945 resultados para INDICE GINI
Includes bibliography.
Nature Protection Areas (NPA) are important in the modern world, although still created with no well-defined criteria, overall in state and municipal spheres. In addition, there are no consistent information on the existence or factors that influence the creation and distribution of these areas. The present work had the objectives of identifying the Nature Protection Areas in Minas Gerais, Brazil, considering the municipalities and their mesoregions; perform a space-temporal analysis of the NPAs in Minas Gerais; relate the existence of NPAs with the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) and the municipal Gini Index (GI); relate the existence of NPA with the space-temporal and population density of each municipality; relate the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with the presence of NPAs; relate the existence of NPAs with the occurrence of preservation areas in municipalities within the Atlantic Forest Biome; and verify the influence of the Ecological Sales and Services Tax (Ecological ICMS) institute over the creation of municipal NPAs in Minas Gerais. To reach these objectives, we researched databases, governmental websites, contacted managers and sent questionnaires to the 853 municipalities of Minas Gerais. After tabulating the data, statistical tests were applied to verify possible correlations. The results showed that the state has 9.26% of its territory protected, with the predominance of units of Sustainable Use, especially Environmental Protection Areas, which constitute 69.9% of this area. Only 1.96% of the territory are protected by Integral Protection (IP). We found no correlation between MHDI and the presence of NPAs. However, we verified that municipalities with IP units present higher GI when compared to the others, suggesting that the presence of this conservation unit (CU) model may be associated to social inequality. The results also showed a higher concentration CU in regions that use little of its natural resources as main economic basis and in municipalities with higher GDP. We also registered a positive correlation between the size of the municipalities, of the mesoregions, preserved area of the Atlantic Forest and population density. The Ecological ICMS did not contribute for a better IP in the state and, currently, does not represent an incentive to the creation of CU in Minas Gerais, even in the case of Environmental Protection Areas. This work registered a high degree of vulnerability if the protection system in this state, based on low restriction conservation units.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Se analiza la evolución de la desigualdad injusta en el Brasil (1995-2009) mediante un enfoque no paramétrico de la estimación de la función de ingresos. Se utilizaron las medidas de entropía de Li, Maasoumi y Racine (2009) a fin de cuantificar separadamente las diferencias de ingresos para cada variable de esfuerzo. Se calculó un coeficiente de Gini de desigualdad injusta basado en los valores ajustados de la estimación no paramétrica, analizándose la robustez para las estimaciones, incluyendo variables de circunstancias. La evolución de las entropías mostró reducción de la diferencia de ingresos atribuida a la educación como factor determinante. Las variables de horas trabajadas y situación en el mercado laboral explican significativamente las diferencias de salarios imputadas al esfuerzo individual, pero la variable migratoria reveló escaso poder explicativo. Finalmente, el análisis de robustez demostró la plausibilidad de los resultados de cada etapa de la ejecución empírica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
En este trabajo se efectúan mediciones, comparables con las metodologías internacionales, sobre la incidencia distributiva del impuesto a la renta y las transferencias públicas monetarias en 17 países de América Latina. Los resultados indican que la política fiscal juega un papel limitado en mejorar la distribución del ingreso disponible; el coeficiente de Gini baja apenas tres puntos porcentuales luego de la acción fiscal directa. En promedio, el 61% de esta reducción proviene de las transferencias públicas en efectivo y el resto de los tributos directos, reflejo del imperativo de fortalecer el impuesto a la renta personal. Las mediciones de encuestas de hogares permiten simular los efectos potenciales de reformas tributarias orientadas a aumentar las tasas medias efectivas del decil superior. Si esta recaudación adicional se destina a transferencias focalizadas, los efectos son muy significativos. En consecuencia, es necesario evaluar las reformas tributarias considerando el uso de estos recursos.
This article analyses the trend of unfair inequality in Brazil (1995-2009) using a nonparametric approach to estimate the income function. The entropy metrics introduced by Li, Maasoumi and Racine (2009) are used to quantify income differences separately for each effort variable. A Gini coefficient of unfair inequality is calculated, based on the fitted values of the non-parametric estimation; and the robustness of the estimations, including circumstantial variables, is analysed. The trend of the entropies demonstrated a reduction in the income differential caused by education. The variables “hours worked” and “labour-market status” contribute significantly to explaining wage differences imputed to individual effort; but the migratory variable had little explanatory power. Lastly, the robustness analysis demonstrated the plausibility of the results obtained at each stage of the empirical work.
This study uses internationally comparable methodologies to analyse the distributional impact of income tax and public transfers in 17 countries of Latin America. The results indicate that fiscal policy plays a limited role in improving the distribution of disposable income; the Gini coefficient decreased by barely three percentage points after direct fiscal action. On average, 61% of this reduction was due to public cash transfers and the rest to direct taxes, reflecting the pressing need for personal income tax to be strengthened. Analysis of household surveys gives an indication of the potential effects of tax reforms aimed at increasing the average effective tax rate of the top income decile. Allocating this additional revenue to targeted transfers would produce significant results. Consequently, tax reforms must be evaluated bearing in mind how those resources are used.
El estudio multidimensional de la pobreza ha ganado espacio en diversos ámbitos en la última década. Por un lado, en el ámbito académico han evolucionado los desarrollos conceptuales sobre el bienestar de los individuos y sus dimensiones, y, de la mano de ello, la construcción de mediciones que las toman en cuenta. Por otro lado, algunos países han avanzado en las mediciones multidimensionales como medidas oficiales de pobreza, o están avanzando en consensos para llevarlas a cabo con el objetivo de orientar las políticas públicas. Además, en diversos países se utiliza el enfoque multidimensional en diferentes estudios elaborados por los gobiernos, aun cuando no tengan el estatus de mediciones oficiales. En Uruguay, si bien la medida oficial de pobreza es la monetaria, cada vez existen más estimaciones complementarias, elaboradas tanto en la academia como en el Estado, que incorporan otras dimensiones (Arim y Vigorito, 2007; mides, 2013; Castillo y Colombo, 2014). De hecho, la reducción de la pobreza monetaria tornó más importantes estas medidas multidimensionales en el diseño de las políticas sociales, porque dan cuenta de privaciones específicas en determinados grupos de población y dimensiones, lo que permite mejorar la focalización.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)