949 resultados para H bridges


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GOMES, Carlos E. M. et al. Effect of trypsin inhibitor from Crotalaria pallida seeds on Callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris), v. 43, n. 12, p. 1095-1102, 2005.ISSN 0981-9428. DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2005.11.004.


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As neuroscience gains social traction and entices media attention, the notion that education has much to benefit from brain research becomes increasingly popular. However, it has been argued that the fundamental bridge toward education is cognitive psychology, not neuroscience. We discuss four specific cases in which neuroscience synergizes with other disciplines to serve education, ranging from very general physiological aspects of human learning such as nutrition, exercise and sleep, to brain architectures that shape the way we acquire language and reading, and neuroscience tools that increasingly allow the early detection of cognitive deficits, especially in preverbal infants. Neuroscience methods, tools and theoretical frameworks have broadened our understanding of the mind in a way that is highly relevant to educational practice. Although the bridge’s cement is still fresh, we argue why it is prime time to march over it.


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A proteinaceous trypsin inhibitor was purified from Crotalaria pallida seeds by ammonium sulphate fractionation, affinity chromatography on immobilized Trypsin-Sepharose and TCA precipitation. The trypsin inhibitor, named ITC, had Mr of 32.5 kDa by SDS-PAGE and was composed by two subunits with 27.7 and 5.6 kDa linked by disulphide bridges, a typical characteristic of Kunitz-Inhibitor family. ITC was stable until 50°C, and at 100°C its residual activity was of about 60%. Also, ITC was stable at pHs 2 to 12. The inhibition of trypsin by ITC was non-competitive, with a Ki of 8,8 x 10-7M. ITC inhibits weakly other serine proteinases such as chymotrypsin and elastase. The inhibition of papain (44% of inhibition), a cysteine proteinase was an indicative of the bi-functionality of ITC. In vitro assays against digestive proteinases from several Lepdoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera pests were made. ITC inhibited in 100% digestive enzymes of Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly), Spodoptera frugiperda and Alabama argillacea, the last one being a cotton pest. It also inhibited in 74.4% Callosobruchus maculatus (bean weevil) digestive enzymes, a Coleoptera pest. ITC, when added in artificial diet models, affected weakly the development of C. capitata larvae and it had a WD50 of 2.65% to C. maculatus larvae


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The Brazil is the third largest producer of cashew nuts in the world. Despite the social and economic importance of the cashew nut, its production is still carried out artisanally. One of the main problems encountered in the cashew production chain are the conditions under which the roasting of the nut occurs to obtain the kernel from the shell. In the present study was conducted a biomonitoring of the genotoxic and cytotoxicity effects associated with the elements from the cashew nut roasting in João Câmara - RN, semi-arid region of Brazil. To assess the genotoxic was used the bioassay of micronucleus (MN) in Tradescantia pallida. In addition, it was performed a comparative between the Tradescantia pallida and KU-20 and other biomarkers of DNA damage, such as the nucleoplasmic bridges (NBP) and nuclear fragments (NF) were quantified. The levels of particulate matter (PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10) and black carbon (BC) were also measured and the inorganic chemical composition of the PM2.5 collected was determined using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry analysis and the assessment of the cytotoxicity by MTT assay and exclusion method by trypan blue. . For this purpose, were chosen: the Amarelão community where the roasting occurs and the Santa Luzia farm an area without influence of this process. The mean value of PM2.5 (Jan 2124.2 μg/m3; May 1022.2 μg/m3; Sep 1291.9 μg/m3) and BC (Jan 363.6 μg/m3; May 70.0 μg/m3; Sep 69.4 μg/m3) as well as the concentration of the elements Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Br and Pb obtained at Amarelão was significantly higher than at Santa Luzia farm. The genotoxicity tests with T. pallida indicated a significant increase in the number of MN, NBP and NF and it was found a negative correlation between the frequency of these biomarkers and the rainfall. The concentrations of 200 μg/mL and 400 μg/mL of PM2.5 were cytotoxic to MRC-5 cells. All together, the results indicated genotoxicity and citotoxicity for the community of Amarelão, and the high rates of PM2.5 considered a potential contributor to this effect, mainly by the high presence of transition metals, especially Fe, Ni, Cu, Cr and Zn, these elements have the potential to cause DNA damage. Other nuclear alterations, such as the NPBs and NFs may be used as effective biomarkers of DNA damage in tetrads of Tradescantia pallida. The results of this study enabled the identification of a serious occupational problem. Accordingly, preventative measures and better practices should be adopted to improve both the activity and the quality of life of the population. These measures are of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of this activity.


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The continuous advances in ceramic systems for crowns and bridges infrastructure getting researchers and manufacturers looking for a material that has good mechanical properties and aesthetic. The purpose of this study was to verify in which composition and sintering temperature the ceramic system for infrastructure composed of alumina and zirconia would have the best mechanical properties. With this objective we made in UFRN laboratories 45 test bodies in the form of rectangular bars with the following dimensions: 30mm x 8mm x 3mm, where we separated by the sintering temperature: 1200°C, 1300ºC and 1400ºC, and by comp osition: 33% Zirconia + 67% Alumina; 50% Zirconia + 50% Alumina and 25% Zirconia + 75% Alumina, these test bodies were not infiltrated with glass. Also, were made nine test bodies by a technical from a laboratory with a commercial ceramic system: in the Ceram Zircônia (Vita - Zahnfabrik) with the following dimensions: 20mm x 10mm x 0.5mm, these test bodies following all recommendations of the manufacturer and were infiltrated with glass. Were realized optical and electronic microscopy analyses, hardness testing, resistance to bending in three points, porosity and bulk density. After analysis of the results we verified that with the increasing of sintering temperature, increased the value of resistance to bending, but with the same temperature there was no significant difference between the different compositions, samples made with the commercial ceramic that were infiltrated, presented a resistance to bending six times greater than the samples sintered to 1400°C and which have not been infiltra ted. There was no significant difference between the values of apparent porosity for the samples made in UFRN laboratories, but the samples of commercial ceramic obtained 0% in porosity apparent value. In tests of Rockwell Hardness there is an increase in the value of Hardness, with the increase of sintering temperature for the samples not infiltrated. Samples infiltrated showed similar values as the samples sintered in 1400°C. There was no significant difference between the values of apparent density among samples manufactured in UFRN laboratories and samples made with a commercial ceramic


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At present, the material of choice for performing aesthetic dental prosthetic work is in the ceramic. Among them, the ceramic base of stabilized zirconia with 3% yttria (3Y - TZP) stand out for having excellent physical and mechanical properties. During the machining of blocks of zirconia in the laboratory to prepare the various types of prostheses, much of the material is given off in the form of powder, which is subsequently discarded. The waste of this material results in financial loss, reflecting higher final cost treatment for patients, as well as damage to the environment, thanks to the processes involved in the manufacture and disposal of the ceramic. This research, pioneered the recycling of zirconium oxide powder obtained during milling of dental crowns and bridges, we highlight the social and environmental aspects and aims to establish a protocol for the reuse of waste (powder of zirconia Zirkonzahn® system) discarded to obtain a new block of compacted zirconia to maintain the same mechanical and microstructural properties of commercial high-cost imported material. To compare with the commercial material, samples were uniaxially (20 MPa) and isostatically (100 MPa), and its mechanical and microstructural characterization was performed through tests of density, porosity, dilatometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), hardness, fracture toughness, resistance to fracture electron microscopy (SEM) and analysis of grain size. The results observed in the samples were isostatically pressed similiares those obtained with samples from the commercial material demonstrating the viability of the process


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The venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus snakes presents various substances, including a serine protease with thrombin-like activity, called gyroxin, that clots plasmatic fibrinogen and promote the fibrin formation. The aim of this study was to purify and structurally characterize the gyroxin enzyme from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. For isolation and purification, the following methods were employed: gel filtration on Sephadex G75 column and affinity chromatography on benzamidine Sepharose 6B; 12% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions; N-terminal sequence analysis; cDNA cloning and expression through RT-PCR and crystallization tests. Theoretical molecular modeling was performed using bioinformatics tools based on comparative analysis of other serine proteases deposited in the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) database. Protein N-terminal sequencing produced a single chain with a molecular mass of similar to 30 kDa while its full-length cDNA had 714 bp which encoded a mature protein containing 238 amino acids. Crystals were obtained from the solutions 2 and 5 of the Crystal Screen Kit (R), two and one respectively, that reveal the protein constitution of the sample. For multiple sequence alignments of gyroxin-like B2.1 with six other serine proteases obtained from snake venoms (SVSPs), the preservation of cysteine residues and their main structural elements (alpha-helices, beta-barrel and loops) was indicated. The localization of the catalytic triad in His57, Asp102 and Ser198 as well as S1 and S2 specific activity sites in Thr193 and Gli215 amino acids was pointed. The area of recognition and cleavage of fibrinogen in SVSPs for modeling gyroxin B2.1 sequence was located at Arg60, Arg72, Gln75, Arg81, Arg82, Lis85, Glu86 and Lis87 residues. Theoretical modeling of gyroxin fraction generated a classical structure consisting of two alpha-helices, two beta-barrel structures, five disulfide bridges and loops in positions 37, 60, 70, 99, 148, 174 and 218. These results provided information about the functional structure of gyroxin allowing its application in the design of new drugs.


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The subject of this research is the spiritual religious field, connected with the local cultural perspectives. Its basis is the analysis of two spiritual groups settled in Natal/RN: The Spiritual Group Evangelho no Lar and the Spiritual Center Garimpeiros da Luz . These two groups represent a point of convergence of several sectors of this religion, either through its insertion in the local sphere or in contact to nationally influent leaders, like the mediums Francisco Cândido Xavier and Divaldo Pereira Franco. Then, it aims to reach the potiguar singularities in their spiritualism approaches, looking for an analyses to possible connections between local values and themes from the spiritualism largely developed in Brazil. So, its objective is to act in the scope of influence, references, representations and adaptive practices in a local context, and they signalize special practices . The approaches until now developed refer only to the living of a Brazilian spiritualism, perfectly developed in contact with the catholic substrate, but there s still a gap about the local observation, with its peculiarities, which its research aims to disclosure. The option for a qualitative approach, in perfect relationship with the nature of the questions which were made was considered as an appropriate way to guide the study. To reach this, it will be made an ethnography of the studied groups, not only in the use of open interviews with its members but also in the contact and observation of its religious behavior, for example: meeting for studies of the doctrine, mediunic meetings, public lectures, helping the public in general. As results of this research we can point to the delimitation of local cultural references, which are undeniable, in relation to the identification of RN personalities who are considered coordinators or active spirits in the work performed by the groups. Thus, Auta de Souza, poetess and woman of great religiosity, Augusto Severo de Albuquerque Maranhão, martyr of the aeronautics, Father João Maria, object of popular devotion and Abdias Antônio de Oliveira, ex president of the Spiritual Federation of RN, present themselves as spiritual beings who lead the adaptability to the local context. In such a context, we have to point out the work of mediums, who, having a specific charisma, interacted with the groups in the establishment of these cultural bridges already made in their own contexts (national level), through the work equally possible to be locally reproduced. This and other facts, point out to perspectives of cultural circularity , including referring to a greater linking to sub layers in a true zone that converges and has circulation between an erudite spiritualism with another one, turned to the incorporation of local and popular elements


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This dissertation is a proposal for dialogue between Brazilian Social Thought, History of Portuguese America and the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung, highlighting the following archetypes: Anima, Animus, Shadow and Persona. Directing the study to the image of Indian women in this Brazilian interpretation of Casa-Grande & senzala by Gilberto Freyre, have largely centered on denial of the feminine image as a creative and positive in the minds of Brazilian culture, where a more specific analysis. We assume that your work has inspired several bridges over imaginary things in Brazil, including aspects relating to miscegenation, the study of foreign travelers, Jesuits and settlers / invaders of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Portuguese disembarked in America and in this sense, the influence of his work as wasteful image through time and space of the Portuguese slave order. Above all, we intend to do a reading of Native women thought in his book


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Literary works are thought provokers that make it possible to access several forms to view the world and reality. They provide diversified points of view and infinite connections. In a particular way, among all the other forms of art expression literature is considered to be the closest to life, once it is able to reconnect all human dimensions emotional, rational, mystic, personal, universal, corporal, historic, mythical. This thesis aims at offering some reflections about the frontiers and bridges between science and literature aiming at understanding the complexity that guides them. It presents a new reading of Iracema novel: Ceará tale of José de Alencar from a meticulous incursion through new ways and natural spaces interwoven by Alencar. It tries to hear the echoes of this indianist novel in the university students today. In a broader context, it creates arguments that question the multiple threadsthat join science and literature so that a science of complexity arises distinguishing but not separating the innumerous narratives about the world. For this purpose, this thesis has as interlocutors: Antonio Candido, Charles P. Snow, Edgar Morin, Emilio Ciurana, Fritjof Capra, George Steiner, Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Roger Chartier, Roland Barthes. The plot presented here does not limit the novel to science, but makes it a rereading of the word, of life, once this is the raw material of books. As a methodological strategy, we rebuilt Iracema´s character trips in a way to update the novel, resulting in the video documentary Iracema ways: the arid and remote interior, the plateau, the sea. Iracema novel and character enhancing dialogs that allow the dichotomy rupture between two cultures (Charles P. Snow), recognizing they are not incommunicable and revealing the core argument of the thesis: Iracema belongs to a complex category. It is a hybrid novel that is far, far away from that bluish plateau in the horizon


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The present study aimed to understand and interpret the connections between the training of graduate ludopoiética leisure and the process of autopoiesis of leisure. From the main objective, the following objectives had been formulated specific: a) To interpret more significant the ludopoiéticas experiences in the academic formation of graduandos of leisure; b) To analyze the experiences of the leisure most significant, disclosed for the group investigated, before, during and after the course; c) To describe and to interpret the process of autopoiese of the leisure and its respective meaning for the autoformação human being. The study it articulated the following metodológicas boardings: autobiogr á fica, etnogr á fica and fenomenológica. For the construction of the ludopoiéticas bridges between the academic formation proposal for the course of Leisure and Quality of Life of the CEFET-RN and the autoformação lived deeply human being as leisure for the participants of the study, we use as categories of analysis, five properties that had constituted the respective autopoiético system of the leisure. Thus, for our autopoiética reflectivity we adopt the following categories: autotelia; autoliberação; autoconectividade; autovalia and autofruição. The carried through research obtained to evidence given important of the ludopoié tica formation of these professionals of the leisure for its autoforma ç ã o human being and the autocriação of the proper leisure, that for recursividade feeds this autoformação in way permanently. Lived deeply properties of the ludopoiético system in the formation are searched with autonomy in the leisure. Thus, the learning of the autotelia, the autovalia, the autofruição and the autoconectividade lived deeply during the course of graduation in Leisure and Quality of Life is valued by the emotion of the joy and the love to the life, having become something desired by the citizens that had chosen the leisure as profession


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It is a case study that reports the construction of metal truss bridge in the river Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1912 and 1916. From testimonials on steel bridges in Brazil and worldwide including foundations. Documentary research from procurement of projects and contracts was performed. A chronology of construction, with a description of the equipment used and its original budget with the Brazilian government. Still, we used interviews and surveys with experimental sampling / testimonies, laboratory tests. This study aims to analyze historically and technically the Bridge over the River Potengi, emphasizing primarily the construction process, the qualities and characteristics of the materials used and the technological, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural properties of cement and concrete used in its construction. Taking as conclusions that cements pozolônicos ensured a good durability to the concrete in a hundred-year period and that the solution employed with the compressed air caissons was right


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The groundwater represents the most important freshwater supply of planet. Dailly, in all world a great amount of toxic and genotoxic material reaches the aquatic systems, mainly the aquifers. The Barreiras aquifer through of five water wells is responsible for the supplying of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). All water wells are polluted with nitrate and some heavy metals, two of them were disabled. The genotoxicity of groundwater samples from Barreiras Aquifer in UFRN was assessed using the Allium cepa test, the Ames test and the Salmonella typhymurium microsuspension test (Kado test). For the Allium cepa test the influence of the groundwater samples collected on macroscopic (root length, colour and form) and microscopic (root tip mitotic index, chromosome aberrations and micronucleus) parameters was examined. All water samples caused a significant increase of the chromosome and mitotic aberration frequency and reduction on the rooth growth compared to negative control. Bridges and chromosome stickness were the most frequent kind of aberration in dividing cells. Furthermore, breaks were also observed. No significant increase in the number of micronuclei was found in relation to the negative controls. For Ames test were used the Salmonella typhymurium strains TA98 and TA100 without metabolic activation, applying the direct method. Prior to the Kado test, organic fractions from the water samples were obtained through XAD resin concentration. The mutagenicity organic extracts were evaluated by Kado test using TA98 and TA100 strains, in the absence and presence of S9 mix (metabolic activation). The concentrations of seven heavy metal ions were measured in water samples, but only Ni, Cu and Cr levels exceeded the permissible maximum concentration for the natural reservoirs. The results obtained for mutagenic activity using the Ames test were negative in all raw water samples analyzed. Positive results in XAD4 extracts of water samples were obtained for TA98 in the presence of S9 mix for two stations. Concentrations of heavy metals and nitrate can be correlated with the toxicity and genotoxicity of water analyzed. The mutagenic effect detected with TA98 strain suggested that organic compounds (after metabolization) are involved with the mutagenicity detected in the samples analyzed. The data set obtained in this work indicated the presence of at least two classes of mutagens: organic and inorganic compounds


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A city is made not only to streets, sidewalks, buildings, bridges and viaducts. The city is also built by layers of sediment from the past that blend with layers of sediments present. The city's it's art, it's sociability is written. The aim of this study is to analyze how Mossoró historiographically the narrative is built by Luís da Câmara Cascudo. With this objective, we divide the work into three chapters. At first, we investigate the investment that the prefecture of the Mossoró city at the beginning of the forties, under the administration of Dix-sept Rosado, held for the construction of what would be the city's culture. A culture that was linked to the creation of a library, a museum, a university, the completion of several lectures on the themes of the city, and writing the history of Mossoró. The second chapter discusses the historical conditions of possibility that made Luís da Câmara Cascudo of the town historian. In the last chapter, we show how Mossoró was built by Cascudo from the specific analysis of the book Notas e Documentos para a história de Mossoró (1955). We discuss the conditions for its emergence, examining the interplay of interests that enabled its production


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This work broaches the participation of the Jewish community in the urban expansion of Recife, Brazil, during the Dutch period (1630-1654). With the arrival of the Dutch, the village of Olinda, former capital of Pernambuco, was destroyed and Recife received the juridical statute of city (stad), becoming the capital of Dutch Brazil or New Holland. It became the main West Indians Company s entrepot in South Atlantic, serving as naval base, port of call for ships, and point of export of the sugar production of Pernambuco, and import of European goods and African slaves. In order to such administrative, military and economic functions be carried out, the sand isthmus where Recife used to stay, and the fluvial island of Antônio Vaz, received improvements of many sort. The Dutch hydraulic technology was put in practice, with a posture of opposition between civilization and nature. Among military works and production of urban equipments, the rivers shores were land-filled, canals were built, bridges were lifted, and hundreds of buildings were erected. The civil Dutch population of Recife engaged in the process of production of physical space, which brought a sense of collective action towards the formation of the urban, or burgher, community. From the physical to the social space, there was an effort towards Dutch cultural standards in the urban environment. The Zur Israel Jewish community, formed by private civilians, it is, nonemployees of the WIC, engaged in those processes. It produced physical space through the land-filling and improvement of non healthy areas, and was also responsible for the construction of a significant section of the town s buildings and some of urban equipments, such as stores, markets and slave-warehouses, making more dynamic their economical activities. But their social traffic was due to the adaptation of their behavior to the standards of Dutch sociability. Thus, the community body made itself part of the social body. Disposing of internal selfregulation, it produced spaces with their cultural references cemetery, synagogue, texts enjoying benefits of the government. Zur Israel inscribed itself in the universal history of the Jews as the first community of Americas, and had a fundamental part on the emancipation of Jews within Western society