995 resultados para Inf-convolution


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In marine cartilaginous fish, reabsorption of filtered urea by the kidney is essential for retaining a large amount of urea in their body. However, the mechanism for urea reabsorption is poorly understood due to the complexity of the kidney. To address this problem, we focused on elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) for which a genome database is available, and conducted molecular mapping of membrane transporters along the different segments of the nephron. Basically, the nephron architecture of elephant fish was similar to that described for elasmobranch nephrons, but some unique features were observed. The late distal tubule (LDT), which corresponded to the fourth loop of the nephron, ran straight near the renal corpuscle, while it was convoluted around the tip of the loop. The ascending and descending limbs of the straight portion were closely apposed to each other and were arranged in a countercurrent fashion. The convoluted portion of LDT was tightly packed and enveloped by the larger convolution of the second loop that originated from the same renal corpuscle. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that co-localization of Na(+),K(+),2Cl(-) cotransporter 2 and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase α1 subunit was observed in the early distal tubule and the posterior part of LDT, indicating the existence of two separate diluting segments. The diluting segments most likely facilitate NaCl absorption and thereby water reabsorption to elevate urea concentration in the filtrate, and subsequently contribute to efficient urea reabsorption in the final segment of the nephron, the collecting tubule, where urea transporter-1 was intensely localized.


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Decomposition of poly(vinyl alcohol)/montmorillonite clay (PVA/MMT) composites during melting-crystallization was experimentally confirmed by morphology and molecular structure changes. In particular, FTIR spectra show the shift of O-H stretching band as well as enhanced intensities of C-O stretching and CH2 rocking vibrational modes. Furthermore, Raman deconvolution indicates that C-H wagging, CH2-CH wagging, CH-CO bending and CH2 wagging modes in amorphous domains were all decreased greatly. Moreover, this decomposition leads to decreased melting enthalpy, melting point, crystallization enthalpy and crystallization temperature. Crystallization analysis shows that the MMT incorporated slows down the crystallization process in the PVA matrix regardless of the nucleation capability of MMT. Despite the severe decomposition, the crystallization kinetics still corroborated well with common classical models. As a result, molecular structure changes and crystallization retardation observed in this study clearly indicate the strong effects of the thermal degradation on the non-isothermal crystallization of PVA/MMT composites.


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The incorporation of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) electrospun nanofibres within N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate, [C2mpyr][BF4] was investigated with a view to fabricating self-standing membranes for various electrochemical device applications, in particular lithium metal batteries. Significant improvement in mechanical properties and ionic conduction was demonstrated in a previous study, which also demonstrated the remarkably high performance of the lithium-doped composite material in a device. We now seek a fundamental understanding of the role of fibres within the matrix of the plastic crystal, which is essential for optimizing device performance through fine-tuning of the composite material properties. The focus of the current study is therefore a thorough investigation of the phase behaviour and conduction behaviour of the pure and the lithium-doped (as LiBF4) plastic crystal, with and without incorporation of polymer nanofibres. Analysis of the structure of the plastic crystal, including the effects of lithium ions and the incorporation of PVDF fibres, was conducted by means of synchrotron XRD. Ion dynamics were evaluated using VT solid-state NMR spectroscopy. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was employed to gain insights into the molecular interactions of doped lithium ions and/or the PVDF nanofibres in the matrix of the [C2mpyr][BF4] composites. Preliminary measurements using PALS were conducted to probe structural defects within the pure materials. It was found that ion transport within the plastic crystal was significantly altered by doping with lithium ions due to the precipitation of a second phase in the structure. The incorporation of the fibres activated more mobile sites in the systems, but restricted ion mobility with different trends being observed for each ion species in each crystalline phase. In the presence of the fibres a strong interaction observed between the Li ion and the pyrrolidinium ring disappeared and formation of the second phase was prevented. As a result, an increased number of mobile lithium ions are released into the solid solution structure of the matrix, simultaneously removing the blocking effect of the second phase. Thus, ion conduction was remarkably improved within the Li-doped composite compared to the neat Li-doped plastic crystal.


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Nitrogen-14 solid-state NMR (SSNMR) is utilized to differentiate three polymorphic forms and a hydrochloride (HCl) salt of the amino acid glycine. Frequency-swept Wideband, Uniform Rate, Smooth Truncated (WURST) pulses were used in conjunction with Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill refocusing, in the form of the WURST-CPMG pulse sequence, for all spectral acquisitions. The 14N quadrupolar interaction is shown to be very sensitive to variations in the local electric field gradients (EFGs) about the 14N nucleus; hence, differentiation of the samples is accomplished through determination of the quadrupolar parameters CQ and ηQ, which are obtained from analytical simulations of the 14N SSNMR powder patterns of stationary samples (i.e., static NMR spectra). Additionally, differentiation of the polymorphs is also possible via the measurement of 14N effective transverse relaxation time constants, Teff2(14N). Plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which exploit the periodicity of crystal lattices, are utilized to confirm the experimentally determined quadrupolar parameters as well as to determine the orientation of the 14N EFG tensors in the molecular frames. Several signal-enhancement techniques are also discussed to help improve the sensitivity of the 14N SSNMR acquisition method, including the use of selective deuteration, the application of the BRoadband Adiabatic INversion Cross-Polarization (BRAIN-CP) technique, and the use of variable-temperature (VT) experiments. Finally, we examine several cases where 14N VT experiments employing Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) refocusing are used to approximate the rotational energy barriers for RNH3+ groups.


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Indium oxide nanoparticles were synthesised by using a facile and scalable strategy. The as-prepared nanoparticles (20-40 nm) were in situ and homogeneously distributed in a three-dimensional (3D) graphene architecture subsequently during the fabrication process. The obtained nanocomposite acts as a high capacity anode material for lithium-ion batteries and demonstrates good cycle stability. A drastically enhanced capacity of 750 mA h g-1 in comparison with that of bare In2O3 nanoparticles can be maintained after 100 cycles, along with an improved high rate performance (210 mA h g-1 at 1 A g-1 and 120 mA h g-1 at 2 A g-1). The excellent performance is linked with the indium oxide nanoparticles and the unique 3D interconnected porous graphene structure. The highly conductive and porous 3D graphene structure greatly enhances the performance of lithium-ion batteries by protecting the nanoparticles from the electrolyte, stabilizing the nanoparticles during cycles and buffering the volume expansion upon lithium insertion.


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© 2014 The Textile Institute. This study intends to enhance the functionality of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles applied to wool fabrics under visible light. Herein, TiO2, TiO2/SiO2, TiO2/Metal, and TiO2/Metal/SiO2 nanocomposite sols were synthesized and applied to wool fabrics through a low-temperature sol–gel method. The impacts of three types of noble metals, namely gold (Au), platinum (Pt), and silver (Ag), on the photoefficiency of TiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 under visible light were studied. Different molar ratios of Metal toTiO2 (0.01, 0.1, 0.5, and 1%) were employed in synthesizing the sols. Photocatalytic efficiency of fabrics was analyzed through monitoring the removal of red wine stain and degradation of methylene blue under simulated sunlight and visible light, respectively. Also, the antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterium and the mechanical properties of fabrics were investigated. Through applying binary and ternary nanocomposite sols to fabrics, an enhanced visible-light-induced self-cleaning property was imparted to wool fabrics. It was concluded that the presence of silica and optimized amount of noble metals had a synergistic impact on boosting the photocatalytic and antimicrobial activities of coated samples. The fabrics were further characterized using attenuated total reflectance, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, and scanning electron microscopy images.


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Face recognition with multiple views is a challenging research problem. Most of the existing works have focused on extracting shared information among multiple views to improve recognition. However, when the pose variation is too large or missing, 'shared information' may not be properly extracted, leading to poor recognition results. In this paper, we propose a novel method for face recognition with multiple view images to overcome the large pose variation and missing pose issue. By introducing a novel mixed norm, the proposed method automatically selects candidates from the gallery to best represent a group of highly correlated face images in a query set to improve classification accuracy. This mixed norm combines the advantages of both sparse representation based classification (SRC) and joint sparse representation based classification (JSRC). A trade off between the ℓ1-norm from SRC and ℓ2,1-norm from JSRC is introduced to achieve this goal. Due to this property, the proposed method decreases the influence when a face image is unseen and has large pose variation in the recognition process. And when some face images with a certain degree of unseen pose variation appear, this mixed norm will find an optimal representation for these query images based on the shared information induced from multiple views. Moreover, we also address an open problem in robust sparse representation and classification which is using ℓ1-norm on the loss function to achieve a robust solution. To solve this formulation, we derive a simple, yet provably convergent algorithm based on the powerful alternative directions method of multipliers (ADMM) framework. We provide extensive comparisons which demonstrate that our method outperforms other state-of-the-arts algorithms on CMU-PIE, Yale B and Multi-PIE databases for multi-view face recognition.


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Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada com 462 alunos de graduação em administração, na região da grande São Paulo, sobre a percepção deles como consumidores, avaliando-se o comportamento inovador em relação à existência de recompensa para empresas que apresentam responsabilidade socioambiental. Partiu-se de um levantamento bibliográfico nas publicações da área e de um focus group com especialistas e gestores da área e em seguida se procedeu à elaboração de um do tipo Likert com 28 assertivas. Para a análise de dados foi empregado o método de modelagem de equações estruturais, buscando-se estabelecer uma avaliação causal entre dois constructos importância e reconhecimento por parte de consumidores das empresas socioambientalmente corretas. Foram mensurados também cinco itens sociodemográficos dos participantes. Como resultado obteve-se um valor do grau de aderência entre os dois constructos de 0,86, indicando haver tal relação causal forte. Assim, este estudo permitiu comprovar a existência de inovação no comportamento do consumidor, que passa a recompensar, na decisão de compra, empresas socioambientalmente responsáveis.


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Esta Tese apresenta o SAM (Sistema Adaptativo para Multimídia), que consiste numa ferramenta de transmissão e recepção de sinais multimídia através de redes de computadores. A ferramenta pode ser utilizada para transmissões multimídia gravadas (vídeo sob demanda) ou ao vivo, como aulas a distância síncronas, shows e canais de TV. Seu maior benefício é aumentar o desempenho e a acessibilidade da transmissão, utilizando para isso um sinal codificado em camadas, onde cada camada é transmitida como um grupo multicast separado. O receptor, utilizando a ferramenta, adapta-se de acordo com a sua capacidade de rede e máquina no momento. Assim, por exemplo, um receptor com acesso via modem e outro via rede local podem assistir à transmissão na melhor qualidade possível para os mesmos. O principal foco da Tese é no algoritmo de controle de congestionamento do SAM, que foi denominado ALM (Adaptive Layered Multicast). O algoritmo ALM tem como objetivo inferir o nível de congestionamento existente na rede, determinando a quantidade de camadas que o receptor pode suportar, de forma que a quantidade de banda recebida gere um tráfego na rede que seja eqüitativo com outros tráfegos ALM concorrentes, ou outros tráfegos TCP concorrentes. Como se trata de transmissões multimídia, é desejável que a recepção do sinal seja estável, ou seja, sem muitas variações de qualidade, entretanto, o tráfego TCP concorrente é muito agressivo, dificultando a criação de um algoritmo estável. Dessa forma, desenvolveu-se dois algoritmos que formam o núcleo desta Tese: o ALMP (voltado para redes privativas), e o ALMTF (destinado a concorrer com tráfego TCP). Os elementos internos da rede, tais como os roteadores, não necessitam quaisquer modificações, e o protocolo funciona sobre a Internet atual. Para validar o método, se utilizou o software NS2 (Network Simulator), com modificações no código onde requerido. Além disso, efetuou-se uma implementação inicial para comparar os resultados das simulações com os da implementação real. Em http://www.inf.unisinos.br/~roesler/tese e também no CD anexo a esta Tese, cuja descrição encontra-se no Anexo B, podem ser encontrados todos os programas de apoio desenvolvidos para esta Tese, bem como a maior parte da bibliografia utilizada, o resultado das simulações, o código dos algoritmos no simulador e o código do algoritmo na implementação real.


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Computação Móvel é um termo genérico, ainda em definição, ao redor do qual se delineia um espectro de cenários possíveis, desde a Computação Pessoal, com o uso de computadores de mão, até a visão futurista da Computação Ubíqua. O foco do projeto ISAM (Infra-estrutura de Suporte às Aplicações Móveis Distribuída), em desenvolvimento no II/UFRGS, é a Pervasive Computing. Esta desenha um cenário onde o usuário é livre para se deslocar mantendo o acesso aos recursos da rede e ao seu ambiente computacional, todo tempo em qualquer lugar. Esse novo cenário apresenta muitos desafios para o projeto e execução de aplicações. Nesse escopo, esta tese aprofunda a discussão sobre questões relativas à adaptação ao contexto em um ambiente pervasivo sob a ótica de uma Linguagem de Programação, e define uma linguagem chamada ISAMadapt. A definição da linguagem ISAMadapt baseia-se em quatro abstrações: contexto, adaptadores, políticas e comandos de adaptação. Essas abstrações foram concretizadas em duas visões: (1) em tempo de programação, através de comandos da linguagem e arquivos de configuração, descritos com o auxílio do Ambiente de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações; (2) em tempo de execução, através de serviços e APIs fornecidos pelos componentes que integram o ambiente de execução pervasiva (ISAMpe). Deste, os principais componentes que implementam a semântica de execução da aplicação ISAMadapt são: o serviço de reconhecimento de contexto, ISAMcontextService, e a máquina de execução da adaptação dinâmica, ISAMadaptEngine.As principais contribuições desta tese são: (a) primeira linguagem para a codificação de aplicações pervasivas; (b) sintaxe e semântica de comandos para expressar sensibilidade ao contexto pervasivo; (c) fonte para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de projeto de aplicações pervasivas; (d) projeto ISAM e o projeto contextS (www.inf.ufrgs.br/~isam) que fornecem suporte para o ciclo de vida das aplicações, desde o desenvolvimento até a execução de aplicações pervasivas.


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A utilização da informação no planejamento da atividade policial se coloca como uma das principais questões no debate sobre os paradigmas de segurança pública contemporâneos. Dessa forma, as estatísticas criminais situam-se como importante instrumento neste processo. Este artigo busca promover uma reflexão sobre o uso das estatísticas criminais pelos profissionais de segurança pública como uma fonte de informação para o planejamento de suas ações. Para tal, foram abordadas três variáveis consideradas centrais para o desenvolvimento da discussão: os paradigmas de policiamento contemporâneos, a utilização e as funcionalidades das estatísticas no planejamento da atividade policial, e a utilização das estatísticas criminais por parte dos profissionais de segurança pública tendo em vista o contexto organizacional no qual estão inseridos. A conclusão do artigo aponta para a necessidade de se observarem a cultura e a estrutura das instituições policiais como elementos centrais no desenvolvimento de um modelo de policiamento marcado pela inteligência, pró-atividade e prevenção à criminalidade.


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Several pharmacological properties have been attributed to isolated compounds from mushroom. Recently, have these compounds, especially the polysaccharides derived from mushrooms, modulate the immune system, and its antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic and antiinflammatory activities. This study assesses the possible pharmacological properties of the polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum mushroom. The centesimal composition of the tissue showed that this fungus is composed mainly of fibers (35.61%), ash (33.69%) and carbohydrates (25.31%). The chemical analysis of the polysaccharide fraction showed high levels of carbohydrates (94.71%) and low content of protein (5.29%). These polysaccharides are composed of glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose in the following molar ratios 0.156, 0.044, 0.025, 0.066 and the infrared analysis showed a possible polysaccharide-protein complex. The polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum showed antioxidant potential with concentration-dependent antioxidant activity compared to ascorbic acid. The analysis scavenging of superoxide radical and inhibition of lipid peroxidation showed that the polysaccharides from S. nitidum have an IC50 of 12.70 mg/ml and EC50 10.4 μg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant activity was confirmed by the presence of reducing potential of these polysaccharides. The effect of these polymers on the inflammatory process was tested using the carrageenan or histamine-induced paw edema model and the sodium thioglycolate or zymosan-induced model. The polysaccharides were effective in reducing edema (73% at 50 mg/kg) and cell infiltrate (37% at 10 mg/kg) in both inflammation models tested. Nitric oxide, a mediator in the inflammatory process, showed a reduction of around 26% at 10 mg/kg of body weight. Analysis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines showed that in the groups treated with polysaccharides from S. nitidum there was an increase in cytokines such as IL-1ra, IL-10, and MIP-1β concomitant with the decrease in INF-γ (75%) and IL-2 (22%). We observed the influence of polysaccharides on the modulation of the expression of nuclear factor κB. Thus, polysaccharides from S. nitidum reduced the expression of NF-κB by up to 64%. The results obtained suggest that NF-κB modulation is one of the possible mechanisms that explain the anti-inflammatory effect of polysaccharides from the fungus S. nitidum.


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This work deals with a mathematical fundament for digital signal processing under point view of interval mathematics. Intend treat the open problem of precision and repesention of data in digital systems, with a intertval version of signals representation. Signals processing is a rich and complex area, therefore, this work makes a cutting with focus in systems linear invariant in the time. A vast literature in the area exists, but, some concepts in interval mathematics need to be redefined or to be elaborated for the construction of a solid theory of interval signal processing. We will construct a basic fundaments for signal processing in the interval version, such as basic properties linearity, stability, causality, a version to intervalar of linear systems e its properties. They will be presented interval versions of the convolution and the Z-transform. Will be made analysis of convergences of systems using interval Z-transform , a essentially interval distance, interval complex numbers , application in a interval filter.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Double three-phase transmission lines are analyzed in this paper using a modal transformation model. The main attribute of this model is the use of a single real transformation matrix based on line geometrical characteristics and the Clarke matrix. Because of this, for any line point, the electrical values can be accessed for phase domain or mode domain using the considered transformation matrix and without convolution methods. For non-transposed symmetrical lines the errors between the model results and the exact modes are insignificant values. The eigenvector and eigenvalue analyses for transposed lines search the similarities among the three analyzed transposition types and the possible simplifications for a non-transposed case.