984 resultados para INTRAVENOUS NICORANDIL


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction occur in patients bitten by Bothrops sp snakes in Latin America. An experimental model was developed in mice to study the effects of B. asper venom in platelet numbers and function. Intravenous administration of this venom induces rapid and prominent thrombocytopenia and ex vivo platelet hypoaggregation. The drop in platelet numbers was primarily due to aspercetin, a protein of the C-type lectin family which induces von Willebrand factor-mediated platelet aggregation/agglutination. In addition, the effect of class P-III hemorrhagic metalloproteinases on the microvessel wall also contributes to thrombocytopenia since jararhagin, a P-III metalloproteinase, reduced platelet counts. Hypoaggregation was associated with the action of procoagulant and defibrin(ogen)ating proteinases jararacussin-1 (a thrombin-like serine proteinase) and basparin A (a prothrombin activating metalloproteinase). At the doses which induced hypoaggregation, these enzymes caused defibrin(ogen)ation, increments in fibrin(ogen) degradation products and D-dimer and prolongation of the bleeding time. Incubation of B. asper venom with batimastat and α 2-macroglobulin abrogated the hypoaggregating activity, confirming the role of venom proteinases in this effect. Neither aspercetin nor the defibrin(ogen)ating and hypoaggregating components induced hemorrhage upon intravenous injection. However, aspercetin, but not the thrombin-like or the prothrombin-activating proteinases, potentiated the hemorrhagic activity of two hemorrhagic metalloproteinases in the lungs. © 2005 Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart.


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The total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) is an option for some surgeries in bovines for fields. The aim of this study was to evaluate blood gases effects, cardiorespiratory and glycemia on calves submitted the umbilical herniorraphy. We used eight calves aged from 9 ± 4 months, weighting 111 ± 43 kg. The animals were pre-treated with xylazine (0.05 mg/kg IV) and after 15 minutes was administered ketamine (2.0 mg/kg IV) followed by the continuous infusion of xylazine (0.05 mg/ml), guaifenesin (50 mg/mL) and ketamine (1mg/ml) at a rate of infusion of 2mL/kg/hour. The blood gases and glucose samples were collected immediately before the MPA (MB) and the 5, 40 and 80 after the starting of TIVA (M5, M40 e M80). The other variables were measured in MB, 15 minutes after the MPA (Mx) and every 10 minutes after the starting of TIVA, entiring 80 minutes. The heart rate was higher in MB than in the other stages (p <0.05) and respiratory rate increased in M20 and M50 compared to MB and Mx (p <0.05). The PvCO2 increased while PaO2 decreased in M40 and M80, for MB (p <0.05), PVCO2 in M80 was lower than in MB (p <0.05). The pHv was smaller in M80 than M5 and MB (p <0.05), and HCO3 was lower in MB (p <0.05) compared to the others. The glucose was higher in M40 and M80 and M5 for MB (p <0.05). The recovery time was 152 ± 60 minutes after the end of the administration of the infusion of anesthetics. It was conclude that the anesthetic technique employed promoted respiratory depression, increased blood glucose and prolonged period of anesthetic recovery in calves.


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Objectives The objective of this study was to develop a technique for detecting cortical bone dimensional changes in patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). Study Design Subjects with BRONJ who had cone-beam computed tomography imaging were selected, with age- and gender-matched controls. Mandibular cortical bone measurements to detect bisphosphonate-related cortical bone changes were made inferior to mental foramen, in 3 different ways: within a fixed sized rectangle, in a rectangle varying with the cortical height, and a ratio between area and height. Results Twelve BRONJ cases and 66 controls were evaluated. The cortical bone measurements were significantly higher in cases than controls for all 3 techniques. The bone measurements were strongly associated with BRONJ case status (odds ratio 3.36-7.84). The inter-rater reliability coefficients were high for all techniques (0.71-0.90). Conclusions Mandibular cortical bone measurement is a potentially useful tool in the detection of bone dimensional changes caused by bisphosphonates. Long-term administration of bisphosphonates (BPs) affects bone quality and metabolism following accumulation in bone.1 Since the first cases of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) were published in 2003,2 there has been a search for factors that can predict the onset of the condition. Oral and intravenous BPs reduce bone resorption, increase mineral content of bone, and alter bony architecture.3, 4, 5 and 6 Previous studies have demonstrated these changes both radiographically and following histologic analysis.1, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10 The BP-related jaw changes may present radiological features, such as thickening of lamina dura and cortical borders, diffuse sclerosis, and narrowing of the mandibular canal3 and 11; however, oral radiographs of patients taking BPs do not consistently show radiographic changes to the jaws.11 and 12 The challenge is to find imaging tools that could improve the detection of changes in the bone associated with BP use. Various skeletal radiographic features associated with BRONJ in conventional periapical and panoramic radiographs, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear bone scanning have been described.3, 8, 9, 10 and 11 There has also been a search for BP-related quantitative methods for the evaluation of radiographic images, to avoid observer subjectivity in interpretation. Factors thought to be important include trabecular and cortical structure, and bone mineralization.4 Consequently, measurable bone data have been reported in subjects taking BPs through many techniques, including bone density, architecture, and cortical bone thickness.1, 4, 7 and 13 Trabecular microarchitecture of postmenopausal women has been evaluated with noninvasive techniques, such as high-resolution magnetic resonance images showing less deterioration of the bone 1 year after initiation of oral BP therapy.4 A decrease in bone turnover and a trend for an increase in the bone wall thickness has been detected by histomorphometry in subjects taking BPs.1 Alterations in the cortical structure of the second metacarpal have been detected in digital x-ray radiogrammetry of postmenopausal women treated with BPs.7 Mandibular cortical width may be measured on dental panoramic radiographs, and it has been suggested as a screening tool for referring patients for bone densitometry for osteoporosis investigation.14 and 15 Inhibition of the intracortical bone remodeling in the mandible of mice taking BPs has been reported.16 Thus, imaging evaluation of the mandibular cortical bone could be a biologically plausible way to detect BP bone alterations. Computed tomography can assess both cortical and trabecular bone characteristics. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can provide 3-dimensional information, while using lower doses and costing less than conventional CT. The CBCT images have been studied as a tool for the measurement of trabecular bone in patients with BRONJ.13 Therefore, cortical bone measurements on CBCT of the jaws might also help to understand bone changes in patients with BRONJ. There is no standard in quantifying dimensional changes of mandibular cortical bone. We explored several different approaches to take into consideration possible changes in length, area, and volume. These led to the 3 techniques developed in this study. This article reports a matched case-control study in which mandibular cortical bone was measured on CBCT images of subjects with BRONJ and controls. The aim of the study was to explore the usefulness of 3 techniques for detecting mandibular cortical bone dimensional changes caused by BP.


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Anachoresis is the phenomenon through which blood-borne bacteria, dyes, pigments and other materials are attracted and fixed to circumscribed areas of inflammation. This study evaluated the occurrence of anachoresis in the periapical region of dogs submitted to root canal fillings. One hundred and four roots from four dogs were endodontically treated and root canals were filled with zinc-oxide-eugenol cement. Fifty percent were filled up to the dentinocemental junction and the others were overfilled. At 120 days after root canal treatment, experimental bacteremia was induced by intravenous inoculation of 105 CFU Streptococcus pyogenes. The dogs were sacrificed 48 hours and 30 days after the bacteremia. Culture and DNA amplification by PCR revealed the presence of the inoculated bacteria just in periapical tissues of dogs sacrificed 48 hours after bacteremia and not in animals sacrificed after 30 days. AP-PCR fingerprints of recovered colonies of S. pyogenes and the presence of genetic markers of resistance to antimicrobials were similar to the inoculated strain. Endodontically treated periapices seemed to be prone to the occurrence of anachoresis and there was no relationship between the phenomenon and the level of root canal filling.


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The status epilepticus (SE) is characterized by a series of crises which occur without recovery of consciousness or a single seizure lasting more than 30 minutes and can damage the central nervous system and systemic. The duration and frequency of attacks are directly related to patient prognosis. Whether seizures occur often and are longer, increase the risk of neurological and systemic complications. Child population has a higher frequency of seizures and it is associated with a lower threshold of immature brain to trigger these episodes. Aim: To determine the safest drugs prescribed for children in SE, their doses and schedules. A bibliographic survey was performed in electronic databases. Methods: The scientific health descriptors used for search was: “status epilecticus” and “anticonvulsivants” and “child”. Results: This strategy identified 396 manuscripts, of whom four were considered eligible for the study, after the assessment by floating reading and criteria. Of these, two were randomized trials and two descriptive. The studies address the use of oral midazolam, rectal diazepam and intravenous lorazepam. Conclusions: All investigated drugs were effective in treat in status epilepticus. Lorazepam is highlight, since it has fewer secondary effects and, as an alternative to the intravenous, oral midazolam. However, there is a need for further studies to demonstrate the efficacy and safety in the use of drugs in children.


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The dendrimers of poly (amidoamine) (PAMAM) are nanoparticles which have proven succeed in transporting drugs due to high solubility, low toxicity and ability to control drugs release. Studies have explored the biological potential of dendrimers such as to transport genes, development of vaccines, antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer therapies. This review of literature on the PAMAM dendrimers discusses the architecture and general construction of dendrimers and intrinsic properties of the PAMAM. This study also describes how the PAMAM interact with many drugs and the potential of these macromolecules as well as drug nanocarriers in transdermal routes of administration, ocular, respiratory, oral and intravenous administration. Dendrimers promises good future prospects for the biomedicine.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Accidents caused by thermal, chemical, electrical or radioactive agents cause skin lesions causing burns of varying degrees. The therapeutic approach aims to restore damaged tissues and involves a wide range of products on the market. This study aims to evaluate the use of biological dressing, biotech product developed at the Blood Center of Botucatu / UNESP obtained from fresh frozen plasma or platelet concentrate with in vitro addition of thrombin and calcium gluconate. This addition in the platelet concentrate, intended to release the active growth factors of the platelets granules on the healing process. The study of the effectiveness of Platelet Gel home made in Wistar rats was established, in agreement with scald burns, comparing efficacy and cost of Platelet Gel with usual hospital -based treatment collagenase + chloramphenicol plus cost analysis through pharmacoeconomics. We used 25 Wistar rats were divided into 3 treatment groups: Group A, Collagenase + Chloramphenicol; Group B, Platelet Gel and C, control. The products were applied every other day for 30 days in animals. In group A, there was the presence of erythema and crust in all animals. The exudates was indentified 2/10 animals. For the Group B, we observed the presence of erythema and crust at all and no presence of exudates. In group C all the animals showed erythema with no presence of exudates and scab occurred in 1/10. Statistical analysis showed significant difference ( p < 0.0 ) for crust formation between Groups B and C. In the histological analysis, group A showed a slight amount of blood vessels and collagen fibers, moderate amounts of macrophages and fibroblasts was observed while B and C groups showed moderate amounts of blood vessels, macrophages and fibroblasts and discreet presence of collagen fibers. The re-epithelialization occurred in most animals of all groups without significant statistical differences. For the aspects of pharmacoeconomics, the platelet gel presented a better cost - effectiveness in relation to treatment based on collagenase / chloramphenicol. In light of the ethical aspects of the raw material is the result of spontaneous blood donation, the proposal should have biological dressings productions the responsibility of public blood transfusion centers for free distribution. This may point to the production chain of Brazilian blood banks like special blood components for use no intravenous.