943 resultados para Hours of labor, Flexible
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram estudados os efeitos da temperatura cutânea (Ts) sobre a taxa de termólise por evaporação cutânea (Es) de vacas Holandesas cronicamente expostas ao sol, considerando a pigmentação do pelame. Dezesseis vacas puras de origem foram medidas quanto à evaporação e à temperatura cutâneas às 13 h, após 6 horas de exposição ao sol, no mesmo local (flanco, pescoço e glúteo) e considerando separadamente as malhas negras e as brancas. A evaporação cutânea foi medida por meio de cápsula ventilada. Nas áreas negras a taxa de sudação (138,9 ± 8,5 g.m-2.h-1), a taxa de termólise por evaporação cutânea (93,3 ± 5,7 W.m-2) e a temperatura da superfície cutânea (33,1 ± 0,2°C) foram maiores que nas áreas brancas (109,5 ± 9,7 g.m-2.h-1, 73,6 ± 6,5 W.m-2 e 32,6 ± 0,2°C, respectivamente). Há uma relação exponencial entre evaporação e temperatura cutâneas, que pode ser representada pela equação Es = 31,5+3,67 exp{(Ts-27,9)/2,19115}, com coeficiente de determinação r²=0,68. A taxa de termólise por evaporação cutânea permanece quase constante (cerca de 48 W.m-2) até que a temperatura cutânea atinge aproximadamente 31°C.
Seeds of Mimosa bimucronata are heavily infested (pre-dispersal predation) by the bruchid beetle Acanthoscelides schrankiae in Brazil. In this study, firstly we set up experiments to assess seed germination under seven and six different light and temperature regimes, respectively, and then we evaluated the ability of seeds to germinate after predation. We tested the hypothesis that the non-predated seeds from infested fruits may respond differently when set for germination than those seeds of non-infested fruits. We also hypothesized that predation may increase the production of unviable seeds. Seeds under 18 hours of light presented the highest percentage of germination, and the alternating temperature 20-30 degrees C was considered as optimum for germination (abnormal seedlings were not considered as a successful germination). Germination of seeds from non-infested fruits was significantly higher than germination of non-predated seeds from infested fruits, and predation also caused a significant increase in the proportion of dead seeds. Our results also show a positive correlation between proportions of unviable seeds and predated seeds. These results demonstrated that seeds of M. bimucronata are strongly affected by predation because predated seeds did not germinate and non-predated seeds had their viability reduced when located in infested fruits, supporting our hypothesis.
The content of ascorbic acid was assayed in acerolas harvested in three phases of maturation: green-yellow fruits (I); light red (II) and wine-coloured (III). Phase I and Phase II fruit were packed in aluminium sheets and stoppered flasks and stored in freezer (-10o.C) and in refrigerator (8o.C). Samples of 8 fruits from each experimental condiction were analysed for ascorbic acid determination by 2-chlorophenol indophenol discolouration method. The averages of 1.393,5 mg./100g. for Phase I sample, 1024,9 for Phase II and 756,5 for Phase III fruits, showed a statistically significative linear decreasing of the ascorbic acid content related with the maturation extent Phase I samples stored in freezing showed statitically significative decreasing of that vitamin at 408 hours of storage in both: aluminium sheet and stoppered flask package; in chilling temperature there was significative reduction of ascorbic acid content after 240 and 312 hours, respectively, for fruits packed in aluminium sheet and stopped flasks. Phase Il samples showed significative lost at 72 hours of storage when maintained in freezing temperature either, in aluminium sheet or in stoppered flasks: When stored in chilling temperature showed progressive lost of ascorbic acid in all measuring periods in every package. After 144 hours suffered deterioration suggested by colour changes.
Effects of sire breed-grazing system and environmental factors on the first activities of high grade Nellore and crossbred Canchim x Nellore, Angus x Nellore, and Simmental x Nellore calves raised in intensive production systems and high grade Nellore calves raised in an extensive production system, after birth, were studied. During 2 years, 185 calves were observed from birth until the end of first suckling, and the following variables were estimated: duration of maternal attention (cow to calf) during the first 15 min after calving, latency to first attempt to stand up, latency to stand up, latency to first suckling, duration of first suckling and the interval from standing to suckling. Data were analyzed by least squares methods, with models that included fixed effects of year and time of the year of birth (March-April (early autumn) and May-June (late autumn)), sire breed-grazing system (Sy), sex of calf (Se), category of cow (primiparous and pluriparous), time of birth, Sy x Se, year x Sy and year x time of the year interactions and the covariates weight of calf, rainfall, air temperature and relative humidity in the day of birth. Calves born from 6:00 to 8:00 h presented the longest latencies to first stand up (40.3 +/- 5.1 min) and the shortest occur from 14:00 to 16:00 h (15.8 +/- 2.7 min) (P < 0.01). Primiparous cows provided longer attention toward the calf in the first 15 min after birth than pluriparous cows (13.0 +/- 0.7 min versus 11.1 +/- 0.5 min; P < 0.05). This attention was also shorter in earlier autumn (11.0 +/- 0.5 min) and longer in late autumn (13.1 +/- 0.8 min) (P < 0.05). Relative to sire breed-grazing system, Nellore calves raised intensively did take longer to stand and to suckle after birth as compared to crossbred calves also raised intensively (P < 0.01). However, grazing system did not affect (P > 0.05) any behaviour variable studied. As regard to sex differences, female calves did take less (P < 0.01) time to suckle after standing than male calves. Results showed that even purebred or crossbred Bos indicus calves in subtropical environmental need extra care when born on rainy days, especially during the first hours of the day. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The solar events that occurred at the end of October 2003 gave rise to very strong geomagnetic disturbances that peaked twice with Dst values reaching -345 nT around 0000 UT on 30 October and -400 nT around 2300 UT, on the same day. Disturbances in several ionospheric parameters were observed over Brazil. This work will focus on the ionospheric response to the initial westward prompt penetration electric field and on the strong intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly that occurred because of the electric field polarity reversal that followed in the early morning hours of 29 October. The F layer peak height over the equator first decreased under the strong prompt penetration westward electric field, which was followed by significant height increase under eastward electric field. We have used Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) with an intensified westward disturbed electric field in the presunrise hours, presumably due to prompt penetration from the magnetosphere, in order to study the effect of such a field in the ionosphere. The simulation results showed that prompt penetration of magnetospheric electric fields of westward polarity to the nightside equatorial region seems to be the most probable cause of the initial F layer height decreases. The intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly and the unusual enhancement on F layer peak density, which was not modeled by the SUPIM, are explained as caused by the strong eastward electric field that followed the initial phase in combination with a highly variable disturbed meridional/transequatorial wind system as inferred from the F2 layer peak height variations. The highly dynamic wind pattern, with a short-term response (2-4 hours), is compatible with the predictions of some previous theoretical model calculations reported in the literature.
In vitro inhibition of the of spores germination of Alternaria solani by iprodione, chlorothalonil, and anilazine at different dosages was studied. The highest concentration of active ingredient studied for each fungicide was equivalent to that recommended for the control of the early blight, under field conditions: 0.75; 1.80 and 1.44 g, respectively, of iprodione, chlorothalonil and anilazine per litre of water. A series of two-fold diluitions of each original concentration was studied in additional nine experiments. Eah of the three fungicides showed total in vitro spore inhibition at the highest rate, at six hours of incubation. At nine hours, only analazine mantained its full inhibition activity. The inhibition activity of iprodione decreased suddenly after 1/2 dilution, so that at the 1/8 dilution a total loss of inhibitory activity was observed. Chlorothalonil showed a progressive and slighter decrease of its activity as the dilution rate increased.Analizine showed a high inhibitory activity at higher dilutions, without any loss up to 1/128 dilution. Even at 1/512 dilution, its activity was so high that only 20% of spore germination was observed at six or nine hours of incubation.
The kinetics of the buildup and decay of photoinduced birefringence was examined in a series of host-guest systems: azobenzene-containing crown ethers, differing in the size of the crowns, dissolved in a poly (methyl methacrylate) matrix. In all samples, the kinetics of the buildup of the birefringence was reasonably described by a sum of two exponential functions, the time constants being inversely proportional to the intensity of the pumping light and the magnitudes of the signals at the saturation level depending on the pumping light intensity and sample thickness. The dark decays were best described by the stretched exponential function, with the characteristic parameters (time constant and stretch coefficient) being practically independent of the type of crown ether. The time constants of the signal decay were orders of magnitude shorter than the respective constants of the dark isomerization of the azo crown ethers, thus indicating that the process controlling the decay was a relaxation of the polymer matrix and/or a rearrangement of the flexible parts of the crowns. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit,seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considering shape, size, micropile and embryo localization; and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the bio metric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope, For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate ina culture medium, at 30 degrees C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm). The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.
Background and Objectives. The study investigated possible neurotoxic effects of increasing concentrations and doses of bupivacaine administered into the subarachnoid space in dogs. Methods. Fifty animals were allocated to five experimental groups: G1, control; G2, 5 mg 0.5 bupivacaine in 10% glucose solution; G3, 10 mg of 1% bupivacaine in 10% glucose solution; G4, 20 mg 2% bupivacaine in 10% glucose solution, and G5, 20 mg 2% bupivacaine in water. After 72 hours of observation, the animals were killed and the spinal cords removed for histologic examination by light microscopy. Results. None of the animals showed any neurologic clinical disturbance following recovery from spinal anesthesia. One case of necrosis of nerve tissue was observed in G3 and four in G4. Conclusions. Increasing concentrations and doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine solutions increased the incidence of nerve tissue damage, which did not occur with hypobaric solutions. These results should contribute to the further understanding of neurologic complications following spinal anesthesia when large doses of local anesthetics in hyperbaric solutions are used.
Objective: To determine the effects of storage of arterial and venous blood samples in ice water on blood gas and acid-base measurements.Design: Prospective, in vitro, laboratory study.Setting: School of veterinary medicine.Subjects: Six healthy dogs.Measurements and main results: Baseline measurements of partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), pH, hemoglobin concentration (tHb), oxyhemoglobin saturation, and oxygen content (ContO(2)) were made. Bicarbonate (HCO3) and standard base excess (SBE) were calculated. Arterial and venous blood samples were separated into 1 and 3 mL samples, anaerobically transferred into 3 mL plastic syringes, and stored in ice water for 6 hours. Measurements were repeated at 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours after baseline measurements. Arterial (a) PO2 increased significantly from baseline after 30 minutes of storage in the 1 mL samples and after 2 hours in the 3 mL samples. Venous (v) PO2 was significantly increased from baseline after 4 hours in the 1 mL samples and after 6 hours in the 3 mL samples. The pHa significantly decreased after 2 hours of storage in the 1 mL samples and after 4 hours in the 3 mL samples. In both the 1 and 3 mL samples, pHv decreased significantly only after 6 hours. Neither the arterial nor the venous PCO2 values changed significantly in the 1 mL samples and increased only after 6 hours in the 3 mL samples. No significant changes in tHb, ContO(2), SBE, or HCO3 were detected.Conclusions: the PO2 of arterial and venous blood increased significantly when samples were stored in plastic syringes in ice water. These increases are attributable to the diffusion of oxygen from and through the plastic of the syringe into the blood, which occurred at a rate that exceeded metabolic consumption of oxygen by the nucleated cells.
Objective To study the association between maternal preeclampsia and neonatal sepsis in very low birth weight newborns.Study design We studied all infants with birth weights between 500 g and 1500 g who were admitted to 6 neonatal intensive care units of the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research for 2 years. Exclusion criteria were major malformations, death in the delivery room, and maternal chronic hypertension. Absolute neutrophil count was performed in the first 72 hours of life.Results A total of 911 very low birth weight infants (preeclampsia, 308; non-preeclampsia, 603) were included. The preeclampsia group had significantly higher gestational age, more cesarean deliveries, antenatal steroid, central catheters, total parenteral nutrition, and neutropenia, and less rupture of membranes >18 hours and mechanical ventilation. Both groups had similar incidences of early sepsis (4.6% and 4.2% in preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia groups, respectively) and late sepsis (24% and 22.1% in preeclampsia and non-preeclampsia groups, respectively). Vaginal delivery and neutropenia were associated with multiple logistic regressions with early sepsis, and mechanical ventilation, central catheter, and total parenteral nutrition were associated with late sepsis. Death was associated with neutropenia in very preterm infants.Conclusions Preeclampsia did not increase neonatal sepsis in very low birth weight infants, and death was associated with neutropenia in very preterm infants. (J Pediatr 2010; 157: 434-8).