983 resultados para Gastric metaplasia


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Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is defined as a laceration of the diaphragm with an abdominal viscera herniation into the thorax. It is usually asymptomatic, with the exception of the cases with obstruction, strangulation, necrosis or perforation of the herniaded viscera. It is classified as acute, latent or chronic, in accordance with the evolutive period. At the latent phase, symptoms are indefinite and the radiological signals, which are suggestive of thoracic affections, are frequent and can induce a diagnosis error, leading to inadequate treatment.This article presents a case of chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia which was complicated by a gastricpleuralcutaneous fistula, due to an inadequate thoracic drainage. Considering that this is a chronic affection with an unquestionable surgical indication, due to the complications risk, it is essential to have a detailed diagnostic investigation, which aims at both avoiding an intempestive or inadequate therapeutics behaviour and reducing the affection morbimortality. Recently, the videolaparoscopic approach has proved to be more precise when compared to the other diagnostic methods, by direct visualization of the diaphragmatic laceration, allowing its correction by an immediate suture.


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Literature has been showing a tendency of reducing the limits of Whipple's resection. The main technical advance was the pylorus preserving resection, technique proposed by Traverso and Longmire in 1978. The pancreticoduodenectomy for chronic pancreatitis, is probably the best opportunity to apply this type of procedure. In these specific patients, the author preserved the pylorus and the third portion of the duodenum. The gastrointestinal transit was reconstructed by the duodenumduodenal anastomosis and the bile duct and the pancreas were drained in a Roux-en-way loop . Follow-up showed no important complication, with no problems related to gastric emptying and without pain.


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In these paper we are presenting a technical alternative to laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. From January 1999 to April 2000, 60 patients with mean body mass index (BMI) of 40,7 kg/m2 underwent laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. The new technique is performed in two steps. In the first step, an isolation instrument (laparoscopic finger) is inserted through the lesser sac, next to the junction of diaphragmatic crura, including the lesser omentum in order to pull the band catheter. The second step separates the lesser omentum from the right side of the stomach.There was no mortality and the morbidity was 11,6% (1 slippage of the band and 6 trocar port seroma). The new technique was performed in all patients with no conversion to open procedure. We didn't have respiratory complications. This technical alternative is safe and easily performed, helping to prevent transoperative perforations.


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Embora a neoplasia gástrica maligna constitua-se numa das principais causas de mortalidade por câncer, as bases moleculares desta enfermidade permanecem ainda pouco compreendidas. Recentemente, a identificação de lesões gástricas difusas ocorrendo em famílias com padrão de transmissão tipicamente mendeliano, resultou no achado de um evento molecular único: mutações no gene da caderina-E. Esta entidade foi denominada câncer gástrico hereditário. Apesar de rara, a sua identificação deve ser suspeitada na prática clínica, já que é possível detectar-se casos precoces de câncer nestas famílias em alto risco. Como a análise mutacional do gene da caderina-E só é realizada em pouquíssimos centros no mundo, é importante tentar identificar estas famílias por meio de critérios de fácil acesso para qualquer profissional de saúde. Este trabalho comenta os critérios sugeridos pelo International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium (IGCLC), propostos em 1999, além de tentar estabelecer algumas diretrizes para o rastreamento das pessoas em risco.


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The authors report a case of an one-year-old girl with growth retardation, vomiting, aspiration pneumonias and malnutrition presenting gastroesopheal reflux and microgastria. The child was underwent a double lumen Roux-en-Y jejunal reservoir (Hunt-Lawrence pouch). This treatment improved nutritional status and growth. No others anomalies were detected. Congenital microgastria is a rare anomaly which is usually associated with other malformations. The authors reviewed the literature and recommend the gastric augmentation for the treatment for microgastria.


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The authors present a case of an incomplete form of Carney's Triad .They emphasize the use of immunohistochemistry to classify gastrointestinal stromal tumors and policy of long term follow-up .


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Bezoar is a foreign body in the digestive tract originated from ingestion of varied substances, mainly vegetal hair or coats, staple fibers among others. We present a case of a 16-year-old female with trichotillomania history of approximately 5 months, diagnosed through clinical evidence of traumatic alopecia made by her dermatologist. Though asymptomatic the presence of tricobezoar was suspected and confirmed through digestive seriography and high digestive endoscopy. The patient was operated on for gastrotomy and removal of bezoar, with good postoperative follow-up, except for surgical wound infection.


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The authors report a case of acute gastric volvulus in a 20-year-old male, complicated by perforation near the gastroesophageal junction and generalized peritonitis. This is an uncommon and potentially lethal conditon although our patient has been handled successfully with a partial gastrectomy.


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Videolaparoscopic surgery has been used for treatment of almost all surgical abdominal diseases, mainly where there are no large ressections, or operative field is limited. In these situations, laparoscopic surgery has the advantages of less morbidity, quick recovery and good cosmetic results. Bezoars removal, or its mobilization, is probably included in these possible proceedings. Three non-laparotomic procedures were described: 1. endoscopic-laparoscopic; 2. videolaparoscopy and mobilization of intestinal bezoar to the cecum; 3. laparoscopy and gastrotomy for bezoar removal, through suprapubic incision or the umbilical punction. There have been only two publications describing the videolaparoscopic method for bezoar removal, and the methods applied can be complications or morbidity related. We describe one case where the applied technique is simple and easy to perform, time saving and probably less complications-related. This technique, with four trocars, utilized a plastic bag besides the stomach to be opened, followed by gastrotomy, bezoar removal and immediate introduction in the plastic bag, suture of gastrotomy and removal through the left subcostal trocar. This technique was feasible and easy to perform, with short operative time, and there were no intra or post-operative complications; the patient was discharged in the second post-operative day, and is without further problems after one year follow-up. We believe that this could be an adequate technique to perform laparoscopic gastric bezoar removal, and the rigid sequence of operative events allows a quick procedure, with minimal contamination. The videolaparoscopy seems to be an adequate access to surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal bezoars, with or without obstruction, and should be the ellected the procedure of choice to begin the surgical treatment, with convertion to laparotomy in case of any intra-operative adversity.


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This article presents a complication of the laparoscopic technique for Heller cardiomyotomy and anterior fundoplication. This procedure is safe and provides excellent relief of disphagia in esophageal achalasia. Nevertheless, there are rare but dangerous complications, such as late active digestive bleeding, presented in this paper which was resistant to conservative treatment and led to hypovolemic shock. Urgent laparotomy performed to identify and control bleeding, revealed necrosis of esophageal mucosa with a bleeding gastric vessel. Inadequate exposure of the gastroesophageal junction and an incision very close to the lesser curvature might have damaged the esophageal branches of the left gastric artery, leading to ischemic necrosis of the mucosa and exposure of the gastric wall and its vessels.


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Surgical drainage is still considered the gold standard treatment of pancreatic abscess. Patients with high surgical risk, however, require alternative therapy. The authors report three cases of pancreatic abscess that were treated endoscopically. In patients who met endoscopic drainage criteria, treatment was effective, though one case did require surgical intervention as a result of gastric puncture point bleeding. After this initial experience, we believe that endoscopic drainage should be considered in selected cases.


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Various options for surgical treatment of morbid obesity have been developed with varying results: vertical banded gastroplasty with intestinal by-pass, disabsorptive surgeries and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. Although all of them have been effective in weight loss, lower rates of early and late postoperative complications have been described in some procedures. Laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding (LASGB) has a similar principle as vertical banded gastroplasty and it is a minimally invasive procedure, with low systemic and operative problems, but not free of them. We report two rare cases of this complications of LASGB.


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In some cases of esophageal reconstruction, it is not possible to use the gastric tube. In those cases, the second option is the reconstruction with a colonic segment. In the present paper, the authors present the use of microsurgical technique to improve vascular supply in esophageal reconstructions using the colon. Therefore, the transposed segment becomes perfused by two vascular pedicles: a proximal one and a distal one. The authors describe a case of 52 years-old patient, suffering of middle third esophagus carcinoma, who underwent a primarily esophageal resection with an unsuccessful reconstruction using gastric transposition. A new reconstruction was proposed using a bipedicle microcirurgical colonic tube, four months later. The post operative was uneventful with rehabilitation of swallowing and satisfactory recovery of nutritional state.


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The authors describe a rare case of a gastric duplication cyst in a 55-year-old man. The past history revealed that the patient was treated one year before for gastroduodenal ulcer. The cyst was discovered incidentally at upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsies showed inflammation without evidence of tumor. On abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan, a left upper quadrant mass was noted. At laparotomy, a mass measuring 6,0 cm in contact with the stomach was excised. Histopathology showed a gastric duplication cyst containing pancreatic mucosa.


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Bezoar is a foreing body whitin the digestive tract originated from ingestion of varied substances, mainly vegetal fiber or hair. We present a case of a 14-year-old girl with trichotillomania, gastric trichobezoar, gastric ulcer and acute pancreatitis. The patient was operated on for anterior gastrotomy and removal of trichobezoar, with good postoperative follow-up. We illustrate this case to emphasize the need for recognition of gastric ulcer with acute pancreatitis and surgical management.