1000 resultados para Joaquim Sapinho


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Heriot-Watt University uses a software package called Syllabus Plus for its timetabling. This package can perform scheduling functions however it is currently employed only as a room booking system at present. In academic session 2008-2009 the university will be restructuring its academic year from 3 terms of 10 weeks to semesters of 14 weeks and therefore major changes will be required to the timetabling information. This project has two functions, both with practical and relevant applications to the timetabling of the university. The aims of the project are the ability to change population number of modules and activities, delete term 3 modules and activities, the ability to change module and activity name, and change the teaching week pattern from the semester


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Esta comunicación pretende analizar las necesidades informáticas de las oficinas de turismo en el caso concreto de Cataluña, presentándose la misma como una continuación del estudio realizado el año 98. En ella se evalúan los nuevos resultados obtenidos, intentando compararlos con los de la encuesta del 98 y determinar así la evolución que han seguido las OIT en Cataluña. Se introduce además en este nuevo estudio un análisis cualitativo, que incluye el análisis de sus páginas web y un estudio del nivel de respuesta a través de e-mail


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This paper presents and compares two approaches to estimate the origin (upstream or downstream) of voltage sag registered in distribution substations. The first approach is based on the application of a single rule dealing with features extracted from the impedances during the fault whereas the second method exploit the variability of waveforms from an statistical point of view. Both approaches have been tested with voltage sags registered in distribution substations and advantages, drawbacks and comparative results are presented


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This paper aims to survey the techniques and methods described in literature to analyse and characterise voltage sags and the corresponding objectives of these works. The study has been performed from a data mining point of view


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Three multivariate statistical tools (principal component analysis, factor analysis, analysis discriminant) have been tested to characterize and model the sags registered in distribution substations. Those models use several features to represent the magnitude, duration and unbalanced grade of sags. They have been obtained from voltage and current waveforms. The techniques are tested and compared using 69 registers of sags. The advantages and drawbacks of each technique are listed


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This paper focus on the problem of locating single-phase faults in mixed distribution electric systems, with overhead lines and underground cables, using voltage and current measurements at the sending-end and sequence model of the network. Since calculating series impedance for underground cables is not as simple as in the case of overhead lines, the paper proposes a methodology to obtain an estimation of zero-sequence impedance of underground cables starting from previous single-faults occurred in the system, in which an electric arc occurred at the fault location. For this reason, the signal is previously pretreated to eliminate its peaks voltage and the analysis can be done working with a signal as close as a sinus wave as possible


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A statistical method for classification of sags their origin downstream or upstream from the recording point is proposed in this work. The goal is to obtain a statistical model using the sag waveforms useful to characterise one type of sags and to discriminate them from the other type. This model is built on the basis of multi-way principal component analysis an later used to project the available registers in a new space with lower dimension. Thus, a case base of diagnosed sags is built in the projection space. Finally classification is done by comparing new sags against the existing in the case base. Similarity is defined in the projection space using a combination of distances to recover the nearest neighbours to the new sag. Finally the method assigns the origin of the new sag according to the origin of their neighbours


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El desenvolupament del càlcul diferencial i integral com a disciplina científica a Europa durant el segle XVIII no és un tema nou. Però s’ha acostumat a enfocar la visió d’aquesta formació molt sovint des del “centre” i a partir de les grans figures com Isaac Newton o Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. En el present treball el protagonista potser, per a molts, no és una figura de primera línia; Tomàs Cerdà, és un ensenyant a Barcelona i a Madrid durant la segona meitat del segle XVIII, que “tradueix” al castellà autors anglesos, però que amb la seva pràctica està realment introduint el nou càlcul a Espanya i donant, de fet, una orientació d’aquesta nova disciplina als seus deixebles. El com i per què Cerdà decideix quin serà el seu guia en la introducció del càlcul diferencial i integral i quines seran les seves pròpies aportacions en aquesta labor seran els temes centrals del nostre treball. La nostra tasca ha anat, així doncs, a entendre millor, el procés de divulgació del coneixement científic, veient-lo en tot moment com formant part activa del mateix procés de construcció d’aquest coneixement.


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The definition of a biomarker provided by the World Health Organization is any substance, structure, or process that can be measured in the body, or its products and influence, or predict the incidence or outcome of disease. Currently, the lack of prognosis and progression markers for chronic Chagas disease has posed limitations for testing new drugs to treat this neglected disease. Several molecules and techniques to detect biomarkers inTrypanosoma cruzi-infected patients have been proposed to assess whether specific treatment with benznidazole or nifurtimox is effective. Isolated proteins or protein groups from different T. cruzistages and parasite-derived glycoproteins and synthetic neoglycoconjugates have been demonstrated to be useful for this purpose, as have nucleic acid amplification techniques. The amplification of T. cruziDNA using the real-time polymerase chain reaction method is the leading test for assessing responses to treatment in a short period of time. Biochemical biomarkers have been tested early after specific treatment. Cytokines and surface markers represent promising molecules for the characterisation of host cellular responses, but need to be further assessed.


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Estudi d’una masia aïllada, sense xarxa elèctrica ni sanejament urbà. Càlcul del pressupost de les instal.lacions per tal que la casa tingui una xarxa de sanejament, electricitat i aigua calenta de generació pròpies, sempre re manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient


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A novel technique for estimating the rank of the trajectory matrix in the local subspace affinity (LSA) motion segmentation framework is presented. This new rank estimation is based on the relationship between the estimated rank of the trajectory matrix and the affinity matrix built with LSA. The result is an enhanced model selection technique for trajectory matrix rank estimation by which it is possible to automate LSA, without requiring any a priori knowledge, and to improve the final segmentation


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In this paper a novel rank estimation technique for trajectories motion segmentation within the Local Subspace Affinity (LSA) framework is presented. This technique, called Enhanced Model Selection (EMS), is based on the relationship between the estimated rank of the trajectory matrix and the affinity matrix built by LSA. The results on synthetic and real data show that without any a priori knowledge, EMS automatically provides an accurate and robust rank estimation, improving the accuracy of the final motion segmentation


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BACKGROUND The aim of our work was to replicate, in a Southern European population, the association reported in Northern populations between PTPRC locus and response to anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) treatment in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We also looked at associations between five RA risk alleles and treatment response. METHODS We evaluated associations between anti-TNF treatment responses assessed by DAS28 change and by EULAR response at six months in 383 Portuguese patients. Univariate and multivariate linear and logistic regression analyses were performed. In a second step to confirm our findings, we pooled our population with 265 Spanish patients. RESULTS No association was found between PTPRC rs10919563 allele and anti-TNF treatment response, neither in Portuguese modeling for several clinical variables nor in the overall population combining Portuguese and Spanish patients. The minor allele for RA susceptibility, rs3761847 SNP in TRAF1/C5 region, was associated with a poor response in linear and logistic univariate and multivariate regression analyses. No association was observed with the other allellic variants. Results were confirmed in the pooled analysis. CONCLUSION This study did not replicate the association between PTPRC and the response to anti-TNF treatment in our Southern European population. We found that TRAF1/C5 risk RA variants potentially influence anti-TNF treatment response.


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The work presented in this paper belongs to the power quality knowledge area and deals with the voltage sags in power transmission and distribution systems. Propagating throughout the power network, voltage sags can cause plenty of problems for domestic and industrial loads that can financially cost a lot. To impose penalties to responsible party and to improve monitoring and mitigation strategies, sags must be located in the power network. With such a worthwhile objective, this paper comes up with a new method for associating a sag waveform with its origin in transmission and distribution networks. It solves this problem through developing hybrid methods which hire multiway principal component analysis (MPCA) as a dimension reduction tool. MPCA reexpresses sag waveforms in a new subspace just in a few scores. We train some well-known classifiers with these scores and exploit them for classification of future sags. The capabilities of the proposed method for dimension reduction and classification are examined using the real data gathered from three substations in Catalonia, Spain. The obtained classification rates certify the goodness and powerfulness of the developed hybrid methods as brand-new tools for sag classification