954 resultados para Hospitals infantils


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Mechanically ventilated patients in hospitals are subjected to an increased risk of acquiring nosocomial pneumonia that sometimes has a lethal outcome. One way to minimize the risk could be to make the surfaces on endotracheal tubes antibacterial. In this study, bacterial growth was inhibited or completely prevented by silver ions wet chemically and deposited onto the tube surface. Through the wet chemical treatment developed here, a surface precipitate was formed containing silver chloride and a silver stearate salt. The identity and morphology of the surface precipitate was studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction. Leaching of silver ions into solution was examined, and bacterial growth on the treated surfaces was assayed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild type (PAO1) bacteria. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentration of silver ions was determined in liquid- and solid-rich growth medium as 23 and 18 microM, respectively, for P. aeruginosa.


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This report has been produced by the London Health Observatory (LHO) for the London Development Centre to provide a London baseline for monitoring specific actions in the Delivering Race Equality (DRE) action plan . The report summarises the findings of an analysis of the information collected from all of London's nine Mental Health NHS providers, and 22 independent providers for the national census of inpatients in mental health hospitals and facilities in England and Wales on 31 March 2005.


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This report has been produced by the London Health Observatory (LHO) for the London Development Centre to provide a London baseline for monitoring specific actions in the Delivering Race Equality (DRE) action plan. The report summarises the findings of an analysis of the information collected from all of London's nine Mental Health NHS providers, and 22 independent providers for the national census of inpatients in mental health hospitals and facilities in England and Wales on 31 March 2005 .


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Le présent mémoire traite de l'implication des hôpitaux universitaires en évaluation des technologies de la santé. Le champ d'étude est vaste : - L'évaluation des technologies de la santé est une discipline dont l'étendue fait appel aux sciences exactes (physique, statistiques, ingénierie, méthodologie de la recherche analytique, etc.) ainsi qu'aux sciences sociales (économie, éthique, etc.) - L'hôpital universitaire est une organisation des plus complexes qui soit. Le "produit final" - l'amélioration de la santé du patient - est totalement non standardisé, il n'existe pas de modèle d'hôpital universitaire type et unique (inclusion ou non d'un centre de recherche, d'une faculté de médecine, d'un comité de gestion politique, etc.) et les corps de métiers qui le composent sont des plus variés et représentés en grand nombre Ainsi, l'étendue du champ relève des domaines interdépendants tels que la technologie (elle-même incluse dans le domaine de l'innovation aujourd'hui en développement), le management (ou administration des soins, du système de santé dans lequel s'inscrit l'hôpital universitaire), le financement de l'institution (mais aussi la rémunération des professionnels) et enfin la stratégie de l'hôpital. Le présent travail ne fait qu'effleurer ce large spectre d'investigation. La thématique de l'évaluation des technologies de la santé n'est guère connue en Suisse, ou plutôt elle n'est que peu développée et reconnue comme une science interdisciplinaire destinée à porter un jugement de valeur afin d'aider la prise de décision, sens profond qui la définit dans d'autres pays tel le Canada et plus particulièrement le Québec. Enfin, il convient de souligner que le présent travail n'a pas comme objectif de comparer les systèmes de santé québécois et suisse ou de réaliser toute autre critique de l'un ou de l'autre. Le but du stage ([à l'Université de Montréal], cf. Préambule) était d'observer des structures reconnues au niveau international et nullement de juger de l'ensemble du système de santé. Si l'on peut s'inspirer des réussites ailleurs, il convient de s'en tenir à l'inspiration de celles-ci pour ensuite, éventuellement, les contextualiser dans d'autres lieux. Ainsi, à chaque fois qu'il sera fait mention du Québec par la suite, ce sera dans l'intention de démontrer l'originalité de la démarche et d'élargir le débat dans le contexte qui nous intéresse. [Auteur p. 7]


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La finalitat d'aquest projecte és realitzar el desenvolupament d'una aplicació fent servir la tecnologia .NET, que és una tecnologia actualment en gran expansió, amb la voluntat d'explorar les seves possibilitats. En concret, hem fet servir ASP.NET, C# i la seva connectivitat amb SQL-Server mitjançant ADO.NET.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Nos sociétés contemporaines, à l'heure de la mondialisation, ont-elles perdu le sens de l'hospitalité ? Qu'en est-il de ses fonctions et de ses figures à la fois morales, politiques, religieuses et imaginaires ? Lorsque Ulysse abordait un nouveau rivage, la même question revenait : Vais-je trouver des brutes, des sauvages sans justice ou des hommes hospitaliers craignant les dieux ? L'hospitalité a toujours été signe de civilisation et d'humanité, et les pérégrinations d'Ulysse ont su dresser une géographie imaginaire du monde humain, dessinant les contours et traçant les limites de la culture et de la nature. Considérant qu'il est urgent de retrouver cette mémoire hospitalière du monde humain, plus de quatre-vingt-dix auteurs du monde entier ont rassemblé leurs savoirs des us et coutumes, des lieux, des cultures, des représentations, des mythes et des oeuvres d'art qui font de l'hospitalité la plus indispensable des valeurs humaines. Philosophes, historiens, ethnologues, littéraires, linguistes... invitent le lecteur, leur hôte, à découvrir le vaste parcours ouvert des significations et des pratiques de l'accueil dans l'histoire culturelle. Have modern day societies in this era of globalization forgotten the sense of hospitality? Hospitality is a principle which used to play a major social function, with its symbolic, ethical, political and religious figures. This book is designed to preserve the memory of the tradition of hospitality. To that end 90 authors from throughout the world have collaborated to present this exhaustive encyclopedia of the places, the customs, the cultures, the myths and the artistic representations of hospitality, all of which bear witness to its importance as a human value. Philosophers, historians, ethnologists, writers, linguists welcome the reader to discover the place that hospitality has had in cultural history, in terms of both how and why it was practised. - This book offers a fivefold treatment of the perennial tradition of hospitality: - Definitions - Civilizations (throughout history and across religions and cultures) - Institutions and places of hospitality, both real and imaginary (castles, hospitals, gardens, churches, etc.) - Myths, figures and artistic representation - Philosophy, politics and society.


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The Myocardial Infarction Audit Project (MINAP) began in late 1998 when a broadly based steering group developed a dataset for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This allowed clinicians to examine the management of myocardial infarction within their hospitals against targets specified by the National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease (NSF). The audit project produces annual reports "How the NHS manages heart attacks" to show the performance of hospitals, ambulance services and cardiac networks in England and Wales against national standards and targets for the care of heart attack patients. MINAP has recently changed its name from the Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project to the Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project to reflect the importance of all acute coronary syndromes.


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L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és exposar tots els passos seguits per a desenvolupar un projecte (anàlisi, disseny, implementació i proves) que utilitza una tecnologia determinada: l'arquitectura J2EE, una arquitectura escalable que permet un desenvolupament simplificat dels projectes d'aplicacions. El projecte escollit és una aplicació de gestió d'espais, la finalitat del qual és gestionar els espais que pertanyen a una entitat multiespacial, com ara una universitat o un hospital.


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Rotavirus is a major cause of infantile acute diarrhea, causing about 440,000 deaths per year, mainly in developing countries. The World Health Organization has been recommending the assessment of rotavirus burden and strain characterization as part of the strategies of immunization programs against this pathogen. In this context, a prospective study was made on a sample of 134 children with acute diarrhea and severe dehydration admitted to venous fluid therapy in two state hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from February to September 2004. Rotavirus where detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and by an enzyme-linked immunoassay to rotavirus and adenovirus (EIARA) in 48% of the children. Positive samples for group A rotavirus (n = 65) were analyzed by reverse transcription/heminested multiplex polymerase chain reaction to determine the frequency of G and [P] genotypes and, from these, 64 samples could be typed. The most frequent G genotype was G1 (58%) followed by G9 (40%). One mixed infection (G1/G9) was detected. The only [P] genotype identified was [8]. In order to estimate the rotavirus infection frequency in children who acquired diarrhea as hospital infection in those hospitals, we studied 24 patients, detecting the pathogen in 41% of them. This data suggest that genotype G9 is an important genotype in Rio de Janeiro, with implications to the future strategies of vaccination against rotavirus, reinforcing the need of continuous monitoring of circulating strains of the pathogen, in a surveillance context.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the incidence of presumed endophthalmitis (EO) after intravitreal injection (IVI) of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents performed in the operating room. METHODS: Retrospective study at 2 Swiss eye hospitals between 2004 and 2012. Hospital records were used to identify patients treated with an IVI of an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agent between 2004 and 2012 and those treated for EO, defined as any intraocular inflammation treated with intravitreal antibiotics. All IVIs were performed using standard sterile technique in a Swiss Class 1 operating room. No patient received preinjection topical antibiotics. Postinjection topical antibiotics were used only in one hospital. RESULTS: A total of 40,011 IVIs were performed at the 2 centers during the study period. Of the IVIs, ranibizumab was injected in 36,398 (91%), bevacizumab in 3,518 (9%), aflibercept in 89 (0.2%), and pegaptanib in 6 (<0.1%). Three cases of post-IVI presumed EO occurred, yielding a combined incidence of 0.0075% per injection (95% confidence interval: 0.0026-0.0220%) or 1 case per 13,337 IVIs. Two of the three cases of EO occurred in patients using post-IVI antibiotics. All three cases followed ranibizumab injection and were culture negative by anterior chamber tap or vitreous biopsy. CONCLUSION: The risk of EO after IVI performed under the sterile conditions of the operating room was very low.


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The findings in this report are based on stillbirths and neonatal deaths with a date of birth between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2008 notified to AWPS/CMACE and reported to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For maternity provider rates, denominators are based on live births reported to AWPS/CMACE by hospitals. For country rates, denominators are based on live births reported to ONS and NISRA-GRO.Perinatal mortality rates for 2008 are assigned to a geographical area. Country specific findings are derived using maternal postcode of residence. Findings for maternity providers within Northern Ireland are derived using the place of death, and any deaths at home are allocated to the maternity provider that provided the care at the time of death.


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The findings in this report are based on stillbirths and neonatal deaths with a date of birth between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2009 notified to CMACE and reported to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For Trust rates, denominators are based on live births reported to CMACE by hospitals. For Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and country rates, denominators are based on live births reported to ONS and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).Perinatal mortality rates for 2009 are assigned to a geographical area and are derived using maternal postcode of residence. Findings for Trusts are derived using the place of death, and any deaths at home are allocated to the Trusts that provided the care at the time of death.


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Cigarette smoking is the major cause of preventable ill health in Northern Ireland. It accounts for 2400 premature deaths every year. Fifty percent or one in every two smokers will die prematurely due to their addiction; many will suffer chronic ill health and poor quality of life before their death (DHSSPS, 2007; ASH, 2008). Approximately 340,000 people smoke in Northern Ireland or 24% of the population over 16yrs. The Public Health Agency (PHA) commissions specialist stop smoking services across Northern Ireland. It has enabled the establishment of specialist stop smoking services in a range of settings including GP practices, pharmacies, hospitals and community settings. Tobacco control activities are overseen locally by the PHA's Tobacco Control Groups. The multi-agency groups oversee and advise on tobacco control initiatives.All stop smoking services are required to comply with the requirements of 18 standards. This report highlights the standards.


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To investigate the genetic variation among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran and to evaluate the level of and risk factors for recent transmission of tuberculosis (TB), we performed IS6110-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of strains, isolated from 105 patients during the period of September 2002 to March 2003 in TB centers and university hospitals of the province. Among 105 isolates, 81 different IS6110 patterns were found, of which 70 were observed only once and 11 were shared by two to eight isolates. Ninety-six isolates (91.4%) were found to have more than five copies of IS6110 and together with high patterns polymorphism, shows that IS6110-RFLP typing could be useful for studying the epidemiology of TB in Azerbaijan. The minimum estimated rate of recent transmission was 23%, suggesting that the degree of recent transmission in East Azerbaijan Province is relatively low. Clustering was not associated with age, sex or site of infection of TB but drug-resistant isolates were less likely to be clustered than sensitive isolates (p < 0.05).


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In population surveys of the exposure to medical X-rays both the frequency of examinations and the effective dose per examination are required. The use of the Swiss medical tariffication system (TARMED) for establishing the frequency of X-ray medical examinations was explored. The method was tested for radiography examinations performed in 2008 at the Lausanne University Hospital. The annual numbers of radiographies determined from the "TARMED" database are in good agreement with the figures extracted from the local RIS (Radiology Information System). The "TARMED" is a reliable and fast method for establishing the frequency of radiography examination, if we respect the context in which the "TARMED" code is used. In addition, this billing context provides most valuable information on the average number of radiographs per examination as well as the age and sex distributions. Radiographies represent the major part of X-ray examinations and are performed by about 4,000 practices and hospitals in Switzerland. Therefore this method has the potential to drastically simplify the organisation of nationwide surveys. There are still some difficulties to overcome if the method is to be used to assess the frequency of computed tomography or fluoroscopy examinations; procedures that deliver most of the radiation dose to the population. This is due to the poor specificity of "TARMED" codes concerning these modalities. However, the use of CT and fluoroscopy installations is easier to monitor using conventional survey methods since there are fewer centres. Ways to overcome the "TARMED" limitations for these two modalities are still being explored.