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Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) cleaves collagen, allowing leukocytes to traffic toward the vasculature and the lymphatics. When MMP-9 is unregulated by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), this can lead to tissue destruction. Dendritic cells (DCs) infiltrate the oral mucosa increasingly in chronic periodontitis, characterized by infection with several pathogens including Porphyromonas gingivalis. In this study, human monocyte-derived DCs were pulsed with different doses of lipopolysaccharide of P. gingivalis 381 and of Escherichia coli type strain 25922, as well as whole live isogenic fimbriae-deficient mutant strains of P. gingivalis 381. Levels of induction of MMP-9 and TIMP-1, as well as interleukin-10 (IL-10), which reportedly inhibits MMP-9 induction, were measured by several approaches. Our results reveal that lipopolysaccharide of P. gingivalis, compared with lipopolysaccharide from E. coli type strain 25922, is a relatively potent inducer of MMP-9, but a weak inducer of TIMP-1, contributing to a high MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio.Whole live P. gingivalis strain 381, major fimbriae mutant DPG-3 and double mutant MFB were potent inducers of MMP-9, but minor fimbriae mutant MFI was not. MMP-9 induction was inversely proportional to IL-10 induction. These results suggest that lipopolysaccharide and the minor and the major fimbriae of P. gingivalis may play distinct roles in induction by DCs of MMP-9, a potent mediator of local tissue destruction and leukocyte trafficking.


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Citrobacter rodentium is the rodent equivalent of human enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection. This study investigated regulation of hepatic and renal cytochrome P450 (P450) mRNAs, hepatic P450 proteins, cytokines, and acute phase proteins during C. rodentium infection. Female C3H/HeOuJ (HeOu) and C3H/HeJ (HeJ) mice [which lack functional toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)] were infected with C. rodentium by oral gavage and sacrificed 6 days later. Hepatic CYP4A10 and 4A14 mRNAs were decreased in HeOu mice (<4% of control). CYP3A11, 2C29, 4F14, and 4F15 mRNAs were reduced to 16 to 55% of control levels, whereas CYP2A5, 4F16, and 4F18 mRNAs were induced (180, 190, and 600% of control, respectively). The pattern of P450 regulation in HeJ mice was similar to that in HeOu mice for most P450s, with the exception of the TLR4 dependence of CYP4F15. Hepatic CYP2C, 3A, and 4A proteins in both groups were decreased, whereas CYP2E protein was not. Renal CYP4A10 and 4A14 mRNAs were significantly down-regulated in HeOu mice, whereas other P450s were unaffected. Most renal P450 mRNAs in infected HeJ mice were increased, notably CYP4A10, 4A14, 4F18, 2A5, and 3A13. Hepatic levels of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) mRNAs were significantly increased in infected HeOu mice, whereas only TNFalpha mRNA was significantly increased in HeJ mice. Hepatic alpha1-acid glycoprotein was induced in both groups, whereas alpha-fibrinogen and angiotensinogen were unchanged. These data indicate that hepatic inflammation induced by C. rodentium infection is mainly TLR4-independent and suggest that hepatic P450 down-regulation in this model may be cytokine-mediated.


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Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in the suppression of initial viremia after acute infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Most HIV-infected individuals attain a high titer of anti-HIV antibodies within weeks of infection; however this antibody-mediated immune response appears not to be protective. In addition, anti-HIV antibodies can be detrimental to the immune response to HIV through enhancement of infection and participating in autoimmune reactions as a result of HIV protein mimicry of self antigens. Thus induction and maintenance of a strong HIV-specific CTL immune response in the absence of anti-HIV antibodies has been proposed to be the most effective means of controlling of HIV infection. Immunization with synthetic peptides representing HIV-specific CTL epitopes provides a way to induce specific CTL responses, while avoiding stimulation of anti-HIV antibody. This dissertation examines the capacity of synthetic peptides from the V3 loop region of the gp120 envelope protein from several different strain of HIV-1 to induce HIV-specific, MHC-restricted CD8$\sp+$ CTL response in vivo in a mouse model. Seven synthetic peptides representative of sequences found throughout North America, Europe, and Central Africa have been shown to prime CTLs in vivo. In the case of the MN strain of HIV-1, a 13 amino acid sequence defining the epitope is most efficient for optimal induction of specific CTL, whereas eight to nine amino acid sequences that could define the epitope were not immunogenic. In addition, synthesis of peptides with specific amino acid substitutions that are important for either MHC binding or T cell receptor recognition resulted in peptides that exhibited increased immunogenicity and induced CTLs that displayed altered specificity. V3 loop peptides from HIV-1 MN, SC, and Z321 induced a CTL population that was broadly cross-reactive against strains of HIV-1 found throughout the world. This research confirms the potential efficacy of using synthetic peptides for in vivo immunization to induce HIV-specific CTL-mediated responses and provides a basis for further research into development of synthetic peptide-based vaccines. ^


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Diarrhea disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in children in developing countries. An estimate of the global mortality caused by diarrhea among children under five years of age was 3.3 million deaths per year. Cryptosporidium parvum was first identified in 1907, but it was not until 1970 that this organism was recognized as a cause of diarrhea in calves. Then it was as late as 1976 that the first reported case of human Cryptosporidiosis occurred. This study was conducted to ascertain the risk factors of first symptomatic infection with Cryptosporidium parvum in a cohort of infants in a rural area of Egypt. The cohort was followed from birth through the first year of life. Univariate and multivariate analyses of data demonstrated that infants greater than six months of age had a two-fold risk of infection compared with infants less than six months of age (RR = 2.17; 95% C.I. = 1.01-4.82). When stratified, male infants greater than six months of age were four times more likely to become infected than male infants less than six months of age. Among female infants, there was no difference in risk between infants greater than six months of age and infants less than six months of age. Female infants less than six months of age were twice more likely to become infected than male infants less than six months of age. The reverse occurred for infants greater than six months of age, i.e., male infants greater than six months of age had twice the risk of infection compared to females of the same age group. Further analysis of the data revealed an increased risk of Cryptosporidiosis infection in infants who were attended in childbirth by traditional childbirth attendants compared to infants who were attended by modern childbirth attendants (nurses, trained midwives, physicians) (RR = 4. 18; 95% C.I. = 1.05-36.06). The final risk factor of significance was the number of people residing in the household. Infants in households which housed more than seven persons had an almost two-fold risk of infection compared with infants in homes with fewer than seven persons. Other risk factors which suggested increased risk were lack of education among the mothers, absence of latrines and faucets in the homes, and mud used as building material for walls and floors in the homes. ^


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The presence and distribution of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were examined in the CNS of two children with severe HIV encephalitis and myelitis. Using polymerase chain reaction-mediated DNA amplification and subsequent Southern analysis, proviral HIV gag sequences were identified in brain tissue of both patients. In situ hybridization using antisense oligonucleotide probes revealed abundant HIV gag and env/nef RNAs selectively in areas with histopathological evidence for HIV-induced tissue damage. The spinal cord of one patient exhibited a striking subpial accumulation of HIV RNAs strongly suggestive of a liquorigenic spread of the infection. HIV RNAs were typically associated with cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, as shown by a combined immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization procedure. The present study supports the view that the pattern and distribution of HIV-induced brain lesions is largely determined by the extent of focal HIV replication within the CNS.