991 resultados para Hindered settling


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Transition of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb into solution is studied for experimental suspensions of coastal marine sediments with different degrees of pollution from the Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) over 30-70 days. Concentrations of dissolved metals were measured by a voltammetry method. Transition of Zn and Cd into solution was shown to be linearly dependent on initial pollution of sediments with these metals. Cadmium mobilization is due to gradual degradation of organic matter from sediments. Under degradation processes Zn quickly goes into solution during sedimentation and from silts, while in case of polluted sediments it is slowly mobilized during oxidation of sulfides. Behavior of Cu is complex because of binding of mobilized metal by dissolved organic compounds. Transition of lead into solution is negligible. Calculation of potential transition of metals from sediments into water on the basis of experimental data and its comparison with downward sedimentary flux showed that in the studied area secondary pollution of water by aerobic degradation of sediments is possible only for Cd.


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Evidence for the Chesapeake Bay Crater as the source for New Jersey continental margin ejecta is provided by fine-grained tektites and coarse-grained unmelted ejecta. The Upper Eocene ejecta deposit, now demonstrated to be part of the North American strewn field, occurs on the New Jersey continental margin at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 904 and 903. The mineralogy, major oxide composition of the ejecta materials, and biostratigraphic age of the enclosing sediments link the origin of these ejecta to the recently recognized Chesapeake Bay impact crater, located only 330 km away. Sediments associated with the ejecta provide information about the dynamics of impact events. The 35-cm-thick ejecta-bearing layer can be subdivided into three subunits that indicate a sequence of events. Bottom subunit III documents sediment failure and deposition of gravel-sized fragments, middle subunit II records deposition of abundant sand-sized ejecta by gravity settling, and upper subunit I contains a 12-cm-thick sedimentary deposit containing rare silt-sized tektites and evidence of waning currents. These events are interpreted by linking sediment deposition to seismic ground motion and subsequent tsunami waves triggered by both the Chesapeake Bay impact and slope failures.


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This study investigates the landscape evolution and soil development in the loess area near Regensburg between approximately 6000-2000 yr BP (radiocarbon years), Eastern Bavaria. The focus is on the question how man and climate influenced landscape evolution and what their relative significance was. The theoretical background concerning the factors that controlled prehistoric soil erosion in Middle Europe is summarized with respect to rainfall intensity and distribution, pedogenesis, Pleistocene relief, and prehistoric farming. Colluvial deposits , flood loams, and soils were studied at ten different and representative sites that served as archives of their respective palaeoenvironments. Geomorphological, sedimentological, and pedological methods were applied. According to the findings presented here, there was a high asynchronity of landscape evolution in the investigation area, which was due to prehistoric land-use patterns. Prehistoric land use and settlement caused highly difIerenciated phases of morphodynamic activity and stability in time and space. These are documented at the single catenas ofeach site. In general, Pleistocene relief was substantially lowered. At the same time smaller landforms such as dells and minor asymmetric valleys filled up and strongly transformed. However, there were short phases at many sites, forming short lived linear erosion features ('Runsen'), resulting from exceptional rainfalls. These forms are results of single events without showing regional trends. Generally, the onset of the sedimentation of colluvial deposits took place much earlier (usually 3500 yr BP (radiocarbon) and younger) than the formation of flood loams. Thus, the deposition of flood loams in the Kleine Laaber river valley started mainly as a consequence of iron age farming only at around 2500 yr BP (radiocarbon). A cascade system explains the different ages of colluvial deposits and flood loams: as a result of prehistoric land use, dells and other minor Pleistocene landforms were filled with colluvial sediments. After the filling of these primary sediment traps , eroded material was transported into flood plains, thus forming flood loams. But at the moment we cannot quantify the extent ofprehistoric soil erosion in the investigation area. The three factors that controlled the prehistoric Iandscapc evolution in the Ioess area near Regensburg are as follows: 1. The transformation from a natural to a prehistoric cultural landscape was the most important factor: A landscape with stable relief was changed into a highly morphodynamic one with soil erosion as the dominant process of this change. 2. The sediment traps of the pre-anthropogenic relief determined where the material originated from soil erosion was deposited: either sedimentation took place on the slopes or the filled sediment traps of the slopes rendered flood loam formation possible. Climatic influence of any importance can only be documented as the result of land use in connection with singular and/or statistic events of heavy rainfalls. Without human impact, no significant change in the Holocene landscape would have been possible.


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A moderate-resolution isotope stratigraphy (with an average of one sample per 17,500 yr.) derived from the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina (or Cibicides), the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, and calcareous nannofossil concentrates is presented for the entire Quaternary (and latest Pliocene) section of mid-upper bathyal calcareous oozes from DSDP Site 593, western Challenger Plateau, south Tasman Sea. Superimposed on a trend of gradually increasing average delta18O values through the Pleistocene, reflecting the progressive buildup of polar ice sheets, is a record of highfrequency but generally low amplitude (0.5-1?) isotope fluctuations in the early Quaternary (1.9-1.0 m.y.), followed by a greatly increased intensity (1.5-2.0 ?) of glacial-interglacial fluctuations during the late Quaternary (< 1.0 m.y.). The standard late Quaternary isotope stages 1 to 24 are mainly resolvable. Significant excursions in both delta18O and delta13C values at various times during the Quaternary are suggested to be due to periodic, fundamental changes in ocean circulation properties over the plateau. For example, intensified upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Waters during several glacial periods is indicated by the convergence of benthic and planktonic foraminiferal delta18O data, and productivity variations may account for certain delta13C spikes in the record. With increasingly higher resolution analysis this core will provide a useful Quaternary isotope reference section for southern temperate waters in the southwest Pacific, centered on New Zealand.


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The paper reports data on distribution of dissolved (Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) and particulate (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Co) species of metals in hydrothermal plumes above the active TAG and Broken Spur hydrothermal fields (26° N and 29° N in the MAR rift valley, respectively). Sediment trap data on fluxes of hydrothermal sedimentary material in the areas indicate that (i) the predominant Zn source for metalliferous sediments at the TAG field is material precipitating from the neutrally buoyant plume, and (ii) the predominant source of Fe and Co is re-deposited ore material coming from the area of extensive settling of sulfides.


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Sediment cores recovered from three holes drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 include volcaniclastics probably derived from the Hawaiian islands. The volcaniclastics shallower than 10 meters below seafloor are fresh and are composed of basaltic glass (sideromelane), basaltic fragments (mainly tachylite), plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene, and opaque minerals. Most of these glasses are probably products of hydrovolcanism. Visibly, some of these volcaniclastics are recognized as bedded ash layers having thicknesses that range from 5 to 10 cm. However, many volcaniclastics are disrupted by bioturbation to some degree, and are sometimes totally mixed with ambient brown clays. No visible correlative ash layer among these holes was found. It seems that many ash layers thinner than the bedded layers were disrupted by bioturbation because of the low sedimentation rate of volcaniclastics. The volcaniclastics were probably transported one of two ways: through air fall and pelagic settling or through turbidity-current transport. Other archipelagic apron volcaniclastic sediments of volcanic seamounts suggest that turbidite transport is the favored explanation of origin.


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Leg 58 successfully recovered basalt at Sites 442, 443, and 444, in the Shikoku Basin, and at Site 446 in the Daito Basin. Only at Site 442 did penetration reach unequivocal oceanic layer 2; at the other sites, only off-axis sills and flows were sampled. Petrographic observations indicate that back-arc basalts from the Shikoku Basin, with the exception of the kaersutite-bearing upper sill at Site 444, are mineralogically similar to basalts being erupted at normal mid-ocean ridges. However, the Shikoku Basin basalts are commonly very vesicular, indicating a high volatile content in the magmas. Site 446 in the Daito Basin penetrated a succession of 23 sills which include both kaersutite-bearing and kaersutite-free basalt varieties. A total of 187 samples from the four sites has been analyzed for major and trace elements using X-ray-fluorescence techniques. Chemically, the basalts from Sites 442 and 443 and the lower sill of Site 444 are subalkaline tholeiites and resemble N-type ocean-ridge basalts found along the East Pacific Rise and at 22° N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), although they are not quite as depleted in certain hygromagmatophile (HYG) elements. They do not show any chemical affinities with island-arc tholeiites. The basalts from Site 446 and from the upper sill at Site 444 show alkaline and tholeiitic tendencies, and are enriched in the more-HYG elements; they chemically resemble enriched or E-type basalts and their differentiates found along sections of the MAR (e.g., 45°N) and on ocean islands (e.g., Iceland and the Azores). Most of the intra-site variation may be attributed to crystal settling within individual massive flows and sills, to high-level fractional crystallization in sub-ridge magma chambers, or, where there is evidence of a long period of magmatic quiescence between units, to batch partial melting. However, the basalts from Sites 442 and 443 and from the lower sill at Site 444 cannot easily be related to those from Site 446 and the upper sill at Site 444, and it is possible that the different basalt types were derived from chemically distinct mantle sources. From comparison of the Leg 58 data with those already available for other intra-oceanic back-arc basins, it appears that the mantle sources giving rise to back-arc-basin basalts are chemically as diverse as those for mid-ocean ridges. In addition, the high vesicularity of the Shikoku Basin basalts supports previous observations that the mantle source of back-arc-basin basalts may be contaminated by a hydrous component from the adjacent subduction zone.


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The Pliocene-Holocene sediments recovered on ODP Leg 114 from Holes 699A, 701C, and 704B are the subject of a detailed investigation to interpret changes in the Oceanographic environment of the South Atlantic in the vicinity of the Polar Front Zone (PFZ). The cores sample sediments at shallow (Hole 704B, 2532 m), intermediate (Hole 699A, 3716 m), and basinal (Hole 701C, 4647 m) depths. Sites 699 and 704 come under the influence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and Circumpolar Deep Water. It is possible that the upper reaches of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) may also affect Hole 699A. Site 701 is influenced by AABW. Closely spaced samples were analyzed for grain-size distribution, sand fraction components, biosiliceous microfossils, organic carbon, and water content. PFZ migrations are traced using changes in bulk sedimentaccumulation rates and the abundance of the diatoms Actiniscus ssp. and Genus et species indet. 1 Fenner (1991), as well as changes in sediment grain size and composition. Diatomaceous sediments of Gilbert age in Hole 699A indicate that the PFZ was positioned over this site, but during the Gauss it migrated north, bringing in less productive Antarctic Surface Water. All cores document a very gradual southerly movement of the PFZ throughout the Matuyama (with some sharp fluctuations of the northen PFZ border over Site 704 between 1.45 and 1.83 m.y.). This regressive shift culminated in the late Matuyama. The latest Matuyama to earliest Brunhes record in Hole 699A has been removed by a hiatus lasting from 1.0 to 0.6 m.y., which was probably caused by intensification of the deep-reaching ACC. The corresponding interval in Hole 704B, the shallowest core, contains evidence of winnowing. Sharp fluctuations of large amplitude and high frequency in the lithology of the sediments from Hole 704B in the eastern South Atlantic, starting at about 0.75 m.y. and characterizing the whole Brunhes Epoch, record the rapid movement of the northern border of the PFZ over the site. These reflect strong glacial/interglacial alternations in climate. To a lesser extent, lithologic fluctuations in Hole 701C reflect the same phenomenon, whereas in Hole 699A the lithology does not vary as dramatically.


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Due to sampling difficulties, little is known about microbial communities associated with sinking marine snow in the twilight zone. A drifting sediment trap was equipped with a viscous cryogel and deployed to collect intact marine snow from depths of 100 and 400 m off Cape Blanc (Mauritania). Marine snow aggregates were fixed and washed in situ to prevent changes in microbial community composition and to enable subsequent analysis using catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH). The attached microbial communities collected at 100 m were similar to the free-living community at the depth of the fluorescence maximum (20 m) but different from those at other depths (150, 400, 550, and 700 m). Therefore, the attached microbial community seemed to be "inherited" from that at the fluorescence maximum. The attached microbial community structure at 400 m differed from that of the attached community at 100 m and from that of any free-living community at the tested depths, except that collected near the sediment at 700 m. The differences between the particle-associated communities at 400 m and 100 m appeared to be due to internal changes in the attached microbial community rather than de novo colonization, detachment, or grazing during the sinking of marine snow. The new sampling method presented here will facilitate future investigations into the mechanisms that shape the bacterial community within sinking marine snow, leading to better understanding of the mechanisms which regulate biogeochemical cycling of settling organic matter.


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The clay mineral assemblages of the ca. 1600 m thick Cenozoic sedimentary succession recovered at the CRP-1, CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drill sites off Cape Roberts on the McMurdo Sound shelf, Antarctica, were analysed in order to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and the glacial history of this part of Antarctica. The sequence can be subdivided into seven clay mineral units that reflect the transition from humid to subpolar and polar conditions. Unit I (35-33.6 Ma) is characterised by an almost monomineralic assemblage consisting of well crystalline, authigenic smectite, and therefore does not allow a palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Unit II (33.6-33.1 Ma) has also a monomineralic clay mineral composition. However, the assemblage consists of variably crystallized smectite that, at least in part, is of detrital origin and indicates chemical weathering under a humid climate. The main source area for the clays was in the Transantarctic Mountains. Minor amounts of illite and chlorite appear for the first time in Unit III (33.1-31 Ma) and suggest subordinate physical weathering. The sediments of Unit IV (31-30.5 Ma) have strongly variable smectite and illite concentrations indicating an alternation of chemical weathering periods and physical weathering periods. Unit V (30.5-24.2 Ma) shows a further shift towards physical weathering. Unit VI (24.2-18.5 Ma) indicates strong physical weathering under a cold climate with persistent and intense illite formation. Unit VII (18.5 Ma to present) documents an additional input of smectite derived from the McMurdo Volcanic Group in the south.


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Risk analyses indicate that more than 90% of the world's reefs will be threatened by climate change and local anthropogenic impacts by the year 2030 under "business-as-usual" climate scenarios. Increasing temperatures and solar radiation cause coral bleaching that has resulted in extensive coral mortality. Increasing carbon dioxide reduces seawater pH, slows coral growth, and may cause loss of reef structure. Management strategies include establishment of marine protected areas with environmental conditions that promote reef resiliency. However, few resilient reefs have been identified, and resiliency factors are poorly defined. Here we characterize the first natural, non-reef coral refuge from thermal stress and ocean acidification and identify resiliency factors for mangrove-coral habitats. We measured diurnal and seasonal variations in temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and seawater chemistry; characterized substrate parameters; and examined water circulation patterns in mangrove communities where scleractinian corals are growing attached to and under mangrove prop roots in Hurricane Hole, St. John, US Virgin Islands. Additionally, we inventoried the coral species and quantified incidences of coral bleaching, mortality, and recovery for two major reef-building corals, Colpophyllia natans and Diploria labyrinthiformis, growing in mangrove-shaded and exposed (unshaded) areas. Over 30 species of scleractinian corals were growing in association with mangroves. Corals were thriving in low-light (more than 70% attenuation of incident PAR) from mangrove shading and at higher temperatures than nearby reef tract corals. A higher percentage of C. natans colonies were living shaded by mangroves, and no shaded colonies were bleached. Fewer D. labyrinthiformis colonies were shaded by mangroves, however more unshaded colonies were bleached. A combination of substrate and habitat heterogeneity, proximity of different habitat types, hydrographic conditions, and biological influences on seawater chemistry generate chemical conditions that buffer against ocean acidification. This previously undocumented refuge for corals provides evidence for adaptation of coastal organisms and ecosystem transition due to recent climate change. Identifying and protecting other natural, non-reef coral refuges is critical for sustaining corals and other reef species into the future.


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The late Quaternary sequence off eastern South Island, New Zealand, consists of ~100 m of alternating bluish gray pelagic oozes and greenish gray hemipelagic oozes that extend uninterruptedly back to the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (0.73 m.y.). A very high resolution (~2400 yr.) record of sediment texture, calcium carbonate content, and planktonic and benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope composition demonstrates an in-phase cyclical fluctuation between the sedimentary parameters that closely correspond to the pelagic-hemipelagic sedimentation cycles and the isotope composition. Pelagic oozes, formed during interglacial periods of high eustatic sea level, are characterized by calcareous microfossils, relative enrichment in sand and clay sizes, high carbonate contents, reduced delta18O values, and increased delta13C values. Hemipelagic oozes, associated with glacial episodes and lowered eustatic sea level, include common terrigenous material and siliceous microfossils, are enriched in silt sizes, have low carbonate contents, high delta18O values, and low delta13C values. The history of alpine glaciations and associated erosion of the South Island of New Zealand, as expressed by the appearance of hemipelagic oozes, can be correlated directly with the major fluctuations of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets as expressed by the influence of eustatic sea-level changes on the oxygen isotope composition of both planktonic and benthic foraminifers. This high-accumulation-rate record contains conspicuous intervals of highfrequency, high-amplitude isotope variability including the presence of multiple glacial/interglacial intervals within single isotope stages, and offers one of the best sections cored to date for detailed study of the evolution and history of climate change over the last 0.75 m.y.


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We present grain size, granulometric statistical parameters, and calcium carbonate content of sediment samples from the summit and east and west flanks of southern Hydrate Ridge (Sites 1244-1250). These data are compared with magnetic susceptibility measurements from the same intervals. Bulk and clay mineralogy from Sites 1244 (east flank), 1247 (west flank), and 1250 (summit) are also presented. The integration of these data allows us to characterize the main sedimentary facies and composition of the Quaternary age sediments from southern Hydrate Ridge.