992 resultados para IMAGING FINDINGS
PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to compare magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) and video capsule endoscopy (VCE) in suspected small bowel disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with suspected small bowel disease participated in a prospective clinical comparison of MRE versus VCE. Both methods were evaluated separately and in conjunction with respect to a combined diagnostic endpoint based on clinical, laboratory, surgical, and histopathological findings. The Fisher's exact and j tests were used in comparing MRE and VCE. RESULTS: Small bowel pathologies were found in 15 out of 19 patients: Crohn's disease (n= 5), lymphoma (n= 4), lymphangioma (n= 1), adenocarcinoma (n= 1), postradiation enteropathy (n= 1), NSAID-induced enteropathy (n =1), angiodysplasia (n= 1), and small bowel adhesions (n= 1). VCE and MRE separately and in conjunction showed sensitivities of 92.9, 71.4, and 100% and specificities of 80, 60, and 80% (kappa= 0.73 vs. kappa = 0.29; P= 0.31/kappa = 0.85), respectively. In four patients, VCE depicted mucosal pathologies missed by MRE. MRE revealed 19 extraenteric findings in 11 patients as well as small bowel adhesions not detected on VCE (n= 1). CONCLUSION: VCE can readily depict and characterize subtle mucosal lesions missed at MRE, whereas MRE yields additional mural, perienteric, and extraenteric information. Thus, VCE and MRE appear to be complementary methods which, when used in conjunction, may better characterize suspected small bowel disease.
The impact of social relationships on the maintenance of independence over periods of 12-18 months in a group of 306 octogenarians is assessed in this study. The study is based on the results of the Swilsoo (Swiss Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on the Oldest Old). Participants (80-84 years old at baseline) were interviewed five times between 1994 and 1999. Independence was defined as the capacity to perform without assistance eight activities of daily living. We distinguished in our analyses kinship and friendship networks and evaluated social relationships with the help of a series of variables serving as indicators of network composition and contact frequency. Logistic regression models were used to identify the short-term effects of social relationships on independence, after controlling for sociodemographic and health-related variables; independence at a given wave of interviews was interpreted in the light of social factors measured at the previous wave. Our analyses indicate that the existence of a close friend has a significant impact on the maintenance of independence (OR=1.58, p<0.05), which is not the case with the other variables concerning network composition. Kinship contacts were also observed to have a positive impact on independence (OR=1.12, p<0.01).
Human electrophysiological studies support a model whereby sensitivity to so-called illusory contour stimuli is first seen within the lateral occipital complex. A challenge to this model posits that the lateral occipital complex is a general site for crude region-based segmentation, based on findings of equivalent hemodynamic activations in the lateral occipital complex to illusory contour and so-called salient region stimuli, a stimulus class that lacks the classic bounding contours of illusory contours. Using high-density electrical mapping of visual evoked potentials, we show that early lateral occipital cortex activity is substantially stronger to illusory contour than to salient region stimuli, whereas later lateral occipital complex activity is stronger to salient region than to illusory contour stimuli. Our results suggest that equivalent hemodynamic activity to illusory contour and salient region stimuli probably reflects temporally integrated responses, a result of the poor temporal resolution of hemodynamic imaging. The temporal precision of visual evoked potentials is critical for establishing viable models of completion processes and visual scene analysis. We propose that crude spatial segmentation analyses, which are insensitive to illusory contours, occur first within dorsal visual regions, not the lateral occipital complex, and that initial illusory contour sensitivity is a function of the lateral occipital complex.
Lebererkrankungen treten in der Schwangerschaft selten auf, können jedoch für Mutter und Kind dramatische Folgen haben, wenn sie nicht rechtzeitig erkannt werden. Prinzipiell unterscheidet man schwangerschaftsspezifische Lebererkrankungen von interkurrierenden Lebererkrankungen während der Schwangerschaft. Zu ersteren gehören die hepatischen Manifestationen der Hyperemesis gravidarum, die intrahepatische Schwangerschaftscholestase, die Leberbeteiligung bei Präeklampsie bzw. Eklampsie inkl. HELLP-Syndrom und die akute Schwangerschaftsfettleber. Die Differentialdiagnose schwangerschaftsassoziierter Lebererkrankungen basiert auf der Anamnese (Stadium der Schwangerschaft), der Klinik, wenigen Laboruntersuchungen und einer Ultrasonographie als primärem bildgebendem Verfahren. Die Behandlung der intrahepatischen Schwangerschaftscholestase mit Ursodeoxycholsäure verbessert den Pruritus und die mütterlichen Leberwerte. Eine engmaschige Überwachung der Schwangerschaft bleibt jedoch unabdingbar. Beim HELLP-Syndrom und der akuten Schwangerschaftsfettleber ist die rasche Entbindung anzustreben. Vorbestehende Lebererkrankungen bedürfen in der Schwangerschaft einer intensivierten Kontrolle. While liver diseases are a rare occurrence in pregnancy, they may have dramatic implications for mother and child if not detected in good time. A distinction is drawn between pregnancy-specific liver diseases and intercurrent liver diseases during pregnancy. The former include hepatic manifestations of hyperemesis gravidarum, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, hepatic involvement in preeclampsia or eclampsia, including the HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy-associated liver disorders is based on history (stage of pregnancy), clinical findings, a few laboratory tests and ultrasound as the primary imaging technique. Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with ursodeoxycholic acid improves pruritus and maternal liver tests. Close monitoring of pregnancy remains however indispensable. In HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy the aim should be rapid delivery. Preexisting liver diseases require intensified monitoring during pregnancy.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this retrospective and monocentric study was to describe the magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) features of biliary abnormalities related to extrahepatic obstruction of the portal vein (EHOPV). METHODS: From September 2001 to May 2003, MRC was performed in 10 consecutive patients who had a portal thrombosis. RESULTS: Biliary ductal pathology was demonstrated via MRC in nine patients. It consisted of stenoses, ductal narrowing or irregularities involving the common bile duct for three patients with extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis discovered a mean of 1.5 years ago, or involving both right and left intrahepatic bile ducts and common bile duct for six patients with extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis discovered a mean of 16.2 years ago. Dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts was seen for seven patients, four of them having cholestasis. For three patients with symptomatic cholestasis, direct cholangiography (DC) was performed and showed the same findings as MRC which nevertheless overestimated the degree of bile duct stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: MRC seems to constitute an accurate tool to investigate noninvasively patients with portal biliopathy.
L'enquête 'European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs' (ESPAD) est menée tous les quatre ans dans de nombreux pays européens auprès d'écolières et d'écoliers âgés de 15 ans, un âge important en matière de prévention. La dernière vague de l'enquête a été réalisée en 2003; il s'agissait de la première participation de la Suisse à l'enquête. Un peu moins de 7000 élèves des 8e, 9e et 10e années scolaires ont participé au volet suisse de l'enquête. Les résultats montrent notamment que 21.1% des adolescente- s de 15 ans fument quotidiennement, la part des fumeurs quotidiens passant de 8.5% chez les 13 ans à 23.2% chez les 16 ans. Plus de 50% des adolescent-e-s de 13 ans ont consommé de l'alcool durant les 30 jours précédant l'enquête. Chez les 15 ans, pour lesquels l'achat d'alcool est d'ailleurs aussi interdit par la loi, cette proportion passe à 75%. L'enquête 2003 montre en outre qu'environ 20% des adolescent-e-s de 13 ans ont consommé au moins une fois du cannabis dans leur vie et que près de la moitié des 16 ans sont dans le même cas. La prévalence au cours des 12 derniers mois est à peine inférieure. En matière de prévention de la consommation de substances psychotropes chez les jeunes, les mesures structurelles devraient être renforcées, tout comme la limitation de l'accessibilité des produits, en contrôlant par exemple la vente d'alcool aux plus jeunes. Des programmes éducatifs et des campagnes médiatiques peuvent également exercer une certaine influence, pour autant qu'ils s'intègrent à une politique cohérente en matière de drogues.
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to establish an accurate and reproducible T(2)-mapping cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) methodology at 3 T and to evaluate it in healthy volunteers and patients with myocardial infarct. BACKGROUND: Myocardial edema affects the T(2) relaxation time on CMR. Therefore, T(2)-mapping has been established to characterize edema at 1.5 T. A 3 T implementation designed for longitudinal studies and aimed at guiding and monitoring therapy remains to be implemented, thoroughly characterized, and evaluated in vivo. METHODS: A free-breathing navigator-gated radial CMR pulse sequence with an adiabatic T(2) preparation module and an empirical fitting equation for T(2) quantification was optimized using numerical simulations and was validated at 3 T in a phantom study. Its reproducibility for myocardial T(2) quantification was then ascertained in healthy volunteers and improved using an external reference phantom with known T(2). In a small cohort of patients with established myocardial infarction, the local T(2) value and extent of the edematous region were determined and compared with conventional T(2)-weighted CMR and x-ray coronary angiography, where available. RESULTS: The numerical simulations and phantom study demonstrated that the empirical fitting equation is significantly more accurate for T(2) quantification than that for the more conventional exponential decay. The volunteer study consistently demonstrated a reproducibility error as low as 2 ± 1% using the external reference phantom and an average myocardial T(2) of 38.5 ± 4.5 ms. Intraobserver and interobserver variability in the volunteers were -0.04 ± 0.89 ms (p = 0.86) and -0.23 ± 0.91 ms (p = 0.87), respectively. In the infarction patients, the T(2) in edema was 62.4 ± 9.2 ms and was consistent with the x-ray angiographic findings. Simultaneously, the extent of the edematous region by T(2)-mapping correlated well with that from the T(2)-weighted images (r = 0.91). CONCLUSIONS: The new, well-characterized 3 T methodology enables robust and accurate cardiac T(2)-mapping at 3 T with high spatial resolution, while the addition of a reference phantom improves reproducibility. This technique may be well suited for longitudinal studies in patients with suspected or established heart disease.
Our objective was to establish the age-related 3D size of maxillary, sphenoid, and frontal sinuses. A total of 179 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of children under 17 years (76 females, 103 males) were included and sinuses were measured in the three axes. Maxillary sinuses measured at birth (mean+/-standard deviation) 7.3+/-2.7 mm length (or antero-posterior)/4.0+/-0.9 mm height (or cranio-caudal)/2.7+/-0.8 mm width (or transverse). At 16 years old, maxillary sinus measured 38.8+/-3.5 mm/36.3+/-6.2 mm/27.5+/-4.2 mm. Sphenoid sinus pneumatization starts in the third year of life after conversion from red to fatty marrow with mean values of 5.8+/-1.4 mm/8.0+/-2.3 mm/5.8+/-1.0 mm. Pneumatization progresses gradually to reach at 16 years 23.0+/-4.5 mm/22.6+/-5.8 mm/12.8+/-3.1 mm. Frontal sinuses present a wide variation in size and most of the time are not valuable with routine head MRI techniques. They are not aerated before the age of 6 years. Frontal sinuses dimensions at 16 years were 12.8+/-5.0 mm/21.9+/-8.4 mm/24.5+/-13.3 mm. A sinus volume index (SVI) of maxillary and sphenoid sinus was computed using a simplified ellipsoid volume formula, and a table with SVI according to age with percentile variations is proposed for easy clinical application. Percentile curves of maxillary and sphenoid sinuses are presented to provide a basis for objective determination of sinus size and volume during development. These data are applicable to other techniques such as conventional X-ray and CT scan.
OBJECTIVE: To develop a simple prognostic model to predict outcome at 1 month after acute basilar artery occlusion (BAO) with readily available predictors. METHODS: The Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS) is a prospective, observational, international registry of consecutive patients who presented with an acute symptomatic and radiologically confirmed BAO. We considered predictors available at hospital admission in multivariable logistic regression models to predict poor outcome (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] score 4-5 or death) at 1 month. We used receiver operator characteristic curves to assess the discriminatory performance of the models. RESULTS: Of the 619 patients, 429 (69%) had a poor outcome at 1 month: 74 (12%) had a mRS score of 4, 115 (19%) had a mRS score of 5, and 240 (39%) had died. The main predictors of poor outcome were older age, absence of hyperlipidemia, presence of prodromal minor stroke, higher NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, and longer time to treatment. A prognostic model that combined demographic data and stroke risk factors had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.64. This performance improved by including findings from the neurologic examination (AUC 0.79) and CT imaging (AUC 0.80). A risk chart showed predictions of poor outcome at 1 month varying from 25 to 96%. CONCLUSION: Poor outcome after BAO can be reliably predicted by a simple model that includes older age, absence of hyperlipidemia, presence of prodromal minor stroke, higher NIHSS score, and longer time to treatment.
The bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii is the etiological agent of an acute, severe disease called Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the United States or Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) in Brazil. In addition to these two countries, the disease has also been reported to affect humans in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Argentina. Like humans, dogs are also susceptible to R. rickettsii infection. However, despite the wide distribution of R. rickettsii in the Western Hemisphere, reports of R. rickettsii-induced illness in dogs has been restricted to the United States. The present study evaluated the pathogenicity for dogs of a South American strain of R. rickettsii. Three groups of dogs were evaluated: group 1 (G1) was inoculated ip with R. rickettsii; group 2 (G2) was infested by R. rickettsii-infected ticks; and the control group (G3) was infested by uninfected ticks. During the study, no clinical abnormalities, Rickettsia DNA or R. rickettsii-reactive antibodies were detected in G3. In contrast, all G1 and G2 dogs developed signs of rickettsial infection, i.e., fever, lethargy, anorexia, ocular lesions, thrombocytopenia, anemia and detectable levels of Rickettsia DNA and R. rickettsii-reactive antibodies in their blood. Rickettsemia started 3-8 days after inoculation or tick infestation and lasted for 3-13 days. Our results indicate that a Brazilian strain of R. rickettsii is pathogenic for dogs, suggesting that canine clinical illness due to R. rickettsii has been unreported in Brazil and possibly in the other South American countries where BSF has been reported among humans.
There is increasing recognition of an autoimmune origin of pharmacoresistant epileptic disorders. Besides the paraneoplastic limbic encephalopathies (LE), reports of syndromes of non-paraneoplastic LE are increasingly reported in the last 5-10 years. Three antibodies are now relatively well described: Voltagegated potassium channels (VGKC), Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and N-methyl-D-apartate receptor-(NMDA) antibodies. We review clinical syndromes, associated imaging and laboratory findings. While most reports arise from adult populations, children and adolescents are also concerned as evidenced by increasing observations. Early recognition is mandatory, since early immunomodulatory treatment appears to be related to significant better outcome.
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat" (SunTzu the Art of War, 544-496 BC). Although written for the managing of conflicts and winning clear victories, this basic guideline can be directly transferred to our battle against apicomplexan parasites and how to focus future basic research in order to transfer the gained knowledge to a therapeutic intervention stratey. Over the last two decades the establishment of several key-technologies, by different groups working on Toxoplasma gondii, made this important human pathogen accessible to modern approaches in molecular cell biology. In fact more and more researchers get attracted to this easy accessible model organism to study specific biological questions, unique to apicomplexans. This fascinating, unique biology might provide us with new therapeutic options in our battle against apicomplexan parasites by finding its Achilles' heel. In this article we argue that in the absence of a powerful high throughput technology for the characterisation of essential gene of interests a coordinated effort should be undertaken to convert our knowledge of the genome into one of the phenome.
Background: In spite of the relapsing nature of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), on average, 40% of IBD patients are nonadherent to treatments. On the other hand, they are often actively seeking information on their disease. The relationship between information seeking behaviour and adherence to treatment is poorly documented. The main aim of this study was to examine this association among IBD patients. Methods: We used data from the Swiss IBD cohort study. Baseline data included questions on adherence to ongoing treatments. A survey was conducted in October 2009 to assess information sources and themes searched by patients. Crude odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI were calculated for the association between adherence and information seeking. Adjustment for potential confounders and main known risk factors was performed using multivariate logistic regression. Differences in the proportions of information sources and themes were compared between adherent and non-adherent patients. Results: The number of patients eligible was 488. Nineteen percent (N = 99) were non-adherent to treatment and one third (N = 159) were active information seekers. Crude OR for being non-adherent was 69% higher among information seekers compared to non-seekers (OR = 1.69; 95%CI 0.99 2.87). Adjusted OR for non-adherence was OR = 2.39 (95%CI 1.32 4.34) for information seekers compared to non-seekers. Family doctors were 15.2% more often consulted (p = 0.019) among patients who were adherent to treatment compared to those who were not, as were books and TV (+13.1%; p = 0.048). No difference was observed for internet or gastroenterologists as sources of information. Themes of information linked to tips for disease management were 14.2% more often searched among non-adherent patients (p = 0.028) compared to adherent. No difference was observed for the other themes (research and development on IBD, therapies, basic information on the disease, patients' experiences sharing, miscellaneous). Conclusions: Active information seeking was shown to be strongly associated with non-adherence to treatment in a population of IBD patients in Switzerland. Surprisingly themes related to therapies were not especially those on which nonadherent patients focused. Indeed, management of symptoms and everyday life with the disease seemed to be the most pressing information concerns of patients. Results suggest that the family doctor plays an important role in the multidisciplinary care approach needed for IBD patients.
This study describes major electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements and diagnoses in a population of African individuals; most reference data have been collected in Caucasian populations and evidence exists for interethnic differences in ECG findings. This study was conducted in the Seychelles islands (Indian Ocean) and included 709 black individuals (343 men and 366 women) aged 25 to 64 years randomly selected from the general population. Resting ECG were recorded by using a validated ECG unit equipped with a measurement and interpretation software (Cardiovit AT-6, Schiller, Switzerland). The epidemiology of 14 basic ECG measurements, 6 composite criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy and 19 specific ECG diagnoses including abnormal rhythms, conduction abnormalities, repolarization abnormalities, and myocardial infarction were examined. Substantial gender and age differences were found for several ECG parameters. Moreover, tracings recorded in African individuals of the Seychelles differed from those collected similarly in Caucasian populations in many respects. For instance, heart rate was approximately 5 beats per minute lower in the African individuals than in selected Caucasian populations, prevalence of first degree atrio-ventricular block was especially high (4.8%), and the average Sokolow-Lyon voltage was markedly higher in African individuals of the Seychelles compared with black and white Americans. The integrated interpretation software detected "old myocardial infarction" in 3.8% of men and 0% of women and "old myocardial infarction possible" in 6.1% and 3%, respectively. Cardiac infarction injury scores are also provided. In conclusion, the study provides reference values for ECG findings in a specific population of people of African descent and stresses the need to systematically consider gender, age, and ethnicity when interpreting ECG tracings in individuals.
Background: We aim to investigate the possibility of using 18F-positron emission tomography/computer tomography (PET-CT) to predict the histopathologic response in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) treated with preoperative chemoradiation (CRT). Methods: The study included 50 patients with LARC treated with preoperative CRT. All patients were evaluated by PET-CT before and after CRT, and results were compared to histopathologic response quantified by tumour regression grade (patients with TRG 1-2 being defined as responders and patients with grade 3-5 as non-responders). Furthermore, the predictive value of metabolic imaging for pathologic complete response (ypCR) was investigated. Results: Responders and non-responders showed statistically significant differences according to Mandard's criteria for maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) before and after CRT with a specificity of 76,6% and a positive predictive value of 66,7%. Furthermore, SUVmax values after CRT were able to differentiate patients with ypCR with a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 74,4% (positive predictive value 41,2% and negative predictive value 87,9%); This rather low sensitivity and specificity determined that PET-CT was only able to distinguish 7 cases of ypCR from a total of 11 patients. Conclusions: We conclude that 18-F PET-CT performed five to seven weeks after the end of CRT can visualise functional tumour response in LARC. In contrast, metabolic imaging with 18-F PET-CT is not able to predict patients with ypCR accurately