995 resultados para Gayol, Sandra


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the Western world. It is becoming increasingly clear that CRC is a diverse disease, as exemplified by the identification of subgroups of CRC tumours that are driven by distinct biology. Recently, a number of studies have begun to define panels of diagnostically relevant markers to align patients into individual subgroups in an attempt to give information on prognosis and treatment response. We examined the immunohistochemical expression profile of 18 markers, each representing a putative role in cancer development, in 493 primary colorectal carcinomas using tissue microarrays. Through unsupervised clustering in stage II cancers, we identified two cluster groups that are broadly defined by inflammatory or immune-related factors (CD3, CD8, COX-2 and FOXP3) and stem-like factors (CD44, LGR5, SOX2, OCT4). The expression of the stem-like group markers was associated with a significantly worse prognosis compared to cases with lower expression. In addition, patients classified in the stem-like subgroup displayed a trend towards a benefit from adjuvant treatment. The biologically relevant and poor prognostic stem-like group could also be identified in early stage I cancers, suggesting a potential opportunity for the identification of aggressive tumors at a very early stage of the disease.


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The proposition of increased innovation in network applications and reduced cost for network operators has won over the networking world to the vision of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). With the excitement of holistic visibility across the network and the ability to program network devices, developers have rushed to present a range of new SDN-compliant hardware, software and services. However, amidst this frenzy of activity, one key element has only recently entered the debate: Network Security. In this article, security in SDN is surveyed presenting both the research community and industry advances in this area. The challenges to securing the network from the persistent attacker are discussed and the holistic approach to the security architecture that is required for SDN is described. Future research directions that will be key to providing network security in SDN are identified.


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The pull of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is magnetic. There are few in the networking community who have escaped its impact. As the benefits of network visibility and network device programmability are discussed, the question could be asked as to who exactly will benefit? Will it be the network operator or will it, in fact, be the network intruder? As SDN devices and systems hit the market, security in SDN must be raised on the agenda. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the research relating to security in software-defined networking that has been carried out to date. Both the security enhancements to be derived from using the SDN framework and the security challenges introduced by the framework are discussed. By categorizing the existing work, a set of conclusions and proposals for future research directions are presented.


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As the complexity of computing systems grows, reliability and energy are two crucial challenges asking for holistic solutions. In this paper, we investigate the interplay among concurrency, power dissipation, energy consumption and voltage-frequency scaling for a key numerical kernel for the solution of sparse linear systems. Concretely, we leverage a task-parallel implementation of the Conjugate Gradient method, equipped with an state-of-the-art pre-conditioner embedded in the ILUPACK software, and target a low-power multi core processor from ARM.In addition, we perform a theoretical analysis on the impact of a technique like Near Threshold Voltage Computing (NTVC) from the points of view of increased hardware concurrency and error rate.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of altering a single component of a rehabilitation programme (e.g. adding bilateral practice alone) on functional recovery after stroke, defined using a measure of activity.

DATA SOURCES: A search was conducted of Medline/Pubmed, CINAHL and Web of Science.

REVIEW METHODS: Two reviewers independently assessed eligibility. Randomized controlled trials were included if all participants received the same base intervention, and the experimental group experienced alteration of a single component of the training programme. This could be manipulation of an intrinsic component of training (e.g. intensity) or the addition of a discretionary component (e.g. augmented feedback). One reviewer extracted the data and another independently checked a subsample (20%). Quality was appraised according to the PEDro scale.

RESULTS: Thirty-six studies (n = 1724 participants) were included. These evaluated nine training components: mechanical degrees of freedom, intensity of practice, load, practice schedule, augmented feedback, bilateral movements, constraint of the unimpaired limb, mental practice and mirrored-visual feedback. Manipulation of the mechanical degrees of freedom of the trunk during reaching and the addition of mental practice during upper limb training were the only single components found to independently enhance recovery of function after stroke.

CONCLUSION: This review provides limited evidence to support the supposition that altering a single component of a rehabilitation programme realises greater functional recovery for stroke survivors. Further investigations are required to determine the most effective single components of rehabilitation programmes, and the combinations that may enhance functional recovery.


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Defects in primary cilium biogenesis underlie the ciliopathies, a growing group of genetic disorders. We describe a whole-genome siRNA-based reverse genetics screen for defects in biogenesis and/or maintenance of the primary cilium, obtaining a global resource. We identify 112 candidate ciliogenesis and ciliopathy genes, including 44 components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, 12 G-protein-coupled receptors, and 3 pre-mRNA processing factors (PRPF6, PRPF8 and PRPF31) mutated in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. The PRPFs localize to the connecting cilium, and PRPF8- and PRPF31-mutated cells have ciliary defects. Combining the screen with exome sequencing data identified recessive mutations in PIBF1, also known as CEP90, and C21orf2, also known as LRRC76, as causes of the ciliopathies Joubert and Jeune syndromes. Biochemical approaches place C21orf2 within key ciliopathy-associated protein modules, offering an explanation for the skeletal and retinal involvement observed in individuals with C21orf2 variants. Our global, unbiased approaches provide insights into ciliogenesis complexity and identify roles for unanticipated pathways in human genetic disease.


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Worldwide, the building sector requires the production of 4 billion tonnes of cement annually, consuming more than 40% of global energy. Alkali activated “cementless” binders have recently emerged as a novel eco-friendly construction material with a promising potential to replace ordinary Portland cement. These binders consist of a class of inorganic polymer formed mainly by the reaction between an alkaline solution and an aluminosilicate source. Precursor materials for this reaction can be found in secondary material streams from different industrial sectors, from energy to agro-alimentary. However, the suitability of these materials in developing the polymerisation reaction must be assessed through a detailed chemical and physical characterisation, ensuring the availability of required chemical species in the appropriate quantity and physical state. Furthermore, the binder composition needs to be defined in terms of proper alkali activation dosages, water content in the mix, and curing conditions. The mix design must satisfy mechanical requirements and compliance to desired engineering properties (workability, setting time) for ensuring the suitability of the binder in replacing Portland cement in concrete applications. This paper offers a structured approach for the development of secondary material-based binders, from their identification to mix design and production procedure development. Essential features of precursor material can be determined through chemical and physical characterisation methods and advanced microscope techniques. Important mixing parameters and binder properties requirements are examined and some examples of developed binders are reported.


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Producing concrete with secondary raw materials is an excellent way to contribute to a moresustainable world, provided that this concrete has at least the same performance during itsservice life as concrete made with the primary raw materials it replaces. Secondary rawmaterials for Light Weight (LW) aggregates (rigid polyurethane foams, shredded tire rubberand mixed plastic scraps) have been combined with secondary raw materials for the binder(fly ash, slag and perlite tailings) making sustainable concretes that were investigated fortheir suitability as LW, highly insulating concrete for four different types of applications.Compliance to desired engineering properties (workability, setting time) was not alwaysfeasible: it was mostly the low workability of the mixtures that limited their application.Contrary to well established cements, steering the workability by adding water was not anoption for these binders that rely on alkali-activation. Eight successful mixtures have beentested further. The results have shown that it is possible to produce a non-structuralsustainable concrete with good mechanical and thermal insulation properties.Design of concrete made with novel materials is currently not feasible without extensiveexperimentation as no design rules exist other than empirically derived rules based ontraditional materials. As a radical different approach, a flexible concrete mix design has beendeveloped with which the concrete can be modelled in the fresh and hardened state. Thenumerical concrete mix design method proves a promising tool in designing concrete forperformance demands such as elasticity parameters and thermal conductivity


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Combretastatin-A4 (CA-4) is a natural derivative of the African willow tree Combretum caffrum. CA-4 is one of the most potent antimitotic components of natural origin, but it is, however, intrinsically unstable. A novel series of CA-4 analogs incorporating a 3,4-diaryl-2-azetidinone (β-lactam) ring were designed and synthesized with the objective to prevent cis -trans isomerization and improve the intrinsic stability without altering the biological activity of CA-4. Evaluation of selected β-lactam CA-4 analogs demonstrated potent antitubulin, antiproliferative, and antimitotic effects in human leukemia cells. A lead β-lactam analog, CA-432, displayed comparable antiproliferative activities with CA-4. CA-432 induced rapid apoptosis in HL-60 acute myeloid leukemia cells, which was accompanied by depolymerization of the microtubular network, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, caspase-3 activation, and Bcl-2 cleavage. A prolonged G(2)M cell cycle arrest accompanied by a sustained phosphorylation of mitotic spindle checkpoint protein, BubR1, and the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) preceded apoptotic events in K562 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells. Molecular docking studies in conjunction with comprehensive cell line data rule out CA-4 and β-lactam derivatives as P-glycoprotein substrates. Furthermore, both CA-4 and CA-432 induced significantly more apoptosis compared with imatinib mesylate in ex vivo samples from patients with CML, including those positive for the T315I mutation displaying resistance to imatinib mesylate and dasatinib. In summary, synthetic intrinsically stable analogs of CA-4 that display significant clinical potential as antileukemic agents have been designed and synthesized.


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The Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor, imatinib mesylate, is the front line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), but the emergence of imatinib resistance has led to the search for alternative drug treatments and the examination of combination therapies to overcome imatinib resistance. The pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds are a recently developed novel series of microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) that depolymerise tubulin. Recent data demonstrating enhanced MTA-induced tumour cell apoptosis upon combination with the cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)-1 inhibitor flavopiridol prompted us to examine whether this compound could similarly enhance the effect of the PBOX compounds. We thus characterised the apoptotic and cell cycle events associated with combination therapy of the PBOX compounds and flavopiridol and results showed a sequence dependent, synergistic enhancement of apoptosis in CML cells including those expressing the imatinib-resistant T315I mutant. Flavopiridol reduced the number of polyploid cells formed in response to PBOX treatment but only to a small extent, suggesting that inhibition of endoreplication was unlikely to play a major role in the mechanism by which flavopiridol synergistically enhanced PBOX-induced apoptosis. The addition of flavopiridol following PBOX-6 treatment did however result in an accelerated exit from the G2/M transition accompanied by an enhanced downregulation and deactivation of the CDK1/cyclin B1 complex and an enhanced degradation of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) survivin. In conclusion, results from this study highlight the potential of these novel series of PBOX compounds, alone or in sequential combination with flavopiridol, as an effective therapy against CML.


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The Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor, STI571, is the first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), but the recent emergence of STI571 resistance has led to the examination of combination therapies. In this report, we describe how a novel non-toxic G1-arresting compound, pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX)-21, potentiates the apoptotic ability of STI571 in Bcr-Abl-positive CML cells. Co-treatment of CML cells with PBOX-21 and STI571 induced more apoptosis than either drug alone in parental (K562S and LAMA84) and STI571-resistant cells lines (K562R). This potentiation of apoptosis was specific to Bcr-Abl-positive leukaemia cells with no effect observed on Bcr-Abl-negative HL-60 acute myeloid leukaemia cells. Apoptosis induced by PBOX-21/STI571 resulted in activation of caspase-8, cleavage of PARP and Bcl-2, upregulation of the pro-apoptotic protein Bim and a downregulation of Bcr-Abl. Repression of proteins involved in Bcr-Abl transformation, the anti-apoptotic proteins Mcl-1 and Bcl-(XL) was also observed. The combined lack of an early change in mitochondrial membrane potential, release of cytochrome c and cleavage of pro-caspase-9 suggests that this pathway is not involved in the initiation of apoptosis by PBOX-21/STI571. Apoptosis was significantly reduced following pre-treatment with either the general caspase inhibitor Boc-FMK or the chymotrypsin-like serine protease inhibitor TPCK, but was completely abrogated following pre-treatment with a combination of these inhibitors. This demonstrates the important role for each of these protease families in this apoptotic pathway. In conclusion, our data highlights the potential of PBOX-21 in combination with STI571 as an effective therapy against CML.


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The end of Dennard scaling has promoted low power consumption into a firstorder concern for computing systems. However, conventional power conservation schemes such as voltage and frequency scaling are reaching their limits when used in performance-constrained environments. New technologies are required to break the power wall while sustaining performance on future processors. Low-power embedded processors and near-threshold voltage computing (NTVC) have been proposed as viable solutions to tackle the power wall in future computing systems. Unfortunately, these technologies may also compromise per-core performance and, in the case of NTVC, xreliability. These limitations would make them unsuitable for HPC systems and datacenters. In order to demonstrate that emerging low-power processing technologies can effectively replace conventional technologies, this study relies on ARM’s big.LITTLE processors as both an actual and emulation platform, and state-of-the-art implementations of the CG solver. For NTVC in particular, the paper describes how efficient algorithm-based fault tolerance schemes preserve the power and energy benefits of very low voltage operation.


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BACKGROUND: While the discovery of new drugs is a complex, lengthy and costly process, identifying new uses for existing drugs is a cost-effective approach to therapeutic discovery. Connectivity mapping integrates gene expression profiling with advanced algorithms to connect genes, diseases and small molecule compounds and has been applied in a large number of studies to identify potential drugs, particularly to facilitate drug repurposing. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a commonly diagnosed cancer with high mortality rates, presenting a worldwide health problem. With the advancement of high throughput omics technologies, a number of large scale gene expression profiling studies have been conducted on CRCs, providing multiple datasets in gene expression data repositories. In this work, we systematically apply gene expression connectivity mapping to multiple CRC datasets to identify candidate therapeutics to this disease.

RESULTS: We developed a robust method to compile a combined gene signature for colorectal cancer across multiple datasets. Connectivity mapping analysis with this signature of 148 genes identified 10 candidate compounds, including irinotecan and etoposide, which are chemotherapy drugs currently used to treat CRCs. These results indicate that we have discovered high quality connections between the CRC disease state and the candidate compounds, and that the gene signature we created may be used as a potential therapeutic target in treating the disease. The method we proposed is highly effective in generating quality gene signature through multiple datasets; the publication of the combined CRC gene signature and the list of candidate compounds from this work will benefit both cancer and systems biology research communities for further development and investigations.