990 resultados para Henriksson, Markku


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The energy flow, dE/d eta, is studied at large pseudorapidities in proton-proton collisions at the LHC, for centre-of-mass energies of 0.9 and 7 TeV. The measurements are made using the CMS detector in the pseudorapidity range 3:15 < vertical bar eta vertical bar < 4.9, for both minimum-bias events and events with at least two high-momentum jets. The data are compared to various pp Monte Carlo event generators whose theoretical models and input parameter values are sensitive to the energy-flow measurements. Inclusion of multiple-parton interactions in the Monte Carlo event generators is found to improve the description of the energy-flow measurements.


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Begreppen barnperspektiv och barnets bästa infördes i svensk lagstiftning sedan Sverige ratificerade FN:s konvention om barns rättigheter. En diskursanalytisk metod studerar kritiskt hur fenomen beskrivs, hur diskursordningar skapas, vem som äger talet och dominerar i en diskurs. Makt är en aspekt som analysmetoden betonar i mellanmänskliga relationer. Barn kan sägas befinna sig i en underordnad position på såväl individ nivå som på grupp- och samhällsnivå. Hur kommer barns bästa fram? Hur kommer barn till tals? Begreppet barnperspektiv beskrevs som vagt i offentlig litteratur och kopplades till ett helhetsperspektiv i en gruppintervju med socialsekreterare, verksamma inom socialt barnavårdsarbete. Begreppet barnets bästa överskuggades av en dominerande tolkning av barnperspektivet som vagt. En tolkning som tycks legitimera att brister på tid och resurser åsidosätter barnets rätt att komma till tals. Barnets bästa som begrepp tenderar att lösa upp sig vilket avspeglas i det ringa utrymme som barnets röst ges. Uppsatsen visade att det finns risk för att redan marginaliserade barn inte syns, kommer till tals eller blir lyssnade på i sociala barnavårdsutredningar. Att sätta barnets bästa i främsta rummet löper istället risk att sättas i ett väntrum på att bli vuxen.


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It is not known whether drugs that block the renin-angiotensin system reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular events in patients with impaired glucose tolerance.


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The ability of short-acting insulin secretagogues to reduce the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular events in people with impaired glucose tolerance is unknown.


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Visual hallucinations (VH) are a common experience and can be distressing and disabling, particularly for people suffering from psychotic illness. However, not everyone with visual hallucinations reports the experience to be distressing. Models of VH propose that appraisals of VH as a threat to wellbeing and the use of safety seeking behaviours help maintain the distress.


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Since the publication of the first European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) guidelines in 2005 on the management of restless legs syndrome (RLS; also known as Willis-Ekbom disease), there have been major therapeutic advances in the field. Furthermore, the management of RLS is now a part of routine neurological practice in Europe. New drugs have also become available, and further randomized controlled trials have been undertaken. These guidelines were undertaken by the EFNS in collaboration with the European Neurological Society and the European Sleep Research Society.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Due to the increasing importance of quality of life assessments in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients and due to an increased use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), for comparative purposes it is essential to understand the relationship between health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments and the ICF. The purpose of this study was to compare the content covered by OSA-specific instruments using the ICF. PATIENTS AND METHODS: OSA-specific instruments were identified, including the Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index, the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire, the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patient-Oriented Severity Index, and the Quebec Sleep Questionnaire, and linked to the ICF by six health professionals according to standardized guidelines. The degree of agreement between health professionals was calculated by means of the kappa statistic. RESULTS: A total of 308 concepts were identified and linked to 78 different ICF categories; 35 categories of the component body function, one category of the component body structure, 38 categories of the component activities and participation, and four categories of the component environmental factors. Only contents within the chapters mental functions, mobility and social life were addressed by all instruments. Forty-seven categories were covered by only one instrument. CONCLUSION: The ICF proved highly useful for the comparison of HRQOL instruments. This analysis may help researchers and clinicians to choose the most appropriate HRQOL instrument for a specific purpose as well as help to compare study outcomes of studies using different instruments for HRQOL assessment.


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AIM We investigated the association between angiographically verified coronary artery disease (CAD) and subgingival Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola. MATERIALS AND METHODS The cross-sectional study population (n = 445) comprised 171 (38.4%) patients with Stable CAD, 158 (35.5%) with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and 116 (26.1%) with no significant CAD (No CAD). All patients participated in clinical and radiological oral health examinations. Pooled subgingival bacterial samples were analysed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization assays. RESULTS In all study groups, the presence of P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and T. denticola indicated a significant (p ≤ 0.001) linear association with the extent of alveolar bone loss (ABL), but A. actinomycetemcomitans did not (p = 0.074). With a threshold level of bacterial cells 1 × 10(5) A. actinomycetemcomitans was significantly more prevalent in the Stable CAD group (42.1%) compared to the No CAD group (30.2%) (p = 0.040). In a multi-adjusted logistic regression analysis using this threshold, A. actinomycetemcomitans positivity associated with Stable CAD (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.00-3.35, p = 0.049), but its level or levels of other bacteria did not. CONCLUSIONS The presence of subgingival A. actinomycetemcomitans associates with an almost twofold risk of Stable CAD independently of alveolar bone loss.


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Biophysical restoration or rehabilitation measures of land have demonstrated to be effective in many scientific projects and small-scale environmental experiments. However circumstances such as poverty, weak policies, or inefficient scientific knowledge transmission can hinder the effective upscaling of land restoration and the long term maintenance of proven sustainable use of soil and water. This may be especially worrisome in lands with harsh environmental conditions. This review covers recent efforts in landscape restoration and rehabilitation with a functional perspective aiming to simultaneously achieve ecosystem sustainability, economic efficiency, and social wellbeing. Water management and rehabilitation of ecosystem services in croplands, rangelands, forests, and coastlands are reviewed. The joint analysis of such diverse ecosystems provides a wide perspective to determine: (i) multifaceted impacts on biophysical and socio-economic factors; and (ii) elements influencing effective upscaling of sustainable land management practices. One conclusion can be highlighted: voluntary adoption is based on different pillars, i.e. external material and economic support, and spread of success information at the local scale to demonstrate the multidimensional benefits of sustainable land management. For the successful upscaling of land management, more attention must be paid to the social system from the first involvement stage, up to the long term maintenance.