987 resultados para Interpretação de imagem assistida por computador
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
The mineral sector is of utmost importance for Brazilian economic growth, an area which depends on basic geological research to enlarge known deposits and in process of mining, besides discovering new occurrences and mineral deposits. This set of activities is named mineral research, which planning involves economy concepts, market demands and use of methods and techniques for geological evaluation, direct and indirect. This paper aim at performing geophysical detailing on occurrences of supergenic manganese located in the northwest portion of the State of São Paulo, Itapira, for spatial dimensioning of mineral targets, besides the attempt to correlate among the content on physical parameter measured by geophysics. The lack of scientific publications by Brazilian researchers in this theme, availability of previous studies for the selected targets, commercial importance of the mineral goods for the Brazilian Trade Balance, justify the performance of the present research project
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR
Although equines have participated in the forming and development of several civilizations around the world since their domestication 6,000 years ago in comparison to other species that have zootechnical interest, few researches have been done related to animal breeding area, especially in Brazil. Some reasons for that are difficulties associated with the species as well as operational aspects. However, developments in genetics in the last decades contributed to a better understanding of the traits related to reproduction, heath, behavior and performance of domestic animals, including equines. Recent technologies as next generation sequencing methods and the high density chips of SNPs for genotyping allowed some advances in the researches already done. These researches used basically the candidate gene strategy, and identified genomic regions related to diseases and syndromes and, more recently, the performance in sport competition and specific abilities. Using these genomic analysis tools, some regions related to race performance have been identified and based on this information; genetic tests to select superior animals for racing performance have started to be available in the market.
The diagnosis of various diseases has become more accessible and accurate with the rapid development of imaging modalities aiming to assist in medical diagnosis, and thereby in veterinary medicine. Different diagnostic imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy can be performed to obtain information about thyroid diseases, each one with advantages and disadvantages, depending on the thyroid disease in question. Diagnostic imaging is a tool that not only assists in the diagnosis, but also helps treatment and assessment of prognosis of thyroid diseases. The aim of this article is to discuss the limitations and benefits of each diagnostic imaging modality available in the veterinary medical field, and also to present the newest diagnostic imaging modalities in order to maximize and make more accurate diagnosis of thyroid diseases.
In veterinary medicine, the same clinician usually follows an animal from birth to old age, whereas in human medicine different specialists are required. It is therefore essential that veterinarians know the normal imaging, biochemical, hematological and physical exam values for younglings, which differ significantly from those of adults of the same species. Abdominal radiographies of young animals are poorly defined due to differences in tissue constitution in relation to adults. These same factors, however, substantially improve sonographic images of the region. Nonetheless, the interpretation of B-mode sonographic findings in puppies is difficult due to the lack of information about the normal parameters in this phase of life. The objective of this study was to compile information about peculiarities of abdominal B-mode ultrasonography in puppies and kittens.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate land use and occupation of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) as well as its use conflicts by TM (Thematic Mapper) image of the 2010 Landsat-5 satellite, according to the Forest Code. For that purpose, Geographic Information Systems in the Ribeirão Paraíso watershed, São Manuel, SP were used. The combination of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System technologies allowed representation of spatial distribution of the landscape and data integration in the diagnosis of geographic interest. The 2010 mapping showed 12 use categories, and the sugar cane crop had the largest land occupation, 48.25% of the area. The areas of permanent preservation amounted to 925.74 ha, which is an ideal value based on the Brazilian legislation. Mapping of land use conflicts showed intensive anthropic actions going 80.13% forward on PPAs, with only 19.87% remaining forests, which highlights their negative impact and illegal situations in these areas.
O grande desafio da população mundial é a conservação ambiental, pois as Áreas de Preservação Permanentes, que têm papel vital dentro de uma microbacia, por serem responsáveis pela manutenção, preservação e conservação dos ecossistemas ali existentes. O presente trabalho visou analisar os conflitos de uso do solo em áreas de preservação permanentes (APPs) da microbacia do Alto Capivara - Botucatu (SP) através do uso de Sistema de Informações Geográficas e de imagem de satélite digital. A área com 4551,19ha, situa-se entre as coordenadas geográficas: 22o 51’ 57” a 22o 57’ 55” de latitude S e 48o 21’ 58” a 48o 26’ 38” de longitude WGR. O mapa de uso do solo de 2006 foi obtido a partir da classificação supervisionada em imagem de satélite digital de 23/10/2006. Na identificação digital dos alvos foram utilizadas as chaves de interpretação para imagens e as áreas foram determinadas através do software SIG – IDRISI. Os conflitos de uso nas áreas de preservação permanente foram analisados ao longo da rede de drenagem e das nascentes, conforme itens dos artigos 2º e 3º da Resolução nº 303 do CONAMA. A área de APP discriminada ao longo da rede de drenagem foi de 416,5ha (9,15%) . No entanto, 201,15ha da área de APP está ocupada com pastagem (48,3%), reflorestamento (1,23%) e 0,48% por área urbana de forma inadequada (conflito). Portanto, quase 50% de área de APP vem sendo parcialmente utilizada adequadamente.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as variações de uso e ocupação do solo entre os cenários de 2000 e 2011 da microbacia do córrego Monte Belo – Botucatu (SP). Para tanto, utilizou-se de geotecnologias, sendo a integração de informações realizada no Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) - IDRISI, aliada ao uso de cartas digitais do IBGE, escala 1:50.000, além de fotografias aéreas (2000) e imagens de satélite LANDSAT - 5 (2011). Através dos dados obtidos, foram detectadas três classes de uso do solo sendo que em 2000, elas correspondem ao reflorestamento, pastagem e mata ciliar e em 2011, reflorestamento, mata ciliar e solo exposto. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que as ferramentas de análise baseadas em SIGs trazem a possibilidade de analisar as variações no espaço e no tempo além de resultar em informações que podem subsidiar o planejamento da microbacia do Córrego Monte Belo.
The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Ribeirão Santo Antonio - São Manuel (SP), through the thematic map of the satellite image. The cartographic databases were planialtimetric letter in digital format used in georeferencing and the satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Andes 15.0 was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the thematic map obtained from the visual interpretation the satellite image. The map of land use showed that the culture of sugar cane occupies most of the area (81.00%), when analyzing the satellite image. This result show us the predominance of agricultural occupation in the region. The thematic map obtained by the classification screen, using GIS, allowed the mapping of land use, generating data that will assist in future planning area recovery. The results of the study showed the efficiency, speed and reliability of the tools used, these being very useful for future projects.
The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate in the casuistry on class and systems frequently diagnosed in wild animals that were sent to the FMVZ–UNESP-Botucatu diagnostic imaging service. The class of birds was the most referred to the centers, followed by the mammals and reptiles. The majority of the requested tests were the radiographs and in a minor scale the tomography and ultrasound. Although the birds were the greatest number of animals sent to the service, mammals were the most radiographed for wound control. The most frequently observed system was the musculoskeletal caused by trauma, especially in birds. The radiograph was the most exam initially indicated, then the animal could be forwarded to other imaging modalities, which in wild animals medicine is still limited to research.