953 resultados para Involvement in evaluation


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In 2014, UniDive (The University of Queensland Underwater Club) conducted an ecological assessment of the Point Lookout Dive sites for comparison with similar surveys conducted in 2001 - the PLEA project. Involvement in the project was voluntary. Members of UniDive who were marine experts conducted training for other club members who had no, or limited, experience in identifying marine organisms and mapping habitats. Since the 2001 detailed baseline study, no similar seasonal survey has been conducted. The 2014 data is particularly important given that numerous changes have taken place in relation to the management of, and potential impacts on, these reef sites. In 2009, Moreton Bay Marine Park was re-zoned, and Flat Rock was converted to a marine national park zone (Green zone) with no fishing or anchoring. In 2012, four permanent moorings were installed at Flat Rock. Additionally, the entire area was exposed to the potential effects of the 2011 and 2013 Queensland floods, including flood plumes which carried large quantities of sediment into Moreton Bay and surrounding waters. The population of South East Queensland has increased from 2.49 million in 2001 to 3.18 million in 2011 (BITRE, 2013). This rapidly expanding coastal population has increased the frequency and intensity of both commercial and recreational activities around Point Lookout dive sites (EPA 2008). Habitats were mapped using a combination of towed GPS photo transects, aerial photography and expert knowledge. This data provides georeferenced information regarding the major features of each of the Point Lookout Dive Sites.


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In 2014, UniDive (The University of Queensland Underwater Club) conducted an ecological assessment of the Point Lookout Dive sites for comparison with similar surveys conducted in 2001. Involvement in the project was voluntary. Members of UniDive who were marine experts conducted training for other club members who had no, or limited, experience in identifying marine organisms and mapping habitats. Since the 2001 detailed baseline study, no similar seasonal survey has been conducted. The 2014 data is particularly important given that numerous changes have taken place in relation to the management of, and potential impacts on, these reef sites. In 2009, Moreton Bay Marine Park was re-zoned, and Flat Rock was converted to a marine national park zone (Green zone) with no fishing or anchoring. In 2012, four permanent moorings were installed at Flat Rock. Additionally, the entire area was exposed to the potential effects of the 2011 and 2013 Queensland floods, including flood plumes which carried large quantities of sediment into Moreton Bay and surrounding waters. The population of South East Queensland has increased from 2.49 million in 2001 to 3.18 million in 2011 (BITRE, 2013). This rapidly expanding coastal population has increased the frequency and intensity of both commercial and recreational activities around Point Lookout dive sites (EPA 2008). Methodology used for the PLEA project was based on the 2001 survey protocols, Reef Check Australia protocols and Coral Watch methods. This hybrid methodology was used to monitor substrate and benthos, invertebrates, fish, and reef health impacts. Additional analyses were conducted with georeferenced photo transects. The PLEA marine surveys were conducted over six weekends in 2014 totaling 535 dives and 376 hours underwater. Two training weekends (February and March) were attended by 44 divers, whilst biological surveys were conducted on seasonal weekends (February, May, July and October). Three reefs were surveyed, with two semi-permanent transects at Flat Rock, two at Shag Rock, and one at Manta Ray Bommie. Each transect was sampled once every survey weekend, with the transect tapes deployed at a depth of 10 m below chart datum. Fish populations were assessed using a visual census along 3 x 20 m transects. Each transect was 5 m wide (2.5 m either side of the transect tape), 5 m high and 20 m in length. Fish families and species were chosen that are commonly targeted by recreational or commercial fishers, or targeted by aquarium collectors, and that were easily identified by their body shape. Rare or otherwise unusual species were also recorded. Target invertebrate populations were assessed using visual census along 3 x 20 m transects. Each transect was 5 m wide (2.5 m either side of the transect tape) and 20 m in length. The diver surveying invertebrates conducted a 'U-shaped' search pattern, covering 2.5 m on either side of the transect tape. Target impacts were assessed using a visual census along the 3 x 20 m transects. Each transect was 5 m wide (2.5 m either side of the transect tape) and 20 m in length. The transect was surveyed via a 'U-shaped' search pattern, covering 2.5 m on either side of the transect tape. Substrate surveys were conducted using the point sampling method, enabling percentage cover of substrate types and benthic organisms to be calculated. The substrate or benthos under the transect line was identified at 0.5m intervals, with a 5m gap between each of the three 20m segments. Categories recorded included various growth forms of hard and soft coral, key species/growth forms of algae, other living organisms (i.e. sponges), recently killed coral, and, non-living substrate types (i.e. bare rock, sand, rubble, silt/clay).


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Although sulfur is an essential element for marine primary production and critical for climate processes, little is known about the oceanic pool of non-volatile dissolved organic sulfur (DOS). We present a basin-scale distribution of solid phase extractable DOS in the East Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. While molar DOS versus dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) ratios of 0.11 ± 0.024 in Atlantic surface water resembled phytoplankton stoichiometry (S/N ~ 0.08), increasing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) versus DOS ratios and decreasing methionine-S yield demonstrated selective DOS removal and active involvement in marine biogeochemical cycles. Based on stoichiometric estimates, the minimum global inventory of marine DOS is 6.7 Pg S, exceeding all other marine organic sulfur reservoirs by an order of magnitude.


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This paper analyses empirical evidence of efforts to enable Spanish micro and small manufacturing companies to boost their labour productivity rates through the development of the main pillars of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. This study aims to develop new approaches and sensibilities towards work from an ethical, values (virtues) and CSR perspective, showing how internal dimensions of CSR, such those related to relationships with employees and responsibility in processes and product quality, can improve labour performance and labour efficiency, thereby contributing to a better society. The results of a sample of 929 small businesses indicate that the social responsibility policies that most contributed to a short-term increase in labour productivity are those related to internal aspects of the company, in particular its involvement in the quality of processes and products, promotion of innovation and employee care. However, the impact on labour productivity of CSR policies related to external factors, such as relationship with stakeholders and environmental concern, could not be empirically proven in this paper.


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In the field of dimensional metrology, the use of optical measuring machines requires the handling of a large number of measurement points, or scanning points, taken from the image of the measurand. The presence of correlation between these measurement points has a significant influence on the uncertainty of the result. The aim of this work is the development of an estimation procedure for the uncertainty of measurement in a geometrically elliptical shape, taking into account the correlation between the scanning points. These points are obtained from an image produced using a commercial flat bed scanner. The characteristic parameters of the ellipse (coordinates of the center, semi-axes and the angle of the semi-major axis with regard to the horizontal) are determined using a least squares fit and orthogonal distance regression. The uncertainty is estimated using the information from the auto-correlation function of the residuals and is propagated through the fitting algorithm according to the rules described in Evaluation of Measurement Data—Supplement 2 to the ‘Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’—Extension to any number of output quantities. By introducing the concept of cut-off length, it can be observed how it is possible to take into account the presence of the correlation in the estimation of uncertainty in a very simple way while avoiding underestimation.


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Open Access funded by Parkinson's UK Financial support: This study was funded by Parkinson’s UK, the Scottish Chief Scientist Office, NHS Grampian endowments, the BMA Doris Hillier award, RS Macdonald Trust, the BUPA Foundation, and SPRING. The funders had no involvement in the study. We acknowledge funding for the PINE study from Parkinson’s UK (G-0502, G-0914 G-1302), the Scottish Chief Scientist Office (CAF/12/05), the BMA Doris Hillier award, RS Macdonald Trust, the BUPA Foundation, NHS Grampian endowments and SPRING. We thank the patients and controls for their participation and the research staff who collected data and supported the study database.


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Acknowledgments We thank the members of the Trial Steering and Data Monitoring Committee and all the people who helped in the conduct of the study (including the OPPTIMUM collaborative group and other clinicians listed in the appendix). We are grateful to Paul Piette (Besins Healthcare Corporate, Brussels, Belgium) and Besins Healthcare for their kind donation of active and placebo drug for use in the study, and to staff of the pharmacy and research and development departments of the participating hospitals. We are also grateful to the many people who helped in this study but who we have been unable to name, and in particular all the women (and their babies) who participated in OPPTIMUM. OPPTIMUM was funded by the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme, a Medical Research Council (MRC) and National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) partnership, award number G0700452, revised to 09/800/27. The EME Programme is funded by the MRC and NIHR, with contributions from the Chief Scientist Office in Scotland and National Institute for Social Care and Research in Wales. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the MRC, National Health Service, NIHR, or the Department of Health. The funder had no involvement in data collection, analysis or interpretation, and no role in the writing of this manuscript or the decision to submit for publication.


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Diverse roles in cellular functions have been ascribed to nitric oxide (NO), and its involvement in induction of long-term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells has been demonstrated. Manipulations of NO concentration or its synthesis in cerebellar tissues therefore provide a means for investigating roles of NO in cerebellar functions at both cellular and behavioral levels. We tested adaptive control of locomotion to perturbation in cats, and found that this form of motor learning was abolished by application of either an inhibitor of NO synthase or a scavenger of NO to the cerebellar cortical locomotion area. This finding supports the view that NO in the cerebellum plays a key role in motor learning.


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We recently reported development of an experimental model for the study of nitric oxide (NO·) toxicology in vivo. SJL mice were injected with superantigen-bearing RcsX (pre-B-cell lymphoma) cells, which migrated to the spleen and lymph nodes, where their rapid growth induced activation of macrophages to produce large amounts of NO· over a period of several weeks. In the experiments described here, we used this model to investigate mutagenesis in splenocytes exposed to NO· during RcsX cell growth. Transgenic mice were produced by crossbreeding animals of the pUR288 transgenic C57BL/6 and SJL strains. RcsX cells were injected into F1 mice and NO· production was confirmed by quantification of urinary nitrate, the ultimate metabolite of NO·. Mutant frequency in the lacZ gene of the pUR288 plasmid was determined in DNA isolated from spleen (target) and kidney (nontarget) tissues. A significant elevation in mutant frequency was found in the spleen, but not in the kidney, of tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, increases in mutant frequency in the spleen as well as NO· production were abrogated by administration of N-methylarginine, a NO· inhibitor, to mice following injection of RcsX cells. These results indicate that NO· had mutagenic activity in RcsX tumor-bearing mice and thus support a possible role for its involvement in the carcinogenic process.


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Vertebrate sensory hair cells achieve high sensitivity and frequency selectivity by adding self-generated mechanical energy to low-level signals. This allows them to detect signals that are smaller than thermal molecular motion and to achieve significant resonance amplitudes and frequency selectivity despite the viscosity of the surrounding fluid. In nonmammals, a great deal of in vitro evidence indicates that the active process responsible for this amplification is intimately associated with the hair cells' transduction channels in the stereovillar bundle. Here, we provide in vivo evidence of hair-cell bundle involvement in active processes. Electrical stimulation of the inner ear of a lizard at frequencies typical for this hearing organ induced low-level otoacoustic emissions that could be modulated by low-frequency sound. The unique modulation pattern permitted the tracing of the active process involved to the stereovillar bundles of the sensory hair cells. This supports the notion that, in nonmammals, the cochlear amplifier in the hair cells is driven by a bundle motor system.