948 resultados para Intended Uses
Maintaining accessibility to and understanding of digital information over time is a complex challenge that often requires contributions and interventions from a variety of individuals and organizations. The processes of preservation planning and evaluation are fundamentally implicit and share similar complexity. Both demand comprehensive knowledge and understanding of every aspect of to-be-preserved content and the contexts within which preservation is undertaken. Consequently, means are required for the identification, documentation and association of those properties of data, representation and management mechanisms that in combination lend value, facilitate interaction and influence the preservation process. These properties may be almost limitless in terms of diversity, but are integral to the establishment of classes of risk exposure, and the planning and deployment of appropriate preservation strategies. We explore several research objectives within the course of this thesis. Our main objective is the conception of an ontology for risk management of digital collections. Incorporated within this are our aims to survey the contexts within which preservation has been undertaken successfully, the development of an appropriate methodology for risk management, the evaluation of existing preservation evaluation approaches and metrics, the structuring of best practice knowledge and lastly the demonstration of a range of tools that utilise our findings. We describe a mixed methodology that uses interview and survey, extensive content analysis, practical case study and iterative software and ontology development. We build on a robust foundation, the development of the Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment. We summarise the extent of the challenge facing the digital preservation community (and by extension users and creators of digital materials from many disciplines and operational contexts) and present the case for a comprehensive and extensible knowledge base of best practice. These challenges are manifested in the scale of data growth, the increasing complexity and the increasing onus on communities with no formal training to offer assurances of data management and sustainability. These collectively imply a challenge that demands an intuitive and adaptable means of evaluating digital preservation efforts. The need for individuals and organisations to validate the legitimacy of their own efforts is particularly prioritised. We introduce our approach, based on risk management. Risk is an expression of the likelihood of a negative outcome, and an expression of the impact of such an occurrence. We describe how risk management may be considered synonymous with preservation activity, a persistent effort to negate the dangers posed to information availability, usability and sustainability. Risk can be characterised according to associated goals, activities, responsibilities and policies in terms of both their manifestation and mitigation. They have the capacity to be deconstructed into their atomic units and responsibility for their resolution delegated appropriately. We continue to describe how the manifestation of risks typically spans an entire organisational environment, and as the focus of our analysis risk safeguards against omissions that may occur when pursuing functional, departmental or role-based assessment. We discuss the importance of relating risk-factors, through the risks themselves or associated system elements. To do so will yield the preservation best-practice knowledge base that is conspicuously lacking within the international digital preservation community. We present as research outcomes an encapsulation of preservation practice (and explicitly defined best practice) as a series of case studies, in turn distilled into atomic, related information elements. We conduct our analyses in the formal evaluation of memory institutions in the UK, US and continental Europe. Furthermore we showcase a series of applications that use the fruits of this research as their intellectual foundation. Finally we document our results in a range of technical reports and conference and journal articles. We present evidence of preservation approaches and infrastructures from a series of case studies conducted in a range of international preservation environments. We then aggregate this into a linked data structure entitled PORRO, an ontology relating preservation repository, object and risk characteristics, intended to support preservation decision making and evaluation. The methodology leading to this ontology is outlined, and lessons are exposed by revisiting legacy studies and exposing the resource and associated applications to evaluation by the digital preservation community.
This thesis examines digital technologies policies designed for Australian schools and the ways they are understood and interpreted by students, school staff, teachers, principals and policy writers. This study explores the ways these research participant groups interpret and understand the ‘ethical dimension’ of schools’ digital technologies policies for teaching and learning. In this thesis the ethical dimension is considered to be a dynamic concept which encompasses various elements including; decisions, actions, values, issues, debates, education, discourses, and notions of right and wrong, in relation to ethics and uses of digital technologies in schools. In this study policy is taken to mean not only written texts but discursive processes, policy documents including national declarations, strategic plans and ‘acceptable use’ policies to guide the use of digital technologies in schools. The research is situated in the context of changes that have occurred in Australia and internationally over the last decade that have seen a greater focus on the access to and use of digital technologies in schools. In Australian school education, the attention placed on digital technologies in schools has seen the release of policies at the national, state, territory, education office and school levels, to guide their use. Prominent among these policies has been the Digital Education Revolution policy, launched in 2007 and concluded in 2013. This research aims to answers the question: What does an investigation reveal about understandings of the ethical dimension of digital technologies policies and their implementation in school education? The objective of this research is to examine the ethical dimension of digital technologies policies and to interpret and understand the responses of the research participants to the issues, silences, discourses and language, which characterise this dimension. In doing so, it is intended that the research can allow the participants to have a voice that, may be different to the official discourses located in digital technologies policies. The thesis takes a critical and interpretative approach to policies and examines the role of digital technologies policies as discourse. Interpretative theory is utilised as it provides a conceptual lens from which to interpret different perspectives and the implications of these in the construction of meaning in relation to schools’ digital technologies policies. Critical theory is used in tandem with interpretative theory as it represents a conceptual basis from which to critique and question underlying assumptions and discourses that are associated with the ethical dimension of schools’ digital technologies policies. The research methods used are semi-structured interviews and policy document analysis. Policies from the national, state, territory, education office and school level were analysed and contribute to understanding the way the ethical dimension of digital technologies policies is represented as a discourse. Students, school staff, teachers, principals and policy writers participated in research interviews and their views and perspectives were canvassed in relation to the ethical use of digital technologies and the policies that are designed to regulate their use. The thesis presents an argument that the ethical dimension of schools’ digital technologies policies and use is an under-researched area, and there are gaps in understanding and knowledge in the literature which remain to be addressed. It is envisaged that the thesis can make a meaningful contribution to understand the ways in which schools’ digital technologies policies are understood in school contexts. It is also envisaged that the findings from the research can inform policy development by analysing the voices and views of those in schools. The findings of the policy analysis revealed that there is little attention given to the ethical dimension in digital technologies at the national level. A discourse of compliance and control pervades digital technologies policies from the state, education office and school levels, which reduces ethical considerations to technical, legal and regulatory requirements. The discourse is largely instrumentalist and neglects the educative dimension of digital technologies which has the capacity to engender their ethical use. The findings from the interview conversations revealed that students, school staff and teachers perceive digital technologies policies to be difficult to understand, and not relevant to their situation and needs. They also expressed a desire to have greater consultation and participation in the formation and enactment of digital technologies policies, and they believe they are marginalised from these processes in their schools. Arising from the analysis of the policies and interview conversations, an argument is presented that in the light of the prominent role played by digital technologies and their potential for enhancing all aspects of school education, more research is required to provide a more holistic and richer understanding of the policies that are constructed to control and mediate their use.
This paper reports on continuing research into the modelling of an order picking process within a Crossdocking distribution centre using Simulation Optimisation. The aim of this project is to optimise a discrete event simulation model and to understand factors that affect finding its optimal performance. Our initial investigation revealed that the precision of the selected simulation output performance measure and the number of replications required for the evaluation of the optimisation objective function through simulation influences the ability of the optimisation technique. We experimented with Common Random Numbers, in order to improve the precision of our simulation output performance measure, and intended to use the number of replications utilised for this purpose as the initial number of replications for the optimisation of our Crossdocking distribution centre simulation model. Our results demonstrate that we can improve the precision of our selected simulation output performance measure value using Common Random Numbers at various levels of replications. Furthermore, after optimising our Crossdocking distribution centre simulation model, we are able to achieve optimal performance using fewer simulations runs for the simulation model which uses Common Random Numbers as compared to the simulation model which does not use Common Random Numbers.
The particular characteristics of growth and development of mushrooms in nature result in the accumulation of a variety of secondary metabolites, several of them with biological activities. The genus Pleurotus is a cosmopolitan group of mushrooms with high nutritional value and therapeutic properties, besides a wide array of biotechnological and environmental applications. Scope and approach: The present report aims to provide a critical review on aspects related to chemical compounds isolated from the genus Pleurotus with possible biotechnological, nutritional and therapeutic uses. Investigations on the genus have immensely accelerated during the last ten years, so that only reports published after 2005 have been considered. Key findings and conclusions: The most important Pleurotus species cultivated in large scale are P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius. However, more than 200 species have already been investigated to various degrees. Both basidiomata and mycelia of Pleurotus are a great renewable and easily accessible source of functional foods/nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and immunomodulatory effects. A series of compounds have already been precisely defined including several polysaccharides, phenolics, terpenes and sterols. However, intensification of structure determination is highly desirable and demands considerable efforts. Further studies including clinical trials need to be carried out to ascertain the safety of these compounds as adequate alternatives to conventional drugs. Not less important is to extend the search for novel bioactives to less explored Pleurotus species.
This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.
We present a new radiation scheme for the Oxford Planetary Unified Model System for Venus, suitable for the solar and thermal bands. This new and fast radiative parameterization uses a different approach in the two main radiative wavelength bands: solar radiation (0.1-5.5 mu m) and thermal radiation (1.7-260 mu m). The solar radiation calculation is based on the delta-Eddington approximation (two-stream-type) with an adding layer method. For the thermal radiation case, a code based on an absorptivity/emissivity formulation is used. The new radiative transfer formulation implemented is intended to be computationally light, to allow its incorporation in 3D global circulation models, but still allowing for the calculation of the effect of atmospheric conditions on radiative fluxes. This will allow us to investigate the dynamical-radiative-microphysical feedbacks. The model flexibility can be also used to explore the uncertainties in the Venus atmosphere such as the optical properties in the deep atmosphere or cloud amount. The results of radiative cooling and heating rates and the global-mean radiative-convective equilibrium temperature profiles for different atmospheric conditions are presented and discussed. This new scheme works in an atmospheric column and can be easily implemented in 3D Venus global circulation models. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article focuses on the use of governmentality as a technique of government and its effects, with reference to a protected landscape. Drawing on ethnographic materials from the Azores, it demonstrates that governmentality is not always practised by governments in the way it is meant to be. Although the state’s conservation efforts in Sete Cidades meet the accepted criteria of a governmental programme, they do not transform local subjectivities as intended. The protected landscape of Sete Cidades is a government initiative, but also a tool used strategically by certain social groups living and working within this landscape to object to the appropriation of the space upon which their livelihood relies, and to understand, communicate and legitimise their place in the world.
This article examines discourses associated with a new environmental movement, “Carbon Rationing Action Groups” (CRAGs). This case study is intended to contribute to a wider investigation of the emergence of a new type of language used to debate climate change mitigation. Advice on how to reduce one's “carbon footprint,” for example, is provided almost daily. Much of this advice is framed by the use of metaphors and “carbon compounds”—lexical combinations of at least two roots—such as “carbon finance” or “low carbon diet.” The study uses a combination of tools from frame analysis and lexical pragmatics within the general framework of ecolinguistics to compare and contrast language use on the CRAGs' website with press coverage reporting on them. The analysis shows how the use of such lexical carbon compounds enables and facilitates different types of metaphorical frames such as dieting, finance and tax paying, war time rationing, and religious imperatives in the two corpora.
Mode of access: Internet.
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Dissertação de mest. em Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Dissertação de Mestrado, Arquitetura Paisagista, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender a perspetiva de professores sobre o currículo de Matemática do 1º ciclo do Ensino Secundário cabo-verdiano e conhecer necessidades de formação que identificam, para um melhor desempenho na sua catividade profissional. As questões de estudo são: 1) Como se reveem os professores de Matemática no currículo do 1º ciclo do Ensino Secundário, enquanto agentes que interpretam e implementam esse currículo? 2) Que potencialidades e dificuldades reconhecem nesse currículo? 3) Que áreas consideram haver necessidade de formação, para a melhoria da sua prática docente, nesse nível de ensino? O desenvolvimento do referencial teórico integra duas áreas temáticas como eixos centrais: o currículo, o professor e o professor de Matemática. Foi feita uma análise de normativos cabo-verdianos para a educação, entre os quais se destacam a Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo, o Plano de estudos para o ensino secundário e o Programa de Matemática do 1o ciclo do Ensino Secundário. A metodologia adotada na investigação segue uma abordagem interpretativa e descritiva, suportada por um design de estudo de caso. São estudados três casos, relativos a professores de Matemática cabo-verdianos do 1º ciclo do Ensino Secundário. A recolha de dados recorre a urna entrevista semiestruturada a cada professor, à observação de três aulas por professor participante e à recolha documental. A análise de dados foi feita utilizando principalmente a técnica de análise de conteúdos. Os professores revêem-se como executores de um currículo uniforme, de cumprimento obrigatório, normativo, emanado centralmente e do qual procuram interpretar as intenções. A sua visão de currículo é centrada nos conteúdos do programa, um dos motivos para que o enquadramento ao nível dos meios institucionais e as competências esperadas ao nível do saber fazer e ao nível do saber ser nem sempre serem conhecidas e/ou cumpridas. Em Acão, revêem-se como figuras centrais do currículo. Todos se reveem com mais competência na implementação curricular à medida que vão adquirindo experiência profissional. Concordam com os temas do programa e um deles sugere a inclusão de um tema. Consideram que os conteúdos nem sempre estão bem organizados e mostram a necessidade de a metodologia do programa ser mais detalhada, evidenciando claramente os seus propósitos. Eventualmente, podem não concordar com a estrutura de currículo em espiral do programa. Os professores identificam mais formação com melhor desempenho. As necessidades de formação são: Metodologia do Ensino da Matemática, Resolução de Problemas, Avaliação e a Geometria ligada à utilização de materiais pedagógicos. O estudo parece indicar que os professores não desenvolvem práticas diferentes por não terem essa vivência e aponta os professores mais jovens como mais abertos à mudança. ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to understand the perspective of the teacher in relation to the Mathematics curriculum of the 1st cycle of Secondary School of Cape Verde (grades 7-8) and to learn about his/her training needs to develop better skills and performance in their professional activity. The key questions in this study are: 1) how do Mathematics teachers, acting in the capacity of agents who interpret and implement the 1st cycle of Secondary School curriculum, see themselves in this curriculum? 2) What potentialities and difficulties can they recognize in the curriculum? 3) What areas do they consider in need of training to improve teaching capacity within such education grade? The theoretical framework of this investigation integrates two main areas: the curriculum and the teacher. An analysis of Cape-Verdian normative texts for education has been made, including the Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo (Basis Law of the Educational System), the Study plan for secondary school and the Mathematics program of the 1st cycle of secondary school. ln terms of methodology, we opted for an interpretative approach to our investigation, namely the case study. We looked at three case studies concerning the Cape-Verdian mathematics teacher of the 1st cycle of secondary school. The data collection uses a semistructured interview for each teacher, the observation of three classes per participating teacher and the documental collection. Content analysis is the main technique used for analyzing the data. Teachers see themselves as practitioners of a uniform curriculum with mandatory compliance and delineated guidelines set by the administration, and they follow their own understanding of its intended purpose. Their vision of the curriculum is focused on program contents, one of the reasons why the expected skills at the level of "how to do" and "how to be" are not always known and/or done. ln their professional setting they see themselves with professional skills growing in tandem with professional experience. They all agree with the program contents but one of them suggests one content to add. ln their opinion the program is not always well organized and they suggest the need for a more comprehensive and detailed methodology of program contents. ln addition, they might not agree with the spiral structure of the program curriculum. They also identified the need for more elaborate professional training including: A Methodology for Mathematics Education, solving problems, Evaluation and the Geometry related to the utilization of pedagogical materials. The study seems to indicate that teachers refrain from developing different practices because of lack of experience but also demonstrates that younger teachers are more open to change.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.