986 resultados para HBV viral load
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty have been reported to alter the mechanical behavior of the treated and adjacent-level segments, and have been suggested to increase the risk for adjacent-level fractures. The intervertebral disc (IVD) plays an important role in the mechanical behavior of vertebral motion segments. Comparisons between normal and degenerative IVD motion segments following cement augmentation have yet to be reported. A microstructural finite element model of a degenerative IVD motion segment was constructed from micro-CT images. Microdamage within the vertebral body trabecular structure was used to simulate a slightly (I = 83.5% of intact stiffness), moderately (II = 57.8% of intact stiffness), and severely (III = 16.0% of intact stiffness) damaged motion segment. Six variable geometry single-segment cement repair strategies (models A-F) were studied at each damage level (I-III). IVD and bone stresses, and motion segment stiffness, were compared with the intact and baseline damage models (untreated), as well as, previous findings using normal IVD models with the same repair strategies. Overall, small differences were observed in motion segment stiffness and average stresses between the degenerative and normal disc repair models. We did however observe a reduction in endplate bulge and a redistribution in the microstructural tissue level stresses across both endplates and in the treated segment following early stage IVD degeneration. The cement augmentation strategy placing bone cement along the periphery of the vertebra (model E) proved to be the most advantageous in treating the degenerative IVD models by showing larger reductions in the average bone stresses (vertebral and endplate) as compared to the normal IVD models. Furthermore, only this repair strategy, and the complete cement fill strategy (model F), were able to restore the slightly damaged (I) motion segment stiffness above pre-damaged (intact) levels. Early stage IVD degeneration does not have an appreciable effect in motion segment stiffness and average stresses in the treated and adjacent-level segments following vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. Placing bone cement in the periphery of the damaged vertebra in a degenerative IVD motion segment, minimizes load transfer, and may reduce the likelihood of adjacent-level fractures.
Résumé Des tentatives pour développer des traitements anti-cancéreux basés sur l'utilisation d'antigènes tumoraux ont commencé il y a plus de 10 ans. Depuis quelques années, un certain intérêt s'est portée sur une sous-population particulière des cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes T CD4. Ces cellules jouent un rôle central dans les réponses immunitaires tant contre les virus que contre les cellules tumorales. Comme d'autres lymphocytes T, ces cellules sont activées de manière spécifique en reconnaissant un morceau d'antigène, appelé peptide. Ces peptides proviennent soit de protéines des cellules de l'hôte, soit des protéines étrangères (virus ou bactéries) soit de cellules transformées (cellules tumorales) et sont présentés aux lymphocytes T par des molécules du soi appelées CMH (complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité). Dans le cas des lymphocytes T CD4, ces molécules sont plus précisément des molécules du CMH de classe II (CMH II). Mis à part l'intérêt porté aux réponses médiées par les lymphocytes T cytotoxiques, un intérêt croissant pour les lymphocytes T CD4 s'est développé à cause de la place centrale qu'occupent ces cellules dans les réponses immunitaires. L'identification d'épitopes présentés par des molécules du CMH de classe II dérivés d'un grand nombre d'antigènes tumoraux, ainsi que le développement de techniques permettant de suivre les réponses immunitaires, offre des opportunités pour étudier de manière quantitative et qualitative les lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour un antigène particulier chez des patients cancéreux. De plus, ces épitopes permettent d'induire des réponses médiées par les lymphocytes T CD4 et CD8 chez ces mêmes patients. Dans ce travail, notre premier but était de valider l'utilisation de multimères formés par des complexes peptide:molécules de CMH de class II (pCMH II) pour quantifier la réponse des cellules T CD4 dirigée contre l'épitope HA307-319 dérivé de la protéine hémaglutinine du virus de la grippe et présenté par HLA-DRB1*0401. En analysant des échantillons provenant de volontaires sains ayant reçus un vaccin contre la grippe, nous avons pu démontrer une expansion et une activation transitoires des lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour le peptide HA307-319 après vaccination. De plus, les multimères pCMH II nous ont permis d'analyser plus en détails hétérogénéité des cellules T CD4 spécifiques pour le peptide HA307-319 présents dans le sang périphérique d'individus sains. Par la suite, notre but a été d'analyser les réponses des lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour l'antigène Melan-A chez des patients atteints de mélanome métastatique. Nous avons tout d'abord démontré la présence de cellules T CD4 spécifiques pour l'épitope Melan-A51-73, présenté par HLA-DRBl*0401, qui avait déjà été préalablement décrit. Ensuite, nous avons décrit et caractérisé 2 nouveaux peptides issus de Melan-A qui sont présentés aux cellules T CD4 par différentes molécules du CMH de clans II. Des cellules spécifiques pour ces deux épitopes ont été trouvées chez 9/ 16 patients analysés. De plus, des multimères pCMH II chargés avec un des épitopes nous ont permis de détecter ex vivo des lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour Melan-A dans le sang périphérique d'un patient atteint de mélanome. Mis ensemble, tous ces résultats suggèrent une potentielle utilisation des multimères pCMH II pour analyser en détail les lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques d'antigènes définis. Cependant, le suivi ex vivo de telles cellules ne semble être possible que dans des cas bien particuliers. Néanmoins, les nouveaux épitopes issus de Melan-A et présentés par des molécules du CMH de classe II que nous avons décrits dans cette étude aideront à étudier plus en détails les lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour Melan-A chez des patients atteints de mélanome, un sujet d'étude sur lequel peu de résultats sont à ce jour disponibles. Summary Attempts to develop cancer vaccines based on molecularly defined tumorassociated antigens were initiated more than 10 years ago. Apart from CTLmediated anti-tumor immunity, interests are. now focused on CD4 T cells that are central players of immune responses. The identification of MHC class-II-restricted epitopes from numerous tumor antigens together with the development of monitoring tools offers the opportunity to quantitatively and qualitatively study antigen-specific CD4 T lymphocytes in cancer patients and to induce both CTL and T helper responses in cancer patients. In this work, we first aimed at validating the use of peptide:MHC class II complex (pMHC II) multimers to quantitate the CD4 T cell response against the hemagglutinin-derived epitope HAso~-si9 from influenza virus presented by HLA-DRBl*0401. By analysing samples from healthy volunteers vaccinated with ananti-influenza vaccine, we could demonstrate a transient expansion and activation of HA-specific CD4 T cells after treatment. Moreover, pMHC II multimers helped us to study the heterogeneity of HAspecific CD4 T cells found in peripheral blood of healthy individuals. Then, we aimed to analyse Melan-A-specific CD4 T cell responses in metastatic melanoma patients. We first demonstrated the presence of CD4 T cells specific for the previously described Melan-A51_73 epitope presented by HLA-DRB 1 *0401 in peripheral blood of those patients. Second, we described and characterised 2 new Melan-A-derived peptides that are presented by different MHC II molecules to CD4 T cells. Specific cells for these epitopes were found in 9/ 16 rnelánoma patients analysed. In addition, pMHC II multimers loaded with one of the two epitopes allowed us to detect ex vivo Melan-A-specific CD4 T cells in peripheral blood of a melanoma patient. Together, these results suggest a potential use of pMHC II multimers in analysing in detail antigen-specific CD4 T cells. However, ex vivo monitoring of such cells will be possible only in particular conditions. Nevertheless, the new Melan-A-derived MHC II-restricted epitopes described here will help to study in more detail Melan-A-specific CD4 T cells in melanoma patients, a field where only scarce data are available.
The combination of nebulized epinephrine and high dose dexamethasone, or nebulized hypertonic saline, are promising new therapeutic strategies for viral bronchiolitis in the young infant. However, further research is needed before a general recommendation can be given.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Serologic testing algorithms for recent HIV seroconversion (STARHS) provide important information for HIV surveillance. We have shown that a patient's antibody reaction in a confirmatory line immunoassay (INNO-LIATM HIV I/II Score, Innogenetics) provides information on the duration of infection. Here, we sought to further investigate the diagnostic specificity of various Inno-Lia algorithms and to identify factors affecting it. METHODS: Plasma samples of 714 selected patients of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study infected for longer than 12 months and representing all viral clades and stages of chronic HIV-1 infection were tested blindly by Inno-Lia and classified as either incident (up to 12 m) or older infection by 24 different algorithms. Of the total, 524 patients received HAART, 308 had HIV-1 RNA below 50 copies/mL, and 620 were infected by a HIV-1 non-B clade. Using logistic regression analysis we evaluated factors that might affect the specificity of these algorithms. RESULTS: HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL was associated with significantly lower reactivity to all five HIV-1 antigens of the Inno-Lia and impaired specificity of most algorithms. Among 412 patients either untreated or with HIV-1 RNA ≥50 copies/mL despite HAART, the median specificity of the algorithms was 96.5% (range 92.0-100%). The only factor that significantly promoted false-incident results in this group was age, with false-incident results increasing by a few percent per additional year. HIV-1 clade, HIV-1 RNA, CD4 percentage, sex, disease stage, and testing modalities exhibited no significance. Results were similar among 190 untreated patients. CONCLUSIONS: The specificity of most Inno-Lia algorithms was high and not affected by HIV-1 variability, advanced disease and other factors promoting false-recent results in other STARHS. Specificity should be good in any group of untreated HIV-1 patients.
Clinical and virologic manifestations of genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection vary widely. We examined frequencies of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 3, 4, and 9 in a prospective cohort of 128 HSV-2-infected persons whose viral shedding and lesion frequency was measured by daily sampling from genital secretions. Two TLR2 haplotypes (2 and 4) were associated with increased lesional (P=.008 and P=.03) and shedding (P=.02 and P=.001) rates. An SNP in haplotype 2 (-15607A/G) was also associated with shedding (P=.01) and lesional (P=.008) rates. Polymorphisms in TLR2 may be in part responsible for differences in the severity of HSV-2 infection.
CONTEXT: A broad spectrum of GnRH-deficient phenotypes has been identified in individuals with both mono- and biallelic GNRHR mutations. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine the correlation between the severity of the reproductive phenotype(s) and the number and functional severity of rare sequence variants in GNRHR. SUBJECTS: Eight hundred sixty-three probands with different forms of GnRH deficiency, 46 family members and 422 controls were screened for GNRHR mutations. The 70 subjects (32 patients and 38 family members) harboring mutations were divided into four groups (G1-G4) based on the functional severity of the mutations (complete or partial loss of function) and the number of affected alleles (monoallelic or biallelic) with mutations, and these classes were mapped on their clinical phenotypes. RESULTS: The prevalence of heterozygous rare sequence variants in GNRHR was significantly higher in probands vs. controls (P < 0.01). Among the G1-G3 groups (homozygous subjects with successively decreasing severity and number of mutations), the hypogonadotropic phenotype related to their genetic load. In contrast, subjects in G4, with only monoallelic mutations, demonstrated a greater diversity of clinical phenotypes. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with GnRH deficiency and biallelic mutations in GNRHR, genetic burden defined by severity and dose is associated with clinical phenotype. In contrast, for patients with monoallelic GNRHR mutations this correlation does not hold. Taken together, these data indicate that as-yet-unidentified genetic and/or environmental factors may combine with singly mutated GNRHR alleles to produce reproductive phenotypes.
During timber exploitation in forest stands harvesting machines pass repeatedly along the same track and can cause soil compaction, which leads to soil erosion and restricted tree root growth. The level of soil compaction depends on the number of passes and weight of the wood load. This paper aimed to evaluate soil compaction and eucalyptus growth as affected by the number of passes and wood load of a forwarder. The study was carried out in Santa Maria de Itabira county, Minas Gerais State - Brazil, on a seven-year-old eucalyptus stand planted on an Oxisol. The trees were felled by chainsaw and manually removed. Plots of 144 m² (four rows 12 m long in a 3 x 2 m spacing) were then marked off for the conduction of two trials. The first tested the traffic intensity of a forwarder which weighed 11,900 kg and carried 12 m³ wood (density of 480 kg m-3) and passed 2, 4, and 8 times along the same track. In the second trial, the forwarder carried loads of 4, 8, and 12 m³ of wood, and the machine was driven four times along the same track. In each plot, the passes affected four rows. Eucalyptus was planted in 30 x 30 x 30 cm holes on the compacted tracks. The soil in the area is clayey (470 clay and 440 g kg-1 sand content) and at depths of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm, respectively, soil organic carbon was 406 and 272 g kg-1 and the moisture content during the trial 248 and 249 g kg-1. These layers were assessed for soil bulk density and water-stable aggregates. The infiltration rate was measured by a cylinder infiltrometer. After 441 days the measurements were repeated, with additional analyses of: soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, porosity, and penetration resistance. Tree height, stem diameter, and stem dry matter were measured. Forwarder traffic increased soil compaction, resistance to penetration and microporosity while it reduced the geometric mean diameter, total porosity, macroporosity and infiltration rate. Stem dry matter yield and tree height were not affected by soil compaction. Two passes of the forwarder were enough to cause the disturbances at the highest levels. The compaction effects were still persistent 441 days after forwarder traffic.
The UL144 open reading frame found in clinical isolates of human CMV (HCMV) encodes a structural homologue of the herpesvirus entry mediator, a member of the TNFR superfamily. UL144 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed early after infection of fibroblasts; however, it is retained intracellularly. A YXXZ motif in the highly conserved cytoplasmic tail contributes to UL144 subcellular distribution. The finding that no known ligand of the TNF family binds UL144 suggests that its mechanism of action is distinct from other known viral immune evasion genes. Specific Abs to UL144 can be detected in the serum of a subset of HCMV seropositive individuals infected with HIV. This work establishes a novel molecular link between the TNF superfamily and herpesvirus that may contribute to the ability of HCMV to escape immune clearance.
The immune response to mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) relies on the presentation of an MMTV-encoded superantigen by infected B cells to superantigen-specific T cells. The initial extrafollicular B cell differentiation involved the generation of B cells expressing low levels of B220. These B220low B cells corresponded to plasmablasts that expressed high levels of CD43 and syndecan-1 and were CD62 ligand- and IgD-. Viral DNA was detected nearly exclusively in these B220low B cells by PCR, and retroviral type-A particles were observed in their cytoplasm by electron microscopy. An MMTV transmission to the offspring was also achieved after transfer of B220low CD62 ligand- CD43+ plasmablasts into noninfected females. These data suggest that B220low plasmablasts, representing the bulk of infected B cells, are capable of sustaining viral replication and may be involved in the transmission of MMTV.
Several European telecommunications regulatory agencies have recently introduced a fixed capacity charge (flat rate) to regulate access to the incumbent's network. The purpose of this paper is to show that the optimal capacity charge and the optimal access-minute charge analysed by Armstrong, Doyle, and Vickers (1996) have a similar structure and imply the same payment for the entrant. I extend the analysis tothe case where there is a competitor with market power. In this case, the optimalcapacity charge should be modified to avoid that the entrant cream-skims the market,fixing a longer or a shorter peak period than the optimal. Finally, I consider a multiproduct setting, where the effect of the product differentiation is exacerbated.
Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the etiological agent of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). HHV-8 encodes an antiapoptotic viral Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme-inhibitory protein (vFLIP/K13). The antiapoptotic activity of vFLIP/K13 has been attributed to an inhibition of caspase 8 activation and more recently to its capability to induce the expression of antiapoptotic proteins via activation of NF-kappaB. Our study provides the first proteome-wide analysis of the effect of vFLIP/K13 on cellular-protein expression. Using comparative proteome analysis, we identified manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), a mitochondrial antioxidant and an important antiapoptotic enzyme, as the protein most strongly upregulated by vFLIP/K13 in endothelial cells. MnSOD expression was also upregulated in endothelial cells upon infection with HHV-8. Microarray analysis confirmed that MnSOD is also upregulated at the RNA level, though the differential expression at the RNA level was much lower (5.6-fold) than at the protein level (25.1-fold). The induction of MnSOD expression was dependent on vFLIP/K13-mediated activation of NF-kappaB, occurred in a cell-intrinsic manner, and was correlated with decreased intracellular superoxide accumulation and increased resistance of endothelial cells to superoxide-induced death. The upregulation of MnSOD expression by vFLIP/K13 may support the survival of HHV-8-infected cells in the inflammatory microenvironment in KS.
BACKGROUND: Normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT-N) is a condition that may have similar long-term implications to primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT); however, differential diagnosis and treatment for parathyroid disorders are not clearly defined. We investigated the effect of an oral peptone and an oral calcium load on calcium-regulating hormones in PHPT-N compared with PHPT and healthy controls to provide a new potential diagnostic tool. DESIGN: Case-control study. METHODS: We evaluated serum gastrin, PTH, ionized calcium, and phosphate responses to oral calcium (1 g) and peptone (10 g) load in 22 PHPT and 20 PHPT-N patients matched for PTH serum values. Moreover, 30 healthy subjects were enrolled as controls. In 12 patients for each group, we also performed the oral peptone test adding aluminum hydroxide (AH) to suppress phosphate absorption. RESULTS: In PHPT patients, PTH increased significantly 30 min after the oral peptone load, while no significant increase was found in PHPT-N and controls. After oral calcium load, PTH remained stable in PHPT while it decreased dramatically in PHPT-N patients, and ionized calcium increased significantly in each of the three groups. Peptones plus AH induced a blunted PTH increase in the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the marked difference in PTH response elicited by peptones in PHPT compared with PHPT-N, we suggest that the oral peptone test could be added to the diagnostic evaluation of PHPT patients. In case of absent response to peptones, patients should have their serum calcium levels assessed twice a year in accordance with recent guidelines.
Inbreeding avoidance is often invoked to explain observed patterns of dispersal, and theoretical models indeed point to a possibly important role. However, while inbreeding load is usually assumed constant in these models, it is actually bound to vary dynamically under the combined influences of mutation, drift, and selection and thus to evolve jointly with dispersal. Here we report the results of individual-based stochastic simulations allowing such a joint evolution. We show that strongly deleterious mutations should play no significant role, owing to the low genomic mutation rate for such mutations. Mildly deleterious mutations, by contrast, may create enough heterosis to affect the evolution of dispersal as an inbreeding-avoidance mechanism, but only provided that they are also strongly recessive. If slightly recessive, they will spread among demes and accumulate at the metapopulation level, thus contributing to mutational load, but not to heterosis. The resulting loss of viability may then combine with demographic stochasticity to promote population fluctuations, which foster indirect incentives for dispersal. Our simulations suggest that, under biologically realistic parameter values, deleterious mutations have a limited impact on the evolution of dispersal, which on average exceeds by only one-third the values expected from kin-competition avoidance.
This guide provides a summary of the factors and design theories that should be considered when designing dowel load transfer systems for concrete pavement systems (including dowel basket design and fabrication) and presents recommendations for widespread adoption (i.e., standardization). Development of the guide was sponsored by the National Concrete Consortium with the goal of helping practitioners develop and implement dowel load transfer designs based on knowledge about current research and best practices.