992 resultados para Joint behavior
Effect of the substitutions of chloride for fluoride on the chemical and physical properties and the crystallization behavior in heavy metal fluoride glasses has been investigated. The characteristic temperature of the glass does not changed obviously when the fluoride was taken place by chloride. Compared with samples of being free of ErF3, the doping samples are more inclined to be surface crystallization. Optical basicity in the glass system increases with increasing the negative charge provided by the chloride atoms and the absorption peak red shifted is observed in absorption spectra. XRD measurements show that not a single crystalline phase appears in the heated glass samples, which indicate the substitutions of chloride for fluoride with a variety of crystalline precipitation trends. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Electrochemically active Polypyrrole (PPy) nano-fiber array device was fabricated via electrochemical deposition method using aluminum anodic oxide (AAO) membrane as template. After alkaline treatment electrochemically active PPy nano-fiber lost electrochemical activity, and became electrochemically inactive PPy. The electronic properties of PPy nano-fiber array devices were measured by means of a simple method. It was found that for an indium-tin oxide/electrochemically inactive PPy nano-fiber device, the conductivity of nano-fiber increased with the increase of voltage applied on the two terminals of nano-fiber. The electrochemical inactive PPy nano-fiber might be used as a nano-fiber switching diode. Both Au/electrochemically active PPy and Au/electrochemically inactive PPy nano-fiber devices demonstrate rectifying behavior, and might have been used for further application as nano-rectifiers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All tights reserved.
Objective: analyze and propose a theoretical model that describes blood donor decisions to help staff working in blood banks (nurses and others) in their efforts to capture and retain donors. Methods: analysis of several studies on the motivations to give blood in Spain over the last six years, as well as past literature on the topic, the authors' experiences in the last 25 years in over 15 Non Governmental Organizations with different levels of responsibilities, their experiences as blood donors and the informal interviews developed during those 25 years. Results: a model is proposed with different internal and external factors that influence blood donation, as well as the different stages of the decision-making process. Conclusion: the knowledge of the donation process permits the development of marketing strategies that help to increase donors and donations.
Yb3+ heavy-doped yttrium lanthanum oxide transparent ceramics were fabricated and their spectroscopic properties were investigated. The absorption bands of (YbxY0.9-xLa0.1)(2)O-3 (x = 0.05-0.15) ceramics are broad at wavelength of 900-1000 nm. The absorption cross-sections centered at 974 nm and the emission cross-sections at 1031 nm of Yb3+ ion are 0.89-1.12 x 10(-20) cm(2) and 1.05 x 10(-20) cm(2) respectively. The up-conversion luminescence intensity of Yb3+-doped yttrium lanthanum oxide ceramics increased firstly, then decreased with the increase of Yb3+ ion content. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O difundido uso de perfis estruturais tubulares, principalmente devido às vantagens associadas ao comportamento estrutural e estético, levou a uma intensa utilização nos países da Europa, Sudeste Asiático, América do Norte e na Austrália. Países como Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda fazem uso intensivo dessas estruturas e contam com uma produção corrente, industrializada e contínua com alto grau de desenvolvimento tecnológico. O aumento da oferta deste tipo de perfis, aliado a recentes pesquisas nesta área, leva o Brasil a se inserir neste cenário mundial. Entretanto, as normas brasileiras que regem o dimensionamento destes perfis ainda não se encontram atualizadas, principalmente no que tange ao dimensionamento de ligações de perfis tubulares. Considerando esta perspectiva, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo K e T com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS). Propõe-se estabelecer um quadro comparativo entre as formulações analíticas de dimensionamento proposta pelo Eurocode 3 Parte 1.8, 2 edição do guia de projeto de ligações tubulares do CIDECT, projeto de norma brasileira PN 02.125.03-004 e critérios de deformação limite. Para cada um dos tipos de ligações analisadas, desenvolveu-se um modelo em elementos finitos no programa Ansys, calibrado e validado com resultados experimentais e numéricos existentes na literatura. As não-linearidades física e geométrica foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente da ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado considerando-se a previsão de grandes deformações de forma a permitir a redistribuição de carregamento na ligação após o escoamento inicial. Esta dissertação propõe ainda, a modelagem de uma treliça planar constituída de perfis tubulares, objetivando estabelecer uma comparação entre um nó isolado e um nó da treliça planar.