997 resultados para Geometric pattern


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In this paper, we proposed a new two-parameter lifetime distribution with increasing failure rate, the complementary exponential geometric distribution, which is complementary to the exponential geometric model proposed by Adamidis and Loukas (1998). The new distribution arises on a latent complementary risks scenario, in which the lifetime associated with a particular risk is not observable; rather, we observe only the maximum lifetime value among all risks. The properties of the proposed distribution are discussed, including a formal proof of its probability density function and explicit algebraic formulas for its reliability and failure rate functions, moments, including the mean and variance, variation coefficient, and modal value. The parameter estimation is based on the usual maximum likelihood approach. We report the results of a misspecification simulation study performed in order to assess the extent of misspecification errors when testing the exponential geometric distribution against our complementary one in the presence of different sample size and censoring percentage. The methodology is illustrated on four real datasets; we also make a comparison between both modeling approaches. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A continuous version of the hierarchical spherical model at dimension d=4 is investigated. Two limit distributions of the block spin variable X(gamma), normalized with exponents gamma = d + 2 and gamma=d at and above the critical temperature, are established. These results are proven by solving certain evolution equations corresponding to the renormalization group (RG) transformation of the O(N) hierarchical spin model of block size L(d) in the limit L down arrow 1 and N ->infinity. Starting far away from the stationary Gaussian fixed point the trajectories of these dynamical system pass through two different regimes with distinguishable crossover behavior. An interpretation of this trajectories is given by the geometric theory of functions which describe precisely the motion of the Lee-Yang zeroes. The large-N limit of RG transformation with L(d) fixed equal to 2, at the criticality, has recently been investigated in both weak and strong (coupling) regimes by Watanabe (J. Stat. Phys. 115:1669-1713, 2004) . Although our analysis deals only with N = infinity case, it complements various aspects of that work.


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Based only on the parallel-transport condition, we present a general method to compute Abelian or non-Abelian geometric phases acquired by the basis states of pure or mixed density operators, which also holds for nonadiabatic and noncyclic evolution. Two interesting features of the non-Abelian geometric phase obtained by our method stand out: i) it is a generalization of Wilczek and Zee`s non-Abelian holonomy, in that it describes nonadiabatic evolution where the basis states are parallelly transported between distinct degenerate subspaces, and ii) the non-Abelian character of our geometric phase relies on the transitional evolution of the basis states, even in the nondegenerate case. We apply our formalism to a two-level system evolving nonadiabatically under spontaneous decay to emphasize the non- Abelian nature of the geometric phase induced by the reservoir. We also show, through the generalized invariant theory, that our general approach encompasses previous results in the literature. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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Complex networks exist in many areas of science such as biology, neuroscience, engineering, and sociology. The growing development of this area has led to the introduction of several topological and dynamical measurements, which describe and quantify the structure of networks. Such characterization is essential not only for the modeling of real systems but also for the study of dynamic processes that may take place in them. However, it is not easy to use several measurements for the analysis of complex networks, due to the correlation between them and the difficulty of their visualization. To overcome these limitations, we propose an effective and comprehensive approach for the analysis of complex networks, which allows the visualization of several measurements in a few projections that contain the largest data variance and the classification of networks into three levels of detail, vertices, communities, and the global topology. We also demonstrate the efficiency and the universality of the proposed methods in a series of real-world networks in the three levels.


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Mebendazole (MBZ) is a common benzimidazole anthelmintic that exists in three different polymorphic forms, A, B, and C. Polymorph C is the pharmaceutically preferred form due to its adequated aqueous solubility. No single crystal structure determinations depicting the nature of the crystal packing and molecular conformation and geometry have been performed on this compound. The crystal structure of mebendazole form C is resolved for the first time. Mebendazole form C crystallizes in the triclinic centrosymmetric space group and this drug is practically planar, since the least-squares methyl benzimidazolylcarbamate plane is much fitted on the forming atoms. However, the benzoyl group is twisted by 31(1)degrees from the benzimidazole ring, likewise the torsional angle between the benzene and carbonyl moieties is 27(1)degrees. The formerly described bends and other interesting intramolecular geometry features were viewed as consequence of the intermolecular contacts occurring within mebendazole C structure. Among these features, a conjugation decreasing through the imine nitrogen atom of the benzimidazole core and a further resonance path crossing the carbamate one were described. At last, the X-ray powder diffractogram of a form C rich mebendazole mixture was overlaid to the calculated one with the mebendazole crystal structure. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:2336-2344, 2009


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Burst firing is ubiquitous in nervous systems and has been intensively studied in central pattern generators (CPGs). Previous works have described subtle intraburst spike patterns (IBSPs) that, despite being traditionally neglected for their lack of relation to CPG motor function, were shown to be cell-type specific and sensitive to CPG connectivity. Here we address this matter by investigating how a bursting motor neuron expresses information about other neurons in the network. We performed experiments on the crustacean stomatogastric pyloric CPG, both in control conditions and interacting in real-time with computer model neurons. The sensitivity of postsynaptic to presynaptic IBSPs was inferred by computing their average mutual information along each neuron burst. We found that details of input patterns are nonlinearly and inhomogeneously coded through a single synapse into the fine IBSPs structure of the postsynaptic neuron following burst. In this way, motor neurons are able to use different time scales to convey two types of information simultaneously: muscle contraction (related to bursting rhythm) and the behavior of other CPG neurons (at a much shorter timescale by using IBSPs as information carriers). Moreover, the analysis revealed that the coding mechanism described takes part in a previously unsuspected information pathway from a CPG motor neuron to a nerve that projects to sensory brain areas, thus providing evidence of the general physiological role of information coding through IBSPs in the regulation of neuronal firing patterns in remote circuits by the CNS.


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A forum is a valuable tool to foster reflection in an in-depth discussion; however, it forces the course mediator to continually pay close attention in order to coordinate learners` activities. Moreover, monitoring a forum is time consuming given that it is impossible to know in advance when new messages are going to be posted. Additionally, a forum may be inactive for a long period and suddenly receive a burst of messages forcing forum mediators to frequently log on in order to know how the discussion is unfolding to intervene whenever it is necessary. Mediators also need to deal with a large amount of messages to identify off-pattern situations. This work presents a piece of action research that investigates how to improve coordination support in a forum using mobile devices for mitigating mediator`s difficulties in following the status of a forum. Based on summarized information extracted from message meta-data, mediators consult visual information summaries on PDAs and receive textual notifications in their mobile phone. This investigation revealed that mediators used the mobile-based coordination support to keep informed on what is taking place within the forum without the need to log on their desktop computer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Statement of the problem: The performance of self-etch systems on enamel is controversial and seems to be dependent on the application technique and the enamel preparation. Purpose of the Study: To examine the effects of conditioning time and enamel surface preparation on bond strength and etching pattern of adhesive systems to enamel. Materials and Methods: Ninety-six teeth were divided into 16 conditions (N = 6) in function of enamel preparation and conditioning time for bond strength test. The adhesive systems OptiBond FL (Kerr, Orange, CA, USA), OptiBond SOLO Plus (Kerr), Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray, Osaka, Japan), and Adper Prompt L-Pop (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) were applied on unground or ground enamel following the manufacturers` directions or doubling the conditioning time. Cylinders of Filtek Flow (0.5-mm height) were applied to each bonded enamel surface using a Tygon tube (0.7 mm in diameter; Saint-Gobain Corp., Aurora, OH, USA). After storage (24 h/37 degrees C), the specimens were subjected to shear force (0.5 mm/min). The data were treated by a three-way analysis of variance and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). The failure modes of the debonded interfaces and the etching pattern of adhesives were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Results: Only the main factor ""adhesive"" was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The lowest bond strength value was observed for OptiBond FL. The most defined etching pattern was observed for 35% phosphoric acid and for Adper Prompt L-Pop. Mixed failures were observed for all adhesives, but OptiBond FL showed cohesive failures in resin predominantly. Conclusions: The increase in the conditioning time as well as the enamel pretreatment did not provide an increase in the resin-enamel bond strength values for the studied adhesives. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The surface enamel preparation and the conditioning time do not affect the performance of self-etch systems to enamel. (J Esthet Restor Dent 20:322-336, 2008)


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We continue the investigation of the algebraic and topological structure of the algebra of Colombeau generalized functions with the aim of building up the algebraic basis for the theory of these functions. This was started in a previous work of Aragona and Juriaans, where the algebraic and topological structure of the Colombeau generalized numbers were studied. Here, among other important things, we determine completely the minimal primes of (K) over bar and introduce several invariants of the ideals of 9(Q). The main tools we use are the algebraic results obtained by Aragona and Juriaans and the theory of differential calculus on generalized manifolds developed by Aragona and co-workers. The main achievement of the differential calculus is that all classical objects, such as distributions, become Cl-functions. Our purpose is to build an independent and intrinsic theory for Colombeau generalized functions and place them in a wider context.


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We investigated the temporal dynamics and changes in connectivity in the mental rotation network through the application of spatio-temporal support vector machines (SVMs). The spatio-temporal SVM [Mourao-Miranda, J., Friston, K. J., et al. (2007). Dynamic discrimination analysis: A spatial-temporal SVM. Neuroimage, 36, 88-99] is a pattern recognition approach that is suitable for investigating dynamic changes in the brain network during a complex mental task. It does not require a model describing each component of the task and the precise shape of the BOLD impulse response. By defining a time window including a cognitive event, one can use spatio-temporal fMRI observations from two cognitive states to train the SVM. During the training, the SVM finds the discriminating pattern between the two states and produces a discriminating weight vector encompassing both voxels and time (i.e., spatio-temporal maps). We showed that by applying spatio-temporal SVM to an event-related mental rotation experiment, it is possible to discriminate between different degrees of angular disparity (0 degrees vs. 20 degrees, 0 degrees vs. 60 degrees, and 0 degrees vs. 100 degrees), and the discrimination accuracy is correlated with the difference in angular disparity between the conditions. For the comparison with highest accuracy (08 vs. 1008), we evaluated how the most discriminating areas (visual regions, parietal regions, supplementary, and premotor areas) change their behavior over time. The frontal premotor regions became highly discriminating earlier than the superior parietal cortex. There seems to be a parcellation of the parietal regions with an earlier discrimination of the inferior parietal lobe in the mental rotation in relation to the superior parietal. The SVM also identified a network of regions that had a decrease in BOLD responses during the 100 degrees condition in relation to the 0 degrees condition (posterior cingulate, frontal, and superior temporal gyrus). This network was also highly discriminating between the two conditions. In addition, we investigated changes in functional connectivity between the most discriminating areas identified by the spatio-temporal SVM. We observed an increase in functional connectivity between almost all areas activated during the 100 degrees condition (bilateral inferior and superior parietal lobe, bilateral premotor area, and SMA) but not between the areas that showed a decrease in BOLD response during the 100 degrees condition.


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Trypanosoma cruzi is highly diverse genetically and has been partitioned into six discrete typing units (DTUs), recently re-named T. cruzi I-VI. Although T. cruzi reproduces predominantly by binary division, accumulating evidence indicates that particular DTUs are the result of hybridization events. Two major scenarios for the origin of the hybrid lineages have been proposed. It is accepted widely that the most heterozygous TcV and TcVI DTUs are the result of genetic exchange between TcII and TcIII strains. On the other hand, the participation of a TcI parental in the current genome structure of these hybrid strains is a matter of debate. Here, sequences of the T. cruzi-specific 195-bp satellite DNA of TcI, TcII, Tat, TcV, and TcVI strains have been used for inferring network genealogies. The resulting genealogy showed a high degree of reticulation, which is consistent with more than one event of hybridization between the Tc DTUs. The data also strongly suggest that Tat is a hybrid with two distinct sets of satellite sequences, and that genetic exchange between TcI and TcII parentals occurred within the pedigree of the TcV and TcVI DTUs. Although satellite DNAs belong to the fast-evolving portion of eukaryotic genomes, in >100 satellite units of nine T. cruzi strains we found regions that display 100% identity. No DTU-specific consensus motifs were identified, inferring species-wide conservation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spatiotemporal pattern formation in the electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide on a platinum disk is investigated using electrochemical methods and a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera simultaneously. The system is characterized by different oscillatory regions spread over a wide potential range. An additional series resistor and a large electrode area facilitate observation of multiple regions of kinetic instabilities along the current/potential curve. Spatiotemporal patterns on the working electrode, such as fronts, pulses, spirals, twinkling eyes, labyrinthine stripes, and alternating synchronized deposition and dissolution, are observed at different operating conditions of series resistance and sweep rate.


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tilizing a naturalistic inquiry approach, a semi-structured interview schedule and non-probability purposive sampling, this study provided detail on the rationale and influences behind the decisions of four males participants to change or not change their lifestyle patterns 3 months after a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty/intracoronary stent procedure. One of the participants made a noticeable lifestyle pattern change in this period. The remaining participants failed to exhibit any discernible lifestyle pattern change or had continued with their previous behaviours. Results suggest a new 'positive' psychological health perspective, family considerations, return-to-work issues and a reluctance to participate in cardiac rehabilitation as the major factors influencing lifestyle pattern change. Because nurses spend the greatest amount of time with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty/intracoronary stent patients during hospitalization, they have the best opportunity to provide up-to-date and relevant information to patients that will enable them to then make decisions concerning cardiac healthy lifestyle changes.