos parâmetros analisados.


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Contemporary striped bass population modeling efforts on coastal stocks point to a reduced population fecundity in Chesapeake Bay being partially responsible for declining reproduction (Anonymous 1985; Boreman and Goodyear 1984). Fecundity values used in these models were based on earlier work by jackson and tiller (1952), lewis and Bonner (1966), Hollis (1967) and Holland and Yelverton (1973). An important feature to the Boreman and Goodyear (1985) model (FSIM) is an accurate determination of the fecundity weight regression equation used to determine the rate of egg deposition over time. Egg deposition models in turn can be used to determine how reproductive potential is changing over time in response to various management actions, i.e. reducing fishing mortality rates. thus it is imperative to follow population stock structure in the Bay system and to develop a contemporary fecundity relationship for striped bass. This report deals with the gonadal material collected in 1986 and 1987 from a coordinated Maryland field program. Samples were obtained from drift gill net collections during the spawning season from four localities: Potomac Estuary, Upper Bay, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and the Choptank Estuary (Figure 1).


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A pesquisa surgiu a partir de investigações e experiências próprias com a escuta, a produção de sonoridades, a criação de ambientes e a realização de derivas intersensoriais. A articulação se dá segundo uma perspectiva transdisciplinar e em relação a alguns trabalhos artísticos e textuais especialmente significativos. A construção do sensorial e das subjetividades e suas possibilidades de transformação e emancipação, através de uma arte vinculada à vida, são questões centrais. Os conceitos de fabulação, linhas, cartografias e desterritorializações desenvolvidos por Deleuze, a ecosofia de Félix Guattari e a noção de corpos vibráteis em Suely Rolnik são fundamentais, assim como as observações de Lygia Clark e Hélio Oiticica a respeito de suas próprias experiências. Estudos históricos e culturais dos sentidos, como os de Constance Classen e David Howes, além de observações de teóricos distintos como Karl Marx, Walter Benjamin, Michel Serres e Jacques Ranciére auxiliam a traçar um panorama inicial do constructo sensorial no Ocidente moderno e contemporâneo. Questões relativas a som, silêncio e ruído levaram à utilização de conceitos como escuta e ressonância em um sentido ampliado, que não se restringe a fenômenos sonoros ou físicos. A articulação entre escuta, intersensorialidade, imaginação e memória contribuiu para o desenvolvimento inicial do conceito de terceiro som aqui presente. A percepção do texto como ativador de sensações e devaneios, as relações entre conceito e concreto e o relato não-realista de acontecimentos levaram às ficções experimentadas. O ato da deriva relaciona-se ao desregramento de todos sentidos e implica a vivência de margens, desvios e extremos, fronteiras em dissolução, diásporas nos interstícios. Poéticas e políticas da alteridade, da diferença e do estranhamento fazem-se presentes em experiências de um ambiente-vivo, paisagem-corpo-outro. Tais questões atravessam meus trabalhos, que são realizados de diferentes maneiras, em cartografias e rituais que podem incluir sons, textos, desenhos, objetos, fotografia, vídeos, vestimentas, ações, situações, etc. A abordagem das questões presentes se dá através de algumas passagens por escritores como Rimbaud, Borges e Italo Calvino; teóricos de diferentes áreas, como Guy Brett, Douglas Kahn, De Certeau, Michel Onfray, James J.Gibson e Donna Haraway; e trabalhos e textos de diversos artistas fundamentais, como Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Allan Kaprow, George Maciunas e o Fluxus, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Gordon-Matta-Clark, Robert Smithson, Bill Viola, Cildo Meireles e Lygia Pape, entre outros


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We demonstrated efficient laser action of a new ytterbium-doped oxyorthosilicate crystal Yb:LuYSiO5 ( Yb: LYSO) under high-power diode-pumping. The spectroscopic features and laser performance of the alloyed oxyorthosilicate crystal are compared with those of ytterbium-doped lutetium and yttrium oxyorthosilicates. In the continuous-wave laser operation of Yb: LYSO, a maximal slope efficiency of 96% and output power of 7.8 W were respectively achieved with different pump sources. The Yb: LYSO laser exhibits not only little sensitivity to the pump wavelength drift but also a broad tunability. By using a dispersive prism as the intracavity tuning element, we demonstrated that the continuous-wave Yb: LYSO laser exhibit a continuous tunability in the spectral range of 1014-1091 nm. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Se na tentativa de evocar o passado escolar, abrirmos com disposição as páginas das redes sociais virtuais, poderemos também nos surpreender com as memórias dos usuários encontradas nas comunidades do Orkut; nas tramas das histórias escolares, os scraps digitais exibem os relatos dos ex-alunos, numa verdadeira exibição do eu. Este estudo traz para a discussão os posts encontrados nas comunidades do Orkut do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, do Colégio de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro e do Colégio Marista São José do Rio de Janeiro, procurando dar visibilidade a essas escritas autobiográficas virtuais sobre a vida escolar como fontes para a história da Educação. Como esses usuários narram as suas histórias escolares? Quais os relatos mais frequentes? Estas questões me instigam a pensar que o registro das experiências escolares possibilita ao sujeito desnudar-se. No tempo das tecnologias digitais, o usuário move-se sobre teclados, telas, deixando registros de uma vida, que são examinados pelos moderadores. Mas quem são estes sujeitos nas comunidades escolares? Será que eles cumprem os mesmos papéis desempenhados pelos editores? As escritas memorialistas comandam, imperativamente, novas relações com a escrita; essas narrativas não se esgotam numa tipologia textual persuasiva; observam-se laços de ideias e afetos, aproximando os ex-alunos dessas redes sociais virtuais. Quais são os temas mais recorrentes encontrados neste espaço virtual? Estas postagens constituem elos do tecido das lembranças dos sujeitos que não se intimidam em contar as suas histórias nesses novos suportes de escrita. Talvez, a saudade e a solidão busquem acolhimento e companhia nos cliques dos usuários, remetendo-os aos acontecimentos passados; os ex-alunos compartilham experiências, sentimentos e saberes, borrando fronteiras entre o público e o privado; nesse sentido, percebe-se que essas escritas autobiográficas nas comunidades escolares do Orkut também constroem esses sujeitos no suporte digital. Assim, este trabalho procura ampliar a discussão sobre os lugares de memórias da escolarização, buscando contribuir para os estudos da história da Educação.


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The aim of this study was to assess the status of the juvenile salmonid populations of the River Lune and its tributaries. There was special emphasis on juvenile salmon stocks in view of the implementation of a net limitation order in 1980. The number of licensed instruments were reduced as follows: (1) Drift, hang or whammel nets - from 12 to 10 (2) Draft or seine nets - from 3 to 1 (3) Heave or haaf nets - from 4 6 to 2 6 For the purpose of this report, the River Lune system has been divided into 13 subcatchments and these are examined with a view to detecting any trends in the data such as subcatchment productivity, partitioning between salmon and trout nursery streams, and whether the restrictions on salmon fishing had any discernible effects on juvenile salmon productivity. The effect of flow and instream obstructions on salmonid densities are also investigated as these have been shown to be important factors affecting abundance. Throughout the study period a programme of enhancement stocking took place primarily with salmon ova and fry. The possible impact of this on the results of the surveys has been assessed. The distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon was found to be relatively consistent in each of the 13 subcatchments studied over the 1981-1985 period.


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Geryon quinquedens is present along the West African continental slope at depths from 300 to 1000 m, on silt-clay sediments. Geryon is a cold and rather poorly oxygenated water loving species. It is easily caught by traps as it is a scavenger and predatory crustacea. In a given area its distribution does not appear to be homogeneous: for example, densities of red crabs are higher in the eastern and western region of Côte d'Ivoire than in the central zone. Similar observations can be made off Congo, Angola and United States. It can be assumed that there is a relation between the abundance of Geryon and the productivity level of the area. Geographical variations of sex ratio are suspected to be correlated with the density distribution. Males and females have not the same bathymetric distribution: females are only common in the shallower waters (300-500 m) whereas males are present in the whole biotope. Seasonal migrations occur down and up the slope in both the sexes and are certainly related to the reproductive biology. Knowledge of the reproductive biology is also necessary to understand fishing-trap catch rate: egg maturation extends over several months and ovigerous females are exceptionally caught by traps; males also are less available during the same period (March to August) when migrations are less important; in this period, mean size increases and probably this happens at the end of a moult. From September to February the catch-rates increase. Growth is slow compared with other littoral Guinean Crustacea (Peneides). Females become sexually mature at a size of 80 mm (carapace width): modification in the allometric relations of abdomen and carapace are then conspicuous.


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The River Lune rises in the hills around Tebay in thje North of England and runs through rural farming country to Morecambe bay. It is generally considered as a river of high purity and unspoiled nature. The salmon fishery was at one time considered amongst the best in England and Wales, with very high catches to both rod and net fishermen. During the late 1960's the disease UDN decimated the stock. Since then there has been a recovery of the stock, but this is considered by most anglers and netsmen to be a partial recovery of some of the previous stock components. In recent years anglers and netsmen have voiced their concerns over the Lune stock and have lobbied for action to improve the Lune fishery. This net limitation order (NLO) and the separate byelaw in conjunction with habitat improvement are proposed as part of the strategy for future conservation and management of this salmon fishery. The fishery is currently exploited by 37 licensed netsmen, the highest number of any single estuary in England and Wales. There are 26 haaf, 10 drift and 1 seine nets available. Current estimates of the rod fishery are that 1100 to 1400 anglers fish 14 000 days per year. The River Luhe is one of the few rivers within England and Wales that has the benefit of an accurate fish counter. The counter is at Forge Weir approximately 4 km upstream of the tidal limit. The counts, together with records of the catches from the rod and net fishery, enable a reasonably accurate assessment of both rod and net exploitation. Extensive surveys of the juvenile population, carried out in 1991 and 1997, provide additional information. The purpose of this document is to describe and explain the current state of the salmon population in the River Lune and in doing so, demonstrate the current need for stock conservation. A second purpose is to demonstrate that the proposed NLO and byelaw package should allow the salmon population to reach its conservation target (spawning escapement target).


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Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves through the use of CPR feedback devices. Most feedback devices integrate the acceleration twice to estimate compression depth. However, they use additional sensors or processing techniques to compensate for large displacement drifts caused by integration. This study introduces an accelerometer-based method that avoids integration by using spectral techniques on short duration acceleration intervals. We used a manikin placed on a hard surface, a sternal triaxial accelerometer, and a photoelectric distance sensor (gold standard). Twenty volunteers provided 60 s of continuous compressions to test various rates (80-140 min(-1)), depths (3-5 cm), and accelerometer misalignment conditions. A total of 320 records with 35312 compressions were analysed. The global root-mean-square errors in rate and depth were below 1.5 min(-1) and 2 mm for analysis intervals between 2 and 5 s. For 3 s analysis intervals the 95% levels of agreement between the method and the gold standard were within -1.64-1.67 min(-1) and -1.69-1.72 mm, respectively. Accurate feedback on chest compression rate and depth is feasible applying spectral techniques to the acceleration. The method avoids additional techniques to compensate for the integration displacement drift, improving accuracy, and simplifying current accelerometer-based devices.


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The standing stock of chlorophyll, the quantities of copepods collected with a 30 liter Niskin bottle and the standing stock of zooplankton collected with a 'Bongo' net were measured from 0 to 200 m depth during a cruise along 10' W from 1' N to 12' S. These parameters are correlated to hydrological conditions measured simultaneously. 6 zonal areas have been delimited and described; the north equatorial convergence, the northern flow of the south equatorial counter-current, the trade winds drift, the south equatorial counter-current and the Benguela's drift.


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Genetic structure and average long-term connectivity and effective size of mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) sampled from offshore localities in the U.S. Caribbean and the Florida Keys were assessed by using nuclear-encoded microsatellites and a fragment of mitochondrial DNA. No significant differences in allele, genotype (microsatellites), or haplotype (mtDNA) distributions were detected; tests of selective neutrality (mtDNA) were nonsignificant after Bonferroni correction. Heuristic estimates of average long-term rate of migration (proportion of migrant individuals/generation) between geographically adjacent localities varied from 0.0033 to 0.0054, indicating that local subpopulations could respond independently of environmental perturbations. Estimates of average longterm effective population sizes varied from 341 to 1066 and differed significantly among several of the localities. These results indicate that over time larval drift and interregional adult movement may not be sufficient to maintain population sustainability across the region and that there may be different demographic stocks at some of the localities studied. The estimate of long-term effective population size at the locality offshore of St. Croix was below the minimum threshold size considered necessary to maintain the equilibrium between the loss of adaptive genetic variance from genetic drift and its replacement by mutation. Genetic variability in mutton snapper likely is maintained at the intraregional level by aggregate spawning and random mating of local populations. This feature is perhaps ironic in that aggregate spawning also renders mutton snapper especially vulnerable to overexploitation.


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Este trabalho busca compreender, através do exame de alguns pontos da sócio-história do Brasil, posicionamentos diferenciados quanto à origem da variedade brasileira do português. Para tanto, considera as interpretações construídas pelos teóricos a partir dos escassos dados referentes ao processo de colonização brasileiro, à catequização, à demografia, à língua geral, à miscigenação e à consolidação da língua portuguesa no Brasil nos três primeiros séculos da história do país; discute a evolução dos sucessivos posicionamentos adotados por estudiosos ao longo do período de formação e consolidação do português brasileiro, particularmente quanto à sua receptividade ao aporte africano; revê a motivação para o debate sobre a questão da língua brasileira e para a eleição do índio, em detrimento do negro, como herói literário. A pesquisa dá relevância à compreensão do conceito de discurso simplificado, particularmente pidgins e crioulos, pela proeminência desses conceitos nas principais hipóteses que explicam a origem do português brasileiro, crioulização e deriva. Contrapondo a leitura de expressivos autores da área, ressaltamos a importância dos processos sócio-históricos na formação da variedade brasileira do português