953 resultados para Intervertebral disk displacement


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Much of the bridge stock on major transport links in North America and Europe was constructed in the 1950’s and 1960’s and has since deteriorated or is carrying loads far in excess of the original design loads. Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHM) can provide valuable information on the bridge capacity but the application of such systems is currently limited by access and system cost. This paper investigates the development of a low cost portable SHM system using commercially available cameras and computer vision techniques. A series of laboratory tests have been carried out to test the accuracy of displacement measurements using contactless methods. The results from each of the tests have been validated with established measurement methods, such as linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs). A video image of each test was processed using two different digital image correlation programs. The results obtained from the digital image correlation methods provided an accurate comparison with the validation measurements. The calculated displacements agree within 4% of the verified measurements LVDT measurements in most cases confirming the suitability full camera based SHM systems


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Questa tesi descrive alcune tecniche realizzative e algoritmi di controllo per il posizionamento delle testine di lettura/scrittura in hard disk drive magnetici. Viene presentata l'attuazione a due stadi delle testine per incrementare la banda frequenziale del sistema, in cui un motore VCM funge da primo stadio e come secondo stadio si utilizza un microattuatore, di tipo piezoelettrico o elettromagnetico o elettrotermico. Il posizionamento della testina sulle tracce magnetiche dei dischi contenenti i dati si divide in due fasi: track-seeking e track-following, che presentano diversi requisiti di velocità e precisione, per questo motivo si descrive il metodo dello switching control. Successivamente viene formulato un modello matematico nello spazio degli stati degli stati dell'attuatori a due stadi e il relativo controllo in retroazione, basato su osservatore dello stato. Inoltre per il track-seeking si propone il controllo a due gradi di libertà e per il track-following il metodo del disaccoppiamento della sensitività. Infine si riportano due novità tecnologiche per gli hard disk magnetici: l'attuazione a tre stadi, che sfrutta un secondo microattuatore, di tipo termico, e gli hard disk riempiti d'elio ed ermeticamente sigillati, che semplificano il controllo grazie alla minore turbolenza del gas e al suo minor peso.


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This article considers the animating role that objects play in the theatre of Philippe Quesne and Vivarium Studio (France). The conventional role of object animation is often characterised by the performer manipulating objects and scenic material on the stage, asserting a control over the environment they are implicated in. In Quesne's theatre, this relationship is democratised. The theatrical apparatus, both materially and conceptually, is set up to enable the flow of animation to be interchangeable, affording an equal agency to the objects being used much as that of the performers. This theatre of animation is drawn through the framing concepts of displacement and humility. Displacement is considered as a compositional strategy that makes us aware of the volume of the stage space beyond the proscenium frame as a plane of composition. The introduction of large inflatable objects, real cars or large roles of fake snow foreground the objects material presence allows Quesne to play with moments of equilibrium, tipping, excess and absence. Humility is traced as a philosophy of objects that transcends the choice, handling and use of material items in Quesne's work. Simple objects take on a specific vibrancy because of how they give shape to the human participants on stage, animating moments of recognition that allows the human figure, its ethics, emotions and humour, to appear.


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In the last years the need to develop more environmentally friendly and efficient cars as led to the development of several technologies to improve the performance of internal combustion engines, a large part of the innovations are focused in the auxiliary systems of the engine, including, the oil pump, this is an element of great importance in the dynamics of the engine as well a considerable energy consumer. Most solutions for oil pumps to this day are fixed displacement, for medium and high speeds, the pump flow rate is higher than the needs of the engine, this excess flow leads to the need for recirculation of the fluid which represents a waste of energy. Recently, technological advances in this area have led to the creation of variable displacement oil pumps, these have become a 'must have' due to the numerous advantages they bring, although the working principle of vane or piston pumps is relatively well known, the application of this technology for the automotive industry is new and brings new challenges. The focus of this dissertation is to develop a new concept of variable displacement system for automotive oil pumps. The main objective is to obtain a concept that is totally adaptable to existing solutions on the market (engines), both dimensionally as in performance specifications, having at the same time an innovative mechanical system for obtaining variable displacement. The developed design is a vane pump with variable displacement going in line with existing commercial solutions, however, the variation of the eccentricity commonly used to provide an variable displacement delivery is not used, the variable displacement is achieved without varying the eccentricity of the system but with a variation of the length of the pumping chamber. The principle of operation of the pump is different to existing solutions while maintaining the ability to integrate standard parts such as control valves and mechanical safety valves, the pump is compatible with commercial solutions in terms of interfaces for connection between engine systems and pump. A concept prototype of the product was obtained in order to better evaluate the validity of the concept. The developed concept represents an innovation in oil pumps design, being unique in its mechanical system for variable displacement delivery.


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This article will examine how media organisations are increasingly experimenting and innovating with interactive transmedia forms to explore issues around displacement and the ongoing migration crisis. I plan to interview a number of key industry figures with a view to understand how and why journalists and producers are expanding the scope of factual storytelling beyond traditional media platforms. It will include a number of industry case studies.


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International audience


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Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas y factores de crecimiento sobre la regeneración y la reducción del dolor en discopatía degenerativa. Material y método: Revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se siguió las recomendaciones de la colaboración Cochrane expuestas en el Cochrane Hand book for Systematic Reviews of interventions. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados fases preclínicas y clínicas donde evaluaban el efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas o factores de crecimiento sobre la discopatía degenerativa entre el 1 de septiembre de 2013 y el 30 de septiembre de 2014, publicados en PubMed, MEDLINE y LILACS. Resultados: En la búsqueda inicial se identificaron 11 artículos, de los cuales 3 cumplieron los criterios de selección determinados para esta revisión. Se realizó estrategia de búsqueda donde se revisaron las citas relacionadas de los tres artículos principales. De éstos, sólo 6 cumplieron los criterios de selección. Se incluyeron dos artículos más que arrojó la búsqueda en google académico, quedando un total de 10 estudios para el análisis final. En esta revisión, nosotros incluimos en la búsqueda de no sólo aquellos estudios realizados in vitro, sino además aquellos estudios en modelos murinos y estudio realizado en humanos. De estos estudios, la mayor parte de ellos fueron realizados in vitro (6), en modelos animales (2) y en humanos (2). En este estudio se seleccionaron sólo aquellos estudios donde fue evaluado el PRP y/o los factores de crecimiento sobre las células o tejidos del disco intervertebral. Para poder conocer el efecto que estas sustancias, tienen que ser evaluadas en estudios tanto preclínicos como clínicos. Todos los estudios analizados coincidieron sobre el efecto antiinflamatorio, reparador, proliferador e incluso en la mejoría del dolor de la discopatía vertebral. Conclusiones: Los resultados de los estudios muestra el efecto antiinflamatorio, reparador, proliferador e incluso en la mejoría del dolor de la discopatía vertebral. En ninguno de ellos se mencionó si este aumento de la síntesis de la matriz conllevaría a una mayor fibrosis del tejido y mayor deterioro, por lo que los estudios en animales o en humanos deberían enfocarse a evaluar un seguimiento mayor para poder evaluar los efectos tardíos de la terapia. Por lo tanto, podemos concluir que los puntos de enfoque de la investigación actual debe apuntar hacia entender más el mecanismo de la degeneración discal conjuntamente con los beneficios del PRP en tratarla.


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Loading of spinal motion segment units alters biomechanical properties by modifying flexibility and range of motion. This study utilizes angular displacement due to an applied bending moment to assess biomechanical function during high-magnitude and prolonged compressive loading of ovine lumbar motion segments. High compressive loads, representative of physiological lifestyle and occupational behaviors, appear to limit fluid recovery of the intervertebral disc, thereby modifying spinal flexibility and increasing spinal instability. Intermittent extensions, or backwards bending movements, may provide a protective effect against the load-induced spinal instability. This study contributes a greater understanding of the effects of load history on the function and health of the lumbar spine. Findings may inform future efforts investigating adjustments in spinal posture to preserve or promote the recovery of lumbar spinal biomechanics.


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Dynamic knee valgus is a multi-planar motion that has been associated with anterior cruciate ligament injuries and patellofemoral pain syndrome. Clinical assessment of dynamic knee valgus can be made by looking for the visual appearance of excessive medial knee displacement (MKD) in the double-leg squat (DLS). The purpose of this dissertation was to identify the movement patterns and neuromuscular strategies associated with MKD during the DLS. Twenty-four control subjects and eight individuals showing MKD during the DLS participated in the study. Significant differences were verified between subjects that demonstrated MKD and a control (CON) group for the eletromyographic amplitude of adductor magnus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles (p < 0.05), during the descending phase of the DLS. During the ascending phase were found group differences for adductor magnus and rectus femoris muscles (p < 0.05). Results from kinematic analysis revealed higher minimum and maximum values of ankle abduction and knee internal rotation angles (p < 0.05) for the MKD group. Also, individuals showing excessive MKD had higher hip adduction/abduction excursion. Our results suggested that higher tibial internal rotation and knee internal rotation angles in the initial position of the DLS are associated with MKD. The neuromuscular strategies that contributed to MKD were higher adductor magnus activation, whereas biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis activated more to stabilize the knee in response to the internal rotation moment.


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BACKGROUND: There have been some disagreements on the comparison of disc pressures in the standing and sitting postures in literature. Most research on in vivo pressure needle measurement found higher disc pressure in sitting than in standing. The disc pressure data can help to advocate better postures for clinical advice. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to develop a procedure to study the compressive load on intervertebral joint in the standing and sitting postures through the approach of motion capture and musculoskeletal modeling. METHODS: The marker data of six subjects performing various standing and sitting postures was obtained during the motion capture experiment and used to train the musculoskeletal model with an enhanced discretized spine developed for subject in the inverse and forward simulations. RESULTS: Compressive loads on L3-L4 and L4-L5 joints are found higher in upright sitting than in upright standing. Slumped sitting, cross-legged sitting and flexion sitting can introduce higher compressive loads on intervertebral joints compared with upright sitting. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate the effects of standing and sitting postures on the spinal joint loads. The results can provide doctors and therapists with more information on clinical advice on better postures for people with spinal problems.


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This article analyses arguments that the prerogative should be readily displaced by statute, where a statute deals with a subject matter similar to a prerogative. It does so by examining the leading cases on displacement of the prerogative in the United Kingdom and the Australian states, and displacement of the Australian Commonwealth's inherent executive power. The cases do not adopt a single rule but the question of whether a statute will be taken to displace a prerogative is highly dependent of the facts and the provisions of the particular staute.This article defends the current approach to displacement, for three reasons. First, the courts do not allow governments to subvert or ignore statutes by using the prerogative. Secondly, the courts have almost always decided in favour of liberty and against the conferral of coercive powers on government. Thirdly, a single rule could not do justice to all the variables involved in displacement cases. Ordinary principles of statutory interpretation are sufficient to deal with questions of displacement.


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The study of volcano deformation data can provide information on magma processes and help assess the potential for future eruptions. In employing inverse deformation modeling on these data, we attempt to characterize the geometry, location and volume/pressure change of a deformation source. Techniques currently used to model sheet intrusions (e.g., dikes and sills) often require significant a priori assumptions about source geometry and can require testing a large number of parameters. Moreover, surface deformations are a non-linear function of the source geometry and location. This requires the use of Monte Carlo inversion techniques which leads to long computation times. Recently, ‘displacement tomography’ models have been used to characterize magma reservoirs by inverting source deformation data for volume changes using a grid of point sources in the subsurface. The computations involved in these models are less intensive as no assumptions are made on the source geometry and location, and the relationship between the point sources and the surface deformation is linear. In this project, seeking a less computationally intensive technique for fracture sources, we tested if this displacement tomography method for reservoirs could be used for sheet intrusions. We began by simulating the opening of three synthetic dikes of known geometry and location using an established deformation model for fracture sources. We then sought to reproduce the displacements and volume changes undergone by the fractures using the sources employed in the tomography methodology. Results of this validation indicate the volumetric point sources are not appropriate for locating fracture sources, however they may provide useful qualitative information on volume changes occurring in the surrounding rock, and therefore indirectly indicate the source location.


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The evaluation of changes in Intervertebral Discs (IVDs) with 3D Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging (MRI) can be of interest for many clinical applications. This paper presents the evaluation of both IVD localization and IVD segmentation methods submitted to the Automatic 3D MRI IVD Localization and Segmentation challenge, held at the 2015 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI2015) with an on-site competition. With the construction of a manually annotated reference data set composed of 25 3D T2-weighted MR images acquired from two different studies and the establishment of a standard validation framework, quantitative evaluation was performed to compare the results of methods submitted to the challenge. Experimental results show that overall the best localization method achieves a mean localization distance of 0.8 mm and the best segmentation method achieves a mean Dice of 91.8%, a mean average absolute distance of 1.1 mm and a mean Hausdorff distance of 4.3 mm, respectively. The strengths and drawbacks of each method are discussed, which provides insights into the performance of different IVD localization and segmentation methods.