991 resultados para I ANTIBODIES


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Através da prova de 7 dias foi estudado o grau de resistência do Plasmodium falciparum à cloroquina, amodiaquina e sulfadoxina-pirimetamina em Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas médias de parasitas nos dias de seguimento e nas proporções de resistência entre os três medicamentos testados, fazendo com que os autores recomendem a manutenção das 4-aminoquinoleínas como drogas a serem usadas atualmente em infecções não graves por P. falciparum na área de Porto Velho.


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Three isolates of Leishmania were recovered from five of 27 specimens of the rodent Proechimys iheringi denigratus Moojen captured near Três Braços in the Atlantic Forest region of Bahia, Brazil. Two of these isolates were recovered from hamsters inoculated with a pooled triturate of liver, spleen and skin tissue from apparently healthy P. i. denigratus. The third isolate was recovered from a triturate of only skin tissue from another. Metastasis was observed in the inoculated hamsters, the parasites grew abundantly in artificial media and a typical suprapylarial pattern of infection in Lutzomyia longipalpis was produced indicating that the parasites belong to the Leishmania mexicana complex. All isolates reacted with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis monoclonal antibodies. The isoenzyme analysis differentiated these isolates from standard isolates of L. m. mexicana, L. m. amazonensis, L. m. aristedesi, L. m. pifanoi, L. m. garnhami and L. m. ssp.(Goiás-W. Barbosa). These isolates seem to be a subspecies of L. mexicana very closely related to L. m. amazonensis from which they differ by decreased electrophoretic mobility of GPI, PEP and ALAT. This is the first record of the isolation of a parasite of thegenus Leishmania in a rodent captured in the State of Bahia.


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Comparamos diferentes medios artificiales y procedimientos de cultivo in vitro de Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis (Lbb) aislada de lesiones de hamsteres experimentalmente infectados. Observamos que la aspiración de material de la lesión, usando jeringa de 5 mlyaguja 22g(25 x 8mm), mostró resultados satisfactorios siendo un procedimiento conveniente de colecta. El medio de Agar Sangre Difco (DAB) es un medio eficiente para el aislamiento de Lbb. El medio de Evans demostro similares resultados al DAB, mientras que el medio líquido de Schneider y el químicamente definido AR-103 fueron nitidamente inferiores. En la propagación in vitro de Lbb, el medio de Schneider permitió un buen crecimiento del flagelado, alcanzando densidades de 0,21 - 2,57 x 10(8) promastigotes por ml ya, en el 5.° dia de cultivo. La adición de 5-fluorocytosine a los tubos de cultivo (150/jg/ml)para evitar la contaminación por hongos, no inhibió el crecimiento de Lbb.


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Revista Habitat - Reciclaje & Restauración del Património Cultural (Argentina), XIII, nº 53 (2007), p. 38-48


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Os autores descrevem 8 casos autóctones de doença de Chagas ocorridos em Macapá. Os pacientes pertencem a duas famílias, residindo em bairros distantes. Apresentaram sintomatologia comum como febre, cefaléia, mal-estar geral. A sorologia resultou positiva com títulos de IgM mais elevados que de IgG em 75% dos casos apresentados. Outros exames específicos para a doença foram realizados. Os xenodiag- nósticos foram positivos em 25% dos casos quando foi isolada a cepa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Os autores demonstram ainda que uma das formas infectadas do T. cruzi pertence ao zimodema 3 e sugerem a possibilidade de transmissão "per os".


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O município de Douradoquara vem sendo regularmente trabalhado pela SUCAM desde 1975. Atualmente, a espécie prevalente é o T. sórdida, cujo comportamento peridomiciliarfoi aqui estudado na ausência de qualquer inseticida, tomando-se o cuidade de proteger a população através da borrifação dos intradomicílios das unidades positivas em pesquisa integral realizada no primeiro semestre/1985. Um ano depois, realizou-se nova pesquisa, confirmando-se a presença abundante do T. sórdida noperidomicílio. Observamos aumento significativo do número de unidades domiciliares positivas em relação à primeira, acompanhada por aumento no número de exemplares de triatomíneos capturados. O principal ecótopo encontrado foi o paiol seguido pelo galinheiro, chiqueiro e outros. A negativação espontânea de alguns ecótopos e a positivação de outros indicam grande mobilidade desta espécie, inclusive das ninfas. Conclui-se pela necessidade de: borrifação do intradomicilio da unidade domiciliar positiva; borrifação do peridomicílio infestado para controle do tamanho das colônias, dificultando o processo de domiciliação triatominica; desenvolvimento de formas alternativas de controle, especialmente em que se busque participação comunitaria.


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Foi investigada a susceptibilidade do primata Cebus apella (Cebidae) à infecção experimental pela Leishmaiua (Viannia) lainsoni, com o objetivo de estudara patogenia desse parasita, ainda pouco conhecido para o homem. Dessa forma, cinco espécimens jovens daquele primata, 2 machos e 3 fêmeas, foram inoculados, intraderme, em oito sítios diferentes da região dorsal da cauda com 3 x 10(6) de promastigotas do parasita (MHOMZBR/81/M6426, Benevides, Pará), obtidas de cultura da fase estacionária. Em seguida às inoculações, a infecção experimental nos animais foi comprovada, não só pela presença de amastigotas do parasita na pele dos animais inoculados, mas, também, pela concomitância desse achado associado ao desenvolvimento de lesão cutânea nos pontos da pele onde o parasita foi inoculado. Diante desses resultados, ficou demonstrada a susceptibilidade do primata Cebus apella à infecção experimental pela Leishmama lainsoni cujo período de infecção durou quase quatro meses, suficiente para testar drogas antileishmanióticas e estudar a patogênese da doença causada por este parasita.


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The unlabelled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method was used to study the immunocytochemical properties of Leishmania and Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes in situ after tissues had been submitted to different fixation procedures. Antisera were obtained from rabbits chronically infected with different strains of T. cruzi or immunized with L. mexicana amazonensis and L. braziliensis guyanensis, and were applied on 5 µm thick sections. T. cruzi antigens were well stained by the three anti-T. cruzi sera and the two anti-heis.hmama.sera at optimum dilution between 1:1,000 and 1:2,000, regardless the parasite strain. Differently, the leishmanial antigens were revealed by Leishmania sera only at low dilutions (between 1:60 -1:160), whereas the anti-T. cruzi sera, at these low dilutions, gave rather weak stainings. Although there is no clear explanation for this immunocytochemical "reverse-monodirectional" cross-reactivity between Leishmania and T. cruzi, the present results show that polyclonal antibodies agains Leishmania species, when used for immunocytochemical detection of these parasites in situ, react more strongly with T. cruzi amastigotes than with the homologous amastigotes.


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ABSTRACT: In the late seventies the term “Haematological Stress Syndrome” defined some haematological abnormalities appearing in the course of acute and chronic disorders, such as raised plasma levels of fibrinogen (FNG) and factor VIII, reduced fibrinolytic activity and hyperviscosity. In the early nineties the “Membrane stress syndrome hypothesis” proposed the unification of the concepts of haematological stress syndrome with those of oxidation, inflammation and immune activation to explain the pathogenesis of the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) Antiphospholipid antibodies, coagulation, fibrinolysis and thrombosis. This chapter investigated the occurrence of the “Haematological Stress Syndrome” and thrombosis in 144 participants positive for aPL detected by clotting and immune tests. Among the clotting assays for the detection of lupus anticoagulant, dilute Russell's viper venom time better correlated with a history of venous thrombosis than activated partial thromboplastin time (p<0.0002 vs p<0.009) and was the only test correlated with a history of arterial thrombosis (p<0.01). By regression analysis, serum levels of IgG anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) associated with the number of venous occlusions (p<0.001). With regards to FNG and von Willebrand factor (vWF), the former rose by 36% (95% CI; 21%, 53%) and the latter by 50% (95% CI; 29%, 75%) at the first venous occlusion and remained unchanged after subsequent occlusions. At variance FNG rose by 45% (95% CI; 31%, 60%) per arterial occlusion and vWF by 27% (95% CI; 10%, 47%) per arterial occlusion throughout. The coagulation/fibrinolytic balance was cross-sectionally evaluated on 18 thrombotic PAPS patients, 18 subjects with persistence of idiopathic aPL and in healthy controls. Markers of thrombin generation prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) and of fibrin turnover D-Dimer (D-D) were higher in thrombotic (p=0.006)and non-thrombotic subjects (p=0.0001) than in controls as were those of D-D (p<0.0001 and p=0.003 respectively). TAT levels did not differ. Gender analysed data revealed blunted tPA release (hence a negative venous occlusion test) in thrombotic females but neither in thrombotic males (p=0.01) nor in asymptomatic subjects of either sex. Also, in both patient groups females had higher mean PAI than males (p<0.0002) and control females (p<0.02). The activity of factor XIII (FXIIIa) was evaluated was evaluated in 29 patients with PAPS, 14 persistent carriers of aPL without thrombosis, 24 thrombotic patients with inherited thrombophilia, 28 healthy controls and 32 patients with mitral and aortic valve prosthesis as controls for FXIII only. FXIIIa was highest in PAPS (p=0.001), particularly in patients with multiple (n=12) than single occlusion (p=0.02) and in correlation with PAI (p=0.003) and FNG (p=0.005). Moreover FXIIIa was strongly associated with IgG aCL and IgG anti-2GPI (p=0.005 for both) in the PAPS group and to a lesser degree in the aPL group (FXIIIa with IgG aCL, p=0.02, with IgG anti-2GPI, p=0.04). Altogether these results indicate: 1) a differential relationship of aPL, vWF and FNG with venous and arterial thrombosis; 2) heightened thrombin generation, accelerated fibrin turnover and fibrinolysis abnormalities also in asymptomatic carriers of aPLs; 3) enhanced FXIIIa that may contribute to atherothrombosis via increased fibrin/fibrinogen cross-linking. Lipid profile, lipid peroxidation and anti-lipoprotein antibodies in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Given the atherogenic lipid profile of SLE, the same possibility was explored in PAPS by comparing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol (CHO), apolipoprotein AI (ApoAI), apolipoprotein B (ApoB), triglycerides (TG), anti-lipoprotein antibodies, beta-2-glycoprotein I complexed to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL-2GPI) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in 34 thrombotic PAPS patients compared to 36 thrombotic patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT), to 18 subjects persistently positive for antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) with no underlying autoimmune or non-autoimmune disorders and to 28 healthy controls. Average concentrations of HDL (p<0.0001), LDL (p<0.0001), CHO (p=0.0002), ApoAI (p=0.002) were lower in PAPS whereas average TRY was higher (p=0.01) than other groups. Moreover PAPS showed higher IgG anti-HDL (p=0.01) and IgG anti-ApoAI (p<0.0001) as well as greater average oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.001) and CRP (p=0.003). Within PAPS, IgG anti-HDL correlated negatively to HDL (p=0.004) and was an independent predictor of oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.009). HDL and ApoAI correlated negatively with CRP (p=0.001 and p=0.007, respectively). IgG anti-HDL may hamper the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of HDL favouring low-grade inflammation and enhanced oxidation in thrombotic PAPS. Indeed plasma 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α (a very specific marker of lipid peroxidation) was significantly higher in 10 patients with PAPS than 10 age and sex matched healthy subjects (p=0.0002) and strongly related to the titre of plasma IgG aCL (r=0.89, p=0.0004). Hence oxidative stress, a major player in atherogenesis, also characterises PAPS. Nitric oxide and nitrative stress in thrombotic primary antiphosholipid syndrome. Oxidative stress goes hand in hand with nitrative stress and to address the latter plasma nitrotyrosine (NT, marker of nitrative stress), nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) were measured in 46 thrombotic PAPS patients, 21 asymptomatic but persistent carriers of antiphospholipid antibodies (PCaPL), 38 patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT), 33 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 29 healthy controls (CTR). Average crude NT was higher in PAPS and SLE (p=0.01) whereas average plasma NO2- was lower in PAPS and average NO3- highest in SLE (p<0.0001). In PAPS, IgG aCL titer and number of vascular occlusions negatively predicted NO2-, (p=0.03 and p=0.001, respectively) whereas arterial occlusions and smoking positively predicted NO3- (p=0.05 and p=0.005). Moreover CRP (an inflammatory marker) positively predicted NT (p=0.004). Nitric oxide metabolites relates to type and number of vascular occlusions and to aPL titers, whereas nitrative stress relates to low grade marker) positively predicted NT (p=0.004). Nitric oxide metabolites relates to type and number of vascular occlusions and to aPL titers, whereas nitrative stress relates to low grade inflammation and both phenomena may have implications for thrombosis and atherosclerosis in PAPS Inflammation and immune activation in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome. To investigate inflammation and immune activation in thrombotic PAPS high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), oxLDL-2GPI, CRP bound to oxLDL-2GPI (CRP-oxLDL-2GPI) (as inflammatory markers) neopterin (NPT) and soluble CD14 (sCD14) (as immune activation markers) were measured by ELISA in 41 PAPS patients, in 44 patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT) and 39 controls (CTR). Compared to other groups, PAPS presented with higher plasma concentrations of inflammatory, hs-CRP (p=0.0004), SAA (p<0.01), CRP-oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.0004) and immune activation markers, NPT (p<0.0001) and sCD14 (p=0.007). By regression analysis SAA independently predicted thrombosis number (p=0.003) and NPT independently predicted thrombosis type (arterial, p=0.03) and number (p=0.04). These data confirm that low-grade inflammation and immune activation occur and relate to vascular features of PAPS. Antiphosholipid antibodies, haemostatic variables and atherosclerosis in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome To evaluate whether IgG aCL titre, haemostatic variables and the lipid profile bore any relationship to the intima media thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries high-resolution sonography was applied to the common carotid (CC), carotid bifurcation (CB) and internal carotid (IC) of 42 aPL subjects, 29 with primary thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome and 13 with persistence of aPL in the absence of any underlying disorder. The following were measured: plasma FNG, vWF, PAI, homocysteine (HC), CHO, TG, HDL, LDL, platelet numbers and aCL of IgG and IgM isotype. By multiple regression analysis, IgG aCL titre independently predicted IMT at all carotid segments examined (p always <0.005). Plasma FNG and HC independently predicted IMT at the CB (p=0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively) and IC (p=0.03 and p<0.0001, respectively). These data strongly support an atherogenic role for IgG aCL in patients with aPL in addition to traditional risk factors. The atherosclerosis hypothesis was investigated in an age and sex-matched case-double-control study including 49 thrombotic PAPS patients (18 M, 31 F, mean age 37 ± 11), 49 thrombotic patients for IT and 49 healthy subjects. Average IMT was always greater in PAPS than control patients (CC: p=0.004, CB: p=0.013, IC: p=0.001). By dividing participants into age tertiles the IMT was greater in the second (CC: p=0.003, CB: p=0.023, IC: p=0.003) and third tertiles (CC: p=0.03, CB: p=0.004, IC: p=0.007). Conclusion: Coagulation activation, fibrinolysis depression, hightened fibrin turnover, oxidative and nitrative stress in parallel with low grade inflammation and immune activation characterise thrombotic PAPS: all these are early atherogenic processes and contribute to the demonstrated premature atherosclerosis that should be considered a clinical feature of PAPS.


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Two competitive enzyme immunoassays (EIA) techniques were developed: in the first (COMP-1), test sera were added together with HAV antigen on anti-HAV IgG-coated wells followed by an anti-HA VHRP conjugate; in the second (COMP-2), test sera and anti-HA VHRP conjugate competed for HAV epitopes previously adsorbed to anti-HA V IgG-coated wells. Both procedures used tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) as a substrate. Both competitive tests were shown to be reproducible and suitable for routine diagnosis and research purposes.


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Com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento clínico-epidemiológico da cromoblastomicose no Estado do Maranhão, foi feito um estudo retrospectivo e prospectivo de 13 casos, no serviço de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado do Maranhão no período de nov/88 a julho/91. Para a investigação, foi utilizada uma ficha protocolo com todos os dados necessários para uma análise posterior. Nos casos analisados observou-se maior prevalência na faixa etária entre 50 e 60 anos (46,1%) e do sexo masculino (84,6%). Doze pacientes eram procedentes do Estado do Maranhão, dentre os quais 10 da microrregião da baixada ocidental maranhense. Quanto à profissão, 12 (92,3%) eram lavradores. Na sua maioria apresentavam as lesões nos membros inferiores deforma verrugo- confluentes, cor acastanhada, com prurido. O tempo de evolução variou de 0 a 15 anos em 12 casos (92,3%). Quanto aos aspectos laboratoriais, o exame histológico feito em 12 pacientes, diagnosticando cromoblastomicose em 100% deles e a cultura isolou Fonsecaea pedrosoi em 9 casos (70%). O tratamento realizado em todos os pacientes, com algumas variações foi feito com 5 - fluorocitosina apresentando bons resultados evolutivamente. Constatou-se neste trabalho uma provável zona endêmica de cromoblastomicose na microrregião da baixada ocidental maranhense, até agora desconhecida.


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No período de 8 anos (1982-1990) foi avaliada a evolução da cardiopatia chagásica crônica (CCC),pelo estudo eletrocardiográfico de repouso, edaparasitemiapeloxenodiagnóstico em 279pacientes, 85 homens e 194mulheres, com idades de 7a 76 anos (média = 42,6 anos), todos do municípios de Virgem da Lapa, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. De acordo com os resultados dos eletrocardiogramas classificamos a evolução da CCC em inalterada (El) - quando não havia mudança no padrão inicial do traçado, progressiva (EP) - quando havia mudança de normal para alterado ou pelo agravamento das alterações € regressiva (ER) - quando havia normalização ou redução da gravidade das alterações. De acordo com os resultados dosxenodiagnósticos (mínimo de 3 e máximo de 8 por paciente), 120 pacientes foram considerados com parasitemia positiva - um ou mais exames positivos e 159 com parasitemia negativa - todos os exames negativos. Os resultados mostraram: a) EI em 172 (61,6%) pacientes, EP em 99 (35,5%) e ER em 8 (2,9%), sem diferença significativa entre o tipo de evolução e o tipo de parasitemia; b)a EP foi crescente com a idade tanto no grupo com parasitemia positiva como no grupo com parasitemia negativa e significativamente maior nos homens emrelação ásmulheres, independentemente do tipode parasitemia. Com estes achados podemos afirmar que o aparecimento ou a progressão da CCC não se mostraram associadas ao tipo de parasitemia, mas sim ao sexo masculino e ao aumento da idade dos pacientes, sugerindo que a parasitemia não está relacionada com o agravamento da cardiopatia chagásica crônica.


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ln order to study the measles antibody behavior of three vaccination schedules, 684 children were divided into 4 Groups: Group A (341 vaccinated children under the age of one); Group B (101 children at the age of one); Group C (74 children under the age of one and one at the age of one); Group D (163 unvaccinated children with a history of measles in the past - Group control). Children of Group A presented lower rates and 25.9% of the age group under two did not show any measles antibodies. In Group B, all the children presented antibodies. In Group C onby 4.0% did not. In all age groups, the geometric mean HI antibody titers of Group A were lower than the valuesfound in the other groups. The age at vaccination was the factor of greater influence on the results of this study.