976 resultados para Insect baits and repellents


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The mandibular gland secretion (MGS) and the faecal fluid (FF) of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel affected the spore germination of selected microfungi isolated from nests of this insect. MGS was more effective than the FF, completely inhibiting the spore germination of four out of six microfungi species.


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We investigate the diversity of yeasts isolated in gardens of the leafcutter ant Atta texana. Repeated sampling of gardens from four nests over a 1-year time period showed that gardens contain a diverse assemblage of yeasts. The yeast community in gardens consisted mostly of yeasts associated with plants or soil, but community composition changed between sampling periods. In order to understand the potential disease-suppressing roles of the garden yeasts, we screened isolates for antagonistic effects against known microfungal garden contaminants. In vitro assays revealed that yeasts inhibited the mycelial growth of two strains of Escovopsis (a specialized attine garden parasite), Syncephalastrum racemosum (a fungus often growing in gardens of leafcutter lab nests), and the insect pathogen Beauveria bassiana. These garden yeasts add to the growing list of disease-suppressing microbes in attine nests that may contribute synergistically, together with actinomycetes and Burkholderia bacteria, to protect the gardens and the ants against diseases. Additionally, we suggest that garden immunity against problem fungi may therefore derive not only from the presence of disease-suppressing Pseudonocardia actinomycetes, but from an enrichment of multiple disease-suppressing microorganisms in the garden matrix.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The genus Mycetagroicus is perhaps the least known of all fungus-growing ant genera, having been first described in 2001 from museum specimens. A recent molecular phylogenetic analysis of the fungus-growing ants demonstrated that Mycetagroicus is the sister to all higher attine ants (Trachymyrmex, Sericomyrmex, Acromyrmex, Pseudoatta, and Atta), making it of extreme importance for understanding the transition between lower and higher attine agriculture. Four nests of Mycetagroicus cerradensis near Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil were excavated, and fungus chambers for one were located at a depth of 3.5 meters. Based on its lack of gongylidia (hyphal-tip swellings typical of higher attine cultivars), and a phylogenetic analysis of the ITS rDNA gene region, M. cerradensis cultivates a lower attine fungus in Clade 2 of lower attine (G3) fungi. This finding refines a previous estimate for the origin of higher attine agriculture, an event that can now be dated at approximately 21-25 mya in the ancestor of extant species of Trachymyrmex and Sericomyrmex.


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Flower morphology, nectary structure, nectar chemical composition, breeding system, floral visitors and pollination were analysed in Croton sarcopetalus, a diclinous-monoecious shrub from Argentina. Male flowers have five receptacular nectaries, with no special vascular bundles, that consist of a uniserial epidermis with stomata subtended by a secretory parenchyma. Female flowers bear two different types of nectaries: inner (IN) and outer (ON) floral nectaries. IN, five in all, are structurally similar to the nectaries of male flowers. The five ON are vascularized, stalked, and composed of secretory, column-shaped epidermal cells without stomata subtended by secretory and ground parenchyma. In addition, ON act as post-floral nectaries secreting nectar during fruit ripening. Extrafloral nectaries (EFN) are located on petioles, stipules and leaf margins. Petiolar EFN are patelliform, stalked and anatomically similar to the ON of the female flower. Nectar sampled from all nectary types is hexose dominant, except for the ON of the female flower at the post-floral stage that is sucrose dominant. The species is self-compatible, but geitonogamous fertilization is rarely possible because male and female flowers are not usually open at the same time in the same individual, i.e. there is temporal dioecism. Flowers are visited by 22 insect species, wasps being the most important group of pollinators. No significant differences were found in fruit and seed set between natural and hand pollinated flowers. This pattern indicates that fruit production in this species is not pollen/pollinator limited and is mediated by a wide array of pollinators. (C) 2001 the Linnean Society of London.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Blowflies use discrete and ephemeral substrates to feed their larva. After they run out of food, the larvae begin to disperse in order to find adequate places for pupation or additional food sources, a process named post-feeding larval dispersal. Briefly state the aspects and why they are important were studied in a circular arena of 25 cm in diameter and covered with wood shavings to a height of 40 cm allowing post-feeding dispersal from the center of the arena. Larvae of both Chrysomya albiceps and C. megacephala were used in five experiments for each species. For each pupa location, determined as distance from the center, depth, and weight were evaluated. Statistical tests were done to verify the relation between weight, depth and distance for pupation and for larvae of two species shows that the media distance is significantly different for two species and for C. megacephala this distance is greater than the distance for C. albiceps. The depth too is different for each species, as the larvae of C. megacephala buries deeper than C. albiceps. With relation of weight, there is no statistic evidence that have any difference between weights for pupation for each species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Malpighian tubules of Aedes aegypti showed significant differences in their diameters between male and female larvae, male and female pupae, male larvae and male adults and male pupae and male adults. in every case, female values were greater than in males. Measurements of mean nuclear areas of the principal and stellate cells from Malpighian tubules, taken in males and females during development, showed that this parameter in both types of cell was significantly greater in females than in male larvae, pupae and adult stages. In males, significant differences between developmental stages were observed only in comparison with the nuclear area of larvae and adults in the principal cells, but in females, every comparison between stages showed significant differences except between pupae and adults in stellate cells. The frequency distribution of nuclear area values, in development, for male stellate and principal cells, were mostly concentrated in the first seven classes among the 30 classes considered in every stage, while for females, the frequency dropped drastically in the same classes from larvae to pupae and adults, moving to classes of higher values. Considering the importance of Malpighian tubules in insect physiology, the meaning of the differences detected are discussed on the basis of different metabolic levels, between sexes and developmental stages.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Experimentos anteriores mostraram que a cafeína bloqueia o desenvolvimento de Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) na fase larval, inibindo conseqüentemente a produção de adultos. O objetivo do estudo foi obter dados que pudessem sugerir desenvolvimento de resistência dos mosquitos à cafeína. MÉTODOS: Foi avaliada a produção de adultos em gerações sucessivas, a partir de ovos produzidos na geração anterior e a taxa de oviposição em cada geração, utilizando meios contendo cafeína a 200 e 500 µg/ml e água de torneira proveniente de poço artesiano como controle. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em São José do Rio Preto, entre 2002 e 2005. Nos testes estatísticos foram utilizados a análise exploratória de dados e algoritmos de alisamento. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu redução crescente da produção de adultos, nas duas concentrações, ao longo das gerações, mas apenas no experimento a 200 µg/ml os dados foram estatisticamente significantes. Quanto à oviposição, a análise dos números mostra redução crescente e acentuada na média de ovos por fêmea, no experimento tratado. CONCLUSÕES: Não houve evidência de resistência ao longo das gerações devido ao tratamento com cafeína. Os resultados encontrados podem reforçar a indicação da cafeína como uma alternativa aos principais agentes de controle do Ae. aegypti atualmente usados, contra os quais os mosquitos têm desenvolvido resistência.


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No ano agrícola de 2000/2001, ocorreu um surto de nanismo e necrose da haste em soja (Glycine max) plantada em duas áreas do Brasil Central e na safra seguinte, esta anomalia foi constatada em outras regiões produtoras, mesmo distantes mais de 2.000 km de onde fora inicialmente constatada. Estudos envolvendo ensaios de transmissão (enxertia, mecânica e insetos vetores), microscopia eletrônica, purificação, sorologia e ensaios moleculares indicaram que a enfermidade foi causada por um carlavirus transmitido por mosca branca, possivelmente relacionado ao Cowpea mild mottle virus (CpMMV).


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In Brazil, soybean Glycine max (L.) Merril crops are subjected to incidence of several pests, which are mainly insect species. However, the occurrences of other pest species are growing. In this context, outbreaks of phytophagous mites are becoming more frequent. Nevertheless, records of mites in such crop are available only for Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul states. Thus, this work gathers all information published about the diversity of mites found in soybean in Brazil, and also new records of mite species made on samplings taken from the central Cerrado area. In the whole, occurrence of 44 species of plant mites in soybean has been recorded in Brazil. Data from prior studies and the results of this work present the tetranychid Mononychellus planki (McGregor) as the mite species most frequently occurring in the Brazilian soybean crops. A large portion of Phytoseiidae species has occurred in crops from Rio Grande do Sul state. In addition, spontaneous soybean has hosted almost half of the phytoseiid species sampled in Cerrado region. High diversity of Tarsonemidae has been found in the cultivated soybean. More studies about soybean mites are needed to clarify the damage potential of phytophagous mites and the biological role of predatory mites in this crop.