966 resultados para Gonadal maturation


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Anti-mullerian hormone, also called AMH, belongs to the large family of transforming growth factor P. Its role in the sexual differentiation of male fetus is now well known. Recently, AMH has been demonstrated to play an important role in the ovarian function. In fact, AMH seems to regulate the kinetics of follicular development, inhibiting the follicular recruitment and the follicular growth. Thus, this intra-gonadic cybernin could be a decisive determinant of the rapidity of follicular pool exhaustion. Today, some experimental data from the literature suggest that AMH could be a reliable marker of ovarian reserve. This review summarizes the present knowledge about AMH and its role in physiology but also in ovarian pathology.


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Poultry litter contains high levels of natural sex hormones, nitrogen, phosphorous, and trace amounts of heavy metals. Poultry litter runoff from poultry and farming operations in the Delmarva region can have serious impacts on frog development in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. In this study, we investigated potential effects of litter compounds on Xenopus laevis development when exposed to environmental levels (0.35 and 0.70 g/L) of litter solution. We found that despite rapid hormone degradation, poultry litter solution still affected X. laevis development. Hormones were also more persistent in the lower poultry litter concentration, leading to even greater effects. Slowed growth and increased female gonadal abnormalities were observed after exposure to 0.35 g/L but not to 0.70 g/L of litter solution, and increased male gonadal abnormalities were observed after treatment to both litter concentrations. The developmental impacts examined in this study may have greater environmental impacts on frog reproduction and survival.


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As indicated by several recent studies, magnetic susceptibility of the brain is influenced mainly by myelin in the white matter and by iron deposits in the deep nuclei. Myelination and iron deposition in the brain evolve both spatially and temporally. This evolution reflects an important characteristic of normal brain development and ageing. In this study, we assessed the changes of regional susceptibility in the human brain in vivo by examining the developmental and ageing process from 1 to 83 years of age. The evolution of magnetic susceptibility over this lifespan was found to display differential trajectories between the gray and the white matter. In both cortical and subcortical white matter, an initial decrease followed by a subsequent increase in magnetic susceptibility was observed, which could be fitted by a Poisson curve. In the gray matter, including the cortical gray matter and the iron-rich deep nuclei, magnetic susceptibility displayed a monotonic increase that can be described by an exponential growth. The rate of change varied according to functional and anatomical regions of the brain. For the brain nuclei, the age-related changes of susceptibility were in good agreement with the findings from R2* measurement. Our results suggest that magnetic susceptibility may provide valuable information regarding the spatial and temporal patterns of brain myelination and iron deposition during brain maturation and ageing. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The normal immune response of A/J mice against arsonate coupled to hemocyanin is characterized by a major recurrent cross-reactive Id, the CRIA. This Id is encoded by a single gene segment combination: VHidcr11-DFL16.1e-JH2 for the H chain and Vkidcr-Jk1 for the L chain. In this report, we show that lethal irradiation of A/J mice followed by reconstitution with autologous or syngeneic lymphoid cells results in loss of major CRIA Id expression in the response to arsonate. Different protocols were performed to repopulate the irradiated mice. First, lethally irradiated A/J mice were reconstituted by the transfer of syngeneic bone marrow cells. Second, A/J mice were lethally irradiated while their hind limbs were partially shielded. Third, lethally irradiated A/J mice received a transfer of syngeneic spleen cells. The three groups of mice produce high titers of antiarsonate antibodies completely devoid of CRIA DH-JH related idiotopes expression. Moreover, a lack of affinity maturation is observed in the secondary antiarsonate response of all irradiated and reconstituted mice. A transfer of syngeneic peritoneal cells or a transfer of primed T cells in irradiated and reconstituted A/J mice do not restore in a significant manner either the recurrent CRIA expression or the affinity maturation of the antiarsonate response. Our data suggest that the choice of this Id is not solely dictated by the Igh locus.


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Three β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4-isomerase (3β-HSD) catalyze the oxidative conversion of Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroids to the Δ4-3-keto configuration and is therefore essential for the biosynthesis of all classes of hormonal steroids, namely progesterone, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, and estrogens. Using human 3β-HSD cDNA as probe, a human 3β-HSD gene was isolated from a λ-EMBL3 library of leucocyte genomic DNA. A fragment of 3β-HSD genomic DNA was also obtained by amplification of genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction. The 3β-HSD gene contains a 5′-untranslated exon of 53 base pairs (bp) and three successive translated exons of 232, 165, and 1218 bp, respectively, separated by introns of 129, 3883, and 2162 bp. The transcription start site is situated 267 nucleotides upstream from the ATG initiating codon. DNA sequence analysis of the 5′-flanking region reveals the existence of a putative TATA box (ATAAA) situated 28 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site while a putative CAAT binding sequence is located 57 nucleotides upstream from the TATA box. Expression of a cDNA insert containing the coding region of 3β-HSD in nonsteroidogenic cells shows that the gene encodes a single 42-kDa protein containing both 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and Δ5-Δ4-isomerase activities. Moreover, all natural steroid substrates tested are transformed with comparable efficiency by the enzyme. In addition to its importance for studies of the regulation of expression of 3β-HSD in gonadal as well as peripheral tissues, knowledge of the structure of the human 3β-HSD gene should permit investigation of the molecular defects responsible for 3β-HSD deficiency, the second most common cause of adrenal hyperplasia in children.


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This study has investigated the effects of herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene (HSV-tk) transfer followed by ganciclovir treatment as adjuvant gene therapy to surgical resection in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The study was open and single-arm, and aimed at assessing the feasibility and safety of the technique and indications of antitumor activity. In 48 patients a suspension of retroviral vector-producing cells (VPCs) was administered by intracerebral injection immediately after tumor resection. Intravenous ganciclovir was infused daily 14 to 27 days after surgery. Patients were monitored for adverse events and for life by regular biosafety assaying. Tumor changes were monitored by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Reflux during injection was a frequent occurrence but serious adverse events during the treatment period (days 1-27) were few and of a nature not unexpected in this population. One patient experienced transient neurological disorders associated with postganciclovir MRI enhancement. There was no evidence of replication-competent retrovirus in peripheral blood leukocytes or in tissue samples of reresection or autopsy. Vector DNA was shown in the leukocytes of some patients but not in autopsy gonadal samples. The median survival time was 8.6 months, and the 12-month survival rate was 13 of 48 (27%). On MRI studies, tumor recurrence was absent in seven patients for at least 6 months and for at least 12 months in two patients, one of whom remains recurrence free at more than 24 months. Treatment-characteristic images of injection tracks and intracavity hemoglobin were apparent. In conclusion, the gene therapy is feasible and appears to be satisfactorily safe as an adjuvant to the surgical resection of recurrent GBM, but any benefit appears to be marginal. Investigation of the precise effectiveness of this gene therapy requires prospective, controlled studies.


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Cherax quadricarinatus, es una especie de langosta de agua dulce nativa de Australia y Papua Nueva Guinea que se cultiva en varios países incluyendo Argentina, por lo que las investigaciones acerca de su biología reproductiva están orientadas a conocer las condiciones óptimas de cultivo, y desarrollar técnicas para su reproducción y crecimiento. El objetivo general fue determinar el momento del desarrollo en que ocurre la diferenciación sexual y el posible rol regulador de la temperatura, caracterizar el proceso de diferenciación gonadal y madurez sexual, y los cambios morfométricos asociados. Los resultados indicaron que la diferenciación sexual secundaria ocurre a partir de los 0,23 g aproximadamente, correspondiente al estadio juvenil VI ó VII. La temperatura no ejerció un claro efecto sobre la diferenciación sexual. Las hembras, desde la diferenciación gonadal hasta su maduración, presentaron tres morfotipos ováricos. En función de la coloración ovárica, la estructura histológica y la proporción de los distintos tipos celulares se distinguieron cuatro estadios de desarrollo ovárico: I (blanco-transparente), II (crema pálido-naranja pálido), III (naranja con oocitos verdes) y IV (verde oliva). En los machos se identificaron tres estadios de desarrollo y dos tipos de appendices masculinae ó papilas fálicas. Se reconocieron diferentes patrones de intersexualidad y cuatro posibles combinaciones de aberturas genitales que permitieron definir cuatro tipos de intersexo: intersexo hembra (I), intersexo macho (II), y dos tipos de intersexo macho-hembra (III y IV). Los resultados del análisis morfométrico mostraron que los intersexos hembras representan un tipo sexual morfométricamente diferenciado de las hembras y los machos, aunque desde el punto de vista funcional son hembras. Los cambios en las relaciones morfométricas de las dimensiones de los quelípedos se vincularon con el inicio de la la madurez sexual desde el punto de vista histológico en los machos e intersexos hembra.


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The aim of the present review was to perform a systematic in-depth review of the best evidence from controlled trial studies that have investigated the effects of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education and performance in school-aged children (4-18 years) from the UK and other developed countries. The twenty-nine studies identified for the review examined the effects of breakfast consumption, sugar intake, fish oil and vitamin supplementation and 'good diets'. In summary, the studies included in the present review suggest there is insufficient evidence to identify any effect of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education or performance of school-aged children from the developed world. However, there is emerging evidence for the effects of certain fatty acids which appear to be a function of dose and time. Further research is required in settings of relevance to the UK and must be of high quality, representative of all populations, undertaken for longer durations and use universal validated measures of educational attainment. However, challenges in terms of interpreting the results of such studies within the context of factors such as family and community context, poverty, disease and the rate of individual maturation and neurodevelopment will remain. Whilst the importance of diet in educational attainment remains under investigation, the evidence for promotion of lower-fat, -salt and -sugar diets, high in fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, as well as promotion of physical activity remains unequivocal in terms of health outcomes for all schoolchildren.


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The abundance of wild salmon (Salmo salar) in the North Atlantic has declined markedly since the late 1980s as a result of increased marine mortality that coincided with a marked rise in sea temperature in oceanic foraging areas. There is substantial evidence to show that temperature governs the growth, survival, and maturation of salmon during their marine migrations through either direct or indirect effects. In an earlier study (2003), long-term changes in three trophic levels (salmon, zooplankton, and phytoplankton) were shown to be correlated significantly with sea surface temperature (SST) and northern hemisphere temperature (NHT). A sequence of trophic changes ending with a stepwise decline in the total nominal catch of North Atlantic salmon (regime shift in ∼1986/1987) was superimposed on a trend to a warmer dynamic regime. Here, the earlier study is updated with catch and abundance data to 2010, confirming earlier results and detecting a new abrupt shift in ∼1996/1997. Although correlations between changes in salmon, plankton, and temperature are reinforced, the significance of the correlations is reduced because the temporal autocorrelation of time-series substantially increased due to a monotonic trend in the time-series, probably related to global warming. This effect may complicate future detection of effects of climate change on natural systems.


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The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is a key species in the North Sea ecosystem, transferring energy from planktonic producers to top predators. Previous studies have shown a long-term decline in the size of 0-group sandeels in the western North Sea, but they were unable to pinpoint the mechanism (later hatching, slower growth or changes in size-dependent mortality) or cause. To investigate the first 2 possibilities we combined 2 independent time series of sandeel size, namely data from chick-feeding Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica and from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), in a novel statistical model implemented using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The model estimated annual mean length on 1 July, as well as hatching date and growth rate for sandeels from 1973 to 2006. Mean length-at-date declined by 22% over this period, corresponding to a 60% decrease in energy content, with a sharper decline since 2002. Up to the mid-1990s, the decline was associated with a trend towards later hatching. Subsequently, hatching became earlier again, and the continued trend towards smaller size appears to have been driven by lower growth rates, particularly in the most recent years, although we could not rule out changes in size-dependent mortality. Our findings point to major changes in key aspects of sandeel life history, which we consider are most likely due to direct and indirect temperature-related changes over a range of biotic factors, including the seasonal distribution of copepods and intra- and inter-specific competition with planktivorous fish. The results have implications both for the many predators of sandeels and for age and size of maturation in this aggregation of North Sea sandeels.


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The objective the study was to determine the levels of glucose and triglycerides in seminal plasma of 10 guinea pigs, which were fed for a period of 2 months with a diet containing 10% more ED. The level of glucose found in seminal plasma was 11.59 ± 0.5 mg/dL and triglyceride value was 55.95 ± 3.2 mg/dL, while the motility was 97% on average. We conclude that in guinea pigs the levels both glucose and triglycerides were increased by major level of ED in feed, but the spermatic motility was not.


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Cystatin Related Epididymal Spermatogenic protein (CRES) is expressed in both the testis and epididymis and found associated with spermatozoa. It appears as non-glycosylated (14 and 12 kDa) and glycosylated isoforms (19 and 17 kDa). The role of CRES is enigmatic and dependent on localization of its isoforms, which is the objective of this study. The initial approach was to investigate testicular and epididymal origins of these isoforms by immunohistochemistry and immunogold cytochemistry. To further pinpoint CRES localization we then selectively extracted and fractionated epididymal spermatozoa in order to find by immunoblotting which sperm fractions contained CRES isoforms. Immunohistochemical analysis of mouse spermatogenesis showed that CRES was expressed in the tail cytoplasm of elongating spermatids from step 9-16, with a pattern reminiscent of outer dense fibre (ODF) proteins. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry revealed that the immunogold label was concentrated over growing ODFs and mitochondrial sheath in the testes which persisted in spermatozoa through the epididymis. Sequential extractions of isolated sperm tails with Triton X-100-dithiothreitol (DTT) to remove the mitochondrial sheath, whose extract contained an unrelated 66 kDa immunoreactive band, followed by either sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-DTT or urea-DTT to solubilise accessory fibres of the tail revealed a 14 kDa immunoreactive band associated with the ODF. In addition, Western blots revealed glycosylated and non-glycosylated CRES isoforms in nonyl phenoxylpolyethoxylethanol (NP40) extracts of the caput, but not cauda, sperm. Immunohistochemical analysis of the caput and cauda epithelium showed that CRES is secreted by the Golgi apparatus of the ii initial segment, fills the proximal caput lumen, and disappears by mid caput. Western blots of caput and cauda tissue and luminal fluid revealed 14 and 19 kDa immunoreactive bands in caput tissues and luminal fluid, but not in the cauda. This study concludes that there are two origins of CRES, one arising in the testis and the other in the epididymis. Testicular CRES is ionically and covalently associated with the ODF while epididymal CRES is detergent soluble and is most likely associated temporarily with the surface of caput epididymal sperm.


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Langerin is a C-type lectin expressed by a subset of dendritic leukocytes, the Langerhans cells (LC). Langerin is a cell surface receptor that induces the formation of an LC-specific organelle, the Birbeck granule (BG). We generated a langerin(-/-) mouse on a C57BL/6 background which did not display any macroscopic aberrant development. In the absence of langerin, LC were detected in normal numbers in the epidermis but the cells lacked BG. LC of langerin(-/-) mice did not present other phenotypic alterations compared to wild-type littermates. Functionally, the langerin(-/-) LC were able to capture antigen, to migrate towards skin draining lymph nodes, and to undergo phenotypic maturation. In addition, langerin(-/-) mice were not impaired in their capacity to process native OVA protein for I-A(b)-restricted presentation to CD4(+) T lymphocytes or for H-2K(b)-restricted cross-presentation to CD8(+) T lymphocytes. langerin(-/-) mice inoculated with mannosylated or skin-tropic microorganisms did not display an altered pathogen susceptibility. Finally, chemical mutagenesis resulted in a similar rate of skin tumor development in langerin(-/-) and wild-type mice. Overall, our data indicate that langerin and BG are dispensable for a number of LC functions. The langerin(-/-) C57BL/6 mouse should be a valuable model for further functional exploration of langerin and the role of BG.


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Monocytes can differentiate into dendritic cells (DC), cells with a pivotal role in both protective immunity and tolerance. Defects in the maturation or function of DC may be important in the development of autoimmune disease. We sought to establish if there were differences in the cytokine (granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and IL-4)-driven maturation of monocytes to DC in patients with MS and whether drugs used to treat MS affected this process in vitro. We have demonstrated that there is no defect in the ability of magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS)-purified monocytes from patients with MS to differentiate to DC, but equally they show no tendency to acquire a DC phenotype without exogenous cytokines. Interferon-beta1a prevents the acquisition of a full DC phenotype as determined by light and electron microscopy and by flow cytometry. Methylprednisolone not only prevents the development of monocyte-derived DC but totally redirects monocyte differentiation towards a macrophage phenotype. Evidence is evolving for a role for DC in central nervous system immunity, either within the brain or in cervical lymph nodes. The demonstrated effect of both drugs on monocyte differentiation may represent an important site for immune therapy in MS.


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To investigate the immunosuppressive properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), in the present study we examined the immunogenicity of undifferentiated and tri-lineage (chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes) differentiated rat bone marrow-derived MSCs under xenogeneic conditions. After chondrogenic-differentiation, rat bone marrow-derived MSCs stimulated human peripheral blood monocyte-derived DCs (hDCs), leading to 8- and 4-fold higher lymphocyte proliferation and cytotoxicity than that of undifferentiated MSCs. The Chondrogenic-differentiated MSCs were chemotactic to hDCs in Dunn chamber chemotaxis system and were rosetted by hDCs inrosette assays. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that chondrogenic-differentiated MSCs had promoted hDCs maturation causing higher CD83 expression in hDCs, whereas undifferentiated MSCs, osteogenic-and adipogenic-differentiated MSCs showed inhibitory effect on hDCs maturation. The co-stimulatory molecules B7 were up-regulated only in the chondrogenic-differentiated MSCs. After blocking B7 molecules with specific monoclonal antibodies in the chondrogenic-differentiated MSCs, CD83 expression of co-cultured hDCs was greatly reduced. In conclusion, chondrogenic differentiation may increase the immunogenicity of MSCs, leading to stimulation of DCs. The up-regulated expression of B7 molecules on the chondrogenic differentiated MSCs may be partially responsible for this event.