981 resultados para Libraries, University and college--South Carolina--Charleston--Periodicals
Background and aims South America and Oceania possess numerous floristic similarities, often confirmed by morphological and molecular data. The carnivorous Drosera meristocaulis (Droseraceae), endemic to the Neblina highlands of northern South America, was known to share morphological characters with the pygmy sundews of Drosera sect. Bryastrum, which are endemic to Australia and New Zealand. The inclusion of D. meristocaulis in a molecular phylogenetic analysis may clarify its systematic position and offer an opportunity to investigate character evolution in Droseraceae and phylogeographic patterns between South America and Oceania. Methods Drosera meristocaulis was included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Droseraceae, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid rbcL and rps16 sequence data. Pollen of D. meristocaulis was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques, and the karyotype was inferred from root tip meristem. Key Results The phylogenetic inferences (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches) substantiate with high statistical support the inclusion of sect. Meristocaulis and its single species, D. meristocaulis, within the Australian Drosera clade, sister to a group comprising species of sect. Bryastrum. A chromosome number of 2n = approx. 32–36 supports the phylogenetic position within the Australian clade. The undivided styles, conspicuous large setuous stipules, a cryptocotylar (hypogaeous) germination pattern and pollen tetrads with aperture of intermediate type 7–8 are key morphological traits shared between D. meristocaulis and pygmy sundews of sect. Bryastrum from Australia and New Zealand. Conclusions The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study (using morphological, palynological, cytotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic data) enabled us to elucidate the relationships of the thus far unplaced taxon D. meristocaulis. Long-distance dispersal between southwestern Oceania and northern South America is the most likely scenario to explain the phylogeographic pattern revealed.
The William Boyce White, Jr. Papers consists of his genealogical research as well as his research related to the history of York County and Rock Hill, SC. The papers also include records and manuscripts relating to several of his published works. Mr. White is a Rock Hill native and taught at the Winthrop Training School (WTS) from 1958-1965 and taught at Rock Hill High School following the closing of the high school portion of the WTS. He also taught in Clover before coming to Winthrop. He was the organist at First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill from 1945 until he moved to Virginia. His interest in local history covers the Rock Hill train depot (included in the collection is a tintype of the original depot ca. 1860s), Colonel William Hill, the Catawba River, Catawba Indians, Rock Hill and York County schools, historic homes (includes several photographs, many of which were used by Elizabeth Reed in her long running series on historic homes in Rock HillEvening Herald), local churches, as well as Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Blackstocks, and York County in general. Of special interest is a copy of the Indian Land Chronicle dated January 21, 1859. Only three copies of the Chronicle are known to exist in the state of South Carolina. The genealogical research conducted by Mr. White covers many of the prominent names of York County and of South Carolina in general. Below is a list of the prominent family names covered in Mr. White’s research: Anderson; Bankhead; Barringer; Bell; Black; Button; Campbell; Carpenter; Coffey; Cowan; Crawford; Culp; Davis; Fennell; Fewell; Graham; Hanna; Hayes; Hill; Hutchison; Irwin/ Erwin; Johnson; Lee; Martin; Massey; McClain; McConnell; McCullough; McFadden; Miller; Mobley; Morrow; Neely; Neil; Patton; Pettus; Plexico/Plaxco; Rives; Robinson; Roddey; Setzer; Stephenson; Strait; Sturgis; Sutton; Templeton; Waggoner; Wallace; Wherry; White; Williams; Williamson; Workman; Wylie.
The Ruth Lenore Hovermale Papers consists of correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs, program notes, financial records, teaching notes, and related records, mainly concerning her teaching and research as a home economist and her involvement with professional organizations and Women’s Clubs, including the South Carolina Home Economics Association and the South Carolina Council for the Common Good. Her papers contain extensive reference files on fashion, textiles, and clothing.
This collection consists of bylaws, constitutions, reports, and related records pertaining to the American Society of Interior Designers, Interior Design Educators Council, Foundation for Interior Design Education, the American Home Economics Association, and the South Carolina Home Economics Association; together with Kirwan’s teaching files and faculty information, including tests, classroom grade books and student papers, photographs, Winthrop committee papers, interior design projects, and correspondence.
The collection includes personal photographs, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, research and information on specific foods, recipes, drafts and published editions of manuscripts, class notes and student files. There is also information concerning the American Dietetic Association, the South Carolina Dietetic Association, the Piedmont Dietetic Association, the American Home Economics Association, and the South Carolina Home Economics Association, including conference material, memos, and correspondence. Miss London was president of the South Carolina Dietetic Association in 1967.
The Joe Azer Photograph Collection consists of more than 6500 photographs taken by Joe Azer, Rock Hill, South Carolina photographer. Included are photographs of beauty pageants, parades, women, families, fashion, local history, Winthrop students and events such as May Day, public school events, plays, sports, weddings, and Azer’s family. These photographs were taken in York, Chester, Lancaster, Cherokee, Kershaw, Chesterfield, Horry and other South Carolina counties. Also included are negatives, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, photograph albums, and photographic equipment, and photographs arranged by subject.
The Women's Club of Rock Hill's mission is to further the cultural, educational, and social interest of its members and to promote interest in Rock Hill’s civic development and welfare. The Women's Club of Rock Hill Records consist of constitutions and bylaws, histories, minutes, reports, correspondence, memoranda, program notes, brochures, newsletters, membership lists, yearbooks, questions, certificates, awards, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The records also relate to the thirteen affiliated clubs comprising the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill: Amateur Arts, Arts Appreciation, Book Discussion, Book Lovers, Crafts, Hearthstone, Hermitage, Home Study, Lantern, Literary, Outlook, Palmetto, and Politeia, and to other records for the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Records of various organizations not directly related to the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill are also included, such as the Tri-County Parents Without Partners, the Rock Hill Community Council, the Rock Hill Model Cities Commission, the Rock Hill Senior Center, and the South Carolina Conference on the Status of Women.
Thelma Ecord Busbee (1910-2004) was a Civic leader and club woman from Columbia, South Carolina. The Thelma Ecord Busbee Papers consist of correspondence, reports, constitutions, financial records, program notes, and other papers relating to her many club and civic activities. The collection covers the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1950-1959), The South Carolina Status of Women’s Conference (1961-1968), the Richland-Lexington Tuberculosis Association (1961-1964), South Carolina Alert, Inc. (1961-1962), the Palmetto Outdoor Historical Drama Association (1965-1968), the South Carolina State Library Board (1967-1968), the Lexington County Hospital Auxiliary (1970-1972), and the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1966).
The Mrs. W. E. Cochran Papers consist of histories, constitutions, bylaws, reports, memoranda, minutes, membership lists, newsletters, handbooks, brochures, manuals, newspaper clippings and photographs, relating to her involvement with the South Carolina Extension Homemakers’ Council (1936-1976), the National Home Demonstration Council (1960-1976), the Associated Country Women of the World (1947-1976), the Master Farm Homemakers’ Guild (1964-1976), and the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1968-1972).
Background: Research coaching program focuses on the development of abilities and scientific reasoning. For health professionals, it may be useful to increase both the number and quality of projects and manuscripts. Objective: To evaluate the initial results and implementation methodology of the Research and Innovation Coaching Program of the Research on Research group of Duke University in the Brazilian Society of Cardiology. Methods: The program works on two bases: training and coaching. Training is done online and addresses contents on research ideas, literature search, scientific writing and statistics. After training, coaching favors the establishment of a collaboration between researchers and centers by means of a network of contacts. The present study describes the implementation and initial results in reference to the years 2011-2012. Results: In 2011, 24 centers received training, which consisted of online meetings, study and practice of the contents addressed. In January 2012, a new format was implemented with the objective of reaching more researchers. In six months, 52 researchers were allocated. In all, 20 manuscripts were published and 49 more were written and await submission and/or publication. Additionally, five research funding proposals have been elaborated. Conclusion: The number of manuscripts and funding proposals achieved the objectives initially proposed. However, the main results of this type of initiative should be measured in the long term, because the consolidation of the national production of high-quality research is a virtuous cycle that feeds itself back and expands over time. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(6):1075-1081)
South America and Oceania possess numerous floristic similarities, often confirmed by morphological and molecular data. The carnivorous Drosera meristocaulis (Droseraceae), endemic to the Neblina highlands of northern South America, was known to share morphological characters with the pygmy sundews of Drosera sect. Bryastrum, which are endemic to Australia and New Zealand. The inclusion of D. meristocaulis in a molecular phylogenetic analysis may clarify its systematic position and offer an opportunity to investigate character evolution in Droseraceae and phylogeographic patterns between South America and Oceania. was included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Droseraceae, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid rbcL and rps16 sequence data. Pollen of D. meristocaulis was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques, and the karyotype was inferred from root tip meristem. The phylogenetic inferences (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches) substantiate with high statistical support the inclusion of sect. Meristocaulis and its single species, D. meristocaulis, within the Australian Drosera clade, sister to a group comprising species of sect. Bryastrum. A chromosome number of 2n approx. 3236 supports the phylogenetic position within the Australian clade. The undivided styles, conspicuous large setuous stipules, a cryptocotylar (hypogaeous) germination pattern and pollen tetrads with aperture of intermediate type 78 are key morphological traits shared between D. meristocaulis and pygmy sundews of sect. Bryastrum from Australia and New Zealand. The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study (using morphological, palynological, cytotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic data) enabled us to elucidate the relationships of the thus far unplaced taxon D. meristocaulis. Long-distance dispersal between southwestern Oceania and northern South America is the most likely scenario to explain the phylogeographic pattern revealed.
Introduction and objectives Abdominal sonography is regarded as a quick and effective diagnostic tool for acute abdominal pain in emergency medicine. However, final diagnosis is usually based on a combination of various clinical examinations and radiography. The role of sonography in the decision making process at a hospital with advanced imaging capabilities versus a hospital with limited imaging capabilities but more experienced clinicians is unclear. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the relative importance of sonography and its influence on the clinical management of acute abdominal pain, at two Swiss hospitals, a university hospital (UH) and a rural hospital (RH). Methods 161 patients were prospectively examined clinically. Blood tests and sonography were performed in all patients. Patients younger than 18 years and patients with trauma were excluded. In both hospitals, the diagnosis before and after ultrasonography was registered in a protocol. Certainty of the diagnosis was expressed on a scale from 0% to 100%. The decision processes used to manage patients before and after they underwent sonography were compared. The diagnosis at discharge was compared to the diagnosis 2 – 6 weeks thereafter. Results Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of sonography were high: 94%, 88% and 91%, respectively. At the UH, management after sonography changed in only 14% of cases, compared to 27% at the RH. Additional tests were more frequently added at the UH (30%) than at the RH (18%), but had no influence on the decision making process-whether to operate or not. At the UH, the diagnosis was missed in one (1%) patient, but in three (5%) patients at the RH. No significant difference was found between the two hospitals in frequency of management changes due to sonography or in the correctness of the diagnosis. Conclusion Knowing that sonography has high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in the diagnosis of acute abdominal pain, one would assume it would be an important diagnostic tool, particularly at the RH, where tests/imaging studies are rare. However, our pilot study indicates that sonography provides important diagnostic information in only a minority of patients with acute abdominal pain. Sonography was more important at the rural hospital than at the university hospital. Further costly examinations are generally ordered for verification, but these additional tests change the final treatment plan in very few patients.