951 resultados para Honeycomb crystals


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A new silver-antimony sulphide, [C6H20N4][Ag5Sb3S8], has been synthesised solvothermally in the presence of triethylenetetramine and characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry and elemental analysis. The compound crystallises in the space group P2(1)/m (a = 6.2778(7), b = 15.8175(16) and c = 12.4617(15) angstrom and beta = 104.561(5)degrees) and adopts a structure in which honeycomb-like sheets of fused six-membered silver-antimony-sulphide rings are linked through Ag-S bonds to form double layers. The idealised structure can be considered to be derived from that of antifluorite and represents a second structure type for the [Ag5Sb3S8](2-) double layer. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Terminally protected acyclic tripeptides containing tyrosine residues at both termini self-assemble into nanotubes in crystals through various non-covalent interactions including intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The nanotube has an average internal diameter of 5 angstrom (0.5 nm) and the tubular ensemble is developed through the hydrogen-bonded phenolic-OH side chains of tyrosine (Tyr) residues [Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 4463]. We have synthesized and studied several tripeptides 3-6 to probe the role of tyrosine residues in nanotube structure formation. These peptides either have only one Tyr residue at N- or C-termini or they have one or two terminally located phenylalanine (Phe) residues. These tripeptides failed to form any kind of nanotubular structure in the solid state. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of these peptides 3-6 clearly demonstrate that substitution of any one of the terminal Tyr residues in the Boc-Tyr-X-Tyr-OMe (X=VaI or Ile) sequence disrupts the formation of the nanotubular structure indicating that the presence of two terminally located Tyr residues is vital for nanotube formation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three terminally protected tripeptides Boc-gamma-Abu-Val-Leu-OMe 1, Boc-gamma-Abu-Leu-Phe-OMe 2 and Boc-gamma-Abu-Val-Tyr-OMe 3 (gamma-Abu = gamma-aminobutyric acid) each containing an N-terminally positioned gamma-aminobutyric acid residue have been synthesized, purified and studied. FT-IR studies of all these peptides revealed that these peptides form intermolecularly hydrogen bonded supramolecular beta-sheet structures. Peptides 1, 2 and 3 adopt extended backbone beta-strand molecular structures in crystals. Crystal packing of all these peptides demonstrates that these beta-strand structures self-assemble to form intermolecularly H-bonded parallel beta-sheet structures. Peptide 3 uses a side chain tyrosyl -OH group as an additional hydrogen bonding functionality in addition to the backbone CONH groups to pack in crystals. Transmission electron microscopic studies of all peptides indicate that they self-assemble to form nanofibrillar structures of an average diameter of 65 nm. These peptide fibrils exhibit amyloid-like behavior as they bind to a physiological dye Congo red and show a characteristic green-gold birefringence under polarizing microscope.


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Terminally protected acyclic tripeptides Boc-Tyr(1)-Val(2)-Tyr(3)-OMe 1 and Boc-Tyr(1)-lle(2)-Tyr(3)-OMe 2 self-assemble into nanotubes in crystals through various noncovalent interactions with an average internal diameter of 5 Angstrom (0.5 nm), and the tubular ensemble is developed through the hydrogen-bonded side chains of tyrosine residues. The inside of the hollow nanotubular structures is hydrophilic; however, no solvent molecules have been crystallographically detected.


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In this paper, we give an overview of our studies by static and time-resolved X-ray diffraction of inverse cubic phases and phase transitions in lipids. In 1, we briefly discuss the lyotropic phase behaviour of lipids, focusing attention on non-lamellar structures, and their geometric/topological relationship to fusion processes in lipid membranes. Possible pathways for transitions between different cubic phases are also outlined. In 2, we discuss the effects of hydrostatic pressure on lipid membranes and lipid phase transitions, and describe how the parameters required to predict the pressure dependence of lipid phase transition temperatures can be conveniently measured. We review some earlier results of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases from our laboratory, showing effects such as pressure-induced formation and swelling. In 3, we describe the technique of pressure-jump synchrotron X-ray diffraction. We present results that have been obtained from the lipid system 1:2 dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/lauric acid for cubic-inverse hexagonal, cubic-cubic and lamellar-cubic transitions. The rate of transition was found to increase with the amplitude of the pressure-jump and with increasing temperature. Evidence for intermediate structures occurring transiently during the transitions was also obtained. In 4, we describe an IDL-based 'AXCESS' software package being developed in our laboratory to permit batch processing and analysis of the large X-ray datasets produced by pressure-jump synchrotron experiments. In 5, we present some recent results on the fluid lamellar-Pn3m cubic phase transition of the single-chain lipid 1-monoelaidin, which we have studied both by pressure-jump and temperature-jump X-ray diffraction. Finally, in 6, we give a few indicators of future directions of this research. We anticipate that the most useful technical advance will be the development of pressure-jump apparatus on the microsecond time-scale, which will involve the use of a stack of piezoelectric pressure actuators. The pressure-jump technique is not restricted to lipid phase transitions, but can be used to study a wide range of soft matter transitions, ranging from protein unfolding and DNA unwinding and transitions, to phase transitions in thermotropic liquid crystals, surfactants and block copolymers.


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Nanocomposites of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and carbon nanotubes (CNT) of different geometries (single wall, double wall, and multiwall; SWNT, DWNT, and MWNT) were prepared by in situ polymerization of ethylene on CNT whose surface had been previously treated with a metallocene catalytic system. In this work, we have studied the effects of applying the successive self-nucleation and annealing thermal fractionation technique (SSA) to the nanocomposites and have also determined the influence of composition and type of CNT on the isothermal crystallization behavior of the HDPE. SSA results indicate that all types of CNT induce the formation of a population of thicker lamellar crystals that melt at higher temperatures as compared to the crystals formed in neat HDPE prepared under the same catalytic and polymerization conditions and subjected to the same SSA treatment. Furthermore, the peculiar morphology induced by the CNT on the HDPE matrix allows the resolution of thermal fractionation to be much better. The isothermal crystallization results indicated that the strong nucleation effect caused by CNT reduced the supercooling needed for crystallization. The interaction between the HDPE chains and the surface of the CNT is probably very strong as judged by the results obtained, even though it is only physical in nature. When the total crystallinity achieved during isothermal crystallization is considered as a function of CNT content, it was found that a competition between nucleation and topological confinement could account for the results. At low CNT content the crystallinity increases (because of the nucleating effect of CNT on HDPE), however, at higher CNT content there is a dramatic reduction in crystallinity reflecting the increased confinement experienced by the HDPE chains at the interfaces which are extremely large in these nanocomposites. Another consequence of these strong interactions is the remarkable decrease in Avrami index as CNT content increases. When the Avrami index reduces to I or lower, nucleation dominates the overall kinetics as a consequence of confinement effects. Wide-angle X-ray experiments were performed at a high-energy synchrotron source and demonstrated that no change in the orthorhombic unit cell of HDPE occurred during crystallization with or without CNT.


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Two new silver-antimony sulfides, [C2H9N2][Ag2SbS3] (1) and [C2H9N2](2)[Ag5Sb3S8] (2), have been prepared solvothermally in the presence of ethylenediamine and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, and elemental analysis. Compound 1 crystallizes in the space group Pn (a = 6.1781(1) Angstrom, b =11.9491(3) Angstrom, c = 6.9239(2) Angstrom, =111.164(1)degrees) and 2 in the space group Pm (a = 6.2215(2) Angstrom, b = 15.7707(7) Angstrom, c = 11.6478(5) Angstrom, beta = 92.645(2)degrees). The structure of 1 consists of chains of fused five-membered Ag2SbS2 rings linked to form layers, between which the template molecules reside. Compound 2 contains honeycomb-like sheets of fused silver-antimony-sulfide six-membered rings linked to form double layers. The idealized structure can be considered to be an ordered defect derivative of that of lithium bismuthide, Li3Bi, and represents a new solid-state structure type.


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Aromatic poly(ether-ketone)s having pendant carboxyl groups have been obtained by direct, one-pot, Friedel-Crafts copolycondensation of 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone with a mixture of terephthaloyl chloride (TC) and trimellitic anhydride acid chloride (TAAC), over a wide range of TAAC/TC molar ratios, in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. The syntheses were performed as precipitation-polycondensations, and the polymers were obtained in particulate form. Besides globular particles of polymer, small quantities of elongated, needlelike particles were observed when the mole ratio TAAC/TC was less than 1. Use of X-ray microdiffraction with synchrotron radiation has revealed that the needlelike material consists of a cyclic compound containing 10 phenylene units, i.e., the crystals are of a [2 + 2] macrocyclic dimer. The polymers obtained are soluble in strong acids and in mixtures of methanesulfonic acid or trifluoroacetic acid with chlorinated hydrocarbons. The molecular structures of the polymers were confirmed by H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Reaction of TAAC with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone produced mainly meta-orientation of the resulting ketone linkages. The size of the polymer particles, their molecular weights, and the melting behavior of the products obtained depend on the TAAC/TC ratio used. Ortho-keto acid residues, formed during reaction of anhydride groups of TAAC with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone, exhibit ring-chain tautomerism. A carboxyl-containing aromatic polyketone derived from p-terphenyl, and thus having with no ether linkages in the main chain, was prepared by analogous chemistry, and functional derivatives of carboxy-substituted polyketones were also obtained and characterized.


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Delayed ettringite formation (DEF) in cementitious materials is widely considered as a harmful chemical reaction that causes extensive damages in hardened concrete. However, preventative measures and possible improvements in general are not extensively studied and require further attention. In this study was presented an investigation into a type of controlled DEF in places of finely dispersed crystallisation nuclei and provide evidence that the process may improve compressive strength of cementitious materials. The Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in hydrated concrete was achieved with the addition of fly ash and was further accelerated with the Duggan’s test. Achieved strengths and monitoring of microstructure development conducted with electronic microscopy revealed that growth of ettringite crystals in the nuclei led to harmless internal compressive stresses, expansion of hydrated concrete and overall strengthening of the concrete matrix.


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Changes in the theological properties during crystallisation and in the crystal size and morphology of blends containing rapeseed oil with varying percentages of palm stearin (POs) and palm olein (POf) have been studied. The crystals formed from all three blends were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy, light microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy, which revealed the development of clusters of 3-5 individual elementary "spherulites" in the early stages of crystallisation. The saturated triacylglycerol content of the solid crystals separated at the onset of crystallisation was much greater than that in the total fat. Fat blends with a higher content of palm stearin had a more rapid nucleation rate when observed by light microscopy, and this caused an earlier change in the rheological properties of the fat during crystallisation. Using a low torque amplitude (0.005 Pa, which was within the linear viscoelastic region of all samples studied) and a frequency of 1 Hz, the viscoelastic properties of melted fat during cooling were studied. All samples, prior to crystallisation, showed weak viscoelastic liquid behaviour (G '', loss modulus >G', storage modulus). After crystallisation a more "solid like" behaviour was observed (G' similar to or greater than G ''). The blend having the highest concentration of POs was found to have the earliest onset of crystallisation (27% w/w POs; 12 mins, 22% w/w POs; 13.5 mins, 17% w/w POs, 15 mins, respectively). However, there were no significant differences in the time to the point when G' became greater than G' among the three blends. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The crystallisation behaviour of three fat blends, comprising a commercial shortening, a blend of fats with a very low trans fatty acid content ("low-trans") and a blend including hardened rapeseed oil with a relatively high trans fatty acid content ("high-trans") was studied. Molten fats were lowered to a temperature of 31 degrees C and stirred for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min. Samples were removed and their rheological properties studied, using a controlled stress rheometer, employing a frequency sweep procedure. Effects of the progressive crystallisation at 31 degrees C on the melting profile of fat samples removed from the stirred vessel and solidified at -20 degrees C were also studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The rheological profiles obtained suggested that all of the fats studied had weak viscoelastic "liquid" structures when melted, but these changed to structures perceived by the rheometer as weak viscoelastic "gels" in the early stages of crystallisation (G' (storage modulus) > G" (loss modulus) over most of the measured frequency range). These subsequently developed into weak viscoelastic semi-solids, showing frequency dependent behaviour on further crystallisation. These changes in behaviour were interpreted as changes from a small number of larger crystals "cross-linking" in a liquid matrix to a larger number of smaller crystals packed with a "slip plane" of liquid oil between them. The rate of crystallisation of the three fats was in the order high trans > low-trans > commercial shortening. Changes in the DSC melting profile due to fractionation of triacylglycerols during the crystallisation at 31 degrees C were evident for all three fats. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the equilibrium morphology of droplets of symmetric AB diblock copolymer on a flat substrate. Using self-consistent field theory (SCFT), we provide the first predictions for the equilibrium droplet shape and its internal structure. When the sustrate affinity for the A component, $\eta_A$, is small, the droplet adopts a nearly spherical shape much like that of simple fluids. Inside the spherical droplet, however, concentric circular lamellar layers stack on top of each other; hence the thickness of the droplet is effectively quantized by a half-integer or integer number of layers. At larger $\eta_A$ and smaller contact angle, the area of the upper-most layer becomes relatively large, resulting in a nearly flat, faceted top surface, followed by a semi-spherical slope. This geometry is remarkably reminiscent of the droplet shapes observed with smetic liquid crystals.


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Electrospinning is a route to polymer fibres with diameters considerably smaller than available from most fibre-producing techniques. We explore the use of a low molecular weight compound as an effective control additive during the electrospinning of poly(epsilon-caprolactone). This approach extends the control variables for the electrospinning of nanoscale fibres from the more usual ones such as the polymer molecular weight, solvent and concentration. We show that through the use of dual solvent systems, we can alter the impact of the additive on the electrospinning process so that finer as well as thicker fibres can be prepared under otherwise identical conditions. As well as the size of the fibres and the number of beads, the use of the additive allows us to alter the level of crystallinity as well as the level of preferred orientation of the poly(epsilon-caprolactone) crystals. This approach, involving the use of a dual solvent and a low molar mass compound, offers considerable potential for application to other polymer systems. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry


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The strong metal support interaction (SMSI) was first described in 1978 by Tauster [1-4]. The effect was observed as a severely negative effect on CO and H2 uptake on the catalyst after high temperature calcination under reducing conditions (heating above ~ 700 K) [1,2]. It also had a negative effect on the reaction rate for reactions, such as alkane hydrogenolysis [5,6]. It appeared that the effect occurred for catalysts comprised of reducible supports which were treated at elevated temperature in reducing conditions [2-4]. A classic support which has manifested this behaviour in many studies is TiO2. Over the years following the first discovery of SMSI it has been recognised that the effect is not always negative – for instance for the CO-H2 reaction for which it appears to have a positive effect [5,6]. Further it was noted that hydrogen reduction was not necessary to observe the effect of CO adsorption suppression, it also occurs by vacuum treatment [7], though it should be noted that vacuum treatment at elevated temperature is, in effect, a reducing environment.


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Epitaxial ultrathin titanium dioxide films of 0.3 to similar to 7 nm thickness on a metal single crystal substrate have been investigated by high resolution vibrational and electron spectroscopies. The data complement previous morphological data provided by scanned probe microscopy and low energy electron diffraction to provide very complete characterization of this system. The thicker films display electronic structure consistent with a stoichiometric TiO2 phase. The thinner films appear nonstoichiometric due to band bending and charge transfer from the metal substrate, while work function measurements also show a marked thickness dependence. The vibrational spectroscopy shows three clear phonon bands at 368, 438, and 829 cm(-1) (at 273 K), which confirms a rutile structure. The phonon band intensity scales linearly with film thickness and shift slightly to lower frequencies with increasing temperature, in accord with results for single crystals. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.