991 resultados para Gerschgorin circles (GC)
This review presents the evolution of steroid analytical techniques, including gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), immunoassay (IA) and targeted liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and it evaluates the potential of extended steroid profiles by a metabolomics-based approach, namely steroidomics. Steroids regulate essential biological functions including growth and reproduction, and perturbations of the steroid homeostasis can generate serious physiological issues; therefore, specific and sensitive methods have been developed to measure steroid concentrations. GC-MS measuring several steroids simultaneously was considered the first historical standard method for analysis. Steroids were then quantified by immunoassay, allowing a higher throughput; however, major drawbacks included the measurement of a single compound instead of a panel and cross-reactivity reactions. Targeted LC-MS methods with selected reaction monitoring (SRM) were then introduced for quantifying a small steroid subset without the problems of cross-reactivity. The next step was the integration of metabolomic approaches in the context of steroid analyses. As metabolomics tends to identify and quantify all the metabolites (i.e., the metabolome) in a specific system, appropriate strategies were proposed for discovering new biomarkers. Steroidomics, defined as the untargeted analysis of the steroid content in a sample, was implemented in several fields, including doping analysis, clinical studies, in vivo or in vitro toxicology assays, and more. This review discusses the current analytical methods for assessing steroid changes and compares them to steroidomics. Steroids, their pathways, their implications in diseases and the biological matrices in which they are analysed will first be described. Then, the different analytical strategies will be presented with a focus on their ability to obtain relevant information on the steroid pattern. The future technical requirements for improving steroid analysis will also be presented.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) production of nitric oxide (NO) has been mostly associated with so-called nitrosative stress or interaction with superoxide anion. However, recent investigations have indicated that, as for the other isoenzymes producing NO, guanylyl cyclase (GC) is a very sensitive target of iNOS activity. To further investigate this less explored signaling, the NO-cyclic guanosine 3'-5'-monophosphate (NO-cGMP)-induced vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) phosphorylation on serine 239 was investigated in human embryonic kidney 293 cells (HEK cells). First, the expression and activity of alpha2 and beta1 NO-sensitive GC subunits was determined by Western blot analysis, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and NO donors administration. Then, the expression of a functional cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (PKGI) was verified by addition of 8-Br-cGMP followed by determination of phosphorylation of VASP on serine 239. Finally, iNOS activation of this signaling pathway was characterized after transfection of HEK cells with human iNOS cDNA. Altogether our data show that iNOS-derived NO activates endogenous NO-sensitive GC and leads to VASP phosphorylation in HEK cells.
The detection of testosterone abuse in sports is routinely achieved through the 'steroidal module' of the Athlete Biological Passport by GC-MS(/MS) quantification of selected endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAS) from athletes' urines. To overcome some limitations of the "urinary steroid profile" such as the presence of confounding factors (ethnicity, enzyme polymorphism, bacterial contamination, and ethanol), ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) measurements of blood concentrations of testosterone, its major metabolites, and precursors could represent an interesting and complementary strategy. In this work, two UHPLC-MS/MS methods were developed for the quantification of testosterone and related compounds in human serum, including major progestogens, corticoids, and estrogens. The validated methods were then used for the analyses of serum samples collected from 19 healthy male volunteers after oral and transdermal testosterone administration. Results from unsupervised multiway analysis allowed variations of target analytes to be assessed simultaneously over a 96-h time period. Except for alteration of concentration values due to the circadian rhythm, which concerns mainly corticosteroids, DHEA, and progesterone, significant variations linked to the oral and transdermal testosterone administration were observed for testosterone, DHT, and androstenedione. As a second step of analysis, the longitudinal monitoring of these biomarkers using intra-individual thresholds showed, in comparison to urine, significant improvements in the detection of testosterone administration, especially for volunteers with del/del genotype for phase II UGT2B17 enzyme, not sensitive to the main urinary marker, T/E ratio. A substantial extension of the detection window after transdermal testosterone administration was also observed in serum matrix. The longitudinal follow-up proposed in this study represents a first example of 'blood steroid profile' in doping control analysis, which can be proposed in the future as a complement to the 'urinary module' for improving steroid abuse detection capabilities.
L’objectiu del present estudi es realitzar una proposta i una aplicació pràctica per comprovar els efectes d’entrenament que genera sobre la velocitat amb el canvi de direcció. Per poder dur a terme la investigació, es van reunir a 11 jugadores (11.25 ± 0.79 d’edat) d’un mateix equip que competeixen a la categoria aleví. Es va crear un grup experimental (GEX) format per sis jugadores, el qual va ser sotmès al programa d’entrenament juntament al realitzat habitualment amb el seu equip. Els exercicis realitzats en el programa eren de pliometria amb salts a tanques petites i a bancs, circuits de carreres amb canvis de direcció i exercicis pliomètrics de baix impacte mitjançant un treball de peus coordinatius a l’escala de coordinació, tot això, alternat amb els jocs tradicionals de persecució i oposició. Es va crear un segon grup, anomenat grup control (GC) format per cinc jugadores, les quals només van realitzar el seu treball de futbol habitual amb el seu equip. Els protocols d’avaluació van ser el Test Illinois i el T-Test abans de l’inici del programa i després de l’aplicació pràctica amb el grup experimental. Es va establir un nivell de significació de p<0.05. Els resultats al final de l’estudi van mostrar que el grup GEX va millorar de manera estadísticament significativa en els dos tests, tot i això, el grup GC va obtenir una millora encara més significativa que el GEX en el Test Illinois. Això ens demostra que el programa d’entrenament realitzat es més efectiu en T-Test que no pas en el Test Ilinois.
Distinct roles of NMDA receptors at different stages of granule cell development in the adult brain.
NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity are thought to underlie the assembly of developing neuronal circuits and to play a crucial role in learning and memory. It remains unclear how NMDAR might contribute to the wiring of adult-born granule cells (GCs). Here we demonstrate that nascent GCs lacking NMDARs but rescued from apoptosis by overexpressing the pro-survival protein Bcl2 were deficient in spine formation. Insufficient spinogenesis might be a general cause of cell death restricted within the NMDAR-dependent critical time window for GC survival. NMDAR loss also led to enhanced mushroom spine formation and synaptic AMPAR activity throughout the development of newborn GCs. Moreover, similar elevated synapse maturation in the absence of NMDARs was observed in neonate-generated GCs and CA1 pyramidal neurons. Together, these data suggest that NMDAR operates as a molecular monitor for controlling the activity-dependent establishment and maturation rate of synaptic connections between newborn neurons and others.
As increasingly large molecular data sets are collected for phylogenomics, the conflicting phylogenetic signal among gene trees poses challenges to resolve some difficult nodes of the Tree of Life. Among these nodes, the phylogenetic position of the honey bees (Apini) within the corbiculate bee group remains controversial, despite its considerable importance for understanding the emergence and maintenance of eusociality. Here, we show that this controversy stems in part from pervasive phylogenetic conflicts among GC-rich gene trees. GC-rich genes typically have a high nucleotidic heterogeneity among species, which can induce topological conflicts among gene trees. When retaining only the most GC-homogeneous genes or using a nonhomogeneous model of sequence evolution, our analyses reveal a monophyletic group of the three lineages with a eusocial lifestyle (honey bees, bumble bees, and stingless bees). These phylogenetic relationships strongly suggest a single origin of eusociality in the corbiculate bees, with no reversal to solitary living in this group. To accurately reconstruct other important evolutionary steps across the Tree of Life, we suggest removing GC-rich and GC-heterogeneous genes from large phylogenomic data sets. Interpreted as a consequence of genome-wide variations in recombination rates, this GC effect can affect all taxa featuring GC-biased gene conversion, which is common in eukaryotes.
Thermal processes are widely used in small molecule chemical analysis and metabolomics for derivatization, vaporization, chromatography, and ionization, especially in gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In this study the effect of heating was examined on a set of 64 small molecule standards and, separately, on human plasma metabolite extracts. The samples, either derivatized or underivatized, were heated at three different temperatures (60, 100, and 250 °C) at different exposure times (30 s, 60 s, and 300 s). All the samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and the data processed by XCMS Online ( xcmsonline.scripps.edu ). The results showed that heating at an elevated temperature of 100 °C had an appreciable effect on both the underivatized and derivatized molecules, and heating at 250 °C created substantial changes in the profile. For example, over 40% of the molecular peaks were altered in the plasma metabolite analysis after heating (250 °C, 300s) with a significant formation of degradation and transformation products. The analysis of 64 small molecule standards validated the temperature-induced changes observed on the plasma metabolites, where most of the small molecules degraded at elevated temperatures even after minimal exposure times (30 s). For example, tri- and diorganophosphates (e.g., adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate) were readily degraded into a mono-organophosphate (e.g., adenosine monophosphate) during heating. Nucleosides and nucleotides (e.g., inosine and inosine monophosphate) were also found to be transformed into purine derivatives (e.g., hypoxanthine). A newly formed transformation product, oleoyl ethyl amide, was identified in both the underivatized and derivatized forms of the plasma extracts and small molecule standard mixture, and was likely generated from oleic acid. Overall these analyses show that small molecules and metabolites undergo significant time-sensitive alterations when exposed to elevated temperatures, especially those conditions that mimic sample preparation and analysis in GC/MS experiments.
Lorsque de l'essence est employée pour allumer et/ou propager un incendie, l'inférence de la source de l'essence peut permettre d'établir un lien entre le sinistre et une source potentielle. Cette inférence de la source constitue une alternative intéressante pour fournir des éléments de preuve dans ce type d'événements où les preuves matérielles laissées par l'auteur sont rares. Le but principal de cette recherche était le développement d'une méthode d'analyse de spécimens d'essence par GC-IRMS, méthode pas routinière et peu étudiée en science forensique, puis l'évaluation de son potentiel à inférer la source de traces d'essence en comparaison aux performances de la GC-MS. Un appareillage permettant d'analyser simultanément les échantillons par MS et par IRMS a été utilisé dans cette recherche. Une méthode d'analyse a été développée, optimisée et validée pour cet appareillage. Par la suite, des prélèvements d'essence provenant d'un échantillonnage conséquent et représentatif du marché de la région lausannoise ont été analysés. Finalement, les données obtenues ont été traitées et interprétées à l'aide de méthodes chimiométriques. Les analyses effectuées ont permis de montrer que la méthodologie mise en place, aussi bien pour la composante MS que pour l'IRMS, permet de différencier des échantillons d'essence non altérée provenant de différentes stations-service. Il a également pu être démontré qu'à chaque nouveau remplissage des cuves d'une station-service, la composition de l'essence distribuée par cette station est quasi unique. La GC-MS permet une meilleure différenciation d'échantillons prélevés dans différentes stations, alors que la GC-IRMS est plus performante lorsqu'il s'agit de comparer des échantillons collectés après chacun des remplissages d'une cuve. Ainsi, ces résultats indiquent que les deux composantes de la méthode peuvent être complémentaires pour l'analyse d'échantillons d'essence non altérée. Les résultats obtenus ont également permis de montrer que l'évaporation des échantillons d'essence ne compromet pas la possibilité de grouper des échantillons de même source par GC-MS. Il est toutefois nécessaire d'effectuer une sélection des variables afin d'éliminer celles qui sont influencées par le phénomène d'évaporation. Par contre, les analyses effectuées ont montré que l'évaporation des échantillons d'essence a une forte influence sur la composition isotopique des échantillons. Cette influence est telle qu'il n'est pas possible, même en effectuant une sélection des variables, de grouper correctement des échantillons évaporés par GC-IRMS. Par conséquent, seule la composante MS de la méthodologie mise en place permet d'inférer la source d'échantillons d'essence évaporée. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ When gasoline is used to start and / or propagate an arson, source inference of gasoline can allow to establish a link between the fire and a potential source. This source inference is an interesting alternative to provide evidence in this type of events where physical evidence left by the author are rare. The main purpose of this research was to develop a GC-IRMS method for the analysis of gasoline samples, a non-routine method and little investigated in forensic science, and to evaluate its potential to infer the source of gasoline traces compared to the GC-MS performances. An instrument allowing to analyze simultaneously samples by MS and IRMS was used in this research. An analytical method was developed, optimized and validated for this instrument. Thereafter, gasoline samples from a large sampling and representative of the Lausanne area market were analyzed. Finally, the obtained data were processed and interpreted using chemometric methods. The analyses have shown that the methodology, both for MS and for IRMS, allow to differentiate unweathered gasoline samples from different service stations. It has also been demonstrated that each new filling of the tanks of a station generates an almost unique composition of gasoline. GC-MS achieves a better differentiation of samples coming from different stations, while GC-IRMS is more efficient to distinguish samples collected after each filling of a tank. Thus, these results indicate that the two components of the method can be complementary to the analysis of unweathered gasoline samples. The results have also shown that the evaporation of gasoline samples does not compromise the possibility to group samples coming from the same source by GC-MS. It is however necessary to make a selection of variables in order to eliminate those which are influenced by the evaporation. On the other hand, the carried out analyses have shown that the evaporation of gasoline samples has such a strong influence on the isotopic composition of the samples that it is not possible, even by performing a selection of variables, to properly group evaporated samples by GC-IRMS. Therefore, only the MS allows to infer the source of evaporated gasoline samples.
The combination of high performance exclusion chromatography (HPEC) and gas chromatography (GC) was applied to the analysis of six coffee samples that were previously characterized by sensory tests as of good or poor quality. The data obtained by the two techniques were statistically evaluated by "Principal Components Analysis" (PCA) using selected peak areas. The results showed the potential of the described techniques for coffee analysis. The HPEC technique monitored with the U.V. detector at 272 nm and followed by PCA may be correlated with sensorial data, particularly if a wider group of samples is used.
Two models of a glass micro-extractor were constructed after modification of a model proposed in the literature. The two models were used for the simultaneous extraction and enrichment of organochlorinated pesticides from aqueous matrixes to an organic solution appropriate for the gas chromatographic analysis of the pesticide. It was established that the performance of one of the modified micro-extractors permits the pre-concentration of the pesticides to a level that allow their quantitation at the trace level with electron capture detection. It is thus concluded that the glass micro-extractor is a suitable tool for the sample preparation step in the gas chromatographic analysis of environmental pollutants of the class of pesticides.
Museologian kokoelma koostuu n. 1700 niteestä museoalan monografioita. Kokoelma sijaitsee Sturenkadulla kirjaston pääkokoelman yhteydessä ja on lainattavissa. Kokoelma sisältää eniten 1990- ja 2000-luvulla julkaistua museoalan tutkimusta, museolaitoksen historiaa, museoiden kokoelmatyöhön ja yleisötoimintaan liittyvää kirjallisuutta, sekä yleistä kulttuuriperinnön säilyttämiseen liittyvää aineistoa. Kotimaisten kielten lisäksi (fin 28%, swe 19%) suuri osa aineistosta on englanninkielistä (eng 33%). Lisäksi kirjastoon hankitaan runsaasti kotimaisia ja ulkomaisia museoalan lehtiä, osa saadaan myös e-versioina.
The technique of solid phase microextraction (SPME) was used for the extraction of halogenated contaminants of water samples from three cities of the State of São Paulo and the extracts were submitted to gas chromatographic analysis with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). In the samples of water collected at the city of São Paulo the detected level of trihalomethanes (THM) expressed as the sum of chloroform, dibromochloromethane and dichlorobromomethane, were higher than the permissible limit established by the Brazilian regulation. In the samples collected at the two other cities the level of any of the three THM remained below the sensitivity of the ECD.
This paper describes a chromatographic method to fractionate volatile oils and to identify their sesquiterpenic constituents. The fractionation process includes flash chromatography over silica gel and chromatography over silica gel/AgNO3, utilising pentane, CH2Cl2 and/or acetone as eluents. GC chromatograms were obtained in order to get the relative percentage of each constituent in the volatile oils, to get the retention time value of them as well as to analyse and combine the fractions eluted from the columns. Such procedure afford mixtures of sesquiterpenes which are analysed by GC/MS, 13C and ¹H NMR.
A piezoelectric detector based on a commercial quartz crystal of 3.57MHz is shown. A PTFE cell attached to the GC-column outlet holds the polymer-coated crystal, whose terminals were removed. Two TTL oscillators (reference and sensor) are used and the beating of their frequencies is monitored through a home-made counter card inserted in a microcomputer. The original thermal conductivity detector was also interfaced, but through a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. In spite of the well-known fact that QCM has low sensitivity at high temperatures, results show significant peak deformation for low temperatures. In addition, the phenomenon is also dependent on the chemical composition of the absorbent film besides instantaneous partial pressure and chemical composition of the analyte.