979 resultados para Genuius, loci


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Introduction: Les études GVvA (Genome-wide association ,-studies) ont identifié et confirmé plus de 20 gènes de susceptibilité au DT2 et ont contribué à mieux comprendre sa physiopathologie. L'hyperglycémie à jeun (GJ), et 2 heures après une HGPO (G2h) sont les deux mesures cliniques du diagnostic du DT2. Nous avons identifié récemment la G6P du pancréas (G6PC2) comme déterminant de la variabilité physiologique de la GJ puis Ie récepteur à la mélatonine (MTNRIB) qui de plus lie la régulation du rythme circadien au DT2. Dans ce travail nous avons étudié la génétique de la G2h à l'aide de l'approche GWA. Résultats: Nous avons réalisé une méta-analyse GWA dans le cadre de MAGIC (Meta-Analysis of Glucose and Insulin related traits Consortium) qui a inclus 9 études GWA (N=15'234). La réplication de 29 loci (N=6958-30 121, P < 10-5 ) a confirmé 5 nouveaux loci; 2 étant connus comme associés avec Ie DT2 (TCF7L2, P = 1,6 X 10-10 ) et la GJ (GCKR, p = 5,6 X 10-10 ); alors que GIPR (p= 5,2 X 10-12), VSP13C (p= 3,9 X 10-8) et ADCY5 (p = 1,11 X 10-15 ) sont inédits. GIPR code Ie récepteur au GIP (gastric inhibitory polypeptide) qui est sécrété par les ceIlules intestinales pour stimuler la sécrétion de l'insuline en réponse au glucose (l'effet incrétine). Les porteurs du variant GIPR qui augmente la G2h ont également un indice insulinogénique plus bas, (p= 1,0 X 10-17) mais ils ne présentent aucune modification de leur glycémie suite à une hyperglycémie provoquée par voie veineuse (p= 0,21). Ces résultats soutiennent un effet incrétine du locus GIPR qui expliquerait ~9,6 % de la variance total de ce trait. La biologie de ADCY5 et VPS13C et son lien avec l'homéostasie du glucose restent à élucider. GIPR n'est pas associé avec le risque de DT2 indiquant qu'il influence la variabilité physiologique de la G2h alors que le locus ADCY5 est associé avec le DT2 (OR = 1,11, P = 1,5 X 10-15). Conclusion: Notre étude démontre que l'étude de la G2h est une approche efficace d'une part pour la compréhension de la base génétique de la physiologie de ce trait clinique important et d'autre part pour identifier de nouveaux gènes de susceptibilité au DT2.


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Background: Amino acid tandem repeats are found in nearly one-fifth of human proteins. Abnormal expansion of these regions is associated with several human disorders. To gain further insight into the mutational mechanisms that operate in this type of sequence, we have analyzed a large number of mutation variants derived from human expressed sequence tags (ESTs).Results: We identified 137 polymorphic variants in 115 different amino acid tandem repeats. Of these, 77 contained amino acid substitutions and 60 contained gaps (expansions or contractions of the repeat unit). The analysis showed that at least about 21% of the repeats might be polymorphic in humans. We compared the mutations found in different types of amino acid repeats and in adjacent regions. Overall, repeats showed a five-fold increase in the number of gap mutations compared to adjacent regions, reflecting the action of slippage within the repetitive structures. Gap and substitution mutations were very differently distributed between different amino acid repeat types. Among repeats containing gap variants we identified several disease and candidate disease genes.Conclusion: This is the first report at a genome-wide scale of the types of mutations occurring in the amino acid repeat component of the human proteome. We show that the mutational dynamics of different amino acid repeat types are very diverse. We provide a list of loci with highly variable repeat structures, some of which may be potentially involved in disease.


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Cells are subjected to dramatic changes of gene expression upon environmental changes. Stresscauses a general down-regulation of gene expression together with the induction of a set of stress-responsivegenes. The p38-related stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 is an important regulator of transcription uponosmostress in yeast. Genome-wide localization studies of RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) and Hog1 showed that stress induced major changes in RNA Pol II localization, with a shift toward stress-responsive genes relative to housekeeping genes. RNA Pol II relocalization required Hog1, which was also localized to stress-responsive loci. In addition to RNA Pol II-bound genes, Hog1 also localized to RNA polymerase III-bound genes, pointing to a wider role for Hog1 in transcriptional control than initially expected. Interestingly, an increasing association of Hog1 with stressresponsive genes was strongly correlated with chromatin remodeling and increased gene expression. Remarkably, MNase-Seq analysis showed that although chromatin structure was not significantly altered at a genome-wide level in response to stress, there was pronounced chromatin remodeling for those genes that displayed Hog1 association. Hog1 serves to bypass the general down-regulation of gene expression that occurs in response to osmostress, and does so both by targeting RNA Pol II machinery and by inducing chromatin remodeling at stressresponsive loci.


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Tocopherols (vitamin E) are lipophilic antioxidants that are synthesized by all plants and are particularly abundant in seeds. Two tocopherol-deficient mutant loci in Arabidopsis thaliana were used to examine the functions of tocopherols in seedlings: vitamin e1 (vte1), which accumulates the pathway intermediate 2,3-dimethyl-5-phytyl-1,4-benzoquinone (DMPBQ); and vte2, which lacks all tocopherols and pathway intermediates. Only vte2 displayed severe seedling growth defects, which corresponded with massively increased levels of the major classes of nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation products: hydroxy fatty acids, malondialdehyde, and phytoprostanes. In the absence of pathogens, the phytoalexin camalexin accumulated in vte2 seedlings to levels 100-fold higher than in wild-type or vte1 seedlings. Similarly, gene expression profiling in wild-type, vte1, and vte2 seedlings indicated that increased levels of nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation in vte2 corresponded to increased expression of many defense-related genes, which were not induced in vte1. Both biochemical and transcriptional analyses of vte2 seedlings indicate that nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation plays a significant role in modulating plant defense responses. Together, these results establish that tocopherols in wild-type plants or DMPBQ in vte1 plants limit nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation during germination and early seedling development, thereby preventing the inappropriate activation of transcriptional and biochemical defense responses.


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We investigate the variation in quantitative and molecular traits in the freshwater snail Galba truncatula, from permanent and temporary water habitats. Using a common garden experiment, we measured 20 quantitative traits and molecular variation using seven microsatellites in 17 populations belonging to these two habitats. We estimated trait means in each habitat. We also estimated the distributions of overall genetic quantitative variation (QST), and of molecular variation (FST), within and between habitats. Overall, we observed a lack of association between molecular and quantitative variance. Among habitats, we found QST>FST, an indication of selection for different optima. Individuals from temporary water habitat matured older, at a larger size and were less fecund than individuals from permanent water habitat. We discuss these findings in the light of several theories for life-history traits evolution.


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In vitro regeneration of Arachis retusa was examined for the purpose of germplasm renewal and conservation. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting was used to evaluate the genetic stability of plants derived from embryo axes and apical segments. Ten arbitrary decamer primers were screened and five of them were selected. Ninety genomic regions were evaluated, with an average of 18 loci per clone. All amplified segments were monomorphic. The results indicate that recovered plants are genetically stable at the assessed genomic regions and that both regeneration processes are suitable for in vitro germplasm preservation of Arachis species.


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There are many known examples of multiple semi-independent associations at individual loci; such associations might arise either because of true allelic heterogeneity or because of imperfect tagging of an unobserved causal variant. This phenomenon is of great importance in monogenic traits but has not yet been systematically investigated and quantified in complex-trait genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Here, we describe a multi-SNP association method that estimates the effect of loci harboring multiple association signals by using GWAS summary statistics. Applying the method to a large anthropometric GWAS meta-analysis (from the Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits consortium study), we show that for height, body mass index (BMI), and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), 3%, 2%, and 1%, respectively, of additional phenotypic variance can be explained on top of the previously reported 10% (height), 1.5% (BMI), and 1% (WHR). The method also permitted a substantial increase (by up to 50%) in the number of loci that replicate in a discovery-validation design. Specifically, we identified 74 loci at which the multi-SNP, a linear combination of SNPs, explains significantly more variance than does the best individual SNP. A detailed analysis of multi-SNPs shows that most of the additional variability explained is derived from SNPs that are not in linkage disequilibrium with the lead SNP, suggesting a major contribution of allelic heterogeneity to the missing heritability.


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L’estudi que es presenta a continuació té l’objectiu de comprendre quina és la realitat ociosa de les persones de 50 a 70 anys als municipis de Malla (Catalunya, Espanya) i de San Juan la Laguna (Sololá, Guatemala) des de la perspectiva humanista en termes de concepció i pràctica, i veure quina és la influència i la força que prenen les característiques de la societat en la qual es desenvolupa. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, primerament s’ha realitzat un procés d’aproximació respecte el concepte de l’oci, i una recerca concreta vers l’oci humanista. A partir d’aquí, s’ha fet l’estudi amb una mostra formada per deu persones del municipi de Malla i deu membres de San Juan la Laguna que es troben entre els 50 i 70 anys, i amb unes condicions econòmiques i uns estils de vida diferents. Per tal de realitzar la recerca i l’anàlisi de l’oci humanista en els contexts de Malla i San Juan la Laguna s’ha emprat una metodologia qualitativa, i s’ha utilitzat l’instrument corresponent a l’entrevista. Aquesta ha estat elaborada prenent com a marc de referència la metodologia de la Grounded Theory (Glaser y Strauss, 1967). El projecte també compte amb una vessant d’etnografia. Els resultats que s’han obtingut demostren que hi ha una presència significativa de l’oci humanista en els contexts analitzats, però que en el cas de San Juan la Laguna aquest esdevé un element en construcció.


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En l’actualitat, l’ús i el consum de substàncies il·legals pels joves de l’IES Miquel Martí i Pol de Roda de Ter és un fenomen associat a l’oci, per tant es tracta d’un consum recreatiu per fer referència al consum que fan els joves que el que busquen és diversió i plaer, moltes vegades, sense percebre’n el risc. Pel que fa a les drogues legals, alcohol i tabac són les substàncies psicoactives de major consum. La cocaïna és pels joves la segona substància consumida, rere el cànnabis, que és la més estesa entre la població adolescent i joves de l’IES. Es pot dir que existeixen una sèrie de situacions de caràcter personal i social que poden predisposar certes persones a consumir drogues. Aquestes circumstàncies són els anomenats factors de risc, com són l’autoestima, absència de normes i límits, manca d’informació, manca de comunicació, entre d’altres. També hi ha d’altres situacions socioculturals i característiques individuals que fan que se’n redueixi la possibilitat de consum, aquests serien els anomenats factors de protecció com són l’economia, tenir aficions, disposar d’adults de referència, etc. Conèixer i comprendre aquests factors és fonamental per poder realitzar un abordatge educatiu i preventiu basat en la reducció de riscos i en la responsabilitat i l’autonomia de les persones usuàries de drogues.


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The objectives of this work were to optimize the isozyme electrophoresis technique for Bixa orellana, and use isozyme markers for a preliminary survey on the genetic variability in Brazilian annatto germplasm accessions. Collection consisted of seed samples from sixty open pollinated trees, representing two Northern and four Southern geographic provenances. The extraction, electrophoresis, and interpretation of annatto isozymes are described. Three out of the twenty-one identified isozyme loci were polymorphic in the collection. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 21.05) and the expected heterozygosity in annatto (H T = 0.064) were low, compared to other tropical woody species. A UPGMA phenogram, constructed with Nei's genetic distances, clearly separated the germplasm provenant from North and Central Brazil. Variability was significantly higher among the accessions from Maranhão. A sharp genetic differentiation was detected between accessions from Maranhão and Pará States, despite their geographical proximity. The distinctive isozyme polymorphism, observed in the accessions from Maranhão, together with reports on local morphological heterogeneity in annatto fruit shape, color, and pubescence, calls for more detailed genetic and taxonomic investigation.


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Structural variation, whether it is caused by copy number variants or present in a balanced form, such as reciprocal translocations and inversions, can have a profound and dramatic effect on the expression of genes mapping within and close to the rearrangement, as well as affecting others genome wide. These effects can be caused by altering the copy number of one or more genes or regulatory elements (dosage effect) or from physical disruption of links between regulatory elements and their associated gene or genes, resulting in perturbation of expression. Similarly, large-scale structural variants can result in genome-wide expression changes by altering the positions that chromosomes occupy within the nucleus, potentially disrupting not only local cis interactions, but also trans interactions that occur throughout the genome. Structural variation is, therefore, a significant factor in the study of gene expression and is discussed here in more detail.


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The objectives of this work were to investigate the genetic structure of the Brazilian hair sheep breeds and to determine the origin of the Santa Inês breed. Molecular similarity was determined using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction markers in 238 individuals from five naturalized sheep breeds: Santa Inês (48 animals), Rabo Largo (48), Somali (48), Morada Nova (48) and Bergamasca (46), collected in Goiás, Sergipe, Bahia, and Ceará States as well as in the Federal District. Fifty-four loci were selected from 19 primers, after a pilot test using 140 primers. Qualitative analyses indicate diagnostic markers for all breeds. All breeds were significantly different from each other. Interbreed differences were explained by 14.92% of the total variation. Santa Inês clustered with Bergamasca (97% bootstrap) and with Rabo Largo, composing the third member of the group (81% bootstrap) while Morada Nova and Somali breeds clustered separately. Each breed should be considered as a separate management and conservation unit, and special care should be taken with Rabo Largo, Morada Nova and Somali breeds, represented by small herds in Brazil.


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This study was carried out to assess the genetic variability of ten "cagaita" tree (Eugenia dysenterica) populations in Southeastern Goiás. Fifty-four randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci were used to characterize the population genetic variability, using the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). A phiST value of 0.2703 was obtained, showing that 27.03% and 72.97% of the genetic variability is present among and within populations, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) among the genetic distances matrix (1 - Jaccard similarity index) and the geographic distances were estimated, and a strong positive correlation was detected. Results suggest that these populations are differentiating through a stochastic process, with restricted and geographic distribution dependent gene flow.


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Since red alleles (R) of the genes that control grain colour are important for the improvement of preharvest sprouting resistance in wheat and there are three independently inherited loci, on chromosomes 3A, 3B and 3D of hexaploid wheat, it is possible to vary the dosage of dominant alleles in a breeding program. The objective of this work was to evaluate the dosage effect of R genes on preharvest sprouting, in a single seed descent population, named TRL, derived from the cross between Timgalen, white-grained wheat, and RL 4137, red-grained wheat. The study was carried out using sprouting data in ripe ears obtained under artificial conditions in a rainfall simulator over three years. According to the results there is a significant effect on preharvest sprouting provided by colour and a weaker effect of increasing R dosage. However, the significant residual genotypic variation between red lines and all lines (reds and whites) at 0.1% level showed that preharvest sprouting was also controlled by other genes. There are no significant correlations between sprouting and date of ripeness or between ripeness, R dosage and colour intensity.