995 resultados para Lightening schedule


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The antihypertensive effects of the beta-blocking agent betaxolol and the calcium entry blocker verapamil were compared in a crossover single-blind trial. Seventeen patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension took either betaxolol or a slow-release formulation of verapamil for two consecutive 6-week periods. The sequence of treatment phases was randomly allocated and a 2-week washout period preceded each treatment. The antihypertensive effect of the test drugs was assessed both at the physician's office and during everyday activities using a portable blood pressure recorder. The crossover design of the trial made it possible to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy of betaxolol and verapamil both in the group as a whole and in the individual patient. The individual patient response to one of these agents was not a reliable indicator of the same patient's response to the alternative agent. Betaxolol brought both office and ambulatory recorded blood pressures under control in a larger fraction of patients than verapamil, although the magnitude of the blood pressure fall in the responders was equal for each drug. These observations stress the need for an individualized approach to the evaluation of antihypertensive therapy. The present results also demonstrate that optimal antihypertensive therapy is still a matter of trial and error. The precise methodology that ought to characterize crossover trials may make it possible to improve the therapeutic approach to hypertensive patients.


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Työssä keskitytään erityisesti tehdastoimituksen ja asiakasluovutuksen väliseen aikaan. Tavoite on selvittää eri päällirakenteilla varustettavien autojen varastointiaikoja. Lasketaan lisäksi varastointiajasta aiheutuvia korkokustannuksia. Tarkoitus on myös tutkia mahdollisuuksia varastointiajan vähentämiseksi. Teoriassa perehdytään muun muassa varastointiin ja taloudellisiin vaikutuksiin. Kokeellisessa osiossa toteutetaan kysely eri päällirakentaja-aikojen selvittämiseksi. Määrättyjen autojen osalta selvitetään kokonaisrahoitusajat. Työssä tuotetaan myös prosessin kuvaus uuden auton toimitusketjusta. Todetaan, että mahdollinen pidempi varastointiaika tulee huomioida katteessa kustannusten kattamiseksi. Myyntisaamisten maksuaika saattaa kaksinkertaistaa kokonaisrahoitusajan. Varastointiaikojen vähentämiseksi esitetään seurantalomaketta, maksuaikojen perustelua sekä aikataulun ennakointia käytettäessä rahoitusyhtiötä. Päällirakenteiden osalta suositellaan käytettävän eriteltyjä toimintoja.


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Introduction. Preclinical and clinical evidences for a role of oral probiotics in the management of allergic diseases are emerging. Aim. We aimed at testing the immunomodulatory effects of intranasal versus intragastric administration of Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461 in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation and the specificity of different probiotics by comparing L. paracasei NCC2461 to Lactobacillus plantarum NCC1107. Methods. L. paracasei NCC2461 or L. plantarum NCC1107 strains were administered either intragastrically (NCC2461) or intranasally (NCC2461 or NCC1107) to OVA-sensitized mice challenged with OVA aerosols. Inflammatory cell recruitment into BALF, eotaxin and IL-5 production in the lungs were measured. Results. Intranasal L. paracasei NCC2461 efficiently protected sensitized mice upon exposure to OVA aerosols in a dose-dependent manner as compared to control mice. Inflammatory cell number, eotaxin and IL-5 were significantly reduced in BALF. Intranasal supplementation of L. paracasei NCC2461 was more potent than intragastric application in limiting the allergic response and possibly linked to an increase in T regulatory cells in the lungs. Finally, intranasal L. plantarum NCC1107 reduced total and eosinophilic lung inflammation, but increased neutrophilia and macrophages infiltration. Conclusion. A concerted selection of intervention schedule, doses, and administration routes (intranasal versus intragastric) may markedly contribute to modulate airway inflammation in a probiotic strain-specific manner.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tarvitseeko Starkki Oy Ab keskusvarastotoimintoja rakennustyömaan toimitusketjussa. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa esittelee reagoivan toimitusketjun hallinnan menetelmiä ja jakelun merkitystä toimitusketjussa. Lisäksi teoriaosassa esitellään kumppanuus-ajattelun perusteita. Empiriaosassa esitellään kohdeyritys, rakennustyömaan logistiikkaa tällä hetkellä ja pohditaan kolmea erilaista yrityksen jakelurakennetta. Tutkimus on kuvaileva. Rakennustyömaan logistiikan voidaantodeta jäävän helposti materiaalitoimittajien vastuulle. Vaikka materiaalitoimittajat pysyvätkin yleensä sovitussa aikataulussa, ei rakennustyömaa itsessään siinä välttämättä onnistu. Tämä johtaa rakentamisen logistiikan hallitsemattomuuteen ja rakentamisen tehokkuuden heikkenemiseen. Ongelma voidaan kuitenkin välttäätehokkaalla informaation jakamisella ja rakennustyömaan toimitusketjun läpi ulottuvalla yhteistyöllä.


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CONTEXT: Increased altruism, self-transcendence, and quests for meaning in life (MiL) have been found in palliative care (PC) patients and their families who experience the finiteness of life. Similar changes were observed in healthy subjects who were experimentally confronted with their mortality. OBJECTIVES: The study investigated how daily experiences of the transitoriness of life influence PC health care professionals' (HCPs) values, MiL, and religiousness. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, the Schwartz Value Survey, the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation, and the Idler Index of Religiosity were used to investigate personal values, MiL, and private religiousness. HCPs working in PC (confronted with death) were compared with a control group of HCPs working at maternity wards (MWs) using multivariate models. Differences were considered to be statistically significant at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Seventy PC- and 70 MW-HCPs took part in the study (response rate 74.0%). No differences between the groups were found in overall MiL satisfaction scores. PC-HCPs were significantly more religious than MW-HCPs; they listed spirituality and nature experience more often as areas in which they experience MiL. Furthermore, hedonism was more important for PC-HCPs, and they had higher scores in openness-to-change values (stimulation and self-direction). MW-HCPs were more likely to list family as a MiL area. They assigned more importance to health and scored higher in conservation values (conformity and security). Duration of professional experience did not influence these results. CONCLUSION: Basic differences in values, MiL, and religiousness between PC-HCPs and MW-HCPs might have influenced the choice of working environment because no effect of job duration was observed. Longitudinal research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.


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The increasing incidence of ciprofloxacin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae may limit the efficacy of the new quinolones in difficult-to-treat infections such as meningitis. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of clinafloxacin alone and in combination with teicoplanin and rifampin in the therapy of ciprofloxacin-susceptible and ciprofloxacin-resistant pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. When used against a penicillin-resistant ciprofloxacin-susceptible strain (Clinafloxacin MIC 0.12 μg/ml), clinafloxacin at a dose of 20 mg/kg per day b.i.d. decreased bacterial concentration by -5.10 log cfu/ml at 24 hr. Combinations did not improve activity. The same clinafloxacin schedule against a penicillin- and ciprofloxacin-resistant strain (Clinafloxacin MIC 0.5 μg/ml) was totally ineffective. Our data suggest that a moderate decrease in quinolone susceptibility, as indicated by the detection of any degree of ciprofloxacin resistance, may render these antibiotics unsuitable for the management of pneumococcal meningitis


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[eng] The group of teaching innovation in the area of Botany (GIBAF), University of Barcelona (UB), is raised each year to design new accreditation activities under continuous evaluation framework. We present the experience carried out during the academic year 2008-09 in the course of Pharmaceutical Botany. The aim has been to involve students for a semester in the authorship of a tutored project immediately useful and of easy permanence, beyond its assessment proving usefulness. The Medicinal Plants Garden of the Monastery of Pedralbes has been used as a resource and a collaboration agreement has been signed between the UB faculty and the Institute of Culture of Barcelona. The students have developed the work using the Moodle platform CampusvirtualUB into five stages which included preparation of files by students that have been modified in some steps following the various feedbacks from teachers. At the beginning of the activity, students were provided with a complete schedule of activities, the schedule for its implementation, and a total of 18 forced-use library resources. Finally, through Google sites, a website has been implemented, allowing for a virtual tour of the garden, documenting by referenced literature 50 medicinal plants for their nomenclature, botanical description, distribution, uses historical, current and future) and toxicity. The result of the activity was presented at a public ceremony in the Monastery of Pedralbes and is available at: http://sites.google.com/site/jardimedievalpedralbes/ [spa] El grupo de innovación docente integrado por profesores del área de Botánica (GIBAF) de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) se plantea cada curso el diseño de nuevas actividades acreditativas en el marco de la evaluación continuada. Se presenta la experiencia llevada a cabo durante el curso 2008-09 en la asignatura Botánica Farmacéutica. El objetivo ha sido implicar durante un semestre a los estudiantes en la autoría de un proyecto tutorizado de inmediata utilidad y clara perdurabilidad, más allá de su utilidad acreditativa. Como recurso se ha utilizado el Jardín de Plantas Medicinales del Monasterio de Pedralbes y se ha firmado un convenio de colaboración docente entre la UB y el Instituto de Cultura de Barcelona. Los estudiantes han realizado el trabajo utilizando la plataforma Moodle del Campus virtual de la UB en cinco etapas que han incluido la confección de unas fichas que se han ido modificando en función de las diversas retroacciones de los profesores. Al inicio de la actividad, se facilitó a los estudiantes el cronograma completo de la actividad, la pauta para su realización, así como un total de 18 recursos bibliográficos de uso obligado. Finalmente, a través de GoogleSites, se ha realizado una web que permite realizar un paseo virtual por el jardín, documentando de forma referenciada para las 50 plantas medicinales su nomenclatura, descripción botánica, distribución, usos (históricos, actuales y futuros) y toxicidad. El resultado de la actividad fue presentado en un acto público en el Monasterio de Pedralbes y puede consultarse en: http://sites.google.com/site/jardimedievalpedralbes/


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The object of this project is to schedule a ctitious European basketball competition with many teams situated a long distances. The schedule must be fair, feasible and economical, which means that the total distance trav- eled by every team must be the minimal possible. First, we de ne the sport competition terminology and study di erent competition systems, focusing on the NBA and the Euroleague systems. Then we de ne concepts of graph theory and spherical distance that will be needed. Next we propose a com- petition system, explaining where will be allocated the teams and how will be the scheduling. Then there is a description of the programs that have been implemented, and, nally, the complete schedule is displayed, and some possible improvements are mentioned.


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Tutkimus keskittyy hankintatoimen kehittämiseen osana laitosprojektien toteutusta. Työ pohjautuu empiiriseltä taustaltaan Pöyry Oyj:n projektiliiketoimintaan ja työn tarkastelunäkökulmaksi onvalittu projektihallinnosta vastaavan yrityksen näkökulma. Tutkimus on hyvin käytännönläheinen ¿ se lähtee hankinnan ja sen seurannan ongelmista ja pyrkii tarjoamaan niihin uudenlaisia ratkaisuja. Pohjimmiltaan tutkimus kuuluu teollisuustalouden piiriin, vaikka tietojärjestelmätieteellä on vahva tukirooli. Työn tavoitteet ja tulokset liittyvät teollisuustaloudelle ominaisesti yrityksen toiminnan kehittämiseen, käytetyt välineet ja ratkaisut puolestaan hyödyntävät tietojärjestelmätieteen antamia mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta, jonka mukaisesti on luotu innovatiivisia konstruktioita ratkaisemaan aitoja reaalimaailman ongelmia ja tätä kautta tuotettu kontribuutioita teollisuustaloudelle. Tavoitteena oli järjestää hankintatoimi ja sen seuranta suurissa laitosprojekteissa tehokkaammin. Tätä varten uudistettiin ensin projektihallinnon ja hankintatoimen toimintaohjeet vastaamaan paremmin nykyajan vaatimuksia. Toimintaohjeiden perusteella ryhdyttiin toteuttamaan hankintaohjelmistoa, joka pystyisi kattamaan kaikki toimintaohjeissa kuvatut piirteet. Lopulta hankintaohjelmisto toi mukanaan uusia piirteitä projektihallintoon ja hankintatoimeen ja nämä sisällytettiin toimintaohjeisiin. Tähän kehitystyöhön ryhdyttiin, jotta laitosprojektien projektihallinto ja hankintatoimi toimisivat paremmin, eli pienemmin kustannuksin tuottaen projekteissa tarvittavat tulokset nopeammin, tarkemmin ja laadukkaammin. Tutkimuksella on kolmenlaisia tuloksia: hankintatoimen parannetut metodit, hankintaohjelmiston pohjana olevat toiminta- ja laskentamallit sekä implementaationa hankintasovellus. Uudistetut projekti- ja hankintaohjeet kuvaavat hankintatoiminnan parannettuja metodeja. Hankintaohjelmistoasuunnitellessa ja kehitettäessä tehdyt kuvaukset sisältävät uusia malleja niin hankintaprosessille kuin hankinnan seuraamiseksi suurissa laitosprojekteissa. Itse ohjelmisto on tuloksena implementaatio, joka perustuu parannettuihin hankintametodeihin ja uusiin toiminta- ja laskentamalleihin. Uudistetut projekti- ja hankintaohjeet ovat olleet käytössä Pöyry Oyj:ssä vuodesta 1991. Vuosien varrella nämä toimintaohjeet ovat auttaneet ja tukeneet satojen laitosprojektientoteutusta ja ylläpitäneet Pöyry Oyj:n kilpailukykyä kansainvälisenä projektitalona. Hankintasovellus puolestaan on ollut käytössä useissa projekteissa ja sen on havaittu pienentävän hankintatoimen suoria työkustannuksia laitosprojekteissa. Sovelluksen katsotaan myös tuovan epäsuoria kustannussäästöjä parempien hankintapäätösten muodossa, mutta näiden säästöjen suuruutta ei pystytä luotettavasti arvioimaan.


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Software engineering is criticized as not being engineering or 'well-developed' science at all. Software engineers seem not to know exactly how long their projects will last, what they will cost, and will the software work properly after release. Measurements have to be taken in software projects to improve this situation. It is of limited use to only collect metrics afterwards. The values of the relevant metrics have to be predicted, too. The predictions (i.e. estimates) form the basis for proper project management. One of the most painful problems in software projects is effort estimation. It has a clear and central effect on other project attributes like cost and schedule, and to product attributes like size and quality. Effort estimation can be used for several purposes. In this thesis only the effort estimation in software projects for project management purposes is discussed. There is a short introduction to the measurement issues, and some metrics relevantin estimation context are presented. Effort estimation methods are covered quite broadly. The main new contribution in this thesis is the new estimation model that has been created. It takes use of the basic concepts of Function Point Analysis, but avoids the problems and pitfalls found in the method. It is relativelyeasy to use and learn. Effort estimation accuracy has significantly improved after taking this model into use. A major innovation related to the new estimationmodel is the identified need for hierarchical software size measurement. The author of this thesis has developed a three level solution for the estimation model. All currently used size metrics are static in nature, but this new proposed metric is dynamic. It takes use of the increased understanding of the nature of the work as specification and design work proceeds. It thus 'grows up' along with software projects. The effort estimation model development is not possible without gathering and analyzing history data. However, there are many problems with data in software engineering. A major roadblock is the amount and quality of data available. This thesis shows some useful techniques that have been successful in gathering and analyzing the data needed. An estimation process is needed to ensure that methods are used in a proper way, estimates are stored, reported and analyzed properly, and they are used for project management activities. A higher mechanism called measurement framework is also introduced shortly. The purpose of the framework is to define and maintain a measurement or estimationprocess. Without a proper framework, the estimation capability of an organization declines. It requires effort even to maintain an achieved level of estimationaccuracy. Estimation results in several successive releases are analyzed. It isclearly seen that the new estimation model works and the estimation improvementactions have been successful. The calibration of the hierarchical model is a critical activity. An example is shown to shed more light on the calibration and the model itself. There are also remarks about the sensitivity of the model. Finally, an example of usage is shown.


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Background: Providing support for research is one of the key issues in the ongoing attempts to improve Primary Care. However, when patient care takes up a significant part of a GP's time, conducting research is difficult. In this study we examine the working conditions and profile of GPs who publish in three leading medical journals and propose possible remedial policy actions. Findings: The authors of all articles published in 2006 and 2007 in three international Family Medicine journals - Annals of Family Medicine, Family Practice, and Journal of Family Practice - were contacted by E-mail. They were asked to complete a questionnaire investigating the following variables: availability of specific time for research, time devoted to research, number of patients attended, and university affiliation. Only GPs were included in the study. Three hundred and ten relevant articles published between 2006 and 2007 were identified and the authors contacted using a survey tool. 124 researchers responded to our questionnaire; 45% of respondents who were not GPs were excluded. On average GPs spent 2.52 days per week and 6.9 hours per day on patient care, seeing 45 patients per week. Seventy-five per cent of GPs had specific time assigned to research, on average 13 hours per week; 79% were affiliated to a university and 69% held teaching positions. Conclusions: Most GPs who publish original articles in leading journals have time specifically assigned to research as part of their normal working schedule. They see a relatively small number of patients. Improving the working conditions of family physicians who intend to investigate is likely to lead to better research results.


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Software projects have proved to be troublesome to be implemented and as the size of software keeps increasing it is more and more important to follow-up the projects. The proportion of succeeded software projects is still quite low in spite of the research and the development of the project control methodologies. The success and failure factors of projects are known, as well as the project risks but nevertheless the projects still have problems with keeping the schedule and the budget and achieving the defined functionality and adequate quality. The purpose of this thesis was to find out what deviations are there in projects at the moment, what causes them, and what is measured in projects. Also project deviation was defined in the viewpoint of literature and field experts. The analysis was made using a qualitative research approach. It was found out that there are still deviations in software projects with schedule, budget, quality, requirements, documenting, effort, and resources. In addition also changes in requirements were identified. It was also found out that for example schedule deviations can be affected by reducing the size of a task and adding measurements.


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Exercising in the heat induces thermoregulatory and other physiological strain that can lead to impairments in endurance exercise capacity. The purpose of this consensus statement is to provide up-to-date recommendations to optimize performance during sporting activities undertaken in hot ambient conditions. The most important intervention one can adopt to reduce physiological strain and optimize performance is to heat acclimatize. Heat acclimatization should comprise repeated exercise-heat exposures over 1-2 weeks. In addition, athletes should initiate competition and training in a euhydrated state and minimize dehydration during exercise. Following the development of commercial cooling systems (e.g., cooling vest), athletes can implement cooling strategies to facilitate heat loss or increase heat storage capacity before training or competing in the heat. Moreover, event organizers should plan for large shaded areas, along with cooling and rehydration facilities, and schedule events in accordance with minimizing the health risks of athletes, especially in mass participation events and during the first hot days of the year. Following the recent examples of the 2008 Olympics and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, sport governing bodies should consider allowing additional (or longer) recovery periods between and during events for hydration and body cooling opportunities when competitions are held in the heat.


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Mephedrone is a drug of abuse marketed as 'bath salts'. There are discrepancies concerning its long-term effects. We have investigated the neurotoxicity of mephedrone in mice following different exposition schedules. Schedule 1: four doses of 50 mg/kg. Schedule 2: four doses of 25 mg/kg. Schedule 3: three daily doses of 25 mg/kg, for two consecutive days. All schedules induced, in some animals, an aggressive behavior and hyperthermia as well as a decrease in weight gain. Mephedrone (schedule 1) induced dopaminergic and serotoninergic neurotoxicity that persisted 7 days after exposition. At a lower dose (schedule 2) only a transient dopaminergic injury was found. In the weekend consumption pattern (schedule 3), mephedrone induced dopamine and serotonin transporter loss that was accompanied by a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 expression one week after exposition. Also, mephedrone induced a depressive-like behavior, as well as a reduction in striatal D2 density, suggesting higher susceptibility to addictive drugs. In cultured cortical neurons, mephedrone induced a concentration-dependent cytotoxic effect. Using repeated doses for 2 days in an elevated ambient temperature we evidenced a loss of frontal cortex dopaminergic and hippocampal serotoninergic neuronal markers that suggest injuries at nerve endings.


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El projecte que es presenta en aquesta memòria té com a objectiu el disseny d'una aplicació agenda amb tècniques orientades a l'usuari (Disseny Centrat en l'Usuari). Seguint aquestes metodologies es pretén dissenyar una agenda que aconsegueixi un grau de satisfacció alt per part dels usuaris, una part dels quals té unes habilitats cognitives especials, i un gestor d'agendes que agilitzi la coordinació als professionals de suport que treballen diàriament amb ells. L'objectiu final de les dues aplicacions és el mateix: millorar el benestar dels usuaris.