962 resultados para Heat-shock protein
Nb(3)Sn is one of the most used superconducting materials for applications in high magnetic fields. The improvement of the critical current densities (J(c)) is important, and must be analyzed together with the optimization of the flux pinning acting in the material. For Nb(3)Sn, it is known that the grain boundaries are the most effective pinning centers. However, the introduction of artificial pinning centers (APCs) with different superconducting properties has been proved to be beneficial for J(c). As these APCs are normally in the nanometric-scale, the conventional heat treatment profiles used for Nb(3)Sn wires cannot be directly applied, leading to excessive grain growth and/or increase of the APCs cross sections. In this work, the heat treatment profiles for Nb(3)Sn superconductor wires with Cu(Sn) artificial pinning centers in nanometric-scale were analyzed in an attempt to improve J(c) . It is described a methodology to optimize the heat treatment profiles in respect to diffusion, reaction and formation of the superconducting phases. Microstructural, transport and magnetic characterization were performed in an attempt to find the pinning mechanisms acting in the samples. It was concluded that the maximum current densities were found when normal phases (due to the introduction of the APCs) are acting as main pinning centers in the global behavior of the Nb(3)Sn superconducting wire.
Since the discovery of Nb(3)Sn superconductors many efforts have been expended to improve the transport properties in these materials. In this work, the heat treatment profiles for Nb(3)Sn superconductor wires with Cu(Sn) artificial pinning centers (APCs) with nanometric-scale sizes were analyzed in an attempt to improve the critical current densities and upper critical magnetic field. The methodology to optimize the heat treatment profiles in respect to the diffusion, reaction and formation of the superconducting phases is described. Microstructural characterization, transport and magnetic measurements were performed in an attempt to relate the microstructure to the pinning mechanisms acting in the samples. It was concluded that the maximum current densities occur due to normal phases (APCs) that act as the main pinning centers in the global behavior of the Nb(3)Sn superconducting wire. The APC technique was shown to be very powerful because it permitted mixing of the pinning mechanism. This achievement was not possible in other studies in Nb(3)Sn wires reported up to now.
The development of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconductors is of great interest for the applied superconductivity area. These intermetallics composites are obtained normally by heat treatment reactions at high temperature. Processes that allow formation of the superconducting phases at lower temperatures (<1000 degrees C), particularly for Nb(3)Al, are of great interest. The present work studies phase formation and stability of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconducting phases using mechanical alloying (high energy ball milling). Our main objective was to form composites near stoichiometry, which could be transformed into the superconducting phases using low-temperature heat treatments. High purity Nb-Sn and Nb-Al powders were mixed to generate the required superconducting phases (Nb-25at.%Sn and Nb-25at.%Al) in an argon atmosphere glove-box. After milling in a Fritsch mill, the samples were compressed in a hydraulic uniaxial press and encapsulated in evacuated quartz tubes for heat treatment. The compressed and heat treated samples were characterized using X-ray diffractometry. Microstructure and chemical analysis were accomplished using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. Nb(3)Al XRD peaks were observed after the sintering at 800 degrees C for the sample milled for 30 h. Nb(3)Sn XRD peaks could be observed even before the heat treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Refractory castables are composed of fractions of fine to fairly coarse particles. The fine fraction is constituted primarily of raw materials and calcium aluminate cement, which becomes hydrated, forming chemical bonds that stiffen the concrete during the curing process. The present study focused on an evaluation of several characteristics of two refractory castables with similar chemical compositions but containing aggregates of different sizes. The features evaluated were the maximum load, the fracture energy, and the ""relative crack-propagation work"" of the two castables heat-treated at 110, 650, 1100 and 1550 degrees C. The results enabled us to draw the following conclusions: the heat treatment temperature exerts a significant influence on the matrix/aggregate interaction, different microstructures form in the castables with temperature, and a relationship was noted between the maximum load and the fracture energy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate: (1) whether lipopolysaccharide LPS-incluced hypothermic responses may be altered during two estrous cycle phases, proestrus and diestrus, and after ovariectomy, followed by hormonal supplementation and (2) whether nitric oxide (NO) plays a role on LPS-induced hypothermia responses in female mice. Experiments were performed on adult female wild-type (WT) C57BL and inducible NO synthase knockout (KO) mice weighing 18 to 30 g. Endotoxemia was induced by intraperitoneal LIPS administration from Escherichia coli at a nonlethal dose of 10 mg/kg, and body temperature was measured by biotelemetry. Hormonal replacement was performed in ovariectomized mice through 17 beta-estradiol Silastic capsules (100 mu g) and s.c. injection of progesterone (0.5 mg per animal). We observed that during the diestrus phase, mice presented more intensive hypothermia than during proestrus phase, and hormonal supplementation with 17 beta-estradiol and progesterone attenuated hypothermia in ovariectomized mice. During diestrus and ovariectomy, KO mice had higher hypothermic response when compared with the WT group. During proestrus, the lack of statistical difference between KO and WT mice could be consequent of lower ovarian hormones plasma levels. After hormonal replacement, hypothermia was reverted in KO groups probably because of higher ovarian hormonal levels. In summary, the results demonstrated that NO release by inducible NO synthase has an important thermoregulatory role in LPS-incluced hypothermia in female mice. Besides, this involvement is directly dependent on the presence of ovarian hormones and their respective levels.
This paper presents new experimental flow boiling heat transfer results in micro-scale tubes. The experimental data were obtained in a horizontal 2.3 mm I.D stainless steel tube with heating length of 464 mm, R134a and R245fa as working fluids, mass velocities ranging from 50 to 700 kg m(-2) s(-1), heat flux from 5 to 55 kW m(-2), exit saturation temperatures of 22, 31 and 41 degrees C, and vapor qualities ranging from 0.05 to 0.99. Flow pattern characterization was also performed from images obtained by high-speed filming. Heat transfer coefficient results from 1 to 14 kW m(-2) K(-1) were measured. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient is a strong function of heat flux, mass velocity and vapor quality. The experimental data were compared against ten flow boiling predictive methods from the literature. Liu and Winterton [3], Zhang et al. [5] and Saitoh et al. [6] worked best for both fluids, capturing most of the experimental heat transfer trends. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of the present paper is to thermally characterize a cross-flow heat exchanger featuring a new cross-flow arrangement, which may find application in contemporary refrigeration and automobile industries. The new flow arrangement is peculiar in the sense that it possesses two fluid circuits extending in the form of two tube rows, each with two tube lines. To assess the heat exchanger performance, it is compared against that for the standard two-pass counter-cross-flow arrangement. The two-part comparison is based on the thermal effectiveness and the heat exchanger efficiency for several combinations of the heat capacity rate ratio, C*, and the number of transfer units, NTU. In addition, a third comparison is made in terms of the so-called ""heat exchanger reversibility norm"" (HERN) through the influence of various parameters such as the inlet temperature ratio, T, and the heat capacity rate ratio, C*, for several fixed NTU values. The proposed new flow arrangement delivers higher thermal effectiveness and higher heat exchanger efficiency, resulting in lesser entropy generation over a wide range of C* and NTU values. These metrics are quantified with respect to the arrangement widely used in refrigeration industry due to its high effectiveness, namely, the standard two-pass counter-cross-flow heat exchanger. The new flow arrangement seems to be a promising avenue in situations where cross-flow heat exchangers for single-phase fluid have to be used in refrigeration units. (c) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The machining of hardened steels has always been a great challenge in metal cutting, particularly for drilling operations. Generally, drilling is the machining process that is most difficult to cool due to the tool`s geometry. The aim of this work is to determine the heat flux and the coefficient of convection in drilling using the inverse heat conduction method. Temperature was assessed during the drilling of hardened AISI H13 steel using the embedded thermocouple technique. Dry machining and two cooling/lubrication systems were used, and thermocouples were fixed at distances very close to the hole`s wall. Tests were replicated for each condition, and were carried out with new and worn drills. An analytical heat conduction model was used to calculate the temperature at tool-workpiece interface and to define the heat flux and the coefficient of convection. In all tests using new and worn out drills, the lowest temperatures and decrease of heat flux were observed using the flooded system, followed by the MQL, considering the dry condition as reference. The decrease of temperature was directly proportional to the amount of lubricant applied and was significant in the MQL system when compared to dry cutting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An investigation was performed regarding the application of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass on inert polyurethane foam (AnSBBR) to the treatment of soluble metalworking fluids to remove organic matter and produce methane. The effect of increasing organic matter and reactor fill time, as well as shock load, on reactor stability and efficiency have been analyzed. The 5-L AnSBBR was operated at 30 A degrees C in 8-h cycles, agitation of 400 rpm, and treated 2.0 L effluent per cycle. Organic matter was increased by increasing the influent concentration (500, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L). Fill times investigated were in the batch mode (fill time 10 min) and fed-batch followed by batch (fill time 4 h). In the batch mode, organic matter removal efficiencies were 87%, 86%, and 80% for influent concentrations of 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mgCOD/L (1.50, 3.12, and 6.08 gCOD/L.d), respectively. At 3,000 mgCOD/L (9.38 gCOD/L.d), operational stability could not be achieved. The reactor managed to maintain stability when a shock load twice as high the feed concentration was applied, evidencing the robustness of the reactor to potential concentration variations in the wastewater being treated. Increasing the fill time to 4 h did not improve removal efficiency, which was 72% for 2,000 mgCOD/L. Thus, gradual feeding did not improve organic matter removal. The concentration of methane formed at 6.08 gCOD/L was 5.20 mmolCH(4), which corresponded to 78% of the biogas composition. The behavior of the reactor during batch and fed-batch feeding could be explained by a kinetic model that considers organic matter consumption, production, and consumption of total volatile acids and methane production.
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different feeding times (2, 4, and 6 h) and organic loading rates (3, 6 and 12 gCOD l(-1) day(-1)) on the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass, as well as to verify the minimum amount of alkalinity that can be added to the influent. The reactor, in which mixing was achieved by recirculation of the liquid phase, was maintained at 30 +/- 1A degrees C, possessed 2.5 l reactional volume and treated 1.5 l cheese whey in 8-h cycles. Results showed that the effect of feeding time on reactor performance was more pronounced at higher values of organic loading rates (OLR). During operation at an OLR of 3 gCOD l(-1) day(-1), change in feeding time did not affect efficiency of organic matter removal from the reactor. At an OLR of 6 gCOD l(-1) day(-1), reactor efficiency improved in relation to the lower loading rate and tended to drop at longer feeding times. At an OLR of 12 gCOD l(-1) day(-1) the reactor showed to depend more on feeding time; higher feeding times resulted in a decrease in reactor efficiency. Under all conditions shock loads of 24 gCOD l(-1) day(-1) caused an increase in acids concentration in the effluent. However, despite this increase, the reactor regained stability readily and alkalinity supplied to the influent showed to be sufficient to maintain pH close to neutral during operation. Regardless of applied OLR, operation with feeding time of 2 h was which provided improved stability and rendered the process less susceptible to shock loads.
Safe application of the anaerobic sequencing biofilm batch reactor (ASBBR) still depends on deeper insight into its behavior when faced with common operational problems in wastewater treatments such as tolerance to abrupt variations in influent concentration, so called shock loads. To this end the current work shows the effect of organic shock loads on the performance of an ASBBR, with a useful volume of 5 L, containing 0.5-cm polyurethane cubes and operating at 30 degrees C with mechanical stirring of 500 rpm. In the assays 2 L of two types of synthetic wastewater were treated in 8-h cycles. Synthetic wastewater I was based on sucrose-amide-cellulose with concentration of 500 mg COD/L and synthetic wastewater II was based on volatile acids with concentration ranging from 500 to 2000 mg COD/L. Organic shock loads of 2-4 times the operation concentration were applied during one and two cycles. System efficiency was monitored before and after application of the perturbation. When operating with concentrations from 500 to 1000 mg COD/L and shock loads of 2-4 times the influent concentration during one or two cycles the system was able to regain stability after one cycle and the values of organic matter, total and intermediate volatile acids, bicarbonate alkalinity and pH were similar to those prior to the perturbations. At a concentration of 2000 mg COD/L the reactor appeared to be robust, regaining removal efficiencies similar to those prior to perturbation at shock loads twice the operation concentration lasting one cycle and stability was recovered after two cycles. However, for shock loads twice the operation concentration during two cycles and shock loads four times the operation concentration during one or two cycles filtered sample removal efficiency decreased to levels different from those prior to perturbation, on an average of 90-80%, approximately, yet the system managed to attain stability within two cycles after shock application. Therefore, this investigation envisions the potential of full scale application of this type of bioreactor which showed robustness to organic shock loads, despite discontinuous operation and the short times available for treating total wastewater volume. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study evaluates the stability of hydrogen and organic acids production in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) that contains expanded clay (2.8-3.35 mm in diameter) as a support medium and is operated on a long-term basis. The reactor was inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT), from 8 h to 1 h, at a controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of about 3.8. Glucose (2000 mg L(-1)) was used as the substrate, generating conversion rates of 92-98%. Decreasing the HRT from 8 h to 1 h led to an increase in average hydrogen-production rates, with a maximum value of 1.28 L h(-1) L(-1) for an HRT of 1 h. In general, hydrogen yield production increased as HRT decreased, reaching 2.29 mol of H(2)/mol glucose at an HRT of 2 h and yielding a maximum hydrogen content of 37% in the biogas. No methane was detected in the biogas throughout the period of operation. The main soluble metabolites (SMP) were acetic acid (46.94-53.84% of SMP) and butyric acid (34.51-42.16% of SMP), with less than 15.49% ethanol. The steady performance of the AFBR may be attributed to adequate thermal treatment of the inoculum, the selection of a suitable support medium for microbial adhesion, and the choice of satisfactory environmental conditions imposed on the system. The results show that stable hydrogen production and organic acids production were maintained in the AFBR over a period of 178 days. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents results of an experimental investigation carried out to determine the effects of the surface roughness of different materials on nucleate boiling heat transfer of refrigerants R-134a and R-123. Experiments have been performed over cylindrical surfaces of copper, brass and stainless steel. Surfaces have been treated by different methods in order to obtain an average roughness, Ra, varying from 0.03 mu m to 10.5 mu m. Boiling curves at different reduced pressures have been raised as part of the investigation. The obtained results have shown significant effects of the surface material, with brass being the best performing and stainless steel the worst. Polished surfaces seem to present slightly better performance than the sand paper roughened. Boiling on very rough surfaces presents a peculiar behavior characterized by good thermal performance at low heat fluxes, the performance deteriorating at high heat fluxes with respect to smoother surfaces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding to the updated flow pattern map presented in Part I of this study, an updated general flow pattern based flow boiling heat transfer model was developed for CO2 using the Cheng-Ribatski-Wojtan-Thome [L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, L. Wojtan, J.R. Thome, New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 49 (2006) 4082-4094; L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, L. Wojtan, J.R. Thome, Erratum to: ""New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside tubes"" [Heat Mass Transfer 49 (21-22) (2006) 4082-4094], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50 (2007) 391] flow boiling heat transfer model as the starting basis. The flow boiling heat transfer correlation in the dryout region was updated. In addition, a new mist flow heat transfer correlation for CO2 was developed based on the CO2 data and a heat transfer method for bubbly flow was proposed for completeness sake. The updated general flow boiling heat transfer model for CO2 covers all flow regimes and is applicable to a wider range of conditions for horizontal tubes: tube diameters from 0.6 to 10 mm, mass velocities from 50 to 1500 kg/m(2) s, heat fluxes from 1.8 to 46 kW/m(2) and saturation temperatures from -28 to 25 degrees C (reduced pressures from 0.21 to 0.87). The updated general flow boiling heat transfer model was compared to a new experimental database which contains 1124 data points (790 more than that in the previous model [Cheng et al., 2006, 2007]) in this study. Good agreement between the predicted and experimental data was found in general with 71.4% of the entire database and 83.2% of the database without the dryout and mist flow data predicted within +/-30%. However, the predictions for the dryout and mist flow regions were less satisfactory due to the limited number of data points, the higher inaccuracy in such data, scatter in some data sets ranging up to 40%, significant discrepancies from one experimental study to another and the difficulties associated with predicting the inception and completion of dryout around the perimeter of the horizontal tubes. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work is to develop an improved model of the human thermal system. The features included are important to solve real problems: 3D heat conduction, the use of elliptical cylinders to adequately approximate body geometry, the careful representation of tissues and important organs, and the flexibility of the computational implementation. Focus is on the passive system, which is composed by 15 cylindrical elements and it includes heat transfer between large arteries and veins. The results of thermal neutrality and transient simulations are in excellent agreement with experimental data, indicating that the model represents adequately the behavior of the human thermal system. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.