964 resultados para Hydraulic Sorting


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A full understanding of failure mechanism, critical hydrological condition, and process of mobilization and deposition of a landslide is essential for optimal design of stabilization measure and forecasting of landslide hazard. This requires a quantitative study of hydrological response of a slope to rainfall through field monitoring, laboratory test and numerical modelling. At 13:40 on September 18, 2002, a fill slope failed following a period of prolonged rain in Shenzhen, resulting in 5 fatalities and 31 injuries. The failed mass with a volume about 2.5×104m3 traveled about 140m on level ground. Field monitoring, laboratory test, theoretical analysis and numerical modelling were carried out to undestand the hydrological response and failure mechanism of this fill slope. This thesis mainly focuses on the following aspects: (1) The hydrological responses and failure processes of slopes under rainfall infiltration were reviewed. Firstly, the factors influencing on the hydrological responses of slopes were analysed. Secondly, the change of stress state of slope soil and modelling methods of slope failure under rainfall infiltration were reviewed. (2) The characteristics of the Yangbaodi landslide and associated rainfall triggering the failure were presented. The failure was characterized by shallow flowslide, due to an increase of ground water table caused by rainfall infiltration. (3) A fully automated instrumentation was carried out to monitor rainfall, and saturated – unsaturated hydrological response of the fill slope, using a raingauge, piezometers, tensiometers and moisture probes. A conceptual hydrogeological model was presented based on field monitoring and borehole data. Analysis of monitoring data showed that the high pore water pressure in fill slope was caused by upward flow of semiconfined groundwater in the moderately decomposed granite. (4) Laboratory and in-situ testing was performed to study the physical and mechanical properties of fills. Isotropically consolidated undrained compression tests and anisotropically consolidated constant shear stress tests were carried out to understand the failure mechanism of the fill slope. It is indicated that loosely compacted soil is of strain-softening behaviour under undrained conditions, accompanied with a rapid increase in excess pore water pressure. In anisotropically consolidated constant shear stress tests, a very small axial strain was required to induce the failure and the excess pore water pressure increased quickly at failure. This indicated that static liquefaction caused by rise in groundwater table due to rainfall infiltration occurred. (5) The hydraulic conductivity of the highly and moderately decomposed granite was estimated using monitering data of pore water pressure. A saturated – unsaturated flow was modeled to study the hydrological response of the fill slope using rainfall records. It was observed that the lagged failure was due to the geological conditions and the discrepancy of hydraulic conductivity of slope soils. The hydraulic conductivity of moderately decomposed granite is relatively higher than the other materials, resulting in a semiconfied groundwater flow in the moderately decomposed granite, and subsequent upward flow into the upper fill layer. When the ground water table in the fill layer was increased to the critical state, the fill slope failed. (6) Numerical exercises were conducted to replay the failure process of the fill slope, based on field monitoring, laboratory and in-situ testing. It was found that the fill slope was mobilized by a rapid transfer of the concentrated shear stress. The movement of failure mass was characterized by viscosity fluid with a gradual increase in velocity. The failure process, including mobilization and subsequent movement and deposition, was studied using numerical methods.


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Hydrochemistry, isotope and CFCs were used to determine groundwater transport in the eastern part of the Guanzhong Basin. In this paper, we systematically collected water samples and measured major ions, 2H-18O and CFCs in surface water and shallow groundwater. Groundwater in this region can be divided into three categories based on total dissolved solids (TDS): fresh water with TDS < 1g/L, brackish water with TDS between 1~3g/L, and saline water with TDS > 3g/L. Saline water is mainly located in the north of the Wei River, and saline groundwater is not in the south. Tributaries in the south of the Wei River and underlain groundwater had similar 2H-18O values, indicating a close hydraulic connection between them. Tributaries in the north of the Wei River characterized certain extent of evaporation, and 2H-18O values deviated to a differing extent between surface water and groundwater, indicating that surface water in the north bank of the Wei River has little hydraulic connection with underlain groundwater. The CFCs age of groundwater from the piedmont recharge area was young, and became older toward the Wei River valley. Vertically, the CFCs age of groundwater increased with well depth. The shallow groundwater is mainly composed of young water with ages < 60 years and old water with ages > 60 years. Young water is in a larger proportion. The NO3-N concentration positively correlates with the CFC-12 concentration in the groundwater, which indicates that young water is subjected to be contaminated. Keyword: Guanzhong Basin , shallow groundwater, isotope, CFC


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The land subsidence of soft clay is including natural and man-made content, which leads to the research on the mechanism of land subsidence constituted by two different aspects, which are studied by geological engineers and geologist. The main major research is focused on the effects of engineering. The land subsidence engineering of soil mechanics is caused by the consolidation and compression of soft clay, the content of which is including the micro-structural characteristics, the stress - strain constitutive relation, porous law, and consolidation theory. In this paper, it is discussed the nonlinear consolidation and compression theory of soft clay. The main studies and conclusions of this thesis are as follows. (1)The micro-structure and its stability are closely related to the engineering characters of soft clay. The stiffness and force connection status of micro-structure plays a controlling influence to its stability. (2)Under saturated state, clay particles remain in a non-full contact or non-contact status, so it is needed to modify the Terzaghi effective stress principle. With the discharge of pore water, the effective stress is increasing, and part of weakly bound-water begins flow, while the porosity and permeability are became lower. (3)It exist non-linear flow in soft clay, which is caused by the shear flow situation of weakly bounded-water. In this case, permeability coefficient is a nonlinear function of hydraulic gradient. (4)In the initial consolidation stage of soft clay in the initial stage, the porous flow is mainly caused by the excretion of free water. With the decrease of free water content, combined bonded-water start to supply free water. At the later stage of consolidation, the flow of fluid is mainly consisted by weakly bounded-water. The exchange between bonded-water and free water is played a role, which slows down the consolidation process.


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In Dongpu depression, there are obviously overpressure phenomena below 2000-3200m. Research to the relationship between sedimentation-diagenesis and overpressure of reservoirs is in great need. In this paper, after analyzing and simulating the overpressure in Wendong, Qiaokou and Baimiao regions, we draw a conclusion that the fast sedimentation since Low Tertiary is one of the most important mechanisms for the formation of overpressure in Dongpu Depression. The gypsum in northern part of Dongpu Depression is the good seal for the development of overpressure. On the base of detailed work to the distribution and magnitude of overpressure in Wen-qiao-Bai regions, we selected several wells that have different overpressure to find the sedimentary and diagenetic differences of these wells. We find that compaction is obviously inhibited in overpressured reservoirs, which results in the linear relation between physical properties of reservoirs and sedimentary parameters, such as sorting coefficient, the content of matrix, etc. Reservoirs with great magnitude of overpressure have undergone more extensive erosion than the ones with low magnitude of overpressure, which probably is the result of the great solubility of CO_2 under high pressure. The great burial depth, the high content of matrix and the extensively developed cement of carbonate are the most important factors that influence the physical properties of reservoirs in Dongpu depression. Overpressure plays a constructive role in the physical properties of reservoirs. the overpressured reservoirs of Es_3~3 subsection in Wendong region are probably the ones that have good physical properties. From homogenetic temperatures that obtained form the fluid inclusions in quartz overgrowth, we find that there were 4 episodes of fluid flows in Dongpu depression. In conjunction with the analysis of the burial history of overpressured reservoirs, we draw conclusions that the first, second and third episodes of fluid flows took place in the extensive rifting stage of Dongpu Depression, the burial depth when the first episode of fluid flow took place was about 1500m, the age was about 36 my; the burial depth of the second and third episodes of fluid flow was between 1800-3000m at that time, the age was between 35-28my. The fluid flows of the second, third, and fourth episodes were in close relation to the overpressure and maybe were the results of the episodic hydrofracturing of overpressured mudstones and shales. The episodic fluid flow of overpressured mudstones and shales probably facilitates the cementation of carbonate, which decreases the physical properties of overpressured reservoirs. The dolomites and ferrodolomites maybe the products of the episodic hydrofracturing of overpressured mudstones and shales.


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The practice of coalbed methane development from home and abroad demonstrated Hydrogeological factor is one of the important geological factors influencing the coalbed methane productivity. The grasp of groundwater behavior feature is the prerequisite to success development of coalbed methane. Through researching the mechanism by which hydrodynamics factors control the storage and transportation of coalfen methane, the ground- water behavior reflecting the feature of coalbed, and mathematics model describing the production process of coalbed methane, this paper devoted to finding the law of groundwater behavior during the course of storage and production and gave hydrogeology theoretical support to the development of coalbed methane. This paper firstly studied hydrodynamic factors influencing the productivity of coalbed methane, based on the analysis of the relative feature of coalbed methane and that of it's reservoir. The productivity of coalbed methane is controlled by reservoir pressure、permeability and recharge conditions. Reservoir pressure, the key factor controlling gas content of coalbed, is ruled by the history of hydrodynamic and current hydrogeological conditions. It indirectly controls the poductivity through influencing the permeability. The permeability of coalbed is the direct factor controlling the productivity. The recharge conditions controls the productivity through influencing initial reservoir pressure and the descend of reservoir pressure during development of coalbed methane. The field of hydrodynamic and the field of hydrochemistry can be used to identified the flow model of groundwater and the coalbed feature can be deducted by the hydraulic gradient、pressure compartment and hydrochemistry. The production of coalbed methane is a complex physical process which including the mutual action between water、solid and gas. This paper studied the mechanism of water-solid action and that of water-gas action, conducted the controlling equation describing the complex process and gave the corresponding mathematics model with its solution by finite-Element method. Finally, this paper analysised the prospective of coalbed methane development of the south section of Hongguo area in Yizikong basin and put emphasis on the analysis of productivity of liangshan and jingzhuping blocks.


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Karst collapse is one of the most important engineering geology hazards in Karst district, which seriously endangers the living of humankind and the environment around us, as well as the natural resources. Generally speaking, there exist three processes of overburden karst collapse:the formation of soil cavity, the expansion of soil cavity and the fall of the cavity roof. During these processes, groundwater is always the most active factor and plays a key role. Pumping will bring into the great change of groundwater in flow state, flowrate, frequency of fluctuation as well as hydraulic gradient and will speed the fall. Statistics shows that most of the man-made karst collapse are induced by pumping, so studying the mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping will provide theoretical base for the prediction and precaution of collapse. By theoretically studying the initial condition for the forming and expanding of a soil cavity, Spalling step by step the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The catastrophe model for the collapse induced by pumping is set up to predict the fall probability of a cavity roof, and the criterion for the collapse is determined. Simultaneously, Karst collapse induced by pumping is predicted with manmade neural network theory. Finally, the appropriate precaution measurements for the collapse induced by pumping are provided. The creative opinions of the paper is following: The initial condition of forming a soil cavity is put forwarded as formula (4-1-5), (4-1-24),(4-1-25) and (4-1-27); which provide theoretical base for foreclosing the formation of a soil cavity and defending collapse. Spaliing step by step as the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The spaliing force is defined as formula (4-2-15). The condition for the expanding of a soil cavity is that spaliing force is greater than tensile strength of soil. The stability of a soil cavity is first studied with catastrophe theory. It is concluded that the process of development up to ground collapse of a small cavity is continuous, however, the process of a big cavity is catastrophic. It is feasibility that the Karst collapse be predicted with manmade neural network theory as a new way.


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Phosphorus is an important biological and ecological element that to a certain degree constrains ecological environment and nutrient (including carbon) cycling. Marine sedimentary phosphorites are the principal phosphorus supply of the mankind. In the eastern to southern margins of the Yangtze Craton, South China, there are two phosphogenetic events at the Doushantuo stage of the Late Sinian and the Meishucun stage of the Early Cambrian respectively, corresponding two explosion events of life across the Precambrian\Cambrian boundary. Phosphorus ores from the Sinian and Cambrian phosphate in South China can be classified roughly into two categories, namely, grained and non-grained phosphorites. Grained phosphorites, hosted in dolostone type of phosphogenetic sequences and with larger industrial values, occur mainly in margins of the Upper Yangtze Platform, formed in shallow-water environments with high hydraulic energy and influenced by frequent sea-level change. Non-grained phosphorites, hosted principally in black-shale type of phosphogenetic sequences and with smaller industrial values, are distributed mainly in the Jiangnan region where deeper-water sub-basins with low hydraulic energy were prevailing at the time of phosphogenesis. Secular change ofδ~(13)C, δ~(18) O, ~(86)Sr/~(87)Sr values of carbonates from Sinian and Cambrian sequences were determined. A negative abnormal ofδ~(13)C, δ~(18)O values and positive abnormal of 86Sr/87Sr values from the fossiliferous section of the Lowest Cambrian Meishucun Formation implies life depopulation and following explosion of life across the PrecambriamCambrian boundary. Based on a lot of observations, this paper put forward a six-stage genetic model describing the whole formational process of industrial phosphorites: 1) Phosphorus was transported from continental weathering products and stored in the ocean; 2) dissolved phosphates in the seawater were enriched in specific deep seawater layer; 3) coastal upwelling currents took this phosphorus-rich seawater to a specific coastal area where phosphorus was captured by oceanic microbes; 4) clastic sediments in this upwelling area were enriched in phosphorus because of abundant phosphorus-rich organic matters and because of phosphorus absorption on grain surfaces; 5) during early diagenesis, the phosphorus enriched in the clastic sediments was released into interstitial water by decomposition and desorption, and then transported to the oxidation-reduction interface where authigenic phosphates were deposited and enriched; 6) such authigenic phosphate-rich layers were scoured, broken up, and winnowed in shallow-water environments resulting in phosphate enrichment. The Sinian-Cambrian phosphorites in South China are in many aspects comparable with coastal-upwelling phosphorites of younger geological ages, especially with phosphorites from modern coastal upwelling areas. That implies the similarities between the Sinian-Cambrian ocean and the modern ocean. Although Sinian-Cambrian oceanic life was much simpler than modern one, but similar oceanic planktons prevail, because oceanic planktons (particularly phytoplanktons) are crucial for phosphate enrichment related to coastal upwelling. It implies also a similar seawater-layering pattern between the Sinian-Cambrian ocean and the modern ocean. The two global phosphate-forming events and corresponding life-explosion events at the Sinian and Cambrian time probably resulted from dissolved-phosphate accumulation in seawater over a critical concentration during the Earth's evolution. Such an oceanic system with seawater phosphorus supersaturation is evidently unstable, and trends to return to normal state through phosphate deposition. Accordingly, this paper put forward a new conception of "normal state <=> phosphorus-supersaturation state" cycling of oceanic system. Such "normal state <=> phosphorus-supersaturation state" cycling was not only important for the three well-known global phosphate-forming events, also related to the critical moments of life evolution on the Earth. It might be of special significance. The favorable paleo-oceanic orientation in regard to coastal-upwelling phosphorite formation suggests a different orientation of the Yangtze Craton between the Sinian time and the present time (with a 135° clockwise difference), and a 25° anti-clockwise rotation of the Yangtze Craton from late Sinian to early Cambrian. During the Sinian-Cambrian time, the Yangtze Craton might be separated from the Cathaysia Block, but might be still associated with the North China Craton.


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Seepage control in karstic rock masses is one of the most important problems in domestic hydroelectric engineering and mining engineering as well as traffic engineering. At present permeability assessment and leakage analysis of multi-layer karstic rock masses are mainly qualitative, while seldom quantitative. Quantitative analyses of the permeability coefficient and seepage amount are conducted in this report, which will provide a theoretical basis for the study of seepage law and seepage control treatment of karstic rocks. Based on the field measurements in the horizontal grouting galleries of seepage control curtains on the left bank of the Shuibuya Hydropower Project on the Qingjiang river, a hydraulic model is established in this report, and the computation results will provide a scientific basis for optimization of grouting curtain engineering. Following issues are addressed in the report. (1) Based on the in-situ measurements of fissures and karstic cavities in grouting galleries, the characteristics of karstic rock mass is analyzed, and a stochastic structural model of karstic rock masses is set up, which will provide the basis for calculation of the permeability and leakage amount of karstic rock mass. (2) According to the distribution of the measured joints in the grouting galleries and the stochastic results obtained from the stochastic structural model of karstic rock mass between grouting galleries, a formula for computation of permeability tensor of fracturing system is set up, and a computation program is made with Visual Basic language. The computation results will be helpful for zoning of fissured rock masses and calculation of seepage amount as well as optimization of seepage control curtains. (3) Fractal theory is used to describe quantitatively the roughness of conduit walls of karstic systems and the sinuosity of karstic conduits. It is proposed that the roughness coefficient of kastic caves can be expressed by both fractal dimension Ds and Dr that represent respectively the extension sinuosity of karstic caves and the roughness of the conduit walls. The existing formula for calculating the seepage amount of karstic conduits is revised and programmed. The seepage amount of rock masses in the measured grouting galleries is estimated under the condition that no seepage control measures are taken before reservoir impoundment, and the results will be helpful for design and construction optimization of seepage curtains of the Shuibuya hydropower project. This report is one part of the subject "Karstic hydrogeology and the structural model and seepage hydraulics of karstic rock masses", a sub-program of "Study on seepage hydraulics of multi-layer karstic rock masses and its application in seepage control curtain engineering", which is financially supported by the Hubei Provincial key science and technology programme.


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Various numbers of ancient landslides of various scales are frequently distributed on both banks of reservoirs, especially large reservoirs, both in China and abroad. During inundation and operation of theses reservoirs, some of the landslides are reactivated, which caused losses of people's lives and properties to various extents, some even disasters. Systematic studies are, however, very few on the reservoir-induced reactivation mechanism and development tendency prediction. Based on investigation of reservoir-induced reactivation phenomena of ancient landslides and relevant existing research problems, a systematic study is carried out on the field identification, induced reactivation mechanism, development tendency prediction, risk decision-making and treatment of reservoir-related ancient landslides, through analysis of large numbers of engineering geological investigation results, scientific experimental and research results, in combination with prevention and treatment practices of reservoir-related landslides both in China and abroad, and a series of research results have been obtained. 1. On the basis of study of the distribution features, genesis mechanism of ancient landslides on river banks, a set of scientific methods are summarized on field identification of ancient landslides, and a significant method named "lithologic sequence method" or "indicator layer method", is proposed, which is proved to be very useful. 2. A detail study is made on the reservoir-induced hydraulic effects and material mechanic effects (or softening effects) on the ancient landslide through model and case studies, which concludes that the magnitude and properties of reservoir-induced hydraulic effects are related to the shapes of sliding planes, water content and permeability of landslide materials and variation rate and magnitude of reservoir levels; the magnitude of material mechanic effects are related to the material composition (including mineral composition and grain size), natural water content and saturation state of sliding zones. Also a sensitive analysis is made on the factors that are related to the stabilities of the landslides, which indicate that the stability of a landslide is more sensitive to the groundwater head h_w in the slides and the inner friction angleψof sliding zones than others. 3. The joint inducing mechanism of rainfall and reservoir is also discussed in the paper through model analysis and case study, which proves that reservoir inundation increases firstly the sensitivity of a landslides to rainfall through reduction of its stability or cracking deformation which will increase the rainfall infiltration to the slide body, and then rainfall triggers reactivation or intensifies the reservoir-induced deformation of a landslide. 4. Based on rheologic test results of sliding zones of several reservoir-related ancient landslides, the rheologic characteristics of sliding zones have been discussed in detail and several typical rheologic models have been set up, which well explains the dynamic process of slide deformation. The response types to reservoir inundation and development tendency of reservoir -related ancient landslide are discussed in the paper based on field investigation results. And prediction methods for reservoir-related landslides have been studied based on the Mate-Synthetic principle of quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as combination of computation and internal mechanism analysis, and a rheologic analytical method is proposed which is proved very useful for prediction of the landslide development tendency. 6. In disaster-prevention and treatment of reservoir-related landslides, risk decision-making has been proved very significant both in engineering and economics. Based on the practices in disaster-prevention and treatment of reservoir-related landslides both in China and abroad, the disaster-prevention risk decision-making for reservoir-related landslides has been proposed in terms of philosophy, methods and procedures, and well put into practice. A summary is also made through case study of the experiences of treatment of reservoir-related landslides both in China and abroad in terms of principle, methods and technical lines. 7 A detail study is made as a case study of the reactivated Maoping ancient landslide on the left bank of the Geheyan Reservoir on Qingjiang river in Hubei province, China, including its field identification features, reservoir-induced reactivation characteristics and mechanism, development tendency prediction and proposed counter measures based on risk analysis.


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Saprolite is the residual soil resulted from completely weathered or highly weathered granite and with corestones of parent rock. It is widely distributed in Hong Kong. Slope instability usually happens in this layer of residual soil and thus it is very important to study the engineering geological properties of Saprolite. Due to the relic granitic texture, the deformation and strength characteristics of Saprolite are very different from normal residual soils. In order to investigate the effects of the special microstructure on soil deformation and strength, a series of physical, chemical and mechanical tests were conducted on Saprolite at Kowloon, Hong Kong. The tests include chemical analysis, particle size analysis, mineral composition analysis, mercury injection, consolidation test, direct shear test, triaxial shear test, optical analysis, SEM & TEM analysis, and triaxial shear tests under real-time CT monitoring.Based on the testing results, intensity and degree of weathering were classified, factors affecting and controlling the deformation and strength of Saprolite were identified, and the interaction between those factors were analyzed.The major parameters describing soil microstructure were introduced mainly based on optical thin section analysis results. These parameters are of importance and physical meaning to describe particle shape, particle size distribution (PSD), and for numerical modeling of soil microstructure. A few parameters to depict particle geometry were proposed or improved. These parameters can be used to regenerate the particle shape and its distribution. Fractal dimension of particle shape was proposed to describe irregularity of particle shapes and capacity of space filling quantitatively. And the effect of fractal dimension of particle shape on soil strength was analyzed. At the same time, structural coefficient - a combined parameter which can quantify the overall microstructure of rock or soil was introduced to study Saprolite and the results are very positive. The study emphasized on the fractal characteristics of PSD and pore structure by applying fractal theory and method. With the results from thin section analysis and mercury injection, it was shown that at least two fractal dimensions Dfl(DB) and Df2 (Dw), exist for both PSD and pore structure. The reasons and physical meanings behind multi-fractal dimensions were analyzed. The fractal dimensions were used to calculate the formation depth and weathering rate of granite at Kowloon. As practical applications, correlations and mathematical models for fractal dimensions and engineering properties of soil were established. The correlation between fractal dimensions and mechanical properties of soil shows that the internal friction angle is mainly governed by Dfl 9 corresponding to coarse grain components, while the cohesion depends on Df2 , corresponding to fine grain components. The correlations between the fractal dimension, friction angle and cohesion are positive linear.Fractal models of PSD and pore size distribution were derived theoretically. Fragmentation mechanism of grains was also analyzed from the viewpoint of fractal. A simple function was derived to define the theoretical relationship between the water characteristic curve (WCC) and fractal dimension, based on a number of classical WCC models. This relationship provides a new analytical tool and research method for hydraulic properties in porous media and solute transportation. It also endues fractal dimensions with new physical meanings and facilitates applications of fractal dimensions in water retention characteristics, ground water movement, and environmental engineering.Based on the conclusions from the fractal characteristics of Saprolite, size effect on strength was expressed by fractal dimension. This function is in complete agreement with classical Weibull model and a simple function was derived to represent the relationship between them.In this thesis, the phenomenon of multi-fractal dimensions was theoretically analyzed and verified with WCC and saprolite PSD results, it was then concluded that multi-fractal can describe the characteristics of one object more accurately, compared to single fractal dimension. The multi-fractal of saprolite reflects its structural heterogeneity and changeable stress environment during the evolution history.


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Three experiments were conducted in the attempt to understand the development of hierarchical classification. The 3-and 4-year-olds as well as hindergartners were given matching or object sorting tasks with either basic-level or superordinate relations. The results indicated: 1. Even 3-year-olds can consistently sort at the basic level. However, children perform poorly at the superordinate level, and there are developmental differences in the ability to sort at this level. 2. The perceptual similarity of stimulus materials, various competing organizations and the different ways of dealing with superordinate categories, depending on whether the categories are explicitly or implicitly represented for the child, are all factors appear to contribute to children's hierarchical classification.


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Chow and Liu introduced an algorithm for fitting a multivariate distribution with a tree (i.e. a density model that assumes that there are only pairwise dependencies between variables) and that the graph of these dependencies is a spanning tree. The original algorithm is quadratic in the dimesion of the domain, and linear in the number of data points that define the target distribution $P$. This paper shows that for sparse, discrete data, fitting a tree distribution can be done in time and memory that is jointly subquadratic in the number of variables and the size of the data set. The new algorithm, called the acCL algorithm, takes advantage of the sparsity of the data to accelerate the computation of pairwise marginals and the sorting of the resulting mutual informations, achieving speed ups of up to 2-3 orders of magnitude in the experiments.


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This paper presents the ideas underlying a program that takes as input a schematic of a mechanical or hydraulic power transmission system, plus specifications and a utility function, and returns catalog numbers from predefined catalogs for the optimal selection of components implementing the design. It thus provides the designer with a high level "language" in which to compose new designs, then performs some of the detailed design process for him. The program is based on a formalization of quantitative inferences about hierarchically organized sets of artifacts and operating conditions, which allows design compilation without the exhaustive enumeration of alternatives.


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Thomas, R. & Urquhart, C. NHS Wales e-library portal evaluation. (For Informing Healthcare Strategy implementation programme). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth Follow-on to NHS Wales User Needs study Sponsorship: Informing Healthcare, NHS Wales