989 resultados para LONGEVITY


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Background. One of the phenomena observed in human aging is the progressive increase of a systemic inflammatory state, a condition referred to as “inflammaging”, negatively correlated with longevity. A prominent mediator of inflammation is the transcription factor NF-kB, that acts as key transcriptional regulator of many genes coding for pro-inflammatory cytokines. Many different signaling pathways activated by very diverse stimuli converge on NF-kB, resulting in a regulatory network characterized by high complexity. NF-kB signaling has been proposed to be responsible of inflammaging. Scope of this analysis is to provide a wider, systemic picture of such intricate signaling and interaction network: the NF-kB pathway interactome. Methods. The study has been carried out following a workflow for gathering information from literature as well as from several pathway and protein interactions databases, and for integrating and analyzing existing data and the relative reconstructed representations by using the available computational tools. Strong manual intervention has been necessarily used to integrate data from multiple sources into mathematically analyzable networks. The reconstruction of the NF-kB interactome pursued with this approach provides a starting point for a general view of the architecture and for a deeper analysis and understanding of this complex regulatory system. Results. A “core” and a “wider” NF-kB pathway interactome, consisting of 140 and 3146 proteins respectively, were reconstructed and analyzed through a mathematical, graph-theoretical approach. Among other interesting features, the topological characterization of the interactomes shows that a relevant number of interacting proteins are in turn products of genes that are controlled and regulated in their expression exactly by NF-kB transcription factors. These “feedback loops”, not always well-known, deserve deeper investigation since they may have a role in tuning the response and the output consequent to NF-kB pathway initiation, in regulating the intensity of the response, or its homeostasis and balance in order to make the functioning of such critical system more robust and reliable. This integrated view allows to shed light on the functional structure and on some of the crucial nodes of thet NF-kB transcription factors interactome. Conclusion. Framing structure and dynamics of the NF-kB interactome into a wider, systemic picture would be a significant step toward a better understanding of how NF-kB globally regulates diverse gene programs and phenotypes. This study represents a step towards a more complete and integrated view of the NF-kB signaling system.


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In this work we discuss the secondary market for life insurance policies in the United States of America. First, we give an overview of the life settlement market: how it came into existence, its growth prospects and the ethical issues it arises. Secondly, we discuss the characteristics of the different life insurance products present in the market and describe how life settlements are originated. Life settlement transactions tend to be long and complex transactions that require the involvement of a number of parties. Also, a direct investment into life insurance policies is fraught with a number of practical issues and entails risks that are not directly related to longevity. This may reduce the efficiency of a direct investment in physical policies. For these reasons, a synthetic longevity market has evolved. The number of parties involved in a synthetic longevity transaction is typically smaller and the broker-dealer transferring the longevity exposure will be retaining most or all of the risks a physical investment entails. Finally, we describe the main methods used in the market to evaluate life settlement investments and the role of life expectancy providers.


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The intraspecific phylogeography of four European coastal plants, Crithmum maritimum, Halimione portulacoides, Salsola kali and Calystegia soldanella, was inferred from AFLP and ITS data. Only in C. maritimum, H. portulacoides and S. kali, a spatial genetic structure was revealed. The phylogeographic similarities and dissimilarities of these species include: (1) All three have distinct Black/Aegean and Adriatic Sea clusters. (2) Salsola kali and H. portulacoides show a distinct Atlantic/North Sea/Baltic Sea cluster, while Atlantic and eastern Spanish material of C. maritimum clustered together. (3) In the west Mediterranean, only S. kali forms a single cluster, while both H. portulacoides and C. maritimum display a phylogeographic break in the vicinity of the southern French coast. For S. kali, AFLP and ITS data concur in identifying separate Atlantic, east and west Mediterranean clades. All these patterns are postulated to result from both temperature changes during the last glacial and contemporary sea currents. No geographic AFLP structure was revealed in C. soldanella, both at the range-wide and population level. This was attributed to the remarkable seed dispersal ability of this species and possibly its longevity and clonal growth, preserving a random pattern of genetic variation generated by long-distance seed dispersal over long time periods.


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Aedes albopictus (Skuse), comunemente detta Zanzara Tigre, ha invaso, negli ultimi anni, molti paesi, soprattutto in modo passivo attraverso il commercio di pneumatici usati. Questa specie è particolarmente adatta all'applicazione della tecnica dell'insetto sterile (SIT), basata su allevamento massale, sterilizzazione e rilascio in campo di un gran numero di maschi della specie vettrice. I maschi sterili rilasciati devono essere in grado di volare, di disperdersi sul territorio, di sopravvivere, di essere sessualmente attivi abbastanza a lungo per coprire il tempo tra una fase di rilascio e la successiva, di individuare le femmine vergini selvatiche e competere con successo per l'accoppiamento con i maschi selvatici. La dispersione e la sopravvivenza dei maschi di Ae. albopictus allevati in laboratorio, sono state studiate mediante tecniche di marcatura, rilascio e ricattura. Le catture sono state eseguite da tecnici specializzati, in un raggio di 350 m dal sito di rilascio. Gli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato che i maschi sono in grado di disperdersi, dal sito di rilascio, per circa 200 m ma la loro longevità in campo è fortemente dipendente dalle condizioni climatiche. In studi di semi-campo e di campo è stato valutato uno speciale dispositivo progettato per essere incluso nella stazione di rilascio dei maschi in grado di fornire loro fonti energetiche per migliorarne le prestazioni. I risultati ottenuti sono stati positivi. Studi di competitività sono stati condotti in tunnel costruiti in un ambiente naturale al fine di validare un protocollo per studi sulla competitività dei maschi in questo modello sperimentale. Maschi irraggiati mediante l'applicazione di raggi gamma alla dose di 30 Gy sono stati messi in competizione con maschi fertili per l'accoppiamento con femmine vergini con diversi rapporti. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato le buone prestazioni e l'affidabilità di questo modello sperimentale rimanendo però irrisolto il problema dell’elevata variabilità.


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Dal 1999 presso il laboratorio del Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” a Crevalcore (BO) è in corso una sperimentazione finalizzata a verificare la possibilità di attuare la tecnica del maschio sterile (SIT) in Italia contro Aedes albopictus. Alcuni aspetti per migliorare l’efficienza di questa struttura pilota, oggetto della presente ricerca, sono stati: 1) studio degli effetti di determinati costituenti della dieta larvale a) sullo sviluppo larvale stesso, per individuare intervalli limite di densità larvale e di concentrazione di cibo in cui è possibile lo sviluppo di tale specie, e b) sulla qualità dei maschi adulti ottenuti; 2) la valutazione di attrezzatura per l’allevamento massale e 3) la possibilità di migliorare la dieta larvale mediante integrazione di carboidrati. Dalle prove di valutazione della dieta larvale si è potuto osservare che, per quanto riguarda i parametri larvali, le due diete denominate “IAEA” (1 e 2) sono risultate più efficaci rispetto alla dieta standard “CAA”. Tali diete sono perciò da preferirsi nel loro possibile impiego in biofabbriche per l’allevamento massale. Le prove condotte sugli adulti allevati con le diverse diete hanno suggerito la necessità di valutare una possibile integrazione di componenti per migliorarne la longevità. Risulta altresì opportuno continuare la ricerca per ottimizzare la dieta larvale così da ottenere maschi di elevata qualità. Grazie ai risultati ottenuti dalle prove per valutare l’impiego di attrezzatura massale (vassoi di grandi dimensioni e carrello) si è potuto definire un modello per l’allevamento di Ae. albopictus con parametri standardizzati di densità larvale, dose di dieta, temperatura dell’acqua di allevamento, percentuale di maschi passati al setacciamento e rendimento di allevamento. Prove future saranno necessarie per testare altri componenti della dieta ricchi in carboidrati, quali saccarosio, da aggiungere alla dieta larvale per migliorare le qualità degli adulti ottenuti senza provocare effetti negativi sui parametri dello sviluppo larvale.


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Il dolore non è solo una conseguenza della malattia ma un fattore patogeno che è di per se stesso in grado di perpetuare il danno all’organismo. Il suo trattamento non è quindi solo un atto di umanità ma un contributo ad arrestare la malattia e restituire la salute al paziente. Tra i farmaci più popolari per la terapia del dolore negli animali da affezione si trova la buprenorfina. Questa molecola viene impiegata con successo da anni nel cane e nel gatto per motivi riconducibili, oltre che alla sua efficacia (la sua potenza è diverse volte quella della morfina), alla lunga durata d’azione e alla scarsità degli effetti collaterali. Nonostante l’ampia diffusione e longevità del suo utilizzo, però, sappiamo poco della farmacocinetica di questa molecola negli animali da affezione; i dosaggi clinicamente impiegati sono di fatto estrapolati dagli studi nell’uomo oppure basati su semplici osservazioni degli effetti; i pochi dati farmacocinetici ottenuti nel cane fanno riferimento a singoli boli di dosi che non sempre corrispondono a quelle clinicamente impiegate. Nonostante la buprenorfina trovi il suo principale impiego nelle somministrazioni protratte a lungo (durante il periodo post-operatorio o la degenza ospedaliera) non è mai stato indagato il profilo farmacocinetico della molecola somministrata a boli ripetuti o come infusione continua. Il nostro studio si pone come obiettivo di indagare la farmacocinetica della buprenorfina somministrata come bolo di carico seguito da un’infusione costante a dosaggi considerati clinici in cani sani nel periodo post operatorio. Lo scopo ultimo è quello di sviluppare un protocollo per la somministrazione di questa molecola in modo prolungato in pazienti degenti ed addolorati per poi, in futuro, confrontare la somministrazione come infusione continua con i tradizionali boli ripetuti. Per lo studio sono state utilizzate giovani cagne adulte di taglia media o grande sottoposte ad intervento di ovariectomia.


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La ricerca prende in esame le produzioni narrative, in particolare quelle dedicate agli adolescenti e ai giovani adulti, nei cui linguaggi e nelle cui trame si insinuano modelli di vita, comportamenti, valori, stereotipie, ecc. Attraverso le fiction dell'ultimo decennio, sono offerte interpretazioni alle costanti e alle variabili che percorrono i diversi prodotti culturali e che sono metafore di caratteristiche e di dinamiche della società post-moderna. Nella ricerca si studiano le trame e i personaggi delle narrazioni e, in parallelo, si individuano le correlazioni con studi pedagogici interessati alle ultime generazioni giovanili. La comparazione ha portato ad un sistema di decifrazione per individuare il giovane dell'era post-moderna tra gli elementi di finzione. Si sono prese in esame le più importanti icone dell'immaginario che, pur attraverso innumerevoli riscritture, continuano ad imporsi come metafore per identificazione, abnegazione, catarsi. Rispetto al passato, molte icone presenti nelle ultime produzioni di fiction subiscono alterazioni leggibili come spie (i.e. Ginzburg). È in queste trasformazioni, spinte fino alla metamorfosi dell'icona, che è possibile rintracciare alcune caratteristiche proprie del mondo giovanile in rapporto con la società contemporanea. L'immaginario può dunque essere lo specchio in cui l'uomo e la società possono riconoscersi, e studiarlo apre possibilità per sviluppare prospettive di interpretazione verso nuovi orizzonti.


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The free radical theory of aging postulates that aging is caused by damage induced by oxidative stress. Such stress is present when the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds the cellular antioxidant capacity. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is one of the most abundant ROS. It is produced as a by-product by several enzymes and acts as second messenger controlling the activity of numerous cellular pathways. To maintain H2O2 levels that are sufficiently high to allow signaling to occur, but low enough to prevent damage of cellular macromolecules, the production and removal of H2O2 must be tightly regulated.rnWhen we investigated the effects of peroxide stress in the nematode C. elegans, we found that exogenous as well as endogenous peroxide stress causes age-related symptoms. We identified 40 target proteins of hydrogen peroxide that contain cysteines that get oxidized upon peroxide stress. Oxidation of redox-sensitive cysteines has been shown to regulate numerous cellular functions and likely contributes to the peroxide-mediated decrease in motility, fertility, growth rate and ATP levels. By monitoring the oxidation status of proteins over the lifespan of C. elegans, we discovered that many of the identified peroxide-sensitive proteins are heavily oxidized at distinct stages in life. As the free radical theory of aging predicts, we found oxidation to be significantly elevated in senescent worms. However, we were also able to identify numerous proteins that were significantly oxidized during the development of C. elegans. To investigate whether a correlation exists between developmental oxidative stress and lifespan, we monitored protein oxidation in long- and short-lived strains. We found that protein oxidation in short-lived C. elegans larvae was significantly increased. Additionally short-lived worms were incapable of recovering from the oxidative stress experienced during development which resulted in the inability to establish reducing conditions for the following reproductive phase. Long-lived C. elegans, on the other hand, did only experience a mild increase in protein oxidation in the developmental phase and were able to recover faster from oxidative stress than wild type worms. rnBecause many proteins that are sensitive to oxidation by H2O2 became oxidized in aging C. elegans, we monitored endogenous hydrogen peroxide concentrations over C. elegans lifespan and discovered that peroxide levels are significantly elevated in development. This suggests that the observed developmental protein oxidation is peroxide-mediated. The early onset of oxidative stress might be a result of increased metabolic activity in C. elegans development but could also represent the requirement of ROS dependent signaling events. Our results indicate that longevity is dependent on the worm’s ability to cope with this early boost of oxidants.rn


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The aging process is characterized by the progressive fitness decline experienced at all the levels of physiological organization, from single molecules up to the whole organism. Studies confirmed inflammaging, a chronic low-level inflammation, as a deeply intertwined partner of the aging process, which may provide the “common soil” upon which age-related diseases develop and flourish. Thus, albeit inflammation per se represents a physiological process, it can rapidly become detrimental if it goes out of control causing an excess of local and systemic inflammatory response, a striking risk factor for the elderly population. Developing interventions to counteract the establishment of this state is thus a top priority. Diet, among other factors, represents a good candidate to regulate inflammation. Building on top of this consideration, the EU project NU-AGE is now trying to assess if a Mediterranean diet, fortified for the elderly population needs, may help in modulating inflammaging. To do so, NU-AGE enrolled a total of 1250 subjects, half of which followed a 1-year long diet, and characterized them by mean of the most advanced –omics and non –omics analyses. The aim of this thesis was the development of a solid data management pipeline able to efficiently cope with the results of these assays, which are now flowing inside a centralized database, ready to be used to test the most disparate scientific hypotheses. At the same time, the work hereby described encompasses the data analysis of the GEHA project, which was focused on identifying the genetic determinants of longevity, with a particular focus on developing and applying a method for detecting epistatic interactions in human mtDNA. Eventually, in an effort to propel the adoption of NGS technologies in everyday pipeline, we developed a NGS variant calling pipeline devoted to solve all the sequencing-related issues of the mtDNA.


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Während der Schwangerschaft kommt es häufig zu einer spontanen Verbesserung von klinischen Symptomen der autoimmunen Hepatitis und anderen Th1-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen. Die Gründe hierfür sind bis heute noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Eines der wichtigsten Hormone in der Schwangerschaft ist das humane Choriogonadotropin (hCG), welches schon in der frühen Schwangerschaft eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Es sorgt für die Stimulation des Corpus luteums, wodurch es zur Ausschüttung von Progesteron kommt und somit die Einnistung der Blastozyte gewährleistet und die Abstoßung des Embryos verhindert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Effekt und Signalweg von hCG in primären murinen und humanen Hepatozyten sowie in Mausmodellen mit T-Zell-abhängigem Leberschaden untersucht. hCG führte sowohl bei akuten als auch bei chronischen Leberschäden zu einer drastischen Senkung der Aspartat-Aminotransferase, einem Indikator für Lebererkrankungen. Die Histologie der Leber hCG-behandelter Tiere wies außerdem signifikant weniger apoptotische Zellen und eine deutliche Reduktion infiltrierender CD4+ T-Zellen auf. Die Analyse des hCG-Signalweges zeigte, dass hCG die Langlebigkeitsproteine Foxo3a und Sirt1 reguliert. Die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase/Akt-Signalweges durch hCG führte zu einem Transport des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxo3a aus dem Zellkern, wodurch die proapoptotischen Zielgene Bim und Puma nicht mehr transkribiert werden können. Eine zusätzliche Hemmung von Foxo3a erfolgte durch die Aktivierung der Deacetylase Sirt1, indem diese phosphoryliert wird und in den Zellkern transloziert. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurde der immunsuppressive Effekt von hCG näher betrachtet. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass hCG effektiv die proteolytische Aktivität der Caspase-3 in Hepatozyten hemmt, wodurch die Ausschüttung der biologisch aktiven Form von Interleukin-16, einem chemotaktischen Faktor für CD4+ Zellen, herabgesetzt wird. Dadurch wird die Leber erfolgreich vor der Infiltration durch autoaggressive CD4+ Zellen geschützt. IL-16 spielt bei vielen inflammatorischen Krankheiten eine Rolle, was auch in dieser Arbeit durch den Nachweis hoher IL-16-Konzentrationen in Seren von Patienten mit autoimmuner Hepatitis bestätigt werden konnte. Die in dieser Studie beschriebene Wirkung von hCG und die Tatsache, dass hCG ein bereits bewährtes und auf Nebenwirkungen getestetes Medikament bei Infertilität ist, macht es zu einem idealen Kandidaten für immunsuppressive Therapieansätze bei akuten und chronisch entzündlichen Lebererkrankungen.


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Gewebe, Zellen und speziell Zellkompartimente unterscheiden sich in ihrer Sauerstoffkonzentration, Stoffwechselrate und in der Konzentration an gebildeten reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies. Um eine mögliche Änderung in der Aminosäurennutzung durch den Einfluss von Sauerstoff und seinen reaktiven Spezies untersuchen zu können wurden, Bereiche bzw. Kompartimente der menschlichen Zelle definiert, die einen Referenzrahmen bildeten und bekannt dafür sind, einen relativ hohen Grad an reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies aufzuweisen. Aus dem Vergleich wurde deutlich, dass vor allem die beiden redox-aktiven und schwefeltragenden Aminosäuren Cystein und Methionin durch eine besondere Verteilung und Nutzung charakterisiert sind. Cystein ist hierbei diejenige Aminosäure mit den deutlichsten Änderungen in den fünf untersuchten Modellen der oxidativen Belastung. In all diesen Modellen war die Nutzung von Cystein deutlich reduziert, wohingegen Methionin in Proteinen des Mitochondriums und der Elektronentransportkette angereichert war. Dieser auf den ersten Blick paradoxe Unterschied zwischen Cystein und Methionin wurde näher untersucht, indem die differenzierte Methioninnutzung in verschiedenen Zellkompartimenten von Homo sapiens charakterisiert wurde.rnDie sehr leicht zu oxidierende Aminosäure Methionin zeigt ein ungewöhnliches Verteilungsmuster in ihrer Nutzungshäufigkeit. Entgegen mancher Erwartung wird Methionin in zellulären Bereichen hoher oxidativer Belastung und starker Radikalproduktion intensiv verwendet. Dieses Verteilungsmuster findet man sowohl im intrazellulären Vergleich, als auch im Vergleich verschiedener Spezies untereinander, was daraufhin deutet, dass es einen lokalen Bedarf an redox-aktiven Aminosäuren gibt, der einen sehr starken Effekt auf die Nutzungshäufigkeit von Methionin ausübt. Eine hohe Stoffwechselrate, die im Allgemeinen mit einer erhöhten Produktion von Oxidantien assoziiert wird, scheint ein maßgeblicher Faktor der Akkumulation von Methionin in Proteinen der Atmungskette zu sein. Die Notwendigkeit, oxidiertes Antioxidans wieder zu reduzieren, findet auch bei Methionin Anwendung, denn zu Methioninsulfoxid oxidiertes Methionin wird durch die Methioninsulfoxidreduktase wieder zu Methionin reduziert. Daher kann die spezifische Akkumulation von Methionin in Proteinen, die verstärkt reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies ausgesetzt sind, als eine systematische Strategie angesehen werden, um andere labile Strukturen vor ungewollter Oxidation zu schützen. rnDa Cystein in allen untersuchten Modellen der oxidativen Belastung und im Besonderen in Membranproteinen der inneren Mitochondrienmembran lebensspannenabhängig depletiert war, wurde dieses Merkmal näher untersucht. Deshalb wurde die Hypothese getestet, ob ein besonderer Redox-Mechanismus der Thiolfunktion für diese selektive Depletion einer im Allgemeinen als harmlos oder antioxidativ geltenden Aminosäure verantwortlich ist. Um den Effekt von Cysteinresten in Membranen nachzustellen, wurden primäre humane Lungenfibroblasten (IMR90) mit diversen Modellsubstanzen behandelt. Geringe Konzentrationen der lipophilen Substanz Dodecanthiol verursachten eine signifikante Toxizität in IMR90-Zellen, die von einer schnellen Zunahme an polyubiquitinierten Proteinen und anderen Indikatoren des proteotoxischen Stresses, wie Sequestosom 1 (P62), HSP70 und HSP90 begleitet wurde. Dieser Effekt konnte spezifisch der Chemie der Thiolfunktion in Membranen zugeordnet werden, da Dodecanol (DOH), Dodecylmethylsulfid (DMS), Butanthiol oder wasserlösliche Thiole weder eine cytotoxische Wirkung noch eine Polyubiquitinierung von Proteinen verursachten. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit der Hypothese überein, dass Thiole innerhalb von biologischen Membranen als radikalische Kettentransferagentien wirken. Diese Eigenschaft wird in der Polymerchemie durch Nutzung von lipophilen Thiolen in hydrophoben Milieus technisch für die Produktion von Polymeren benutzt. Da die Thiylradikal-spezifische Reaktion von cis-Fettsäuren zu trans-Fettsäuren in 12SH behandelten Zellen verstärkt ablief, kann gefolgert werden, dass 12SH zellulär radikalisiert wurde. In lebenden Organismen kann demnach die Oxidation von Cystein die Schädigung von Membranen beschleunigen und damit Einfallstore für die laterale Radikalisierung von integralen Membranproteinen schaffen, welche möglicherweise der Langlebigkeit abträglich ist, zumindest, wenn sie in der inneren Mitochondrienmembran auftritt.


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Nowadays the number of hip joints arthroplasty operations continues to increase because the elderly population is growing. Moreover, the global life expectancy is increasing and people adopt a more active way of life. For this reasons, the demand of implant revision operations is becoming more frequent. The operation procedure includes the surgical removal of the old implant and its substitution with a new one. Every time a new implant is inserted, it generates an alteration in the internal femur strain distribution, jeopardizing the remodeling process with the possibility of bone tissue loss. This is of major concern, particularly in the proximal Gruen zones, which are considered critical for implant stability and longevity. Today, different implant designs exist in the market; however there is not a clear understanding of which are the best implant design parameters to achieve mechanical optimal conditions. The aim of the study is to investigate the stress shielding effect generated by different implant design parameters on proximal femur, evaluating which ranges of those parameters lead to the most physiological conditions.


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Despite numerous studies about nitrogen-cycling in forest ecosystems, many uncertainties remain, especially regarding the longer-term nitrogen accumulation. To contribute to filling this gap, the dynamic process-based model TRACE, with the ability to simulate 15N tracer redistribution in forest ecosystems was used to study N cycling processes in a mountain spruce forest of the northern edge of the Alps in Switzerland (Alptal, SZ). Most modeling analyses of N-cycling and C-N interactions have very limited ability to determine whether the process interactions are captured correctly. Because the interactions in such a system are complex, it is possible to get the whole-system C and N cycling right in a model without really knowing if the way the model combines fine-scale interactions to derive whole-system cycling is correct. With the possibility to simulate 15N tracer redistribution in ecosystem compartments, TRACE features a very powerful tool for the validation of fine-scale processes captured by the model. We first adapted the model to the new site (Alptal, Switzerland; long-term low-dose N-amendment experiment) by including a new algorithm for preferential water flow and by parameterizing of differences in drivers such as climate, N deposition and initial site conditions. After the calibration of key rates such as NPP and SOM turnover, we simulated patterns of 15N redistribution to compare against 15N field observations from a large-scale labeling experiment. The comparison of 15N field data with the modeled redistribution of the tracer in the soil horizons and vegetation compartments shows that the majority of fine-scale processes are captured satisfactorily. Particularly, the model is able to reproduce the fact that the largest part of the N deposition is immobilized in the soil. The discrepancies of 15N recovery in the LF and M soil horizon can be explained by the application method of the tracer and by the retention of the applied tracer by the well developed moss layer, which is not considered in the model. Discrepancies in the dynamics of foliage and litterfall 15N recovery were also observed and are related to the longevity of the needles in our mountain forest. As a next step, we will use the final Alptal version of the model to calculate the effects of climate change (temperature, CO2) and N deposition on ecosystem C sequestration in this regionally representative Norway spruce (Picea abies) stand.


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Dental erosion is the non-carious dental substance loss induced by direct impact of exogenous or endogenous acids. It results in a loss of dental hard tissue, which can be serious in some groups, such as those with eating disorders, in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, and also in persons consuming high amounts of acidic drinks and foodstuffs. For these persons, erosion can impair their well-being, due to changes in appearance and/or loss of function of the teeth, e.g., the occurrence of hypersensitivity of teeth if the dentin is exposed. If erosion reaches an advanced stage, time- and money-consuming therapies may be necessary. The therapy, in turn, poses a challenge for the dentist, particularly if the defects are diagnosed at an advanced stage. While initial and moderate defects can mostly be treated non- or minimally invasively, severe defects often require complex therapeutic strategies, which often entail extensive loss of dental hard tissue due to preparatory measures. A major goal should therefore be to diagnose dental erosion at an early stage, to avoid functional and esthetic impairments as well as pain sensations and to ensure longevity of the dentition.


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The use of metal implants in dental and orthopedic surgery is continuously expanding and highly successful. While today longevity and load-bearing capacity of the implants fulfill the expectations of the patients, acceleration of osseointegration would be of particular benefit to shorten the period of convalescence. To further clarify the options to accelerate the kinetics of osseointegration, within this study, the osteogenic properties of structurally identical surfaces with different metal coatings were investigated. To assess the development and function of primary human osteoblasts on metal surfaces, cell viability, differentiation, and gene expression were determined. Titanium surfaces were used as positive, and surfaces coated with gold were used as negative controls. Little differences in the cellular parameters tested for were found when the cells were grown on titanium discs sputter coated with titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, gold, and chromium. Cell number, activity of cell layer-associated alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and levels of transcripts encoding COL1A1 and BGLAP did not vary significantly in dependence of the surface chemistry. Treatment of the cell cultures with 1,25(OH)2 D3 /Dex, however, significantly increased ALP activity and BGLAP messenger RNA levels. The data demonstrate that the metal layer coated onto the titanium discs exerted little modulatory effects on cell behavior. It is suggested that the microenvironment regulated by the peri-implant tissues is more effective in regulating the tissue response than is the material of the implant itself.