995 resultados para Kafka, Franz
El trabajo aborda la concepción de la historia y la crítica de la modernidad desarrolladas por F. Hinkelammert, a las que se ubica en la perspectiva desarrollada por (la primera) Escuela de Frankfurt, particularmente por Walter Benjamin. En la elaboración de las categorías fundamentales de la reflexion hinkelammertiana sobre la historia, se destaca un primer hito fundamental, constituido por la Crítica de la razón utópica. En esta obra, el autor presenta la aspiración de alcanzar verdaderas metas imposibles, pensadas en términos de instituciones perfectas, a partir de acercamientos progresivos, como una tendencia propia de la racionalidad moderna que debe ser sometida a critica. La Crítica de la razón mítica constituye el segundo hito de ese desarrollo critico, en el cual se retoma la relación entre cristianismo y modernidad a partir del concepto de “secularización”, mostrando sus relaciones de continuidad/ ruptura respecto a los resortes miticos que alientan paradójicamente la razón instrumental Abstract The work approaches the conception of history and the critique of modernity developed by F. Hinkelammert’s, which lies in the perspective developed by the (first) Frankfurt School, particularly by Walter Benjamin. In the developing of the fundamental categories of the Hinkelammert reflection on history, highlights a fundamental first landmark, constituted by the Critic of the utopian reason. In this work, the author presents the aspiration to achieve real impossible goals, thought in terms of perfect institutions, from progressive approaches, as an own tendency of the modern rationality that must be subjected to criticism. The Critic of the mythical reason constitutes the second landmark of that critical development, in which retakes the relation between Christianity and modernity from the concept of “secularization”, showing its relations of continuity/rupture in respect to the mythical springs that paradoxically encourage the instrumental reason.
La revista Ciencias Sociales y Educación, en su versión séptima, ofrece a la comunidad académica y al público en general, siguiendo la propuesta y línea editorial que ha sido implementada desde su primer número en el 2012, una serie de artículos resultados de investigación, ensayos diversos, traducciones y reseñas de libros. La revista conmemora los cien años de publicación del libro de Franz Kafka La metamorfosis, y para ello ha seleccionado algunas imágenes elaboradas por Juan Camilo Gil Suárez las cuales evocan pasajes oníricos de la obra kafkiana, que han sido ubicadas en la carátula y al inicio de cada sección de la revista; además, Óscar Jairo González formuló dos preguntas a escritores, artistas, poetas y profesores sobre esta obra que permitieron abrir panoramas interpretativos e intersubjetivos sobre el encuentro de Kafka en sus experiencias estéticas, existenciales y literarias. Cada una de las respuestas compone parte de la sección de reseñas de la revista
El 05 de abril de 2001, en sesión ordinaria del Consejo Universitario de la Universidad Nacional, éste órgano de la UNA tomó el acuerdo de otorgar al Dr. Franz J. Hinkelammert, científico social alemán radicado en Costa Rica desde hace más de veinte años y uno de los fundadores del Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones(DEI); el Doctorado Honoris Causa, “por su excepcional aporte a las ciencias sociales contemporáneas”. El acto público para la entrega oficial de tal distinción se realizó un mes después, y en ese mismo acto, se le solicitó al Dr.Hinkelammert la entrega de una obra reciente o en preparación de su autoría, para que fuera publicada por la Editorial de la UNA, como parte del reconocimiento a su labor intelectual. El borrador final de esa obra fue entregada a la EUNA a finales de 2001, y tratándose de más de 500 páginas, tomó casi un año de prolijo trabajo la tarea de corrección y edición. Se trata del libro que comentamos en la presente entrevista, EL SUJETO Y LA LEY. El retorno del Sujeto reprimido, Editorial Universidad Nacional,Heredia, Costa Rica, 2003.
Catalogado por el también connotado Enrique Dussel, como el filósofo más prominente en la actualidad en América Latina, Franz Hinkelammert es, en efecto, un pensador y crítico social de gran trayectoria en nuestro continente, desde su llegada a Chile en 1963. Autor de obras de gran relevancia en el campo de la economía, la filosofía y la teología de la liberación, Hinkelammert se desempeña actualmente como miembro del equipo de investigadores del Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones (DEI), con sede en San José de Costa Rica.Con Franz Hinkelammert nos une una amistad de varios años, lo mismo que un vínculo de colaboración con la Escuela de Economía de la UNA, donde asiduamente un grupo de académicos y estudiantes trabajamos y discutimos sus obras. Recordamos en especial sus tesis sobre el subdesarrollo, la teoría del valor, el fetichismo mercantil, y sobre la deuda externa. Su obra es realmente prolija y sugerente, al mismo tiempo que reúne la singular característica de la multidisciplinariedad en la mayoría de sus trabajos. Por estos, y muchos otros motivos, hemos considerado extraordinariamente valioso presentar a los lectores de Economía y Sociedad una síntesis de su pensamiento, a través de los resultados de esta entrevista que tuve el honor de realizar y editar. La misma está estructurada en quince preguntas, numeradas de forma consecutiva. No obstante, y dado que cada pregunta abarca en realidad un área temática, aparecen preguntas o comentarios adicionales de mi parte que se identifican en letra negrita y que son antecedidas por las siglas H.M. La entrevista se realizó a mediados de enero del 2000, y el trabajo de edición finalizó a finales de febrero.
We report on a new analysis of neutrino oscillations in MINOS using the complete set of accelerator and atmospheric data. The analysis combines the ν(μ) disappearance and ν(e) appearance data using the three-flavor formalism. We measure |Δm(32)(2)| = [2.28-2.46] × 10(-3) eV(2) (68% C.L.) and sin(2)θ(23) = 0.35-0.65 (90% C.L.) in the normal hierarchy, and |Δm(32)(2)| = [2.32-2.53] × 10(-3) eV(2) (68% C.L.) and sin(2)θ(23) = 0.34-0.67 (90% C.L.) in the inverted hierarchy. The data also constrain δ(CP), the θ(23} octant degeneracy and the mass hierarchy; we disfavor 36% (11%) of this three-parameter space at 68% (90%) C.L.
To characterize liposomal-lidocaine formulations for topical use on oral mucosa and to compare their in vitro permeation and in vivo anesthetic efficacy with commercially available lidocaine formulations. Large unilamellar liposomes (400 nm) containing lidocaine were prepared using phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, and α-tocoferol (4:3:0.07, w:w:w) and were characterized in terms of membrane/water partition coefficient, encapsulation efficiency, size, polydispersity, zeta potential, and in vitro release. In vitro permeation across pig palatal mucosa and in vivo topical anesthetic efficacy on the palatal mucosa in healthy volunteers (double-blinded cross-over, placebo controlled study) were performed. The following formulations were tested: liposome-encapsulated 5% lidocaine (Liposome-Lido5); liposome-encapsulated 2.5% lidocaine (Liposome-Lido2.5); 5% lidocaine ointment (Xylocaina®), and eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine 2.5% (EMLA®). The Liposome-Lido5 and EMLA showed the best in vitro permeation parameters (flux and permeability coefficient) in comparison with Xylocaina and placebo groups, as well as the best in vivo topical anesthetic efficacy. We successfully developed and characterized a liposome encapsulated 5% lidocaine gel. It could be considered an option to other topical anesthetic agents for oral mucosa.
Ropivacaine (RVC) is an aminoamide local anesthetic widely used in surgical procedures. Studies with RVC encapsulated in liposomes and complexed in cyclodextrins have shown good results, but in order to use RVC for lengthy procedures and during the postoperative period, a still more prolonged anesthetic effect is required. This study therefore aimed to provide extended RVC release and increased upload using modified liposomes. Three types of vesicles were studied: (i) large multilamellar vesicle (LMV), (ii) large multivesicular vesicle (LMVV) and (iii) large unilamellar vesicle (LUV), prepared with egg phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol/α-tocopherol (4:3:0.07 mol%) at pH 7.4. Ionic gradient liposomes (inside: pH 5.5, pH 5.5 + (NH4)2SO4 and pH 7.4 + (NH4)2SO4) were prepared and showed improved RVC loading, compared to conventional liposomes (inside: pH 7.4). An high-performance liquid chromatography analytical method was validated for RVC quantification. The liposomes were characterized in terms of their size, zeta potential, polydispersion, morphology, RVC encapsulation efficiency (EE(%)) and in vitro RVC release. LMVV liposomes provided better performance than LMV or LUV. The best formulations were prepared using pH 5.5 (LMVV 5.5in) or pH 7.4 with 250 mM (NH4)2SO4 in the inner aqueous core (LMVV 7.4in + ammonium sulfate), enabling encapsulation of as much as 2% RVC, with high uptake (EE(%) ∼70%) and sustained release (∼25 h). The encapsulation of RVC in ionic gradient liposomes significantly extended the duration of release of the anesthetic, showing that this strategy could be a viable means of promoting longer-term anesthesia during surgical procedures and during the postoperative period.
PURPOSE: To compare clinical trials published in Brazilian journals of ophthalmology and in foreign journals of ophthalmology with respect to the number of citations and the quality of reporting [by applying the Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement writing standards]. METHODS: The sample of this systematic review comprised the two Brazilian journals of ophthalmology indexed at Science Citation Index Expanded and six of the foreign journals of ophthalmology with highest Impact Factor® according ISI. All clinical trials (CTs) published from January 2009 to December 2010 at the Brazilians journals and a 1:1 randomized sample of the foreign journals were included. The primary outcome was the number of citations through the end of 2011. Subgroup analysis included language. The secondary outcome included likelihood of citation (cited at least once versus no citation), and presence or absence of CONSORT statement indicators. RESULTS: The citation counts were statistically significantly higher (P<0.001) in the Foreign Group (10.50) compared with the Brazilian Group (0.45). The likelihood citation was statistically significantly higher (P<0.001) in the Foreign Group (20/20 - 100%) compared with the Brazilian Group (8/20 - 40%). The subgroup analysis of the language influence in Brazilian articles showed that the citation counts were statistically significantly higher in the papers published in English (P<0.04). Of 37 possible CONSORT items, the mean for the Foreign Group was 20.55 and for the Brazilian Group was 13.65 (P<0.003). CONCLUSION: The number of citations and the quality of reporting of clinical trials in Brazilian journals of ophthalmology still are low when compared with the foreign journals of ophthalmology with highest Impact Factor®.
Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is among the main causes of death in developed countries, and diet and lifestyle can influence CAD incidence. Objective: To evaluate the association of coronary artery disease risk score with dietary, anthropometric and biochemical components in adults clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program. Methods: 362 adults (96 men, 266 women, 53.9 +/- 9.4 years) fulfilled the inclusion criteria by presenting all the required data. The Framingham score was calculated and the IV Brazilian Guideline on Dyslipidemia and Prevention of Atherosclerosis was adopted for classification of the CAD risks. Anthropometric assessments included waist circumference (WC), body fat and calculated BMI (kg/m(2)) and muscle-mass index (MMI kg/m(2)). Dietary intake was estimated through 24 h dietary recall. Fasting blood was used for biochemical analysis. Metabolic Syndrome (MS) was diagnosed using NCEP-ATPIII (2001) criteria. Logistic regression was used to determine the odds of CAD risks according to the altered components of MS, dietary, anthropometric, and biochemical components. Results: For a sample with a BMI 28.5 +/- 5.0 kg/m(2) the association with lower risk (<10% CAD) were lower age (<60 years old), and plasma values of uric acid. The presence of MS within low, intermediary, and high CAD risk categories was 30.8%, 55.5%, and 69.8%, respectively. The independent risk factors associated with CAD risk score was MS and uric acid, and the protective factors were recommended intake of saturated fat and fiber and muscle mass index. Conclusion: Recommended intake of saturated fat and dietary fiber, together with proper muscle mass, are inversely associated with CAD risk score. On the other hand, the presence of MS and high plasma uric acid are associated with CAD risk score.
In this perspectives article, we reflect upon the existence of chirality in atmospheric aerosol particles. We then show that organic particles collected at a field site in the central Amazon Basin under pristine background conditions during the wet and dry seasons consist of chiral secondary organic material. We show how the chiral response from the aerosol particles can be imaged directly without the need for sample dissolution, solvent extraction, or sample preconcentration. By comparing the chiral-response images with optical images, we show that chiral responses always originate from particles on the filter, but not all aerosol particles produce chiral signals. The intensity of the chiral signal produced by the size resolved particles strongly indicates the presence of chiral secondary organic material in the particle. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings on chiral atmospheric aerosol particles in terms of climate-related properties and source apportionment.
The magnetized MINOS Near Detector, at a depth of 225 mwe, is used to measure the atmospheric muon charge ratio. The ratio of observed positive to negative atmospheric muon rates, using 301 days of data, is measured to be 1.266 +/- 0.001(stat)(-0.014)(+0.015)(syst). This measurement is consistent with previous results from other shallow underground detectors and is 0.108 +/- 0.019(stat + syst) lower than the measurement at the functionally identical MINOS Far Detector at a depth of 2070 mwe. This increase in charge ratio as a function of depth is consistent with an increase in the fraction of muons arising from kaon decay for increasing muon surface energies.