971 resultados para Inflationary Universe
O artigo considera a pedagogia das competências como uma das pedagogias do aprender a aprender e apresenta quatro posicionamentos valorativos contidos no lema aprender a aprender: 1) é mais desejável a aprendizagem que ocorra sem a transmissão de conhecimentos por alguém; 2) o método de construção do conhecimento é mais importante do que o conhecimento já produzido socialmente; 3) a atividade do aluno deve ser impulsionada pelos interesses e necessidades do indivíduo; 4) a educação deve preparar os indivíduos para um constante processo de adaptação e readaptação à sociedade em acelerado processo de mudança. Defende que as pedagogias do aprender a aprender pertencem a um universo ideológico carregado de ilusões acerca da assim chamada sociedade do conhecimento e conclui apresentando cinco dessas ilusões.
O texto trata das novas demandas à formação em odontologia e dos desafios da profissionalização da atividade docente. Investigam-se as concepções de qualidade do ensino de 13 coordenadores de cursos de graduação em odontologia do Estado de São Paulo, procurando indicadores que contribuam para a elaboração de propostas de formação docente, numa perspectiva crítica e reflexiva sobre qualidade e sobre problemas da realidade brasileira na área. A partir de depoimentos colhidos por questionário e entrevistas, busca-se compreender e analisar dados relativos à dimensão político-estrutural da profissão. Os resultados apontam para a crise da odontologia nos aspectos de número de escolas, exaustão do modelo de atendimento, dilema ético dos profissionais e diminuição de prestígio, com visível crise destatus. Conclui-se que a transformação da crise em projeto político-pedagógico cria espaço para mudanças curriculares das faculdades de odontologia e acentua desafios quanto a orientações pedagógicas e competências da função docente.
As novas demandas sociais e as diretrizes curriculares brasileiras para os cursos de odontologia colocam desafios à prática docente nas instituições de educação superior. Nesse contexto, investigam-se as concepções de qualidade de ensino universitário de professores que atuam como coordenadores de graduação nas faculdades de odontologia do Estado de São Paulo que possuem pós-graduação stricto-sensu, para refletir sobre os desafios da formação docente na área. Como instrumentos de levantamento de dados utilizou-se questionário, contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas e entrevista semi-estruturada, organizada para possibilitar o aprofundamento da discussão. Os dados foram descritos e discutidos mediante análise quantitativa e qualitativa, a partir das três dimensões da prática docente analisadas por Cunha (1995): político-estrutural, curricular e pedagógica. Para este artigo, focalizaram-se apenas os aspectos da dimensão pedagógica, na qual os pontos que expressam posturas mais contraditórias referem-se a métodos de ensino-aprendizagem, participação do aluno e tutoria. Os resultados apontam para concepções de ensino-aprendizagem que oscilam entre modelos tradicionais e inovadores, sinalizando pontos de conflito em relação a paradigmas que se articulam diretamente a questões curriculares e político-estruturais.
We use the framework of noncommutative geometry to define a discrete model for fluctuating geometry. Instead of considering ordinary geometry and its metric fluctuations, we consider generalized geometries where topology and dimension can also fluctuate. The model describes the geometry of spaces with a countable number n of points. The spectral principle of Connes and Chamseddine is used to define dynamics. We show that this simple model has two phases. The expectation value
The spectral principle of Connes and Chamseddine is used as a starting point to define a discrete model for Euclidean quantum gravity. Instead of summing over ordinary geometries, we consider the sum over generalized geometries where topology, metric, and dimension can fluctuate. The model describes the geometry of spaces with a countable number n of points, and is related to the Gaussian unitary ensemble of Hermitian matrices. We show that this simple model has two phases. The expectation value
On the possibility that the universe's matter density is low (Ohm(0) < 1), cosmologies can be considered with the metric of Friedmann's open universe but with closed hyperbolic manifolds as the physical three-space. These models have nontrivial spatial topology, with the property of producing multiple images of cosmic sources. Here a fit is attempted of 10 of these models to the physical cold and hot spots found by Cayon & Smoot in the COBE/DMR maps. These spots are interpreted as early, distant images of much nearer sources of inhomogeneity. The source for one of the cold spots is seen as the seed of a known supercluster.
Given the ever-increasing scale of structures discovered in the universe, we solve Einstein's equations numerically, under simplifying assumptions, to examine how this lack of uniformity affects the metric of Einstein-de Sitter cosmology. The results confirm the qualitative conclusion of Barrow, that a large density contrast is compatible with much smaller metric perturbations. The contribution of this peculiar gravity to the redshift might complicate studies of peculiar motions of galaxies, although it appears that the distortion is small for nearby clusters.
The numerical simulation of the mixmaster universe serves the purpose of suggesting two kinds of results. The intrinsic time evolution, during contraction, will be seen to be nonchaotic. This is a necessary feature of relativistic cosmological models undergoing this kind of motion. The mixmaster model also provides a clue on how to define chaoticity for systems described by nonautonomous sets of differential equations.
A complex system is often identified by the absence of a characteristic length, e.g. as in a fractal. A very large system subject to a fragmentation and/or aggregation dynamics passes through such complex configurations. We study statistically creation and maintenance of such configurations in space dimensions d = 1 to 5 and find that they are easily created (maintained) for small (large) d. An intermediate d such as d = 3 seems to be ideal for the creation and maintenance of complex systems. This has consequences in a statistical description of the universe.
The objective of this study was to characterize the fish farms located in the lowland micro region in Cuiaba, MT, through interviews with 26 selected farmers which represent the universe of fish farms that are active. Qualitative data were subjected to statistical Chi-square test to diagnose the existence of correlation between them with 95% confidence. These results support the conclusion that the species that compose the group of round fish are present in 100% of fish farms, accounting 88.2% of production. The difference is that production exclusively in nurseries and the largest area of shallow water, with production in higher scale than elsewhere in the country, with prospects of growth in area and productivity. Some actions should be implemented: legislation objectively and with sufficient qualified personnel to inspect the enterprises, applied research in food management and feed production with better price and quality, technical and administrative management, use of juveniles with proven genetics and monitoring of water quality. Fish farming is the main source of income funding for 67.5% of farmers interviewed. The size of the fish farms did not affect the variables related to implementation, conduct and management of the activity. The demand and price of feed are the variables that most directs the decision making of farmers. The main marketing channel used by medium and large farmers is exclusively, the slaughterhouses. The main part of fish is sold processed.
We contemplated concerning the borders in the social relationships, verifying that way the speech poetic internalizes the moral conventions and it fastens identities when proposing the alterity as a one other radically different. We studied the woman's representation in the poetry of Manoel de Barros, in the grandmother's figures, of the mother, of the women of the people and of the prostitutes. We verified the way as the women are figured and the function that they carry out in the universe of poetic's Barros.
This paper reflects on the conceptions of adventure and risk, revealed in activities in nature. The presented speeches are contained in a research, whose boarding works with a universe of reasons, aspirations, values, beliefs and attitudes, corresponding to a deeper space of the processes, relations and phenomena. It was possible to perceive that the adventure activities in nature are carrying of innumerable meanings, related with new discoveries, new challenges, search for the stranger, uncertainty, cooperation, friendship, among others. Such activities understand diverse forms of experimentation, pointing besides to physical risk, the symbolic and imaginary risk.
We show that the mixmaster universe is nonchaotic with respect to the intrinsic time but chaotic with respect to the synchronous time. No appeal to any numerical simulation or other arguments are made, apart from the well known properties of the model. © 1991.
In a 3-3-1 model in which the lepton masses arise from a scalar sextet it is possible to break spontaneously a global symmetry which implies in a pseudoscalar Majoron-like Goldstone boson. This Majoron does not mix with any other scalar fields and for this reason it does not couple, at the tree level, to either the charged leptons or to the quarks. Moreover, its interaction with neutrinos is diagonal. We also argue that there is a set of parameters in which the model can be consistent with the invisible Z0 width and that heavy neutrinos can decay sufficiently rapid by Majoron emission, having a lifetime shorter than the age of the universe. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
We explore regions of parameter space in a simple exponential model of the form V = V0 e-λ(Q/Mp) that are allowed by observational constraints. We find that the level of fine tuning in these models is not different from more sophisticated models of dark energy. We study a transient regime where the parameter λ has to be less than √3 and the fixed point ΩQ = 1 has not been reached. All values of the parameter λ that lead to this transient regime are permitted. We also point out that this model can accelerate the universe today even for λ > √2, leading to a halt of the present acceleration of the universe in the future thus avoiding the horizon problem. We conclude that this model can not be discarded by current observations. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.