962 resultados para Insanity Defense.


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O Transtorno do pânico (TP) é um transtorno mental comum que afeta até 5% da população em algum momento da vida, sendo caracterizada pela presença de ataques de pânico (AP) recorrentes. Constitui uma psicopatologia que pode ser afetada pela privação do sono (PS), relação que ainda é pouco compreendida. Neste contexto, modelos experimentais de AP e de PS são ferramentas úteis na investigação dessa possível correlação, especialmente motivado pela crescente condição de privação de sono, que tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente na sociedade moderna. Assim, este estudo avaliou os efeitos da privação de sono paradoxal (PSP) sobre os limiares dos comportamentos defensivos induzidos por estimulação intracraniana (EI) da MCPD e CS de ratos num modelo experimental de AP, assim como verificou a influência da corticosterona sobre esses limiares. Foram utilizados 160 ratos Wistar machos (300g), organizados em 4 grupos com 40 animais cada, como se segue: Grupo Controle (CTR) submetido à EI, porém sem PSP; Grupo Privação (PRV), submetido à EI e privado por 96 horas; Grupo Privação + Bloqueio da corticosterona (PRB), submetido ao tratamento com metirapona, EI, e privado por 96 horas, e Grupo Controle + Bloqueio da corticosterona (CTB), submetido ao tratamento com metirapona e EI, porém sem privação de sono. Após 10 dias do implante cirúrgico intracraniano de eletrodo na MCPD e CS, os animais passaram por 5 sessões de estimulação, como se segue: 1ª (TRI) considerada triagem - imediatamente antes da privação, 2ª (P48) após 48h de privação, 3ª (P96) após 96h de privação, 4ª (R48) após 48h de retirada da privação e 5ª (R96) após 96h de retirada da privação. As curvas de limiares das respostas individuais de defesa obtidas nas várias sessões de estimulação da MCPD e CS (TRI, P48, P96, R48 e R96) dos ratos foram comparadas entre si, bem como as curvas de limiares de uma dada resposta nos diferentes grupos (CTR, PRV, CTB e PRB). Além disso, os níveis de corticosterona (CORT) foram dosados nas diferentes sessões de EI, e comparadas num mesmo grupo, bem como nos diferentes grupos. No grupo CTR, todos os comportamentos foram iguais em todas as sessões quando comparados à TRI, entretanto, nos animais privados (PRV), o limiar do galope (GLP) reduziu significativamente em R48 e R96, não ocorrendo xix alterações nos demais comportamentos. Em contraste, no grupo PRB, o Trote (TRT) aumentou a partir de P48, enquanto o GLP não foi alterado em nenhuma sessão de EI. Na comparação entre os grupos, em Salto (SLT), Micção (MIC), Exoftalmia (EXO), Imobilidade (IMO), Defecação (DEF), TRT e GLP, não sofreram alterações decorrentes da CORT produzida decorrente da PSP, sugerindo que a corticosterona não altera os comportamentos defensivos característicos do Ataque de Pânico. Em adição, tais resultados sugerem que os efeitos tardios da PSP sobre os limiares de GLP possivelmente se devam a mecanismos neuroquímicos tempo-dependente.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2015.


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The central goal of this paper is thinking about the Brazilian military power and its linking to the international ambitions of the country in the 21st century. After a comparative analysis to other BRICs and with a historical one about Brazil's strategic irrelevance, we aim to establish what the minimum military capacity Brazil would need in order to meet the country's latest international interests. Similarly, it will be discussed if the National Strategy of Defense, approved in 2008, and the recent strategic agreements signed with France represent one more step toward this minimum military capacity.


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Brazil's security agenda during Lula's administration was not homogeneous through the two mandates: the first tenure (2002-2006) revealed a reactive approach towards security topics, while the second one (2006-2010) was more assertive. More specifically, the shift occurred in terms of both its geographical scope - once it incorporated global issues in a more systematic way -, and instruments through which the security agenda was exercised, given the multilateral initiative of Unasur's CDS


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Everyone knows that democracy played a role in the Bush Doctrine. What not everyone knows is that this role was essential for the doctrine to be put into operation under which the Iraq invasion was prepared and launched. We argue moreover that, even if aggressive, the Bush doctrine is compatible with the American Liberal Tradition. To demonstrate these arguments we analyze the links between democracy, security, and the US national interests as expressed in the pillars of the American foreign policy since the end of Cold War. The consequential belief of the Bush Administration on the positive effect of exporting democracy by the use of force to Afghanistan and Iraq to fight terrorism will be remarked. It will be shown, however, that in the first years of the Bush Administration, among the justifications for the military interventions in the two countries, security reasons prevailed over democratic concerns, although the latter was significantly present since the early hours after September 11. It was only when it became clear that WMDs did not exist in Iraq that the exporting of democracy as the ultimate weapon to fight terrorism grew remarkably and prevailed over security reasons to invade those rogue states. The paper uses quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the speeches of President Bush and his Secretaries of State and Defense.


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Brazil's rapprochement with Africa during the last decade has been mostly explained as an attempt to improve political dialogue, raise economic interactions, and provide technical cooperation assistance. This article, however, argues that such framework does not sufficiently account for the use of Brazilian material resources in order to attain harder strategic goals towards the continent. By focusing on defense cooperation ties, it highlights an important niche in South-South relations that has also grown exponentially, with important consequences on how Brazil exerts power across the Atlantic.


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The expectation that technological returns from defense expenditure through acquisition, international cooperation and domestic research would further national development underappreciates the different technological dynamic of the armed services. This paper outlines the technological dynamic the stems from fighting in the air, at sea and on land, exemplifying consequences for the case of acquisition.


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Abstract This study will exam the relative importance of values and interests in Obama's foreign policy, focusing on crucial cases: the military actions related to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Non-Syria, Al-Qaeda and ISIL. We will argue that his "leading from behind" strategy is not very distant from the foreign and defense strategies of his post-Cold War predecessors, by which democracy is seen as an assurance to security. According to Obama's strategy, Americans will only provide support for the building of democracy in the target countries, while this task should be performed by the locals themselves. Americans will provide military training to the new governments as well so they can be responsible for their own security, including preventing regrouping of terrorists in their soil. If Obama opposes the imposing of democracy by the use of force, empirical data shows that his administration is "not prepared to accept" any option that threats US security or American liberal-democratic values, bringing in this way values and interests very close to each other.


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Numa altura em que continuam em vigor uma série de misteriosos e injustos contratos de PPP’s, contratos futuros-swap e rendas artificiais outorgadas a lucrativos grupos económicos – e mais desfavoráveis às contas do Estado e contribuintes, como várias instituições e personalidades têm alertado em público incluindo a imprensa internacional -, a defesa dos dinheiros públicos assume cada vez maior importância. Abstract: At a time when still in force a series of mysterious and unjust PPP contracts, future swap contracts and artificial rents granted to profitable economic groups - and more unfavorable to the state and taxpayers of all, as several institutions and personalities have warned in public including the international press - the defense of public money is increasingly important.


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Heat shock and salicylic acid have been studied on shelf-life extension of fruits. The benefits of these techniques have been related to their effect on inducing physiological defense responses against the oxidative stress and pathogen development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat shock and salicylic acid on the postharvest preservation and contents of total phenolics, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, fresh weight loss and microbiological quality of organic strawberries cv. Dover. Strawberries produced organically and stored at 5 ºC were subjected to heat shock (45 ºC ± 3 ºC for 3 h), application of salicylic acid (soaking in 2.0 mmol L-1 solution), heat shock in combination with salicylic acid and control. After treatment, the fruits were packed and stored in a climatic chamber at 5 ºC ± 2 ºC. At 1, 7 and 14 days, the experimental units were removed from refrigeration and kept at room temperature of approximately 20 ºC for two days. There was no effect of treatments on fresh weight loss, incidence of pathogens or chemical variations in strawberry fruits during the storage period. In natural conditions, organically grown strawberries remained in good condition for sale up to seven days of storage in all treatments.


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A tese de Mestrado com o título “A Proibição da Reformatio in Pejus: os efeitos processuais no direito processual penal e no direito das contraordenações”, é uma delas. Trata-se de tese com especial qualidade e muito útil ao leitor profissional e especializado das Ciências Jurídico-Criminais e portanto Constitucionais. Ou não fossem as garantias criminais o núcleo fundamental dos espaços e tempos de Direito, da democracia social: art. 32º/10 da Constituição da República Portuguesa: “10. Nos processos de contra-ordenação, bem como em quaisquer processos sancionatórios, são assegurados ao arguido os direitos de audiência e defesa.”; Abstract: The Master's thesis entitled "Prohibition of Reformatio in pejus: the legal proceedings in the criminal procedural law and the law relating to offenses", is one of them. It thesis with special quality and very useful to the professional and skilled reader of Legal and Criminal Sciences and therefore constitutional. Or were not criminal guarantees the fundamental core of the spaces and times of law, social democracy: art. 32/10 of the Portuguese Constitution: "10. In misdemeanor cases, as well as any disciplinary procedures, is guaranteed to the defendant the hearing and right of defense. ".


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Phenolic compounds have been extensively studied in recent years. The presence of these compounds in various foods has been associated with sensory and health promoting properties. These products from the secondary metabolism of plants act as defense mechanisms against environmental stress and attack by other organisms. They are divided into different classes according to their chemical structures. The objective of this study was to describe the different classes of phenolic compounds, the main food sources and factors of variation, besides methods for the identification and quantification commonly used to analyze these compounds. Moreover, the role of phenolic compounds in scavenging oxidative stress and the techniques of in vitro antioxidant evaluation are discussed. In vivo studies to evaluate the biological effects of these compounds and their impact on chronic disease prevention are presented as well. Finally, it was discussed the role of these compounds on the sensory quality of foods.


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All essential nutrients can affect the incidence and severity of plant diseases. Although silicon (Si) is not considered as an essential nutrient for plants, it stands out for its potential to decrease disease intensity in many crops. The mechanism of Si action in plant resistance is still unclear. Si deposition in plant cell walls raised the hypothesis of a possible physical barrier to pathogen penetration. However, the increased activity of phenolic compounds, polyphenol oxidases and peroxidases in plants treated with Si demonstrates the involvement of this element in the induction of plant defense responses. The studies examined in this review address the role of Si in disease control and the possible mechanisms involved in the mode of Si action in disease resistance in plants.


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Resumo: a criação dum Tribunal Constitucional Internacional, no nosso entender, é uma exigência da própria Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem de 1948. Neste texto são apresentados uma série de argumentos velhos e novos para a importância da existência do Tribunal Constitucional Internacional a nível mundial. Trata-se dum Tribunal que é indispensável à defesa dos Direitos do Homem, contra qualquer tipo de ditadura ou fanatismo económico, social, político, cultural ou mental. § Abstract: the creation of an International Constitutional Court, in our view, is a requirement of own Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. In this paper are given a lot of old and new arguments for the importance of the existence of the International Constitutional Court worldwide. It is of a Court that is indispensable to the defense of human rights, against all forms of dictatorship or economic fanaticism, social, political, cultural or mental.


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o Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional português n.º 353/2012, de 5 de Julho de 2012, ao declarar a respectiva inconstitucionalidade com força obrigatória geral, colocou em evidência a existência de bens jurídicos individuais e bens jurídicos colectivos, bens jurídicos supra-individuais, bens jurídicos comunitários. Bens jurídicos estes que devem e têm que ser tutelados e protegidos. A legítima defesa pode existir quer em relação à agressão actual e ilícita de bens jurídicos individuais, quer em relação à agressão actual e ilícita de bens jurídicos colectivos, bens jurídicos supra-individuais e/ou bens jurídicos comunitários? Parte muito substancial e importante da Doutrina indica que sim. Mas, então, como reagir, no contexto da hipotética legítima defesa, face à eventual agressão actual e ilícita dos bens jurídicos tutelados, agora com valor reforçado, pelo próprio Tribunal Constitucional? E qual o papel do direito constitucional de resistência? Este artigo pretende fornecer um muito breve contributo para a solução das correspondentes questões. A questão dos Direitos Fundamentais, o Desenvolvimento e a modernidade. § the Sentence of the (Portuguese) Constitutional Court n. 353/2012 of July 5, 2012, declaring its generally binding unconstitutionality, has highlighted the existence of individual legal goods and collective legal goods, supra-individual legal goods, community legal goods. These legal goods, that should and must be defended and protected. Legitimate defense can be either relative to the current and illicit aggression to individual legal goods, whether in relation to the current and illicit aggression to collective legal goods, supra-individual legal goods or community legal goods? Very substantial and important part of the Doctrine would appear so. But then how to respond, in the context of hypothetical self-defense, in the face of possible current and illicit aggression of the protected legal goods, now with enhanced value, by the Constitutional Court? And what is the role of the constitutional right of resistance? This article is intended to provide a very brief contribution to the solution of the corresponding questions. The question of Fundamental Rights, Development and modernity.