955 resultados para Information Retrieval, Document Databases, Digital Libraries


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The need for the representation of both semantics and common sense and its organization in a lexical database or knowledge base has motivated the development of large projects, such as Wordnets, CYC and Mikrokosmos. Besides the generic bases, another approach is the construction of ontologies for specific domains. Among the advantages of such approach there is the possibility of a greater and more detailed coverage of a specific domain and its terminology. Domain ontologies are important resources in several tasks related to the language processing, especially in those related to information retrieval and extraction in textual bases. Information retrieval or even question and answer systems can benefit from the domain knowledge represented in an ontology. Besides embracing the terminology of the field, the ontology makes the relationships among the terms explicit. Copyright 2007 ACM.


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This paper carries out a descriptive study on Portuguese adjectives. Our aim is to describe the semantics of the legal domain adjectives in order to construct an ontology which may improve Information Retrieval Systems. For this, we present an approach based on valency and semantic relations. The ontology proposed here is a first step aiming to build a legal ontology based on top-level concepts. © AEPIA.


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In this work, we analyzed the scientific bibliographic productivity of the Faculdade Ciências e Letras de Assis, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCLAs-UNESP). We evaluated the scientific productivity of Professors using data retrieved from the Lattes Plataform database (Curriculum Lattes), ISI Web of Science and SCOPUS, books published, chapter of the books published and academic advisory (Master's Thesis and Ph.D. Thesis). Bibliometric evaluations of departments showed a better performance of the total number of papers (indexed in Curriculum Lattes database) by Literature Department (P < 0.05) when compared to Modern Languages Department. The Biological Sciences Department had means higher of the papers indexed by SCOPUS (P < 0.05) and ISI (P < 0.05) when compared to others departments. We also observed that the low h-indexes (P< 0,05) in the humanities areas is result of traditional mode of communication in this area of knowledge, which makes more use of books and proceedings of meetings when compared to natural sciences. These publications are not covered by ISI and SCOPUS. The graduate programs in History and Languages presented means higher of academic advisory (Master's Thesis and Ph.D. Thesis) because are graduate programs consolidated in the 1970's.


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Pattern recognition in large amount of data has been paramount in the last decade, since that is not straightforward to design interactive and real time classification systems. Very recently, the Optimum-Path Forest classifier was proposed to overcome such limitations, together with its training set pruning algorithm, which requires a parameter that has been empirically set up to date. In this paper, we propose a Harmony Search-based algorithm that can find near optimal values for that. The experimental results have showed that our algorithm is able to find proper values for the OPF pruning algorithm parameter. © 2011 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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O atual modelo do setor elétrico brasileiro permite igualdade de condições a todos os agentes e reduz o papel do Estado no setor. Esse modelo obriga as empresas do setor a melhorarem cada vez mais a qualidade de seu produto e, como requisito para este objetivo, devem fazer uso mais efetivo da enorme quantidade de dados operacionais que são armazenados em bancos de dados, provenientes da operação dos seus sistemas elétricos e que tem nas Usinas Hidrelétricas (UHE) a sua principal fonte de geração de energia. Uma das principais ferramentas para gerenciamento dessas usinas são os sistemas de Supervisão, Controle e Aquisição de Dados (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition - SCADA). Assim, a imensa quantidade de dados acumulados nos bancos de dados pelos sistemas SCADA, muito provavelmente contendo informações relevantes, deve ser tratada para descobrir relações e padrões e assim ajudar na compreensão de muitos aspectos operacionais importantes e avaliar o desempenho dos sistemas elétricos de potência. O processo de Descoberta de Conhecimento em Banco de Dados (Knowledge Discovery in Database - KDD) é o processo de identificar, em grandes conjuntos de dados, padrões que sejam válidos, novos, úteis e compreensíveis, para melhorar o entendimento de um problema ou um procedimento de tomada de decisão. A Mineração de Dados (ou Data Mining) é o passo dentro do KDD que permite extrair informações úteis em grandes bases de dados. Neste cenário, o presente trabalho se propõe a realizar experimentos de mineração de dados nos dados gerados por sistemas SCADA em UHE, a fim de produzir informações relevantes para auxiliar no planejamento, operação, manutenção e segurança das hidrelétricas e na implantação da cultura da mineração de dados aplicada a estas usinas.


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The aim of this paper was to discuss aspects of applying a methodology to evaluate usability in digital libraries. A methodology that deals with the systematization of a usability assessment tool for digital libraries was used. The aim was to investigate the level of usability of the Virtual Health Library, applying a method that measures effectiveness, efficiency and users' satisfaction when using the digital library. Methodologically, it is characterized as a formal test of usability. This test consisted of a list of ten tasks to be performed while using the website of the Virtual Health Library and the Likert scale was used to assess users' satisfaction. A quantitative approach based on descriptive statistics was adopted to analyze the results. The test was applied between December 5 and December 21, 2011, at the computer lab of the Health Sciences Center of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba. The results of the usability test enabled us to measure the level of usability of the Virtual Health Library, which is considered to provide a high level of usability.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)