951 resultados para Inquirições de 1258
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J05, 35C15, 44P05
E tanulmány központi témája a nyugdíjrendszerek implicit hozama. Az együtt élő nemzedékek figyelembevételével felépülő nyugdíjmodellekben kétféle implicit hozamot különböztetünk meg. A hosszmetszeti implicit hozamot valamely adott nemzedékhez tartozó, különböző években esedékes pénzáramlások alapján, a keresztmetszeti implicit hozamot pedig több, különböző nemzedék adott évben jellemző pénzáramlásai alapján számíthatjuk ki. A hosszmetszeti és keresztmetszeti implicit hozamok értékeit és a közük lévő összefüggéseket a tőkefedezeti, a névleges egyéni számlás és a hagyományos felosztó-kirovó nyugdíjrendszerek egyszerű elméleti modelljeiben hasonlítjuk össze. A számításokhoz használt modellkeret fontos eleme a várható élettartam figyelembevétele. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a maximális és a várható élettartam eltérésekor a hosszmetszeti és a keresztmetszeti implicit hozamok közötti összefüggések még egyszerű elméleti modellben is meglehetősen összetettek lehetnek. ____ The focus of this study is on the implicit returns of pension systems. Two types are analysed using an overlapping generations model: the calculation of longitudinal\" return is based on cash flows in different years belonging to a given generation, while cross-section\" implicit return is calculated in a given year with cash flows of multiple generations. Values and relationships of longitudinal and cross-section implicit returns are compared in simple theoretical models of fully funded\", notional defined-contribution\" and traditional pay-as-you-go\" pension systems. An important element of the theoretical model is the inclusion of an assumption about life expectancy. Model results point to the complexity of the relation between longitudinal and cross-section implicit returns, if expected and maximum life expectancy differ. The study maps and introduces these complex relationships.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.
This paper details the research methods an introductory qualitative research class used to both study an issue related to race and identity, and to familiarize themselves with data collection strategies. Throughout the paper the authors attempt to capture the challenges, disagreements, and consensus building that marked this unusual research endeavor.
Rehabilitation tax credits can save developers a significant amount of money. The author discusses the tests used to lower overall tax liability by renovating older structures.
This study was a qualitative investigation to ascertain and describe two of the current issues at the International Community School of Abidjan, examine their historical bases, and analyze their impact on the school environment.^ Two issues emerged during the inquiry phase of this study: (1) the relationship between local-hired and overseas-hired teachers in light of the January 1994 devaluation which polarized the staff by negating a four-year salary scale that established equity, (2) the school community's wide variance in the perceived power that the U.S. Embassy has on school operations based on its role as ICSA's founding sponsor.^ A multiple studies approach was used in gathering data. An extensive examination of the school's archives was used to reconstruct an historical overview of ICSA. An initial questionnaire was distributed to teachers and administrators at an educational conference to determine the scope of the 1994 devaluation of the West and Central African CFA and its impact on school personnel in West African American-sponsored overseas schools (ASOS). Personal interviews were conducted with the school staff, administration, school board members, and relevant historical participants to determine the principal issues at ICSA at that time. The researcher, an overseas-hired teacher, also used participant observations to collect data. Findings based on these sources were used to analyze the two issues from an historical perspective and to form conclusions.^ Findings in this study pertaining to the events induced by the French and African governments' decision to implement a currency devaluation in January 1994 were presented in ex post-facto chronological narrative form to describe the events which transpired, describe the perception of school personnel involved in these events, examine the final resolution and interpret these events within a historical framework for analysis.^ The topic of the U.S. Embassy and its role at ICSA emerged inductively from open-ended personal interviews conducted over the course of a year. Contradictory perspectives were examined and researched for accuracy and cause. The results of this inquiry presented the U.S. Embassy role at ICSA from a two-sided perspective, examined the historical role of the Embassy, and presented means by which the role and responsibility of the U.S. Embassy could best be communicated to the school community.^ The final chapter provides specific actions for mediation of problems stemming from these issues, implications for administrators and teachers currently involved in overseas schools or considering the possibility, and suggestions for future inquiries.^ Examination of a two-tier salary scale for local-hired and overseas-hired teachers generated the following recommendations: movement towards a single salary scale when feasible, clearly stated personnel policies and full disclosure of benefits, a uniform certification standard, professional development programs and awareness of the impact of this issue on staff morale.^ Divergent perceptions and attitudes toward the role of the U.S. Embassy produced these recommendations: a view towards limiting the number of Americans on ASOS school boards, open school board meetings, selection of Embassy Administrative Officers who can educate school communities on the exact role of the Embassy, educating parents through the outreach activities that communicate American educational philosophy and involve all segments of the international community, and a firm effort on the part of the ASOS to establish the school's autonomy from special interests. ^
Charles Perry standing by FIU sign and flag. Charles Edward Perry (Chuck), 1937-1999, was the founding president of Florida International University in Miami, Florida. He grew up in Logan County, West Virginia and received his bachelor's and masters's degrees from Bowling Green State University. He married Betty Laird in 1960. In 1969, at the age of 32, Perry was the youngest president of any university in the nation. The name of the university reflects Perry’s desire for a title that would not limit the scope of the institution and would support his vision of having close ties to Latin America. Perry and a founding corps opened FIU to 5,667 students in 1972 with only one large building housing six different schools. Perry left the office of President of FIU in 1976 when the student body had grown to 10,000 students and the university had six buildings, offered 134 different degrees and was fully accredited. Charles Perry died on August 30, 1999 at his home in Rockwall, Texas. He is buried on the FIU campus in front of the Graham Center entrance.
Vol. 21, Issue 36, 8 pages
From inquiries concerning the child as an individual with rights, this work takes as its object of study the perception of 5-7 years old children on their journey from kindergarten to elementary school, in a school culture. The objective of the research is, therefore, to investigate what the children tell in narratives drawn into a conversation circle about their experiences of school life in kindergarten and the first grade of elementary school. The participants were 18 children from a public school in the city of Natal (RN). Five rounds of conversation were held in which the children told a little alien, who was unaware of the school culture, what they knew about school and what they did at it. The research is linked to the project "Children's Narratives. What the children tell about childhood schools?"(Passeggi et all, 2011) and adopts epistemological principles and research methods of (auto)biographical education, taking as a working hypothesis the child's ability to reflect on their experiences and understand from their point of view, what happens to them. Analyses were organized based on the concept of school culture (Barroso, 2012). In the narratives of children, the three dimensions of school culture: the functionalist (purpose and rules), structural (structure and pedagogical organization) and the interactional (relations with others, with the spaces and with knowledge) are considered intertwined in their school perceptions and signal experienced tensions in a process of "conversion" from child to student. Children seem to realize the uniqueness of each level of education. They recognize as a characteristic of early childhood education the recreational activities, and as injunctions of the first year of elementary school the "study", "learning to read and write" to "be smart" to "change." The schooling will thus, constitute, in their eyes, as a time and a place where the children's culture gives way to school culture, and in this journey they experience that the desire to play and the duty/want to study cross the three dimensions of school. At the end of the journey, the status of children as cultural beings with rights is confirmed, whose narratives about school and about their experiences of "conversion" in a student, reveal much about the power of reflection on themselves, the school and the society in which they live, legitimizing their place in educational research and in child care policies.
This research, conducted in 2006-2008, examines the ways in which various groups involved with the marine resources of Seward, Alaska construct attitudes towards the environment. Participant observation and semi-structured interviews are used to assess how commercial halibut fishers, tour boat operators, local residents and government officials understand the marine environment based on their previous experiences. This study also explores how ideologies relate to the current practices of each group. Two theories orient the analyses: The first, cultural modeling provided a theoretical and methodological framework for pursuing a more comprehensive analysis of resource management. The second, Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980), guided the analysis of the ways in which each participant’s ideology towards the marine environment relates to their practice. Aside from contributing to a better understanding of a coastal community’s ideologies and practices, this dissertation sought to better understand the role of ecological ideologies and behaviors in fisheries management. The research illustrates certain domains where ideologies and practices concerning Pacific halibut and the marine environment differ among commercial fishers, government, and management officials, tour boat operators and residents of Seward, AK. These differences offer insights into how future collaborative efforts between government officials, managers and local marine resource users might better incorporate local ideology into management, and provide ecological information to local marine resource users in culturally appropriate ways.
Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas, didácticas y político-curriculares que presentan las propuestas editoriales colombianas para enseñar argumentación en educación media. El principal interés del análisis reside en desnaturalizar y hacer visible lo que se entiende por argumentación y las formas en que se concibe el sentido de su enseñanza, en el marco de la educación lingüística y desde los currículos prescripto y editado, para los profesores, a través de los libros de texto. Así, el estudio reconstruye analítica y críticamente las relaciones entre aquellos agentes, agencias y procesos involucrados en la elaboración de propuestas genéricas, sistemáticas y masivas para enseñar argumentación, a través de un trabajo de investigación con enfoque cualitativo, de base interpretativa y correlacional, entre las teorías de la argumentación, la política curricular y la transposición didáctica, indagando en un corpus conformado por libros de texto, documentos ministeriales de la política curricular y testimonios recogidos de autores y editores de las series seleccionadas. En las conclusiones del estudio se plantea que los paradigmas que orientan los currículos prescripto y editado, requieren la inscripción de un carácter dialógico y polifónico de la enunciación argumentativa y la reubicación de la argumentación en una dimensión política. Esa reubicación y redimensionamiento puede superar las limitaciones de la argumentación aplicada y abrir la reflexión sobre el carácter teleológico de la misma, para que los dispositivos didácticos, aun respondiendo a lógicas híbridas en los procesos de recontextualización del saber, propongan un desplazamiento de la deóntica de la praxis hacia el plano de la problematización. El propósito es hacer aparecer respuestas por los fines de la enseñanza de la argumentación, dentro de una dimensión política que llene de sentido la dimensión práctica del enseñar; desde la reflexividad de la enseñanza, desde el argumento como discurso y desde la argumentación como acontecimiento
Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas, didácticas y político-curriculares que presentan las propuestas editoriales colombianas para enseñar argumentación en educación media. El principal interés del análisis reside en desnaturalizar y hacer visible lo que se entiende por argumentación y las formas en que se concibe el sentido de su enseñanza, en el marco de la educación lingüística y desde los currículos prescripto y editado, para los profesores, a través de los libros de texto. Así, el estudio reconstruye analítica y críticamente las relaciones entre aquellos agentes, agencias y procesos involucrados en la elaboración de propuestas genéricas, sistemáticas y masivas para enseñar argumentación, a través de un trabajo de investigación con enfoque cualitativo, de base interpretativa y correlacional, entre las teorías de la argumentación, la política curricular y la transposición didáctica, indagando en un corpus conformado por libros de texto, documentos ministeriales de la política curricular y testimonios recogidos de autores y editores de las series seleccionadas. En las conclusiones del estudio se plantea que los paradigmas que orientan los currículos prescripto y editado, requieren la inscripción de un carácter dialógico y polifónico de la enunciación argumentativa y la reubicación de la argumentación en una dimensión política. Esa reubicación y redimensionamiento puede superar las limitaciones de la argumentación aplicada y abrir la reflexión sobre el carácter teleológico de la misma, para que los dispositivos didácticos, aun respondiendo a lógicas híbridas en los procesos de recontextualización del saber, propongan un desplazamiento de la deóntica de la praxis hacia el plano de la problematización. El propósito es hacer aparecer respuestas por los fines de la enseñanza de la argumentación, dentro de una dimensión política que llene de sentido la dimensión práctica del enseñar; desde la reflexividad de la enseñanza, desde el argumento como discurso y desde la argumentación como acontecimiento
Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas, didácticas y político-curriculares que presentan las propuestas editoriales colombianas para enseñar argumentación en educación media. El principal interés del análisis reside en desnaturalizar y hacer visible lo que se entiende por argumentación y las formas en que se concibe el sentido de su enseñanza, en el marco de la educación lingüística y desde los currículos prescripto y editado, para los profesores, a través de los libros de texto. Así, el estudio reconstruye analítica y críticamente las relaciones entre aquellos agentes, agencias y procesos involucrados en la elaboración de propuestas genéricas, sistemáticas y masivas para enseñar argumentación, a través de un trabajo de investigación con enfoque cualitativo, de base interpretativa y correlacional, entre las teorías de la argumentación, la política curricular y la transposición didáctica, indagando en un corpus conformado por libros de texto, documentos ministeriales de la política curricular y testimonios recogidos de autores y editores de las series seleccionadas. En las conclusiones del estudio se plantea que los paradigmas que orientan los currículos prescripto y editado, requieren la inscripción de un carácter dialógico y polifónico de la enunciación argumentativa y la reubicación de la argumentación en una dimensión política. Esa reubicación y redimensionamiento puede superar las limitaciones de la argumentación aplicada y abrir la reflexión sobre el carácter teleológico de la misma, para que los dispositivos didácticos, aun respondiendo a lógicas híbridas en los procesos de recontextualización del saber, propongan un desplazamiento de la deóntica de la praxis hacia el plano de la problematización. El propósito es hacer aparecer respuestas por los fines de la enseñanza de la argumentación, dentro de una dimensión política que llene de sentido la dimensión práctica del enseñar; desde la reflexividad de la enseñanza, desde el argumento como discurso y desde la argumentación como acontecimiento
The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 sites may be classified into two categories depending on the presence (Group I: Sites 787, 792, and 793) or absence (Group II: Sites 788, 790, and 791) of steep concentration gradients. Shipboard X-ray diffraction analyses of bulk sediments from Group I sites revealed the presence of a number of diagenetic minerals (some of which are incompatible), but no systematic diagenetic zonation. The results of the chemical analyses of the pore waters from Group I have been used to estimate the activities of dissolved species. Thermodynamic analyses of the composition of the pore waters and the stability of authigenic minerals (gypsum, zeolites, feldspars, smectites, chlorites, and micas) show that the pore waters are close to equilibrium with most of the observed phases. Thus, only a small perturbation of the system (substitution in minerals and fluctuations in pore-water composition, in particular, in pH and SiO2 activity) will cause any of these phases to precipitate. Therefore, one would not expect mineralogical observations to show systematic vertical zonations at these sites. It is suggested that chlorites and high-temperature zeolites are not diagenetic sensu stricto, but were eroded from volcaniclastic highs. The absence of concentration gradients at the Group II sites has been analyzed in terms of reaction kinetics, hydrothermal advection, and temperature distribution. The absence of diagenetic imprints on the pore-water concentration profiles at these sites is probably caused by the slow nucleation of silica phases.