948 resultados para Integração e gestão de dados


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aimed to analyze the scientific literature on information management and knowledge management in the most relevant journals in the Information Science field, noting in this way then relevance and impact to this field. It is a qualitative research and analyzed the scientific literature about this subject published in journals (online access) in the Information Science area and classified as Qualis of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), specifically those who were assessed as level 'A' and 'B', covering a total of 26 journal titles. We applied the Bradford's Law for the scientific production analysis, especially in relation to the articles distribution in terms of proximity or distance variables. We observed that the terms 'information management' and 'knowledge management' are contemporary and have been gained relevance over time. We also founded that the general rule: few produces a lot and many produces a little is true if considered the characteristics of the studied data distribution.


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This research has been conducted with the objective of identifying the similarities and the differences between the school management system proposed by the government and the school management system applied on a daily basis by the school management team. This management team is composed by the school principal, the coordinator teacher, and the educational supervisor of a school in the inner state of Sao Paulo. Data is being collected researching the references already existed about the school management system, documents and files of the school, and by an interview with the management team. It is expected that this research will identify the close and the distant aspects between the evaluation of the management team about itself and the evaluation conducted by the school in the process of educational evaluations. The data obtained through this research job is being analyzed considering its quality aspects.


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The archival institutions should for the elevation of the statistical indices of social and economic to integrate with sustainable development yours communities through regional entrepreneurship and improving informational. The Commerce and Industry Association of Marília (ACIM) archive provided to analyze the influence of the files on regional growth to development sustainable of industries and trade. The management theory and archives processes, set up data to create a model template guiding sustainable which suggested the results provided for: Transparency in the processes; global and local integration; culture and collaboration of the community; physical and human factors; improvement for work management and; to utilized to generate the economy of the ecosystem as a form of natural resources.


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Em nossa pesquisa, propomo-nos a verificar, no âmbito de uma Cooperativa Educacional de Marília, como a gestão e o trabalho associado são organizados. O estudo encontra-se em andamento e a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental foram realizadas. O levantamento de dados empíricos está sendo efetuado por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada com os membros da comunidade escolar. Observamos que a gestão das cooperativas educacionais, quando alicerçada no trabalho associado, pauta-se na gestão democrática vivenciada pelo coletivo. Todavia, na sociedade capitalista, as diversas relações são hierarquicamente estabelecidas e, consequentemente, algumas cooperativas seguem essa forma de se organizar.


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Visual-motor integration is a skill that involves visual perception and eye-hand coordination. Deficit in perceptual ability and motor organization capacity may reflect in reading, writing and arithmetic learning difficulties. This study aimed to verify the relationship between visual-motor integration ability and academic performance, as well, whether visual perception ability was correlated with reading performance and whether motor coordination ability was correlated with writing performance. Participants were 77 students in the 2nd. year of elementary education at a public school. To data collect were applied the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and the Academic Performance Test. The results showed a significant correlation between visual-motor integration ability and academic skills of reading (r = 0.230, p = 0.044), writing (r = 0.244, p = 0.033) and arithmetic (r = 0.277, p = 0.015). In addition, was also identified significant correlation between visual perception and reading performance (r = 0.407, p = 0) and between the motor coordination and cursive writing (p = 0.039). The results of this study are consistent with the literature, concerning the verification of visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination abilities influence on the students performance in school activities.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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A área de estudo deste trabalho engloba as bacias hidrográficas dos rios Aguapeí e Peixe, localizadas a Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Estas por sua vez estão vinculadas aos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas Aguapeí e Peixe (CBH-AP). Diante da iminência da implementação da política de cobrança pelo uso dos recursos hídricos nessa área, o presente trabalho apresenta em linhas gerais o estudo da vazão específica de forma que os resultados possam contribuir com os órgãos públicos de gestão a fim de que se execute uma gestão mais efetiva dos recursos hídricos. Com base em dados hidrológicos das estações fluviométricas inventariadas através do Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Recursos Hídricos do Estado de São Paulo (SIGRH) e da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) nas duas bacias hidrográficas, procedeu-se o estudo da vazão específica. Os resultados desses estudos apontam para uma maior variabilidade da vazão específica média na bacia hidrográfica do rio do Peixe, uma vez que ao longo da série histórica essa bacia apresenta maiores valores de vazão, foi possível também observar as mudanças no comportamento da vazão hidrológica nas duas bacias hidrográficas, ou seja, através dos três períodos hidrológicos identificados foi possível depreender que a vazão específica média em um período se mostra bem distribuída em ambas as bacias hidrográficas, em outro período hidrológico essa distribuição já se apresenta mais desigual. Tais informações possibilitam aos órgãos de gestão um planejamento mais refinado e eficiente


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This study aimed at apprehending and analyzing the perspective of Primary Health Care managers concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance in a city in São Paulo state. The study population consisted of eight professionals from different professional categories with direct activity in the city’s management of the population’s Health Surveillance. It is a descriptive, qualitative study. Data were collected by means of recorded semi-structured interviews. The framework used for data analysis was the thematic Content Analysis Method. The results were systematized into three themes: 1- Managers’ conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance and its application in practice; 2- Managers’ perspectives concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance; 3- Qualification of Children’s Health Surveillance under the view of the municipal management. The conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance that were apprehended showed to be convergent as they indicated this model’s appropriateness to identify and prioritize children’s care in vulnerability conditions in the territory where they live. However, some managers did not include, in their statements, health promotion aspects as one of the cornerstones of their managerial action. Nurses were considered to be fundamental in the Children’s Health Surveillance process due to their competencies and responsibilities undertaken in this health provision level. The main difficulties for adequate implementation of Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care and the proposal to overcome them were pointed out. It was concluded that, under the managers’ perspectives, nurses can greatly contribute to Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care as members of the health care team; however, to that end, they need professional qualification, structural conditions and institutional support with that regard


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The present study is about data characterization and evaluation related to private urban users (legal entity) of the Watersheds of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari, and Jundiai (PCJ), with the PCJ Collection System, sustained by the Department of Water and Power (DAEE), in order to: provide quantitative numbers about this sector, identifying the cities and economic activities corresponding to the largest water consumers, and determine the sector's share in the total charged contribution. The charge for water use is the most recent and the last instrument which has been implemented for the management of water resources, provided by the institution of the State and National Policy of Water Resources in 1991 and 1997, respectively, regarded as an important step towards the preservation and restoration of water resources. According to the data collected in the PCJ Collection System, the urban sector is the private sector that has the highest number of users in these watersheds (52,95% of users), but with less representation in the financial recovery (only 7%), due to its low water demand in their uses compared to the uses of other sectors. The collected data will also serve as both a parameter for comparing the amount of water used by different economic activities and municipalities in the PCJ watersheds and other locations, and as a tool for water resources management


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The research aims to propose grants for development of Municipal Plan for the Management of Organic Solid Waste generated in the municipality of Rio Claro. The research universe was composed of organic waste generators establishments (markets and grocers). From the registry of commercial establishments provided by the municipal government were identified who presented this typology, which totaled 38 establishments. In this universe the interview was conducted in 15 establishments obtained by directed sampling based on the characteristics of size, type and location. The data collected were the amount generated, disposal of waste, waste separation, collection frequency, reasons for the disposal of waste, frequency of purchase of products. From the data obtained in the field, we estimated the total generation of organic waste in this segment for the municipality. Then, the estimated costs for implementation and operation of a composting center, a way to subsidize the implementation of the management plan was carried out. We opted for the aerobic composting process by the simplicity of operation and because it is a technique already known. The average waste generation was established by tracks (size) with: stores up to 4 boxes (classified as small) generate on average 1511 kg / month, 40% of organic waste, the 5-9 boxes (small/midsize) generate on average 4338 kg / month, 35% organic and the 10 to 19 boxes (midsize) generate on average 7647 kg / month with 32% organic. In total establishments generate 105 t/ month of waste, with 35t / month of organics. 94% of establishments are in font segregation of waste into recyclable, organic and waste, indicating that the proposed management of organic waste is amenable to application without many changes in existing routine in stores. Recyclables are sent for recycling through selective collection held by the cooperative, while the organics are destined for the landfill and feed. The results indicate...