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Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions Article in Acta horticulturae · October 2016 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1142.11 1st Rui Machado 16.44 · Universidade de Évora 2nd David R. Bryla 30.16 · United States Department of Agriculture Abstract Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions Authors: R.M.A. Machado, D.R. Bryla Keywords: Allium cepa, crop growth, nitrogen uptake, soil nitrate Abstract: The effect of nitrogen application on growth, nitrogen (N) uptake, yield, and quality of intermediate-day onion (Allium cepa 'Guimar') was evaluated in the field in southern Portugal. Plants were fertilized with 30 kg ha-1 N at transplanting, 10 kg ha-1 N at 29 days after transplanting (DAT) during early leaf growth, and with 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg ha-1 N at 51 DAT at the initiation of bulbing. The root system of plants in each treatment were concentrated in the top 0.1 m of soil and limited to 0.3 m depth but neither root length density nor rooting depth were affected by N application during later stages of bulb development. Leaf and bulb dry matter, on the other hand, increased linearly with N rate during bulb growth (85 DAT) and at harvest (114 DAT), respectively. Soil nitrate-N (NO3-N) at 0-0.3 m depth likewise increased linearly with N rate during bulb growth but declined from 15-30 mg kg-1 at bulbing to >10 mg kg-1 in each treatment by harvest. A substantial amount of N in the plants, which ranged from 302-525 mg, was taken up from the soil. Application of 60 kg ha-1 N resulted in luxury consumption. Yield (fresh bulb weight) increased from 0.19 kg plant-1 with no N at bulbing to as much as 0.28 kg plant-1 with 60 kg ha-1 N. Bulbs harvested from plants fertilized 40-60 kg ha-1 N averaged 8.2-8.5 cm in diameter, while those from plants with no N at bulbing averaged only 7.2 cm in diameter. Application of N fertilizer is thus recommended at bulbing to increase N uptake, yield, and bulb size of intermediate-day onions, particularly in dry Mediterranean climates where many onions are produced. Other components of quality, including neck diameter, bulb water content, total soluble solids, and juice pH, were not affect by N applied at bulbing.


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A new semi-implicit stress integration algorithm for finite strain plasticity (compatible with hyperelas- ticity) is introduced. Its most distinctive feature is the use of different parameterizations of equilibrium and reference configurations. Rotation terms (nonlinear trigonometric functions) are integrated explicitly and correspond to a change in the reference configuration. In contrast, relative Green–Lagrange strains (which are quadratic in terms of displacements) represent the equilibrium configuration implicitly. In addition, the adequacy of several objective stress rates in the semi-implicit context is studied. We para- metrize both reference and equilibrium configurations, in contrast with the so-called objective stress integration algorithms which use coinciding configurations. A single constitutive framework provides quantities needed by common discretization schemes. This is computationally convenient and robust, as all elements only need to provide pre-established quantities irrespectively of the constitutive model. In this work, mixed strain/stress control is used, as well as our smoothing algorithm for the complemen- tarity condition. Exceptional time-step robustness is achieved in elasto-plastic problems: often fewer than one-tenth of the typical number of time increments can be used with a quantifiable effect in accuracy. The proposed algorithm is general: all hyperelastic models and all classical elasto-plastic models can be employed. Plane-stress, Shell and 3D examples are used to illustrate the new algorithm. Both isotropic and anisotropic behavior is presented in elasto-plastic and hyperelastic examples.