998 resultados para HOMEOBOX GENE


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In eucaryotes, gene expression and control is a complex nonlinear process, where there are many control mechanisms and ways, both physic, chemical and informational control. By the exploration from the angle of biocybernetics, the authors suggest that gene expression is a co-control process. In this process, physic, chemical and informational feedback controls are associated and influential each other, and are cross and co-functional. The physic, chemical and informational control ways composed an order non-linear feedback control system in eucaryotes.


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5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) as a rare base exists in eukaryotic genomes, which is a normal constitution in many eukaryotic DNA and the existence of m(5)C is a feature of eukaryotic DNA. Under regular physiological conditions, cytosine of eukaryotic DNA is usually methylated. Up to the present, many people consider that the m(5)C may be mutation hotspots by the deamination leading to gene mutation. Our study indicated that the spontaneous mutation caused by the transition of G.C --> A.T, in eukaryotic DNA, may result from the tautomer changing of base pairs and may also be cause by other factor actions, however it could not be caused by the deamination of m(5)C.


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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are comprised of two superfamilies, the phosphatase I superfamily containing a single low-molecular-weight PTP (lmwPTP) family and the phosphatase II superfamily including both the higher-molecular-weight PTP (hmwPTP) and the dual-specificity phosphatase (DSP) families. The phosphatase I and H superfamilies are often considered to be the result of convergent evolution. The PTP sequence and structure analyses indicate that lmwPTPs, hmwPTPs, and DSPs share similar structures, functions, and a common signature motif, although they have low sequence identities and a different order of active sites in sequence or a circular permutation. The results of this work suggest that lmwPTPs and hmwPTPs/DSPs are remotely related in evolution. The earliest ancestral gene of PTPs could be from a short fragment containing about 90similar to120 nucleotides or 30similar to40 residues; however, a probable full PTP ancestral gene contained one transcript unit with two lmwPTP genes. All three PTP families may have resulted from a common ancestral gene by a series of duplications, fusions, and circular permutations. The circular permutation in PTPs is caused by a reading frame difference, which is similar to that in DNA methyltransferases. Nevertheless, the evolutionary mechanism of circular permutation in PTP genes seems to be more complicated than that in DNA methyltransferase genes. Both mechanisms in PTPs and DNA methyltransferases can be used to explain how some protein families and superfamilies came to be formed by circular permutations during molecular evolution.


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The centromere protein A (CENP-A), a histone H3-like protein, provides an essential role for chromosomal segregation during mitosis and meiosis. In this study we identified ten new CENP-A-like genes (excluding the original CENP-A gene) in cow by searching


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This work was supported by a grant from Key Disciplines of Zoology in Sowthwest Forestry University (XKX200903).


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Gene fission and fusion, the processes by which a single gene is split into two separate genes and two adjacent genes are fused into a single gene, respectively, are among the primary processes that generate new genes(1-4). Despite their seeming reversibi


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The origin of new structures and functions is an important process in evolution. In the past decades, we have obtained some preliminary knowledge of the origin and evolution of new genes. However, as the basic unit of genes, the origin and evolution of exons remain unclear. Because young exons retain the footprints of origination, they can be good materials for studying origin and evolution of new exons. In this paper, we report two young exons in a zinc finger protein gene of rodents. Since they are unique sequences in mouse and rat genome and no homologous sequences were found in the orthologous genes of human and pig, the young exons might originate after the divergence of primates and rodents through exonization of intronic sequences. Strong positive selection was detected in the new exons between mouse and rat, suggesting that these exons have undergone significant functional divergence after the separation of the two species. On the other hand, population genetics data of mouse demonstrate that the new exons have been subject to functional constraint, indicating an important function of the new exons in mouse. Functional analyses suggest that these new exons encode a nuclear localization signal peptide, which may mediate new ways of nuclear protein transport. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the origin and evolution of young exons.


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Retroposition is widely found to play essential roles in origination of new mammalian and other animal genes. However, the scarcity of retrogenes in plants has led to the assumption that plant genomes rarely evolve new gene duplicates by retroposition, de


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The formation of chimeric gene structures provides important routes by which novel proteins and functions are introduced into genomes. Signatures of these events have been identified in organisms from wide phylogenic distributions. However, the ability to


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Chinese species of the genus Niviventer, predominantly distributed in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and in Taiwan, are a diverse group and have not yet received a thorough molecular phylogenetic analysis. Here, we reconstructed the phylogenetic relatio


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Background: The filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii grows into a multicellular mycelium that is distinct from the unicellular morphology of its closely related yeast species. It has been proposed that genes important for cell cycle regulation play central


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Origination of new genes is an important mechanism generating genetic novelties during the evolution of an organism. Processes of creating new genes using preexisting genes as the raw materials are well characterized, such as exon shuffling, gene duplicat


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Previous studies of repetitive elements (REs) have implicated a mechanistic role in generating new chimerical genes. Such examples are consistent with the classic model for exon shuffling, which relies on non-homologous recombination. However, recent data


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Recent transcription profiling studies have revealed an unexpectedly large proportion of antisense transcripts in eukaryotic genomes. These antisense genes seem to regulate gene expression by interacting with sense genes. Previous studies have focused on the non-coding antisense genes, but the possible regulatory role of the antisense protein is poorly understood. In this study, we found that a protein encoded by the antisense gene ADF1 acts as a transcription suppressor, regulating the expression of sense gene MDF1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on the evolutionary, genetic, cytological and biochemical evidence, we show that the protein-coding sense gene MDF1 most likely originated de novo from a previously non-coding sequence and can significantly suppress the mating efficiency of baker's yeast in rich medium by binding MAT alpha 2 and thus promote vegetative growth. These results shed new light on several important issues, including a new sense-antisense interaction mechanism, the de novo origination of a functional gene, and the regulation of yeast mating pathway.