994 resultados para Jackson (Mich.)
Shows "1988 land use."
"January 1988."
Shows proposed town of Jackson City in Alexandria County D.C.
Seit jeher ist der Mensch mit unzähligen Gegenständen in Kontakt, gebraucht sietagtäglich für sein Handeln. Diese Arbeit hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, einen psychologischenBeitrag zu der bisher sehr wenig beforschten Mensch-Ding-Beziehung zu leisten unddabei auf den Phänomen-Bereich der Rollstühle – als notwendigen und zwiespältigwahrgenommenen Gegenstand -- zu fokussieren.Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden zunächst theoretische Überlegungen zu derBeziehung angestellt, gründend auf den Vorarbeiten von Heubach und seinerGegenständlichkeitskonzepte sowie Habermas‘ ermittelten Funktionen persönlicherObjekte. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden 11 Tiefeninterviews einer psychologischmorphologischenAuswertung unterzogen, um die ‚Verwicklungen‘ zwischen einemRollstuhl und seinem Nutzer/ seiner Nutzerin hermeneutisch aufzudecken. Im Kernherausstechend ist hierbei die Frage, wie die beobachtete Ambivalenz zum Rollstuhlgenau gestaltet ist und wie sich angesichts dieser alltäglich notwendigen Nutzung desRollstuhls ein seelisches Gleichgewicht bzgl. dieser Ambivalenz herstellt?Es zeigt sich, dass sich in dem Beziehungsgefüge ein Extrem aufspannt, den Rollstuhleinerseits fortwährend anzunehmen und in sein Leben zu integrieren, man gleichsamdurch seine ‚Alltags-Besonderheit‘ jedoch nie ‚fertig‘ damit ist. Während des stetigenVersuchs den Rollstuhl zu akzeptieren, beginnt er unter Umständen mehr Funktionen zuerfüllen, als für das Hilfsmittel zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Angesichts eines alltäglicherlebten Autonomie-Verlustes aufgrund der Rollstuhlnutzung hält sich das Extrem vorallem mittels bestmöglicher Anpassungen an den Rollstuhl und relativierenderGedankengänge hinsichtlich der eigenen Situation in einem erträglichen Gleichgewicht.
La presente tesi si concentra sulla tendenza, riscontrata nel panorama editoriale italiano, al repêchage e ritraduzione di letteratura fantastica angloamericana femminile. Il corpus di case studies individuati a tale scopo è costituito da una selezione di testi delle autrici Daphne du Maurier, Shirley Jackson e Angela Carter. Di ogni autrice si sono analizzati il romanzo e il racconto con più pubblicazioni editoriali fra lingua inglese e italiana. Di questi testi si sono esaminate le ritraduzioni italiane, che vanno dal 1958 al 2017, con particolare attenzione alle ritraduzioni degli anni Novanta e Duemila pubblicate dagli editori di cultura. Lo studio prende avvio da un apparato teorico sul problema della ritraduzione e sulle teorie formulate in merito alla letteratura fantastica femminile, coadiuvato da una ricerca all’interno dei cataloghi delle case editrici di cultura che hanno pubblicato le ritraduzioni in esame, confrontati con quelli di tre case editrici di riferimento per quanto riguarda il settore fantastico-gotico. Una seconda parte della ricerca è inoltre dedicata agli studi sulla ricezione e sul paratesto, come ulteriore strumento d’analisi del processo di repêchage editoriale quando coadiuvato dalla pratica ritraduttiva. L’apparato teorico è supportato da una ricerca qualitativa in merito all’evoluzione paratestuale dei testi selezionati e della ricezione degli stessi nel loro contesto originario e d’arrivo. La terza e ultima sezione della ricerca è dedicata all’analisi letteraria dei testi in esame. In questo contesto ha infine un suo spazio lo studio traduttologico contrastivo di una casistica di esempi linguistici tratti dai testi. A partire dall’osservazione delle parabole editoriali delle tre autrici, la presente ricerca si propone dunque di fornire uno sguardo d’insieme sul recente fenomeno del repêchage letterario di opere fantastiche femminili nel panorama editoriale italiano, e di investigare il ruolo e la portata socioculturale che la ritraduzione occupa all’interno di questo processo.
Os maus-tratos ao idoso no ambiente familiar constituem um problema de saúde pública e têm aumentado com o envelhecimento da população. Ações de intervenção buscando resolver esse problema requerem prévio conhecimento sobre a sua dimensão e maneira como grupos específicos são por ele afetados. Foi percebida no ESF Jackson Martins (Sarapuí), durante as visitas domiciliares (VDs) e o atendimento, uma grande proporção de idosos sofredores de maus-tratos. Essa relacionada à falta de informação de seus cuidadores sobre fatores de risco e medidas preventivas. Isso poderia ser resolvido através da troca de experiências entre comunidade e profissionais na busca pela melhoria da qualidade de vida dos assistidos. Haveria assim, no ESF Sarapuí a produção de conhecimento a fim de diminuir o número de idosos sofredores de maus-tratos no ambiente domiciliar. Nesse cenário, seria colocado em prática o conceito de Educação Popular em Saúde e sua metodologia de problematização e participação de profissionais e comunidade na busca por soluções. Essa seria implementada de forma integral e continuada, respeitando a realidade e os interesses da população.
IKK epsilon (IKKε) is induced by the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). Whole-body IKKε knockout mice on a high-fat diet (HFD) were protected from insulin resistance and showed altered energy balance. We demonstrate that IKKε is expressed in neurons and is upregulated in the hypothalamus of obese mice, contributing to insulin and leptin resistance. Blocking IKKε in the hypothalamus of obese mice with CAYMAN10576 or small interfering RNA decreased NF-κB activation in this tissue, relieving the inflammatory environment. Inhibition of IKKε activity, but not TBK1, reduced IRS-1(Ser307) phosphorylation and insulin and leptin resistance by an improvement of the IR/IRS-1/Akt and JAK2/STAT3 pathways in the hypothalamus. These improvements were independent of body weight and food intake. Increased insulin and leptin action/signaling in the hypothalamus may contribute to a decrease in adiposity and hypophagia and an enhancement of energy expenditure accompanied by lower NPY and increased POMC mRNA levels. Improvement of hypothalamic insulin action decreases fasting glycemia, glycemia after pyruvate injection, and PEPCK protein expression in the liver of HFD-fed and db/db mice, suggesting a reduction in hepatic glucose production. We suggest that IKKε may be a key inflammatory mediator in the hypothalamus of obese mice, and its hypothalamic inhibition improves energy and glucose metabolism.
The diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma (IDC) of the prostate remains subjective because 3 sets of diagnostic criteria are in use. An internet survey was compiled from 38 photomicrographs showing duct proliferations: 14 signed out as high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), 17 IDC, and 7 invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Each image was assessed for the presence of 9 histologic criteria ascribed to IDC. Thirty-nine respondents were asked to rate images as (1) benign/reactive, (2) HGPIN, (3) borderline between HGPIN and IDC, (4) IDC, or (5) invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.68. There was 70% overall agreement with HGPIN, 43% with IDC, and 73% with invasive carcinoma (P < .001, χ(2)). Respondents considered 19 (50%) of 38 cases as IDC candidates, of which 5 (26%) had a two-thirds consensus for IDC; two-thirds consensus for either borderline or IDC was reached in 9 (47%). Two-thirds consensus other than IDC was reached in the remaining 19 of 38 cases, with 15 supporting HGPIN and 4 supporting invasive carcinoma. Findings that differed across diagnostic categories were lumen-spanning neoplastic cells (P < .001), 2× benign duct diameters (P < .001), duct space contours (round, irregular, and branched) (P < .001), papillary growth (P = .048), dense cribriform or solid growth (both P = .023), and comedonecrosis (P = .015). When the 19 of 38 images that attained consensus for HGPIN or invasive carcinoma were removed from consideration, lack of IDC consensus was most often attributable to only loose cribriform growth (5/19), central nuclear maturation (5/19), or comedonecrosis (3/19). Of the 9 histologic criteria, only 1 retained significant correlation with a consensus diagnosis of IDC: the presence of solid areas (P = .038). One case that attained IDC consensus had less than 2× duct enlargement yet still had severe nuclear atypia and nucleomegaly. Six fold nuclear enlargement was not significant (P = .083), although no image had both 6× nuclei and papillary or loose cribriform growth: a combination postulated as sufficient criteria for IDC. Finally, 20.5% of respondents agreed that an isolated diagnosis of IDC on needle biopsy warrants definitive therapy, 20.5% disagreed, and 59.0% considered the decision to depend upon clinicopathologic variables. Although IDC diagnosis remains challenging, we propose these criteria: a lumen-spanning proliferation of neoplastic cells in preexisting ducts with a dense cribriform or partial solid growth pattern. Solid growth, in any part of the duct space, emerges as the most reproducible finding to rule in a diagnosis of IDC. Comedonecrosis is a rarer finding, but in most cases, it should rule in IDC. Duct space enlargement to greater than 2× the diameter of the largest, adjacent benign spaces is usually present in IDC, although there may be rare exceptions.