965 resultados para GLUCOSE-TRANSPORTER-1


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OBJECTIVE: Failure of energy metabolism after traumatic brain injury may be a major factor limiting outcome. Although glucose is the primary metabolic substrate in the healthy brain, the well documented surge in tissue lactate after traumatic brain injury suggests that lactate may provide an energy need that cannot be met by glucose. We hypothesized, therefore, that administration of lactate or the combination of lactate and supraphysiological oxygen may improve mitochondrial oxidative respiration in the brain after rat fluid percussion injury. We measured oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine what effects glucose, lactate, oxygen, and the combination of lactate and oxygen have on mitochondrial respiration in both injured and uninjured rat brain tissue. METHODS: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were intubated and ventilated with either 0.21 or 1.0 fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2). Brain tissue from acute sham animals was subjected in vitro to 1.1 mM, 12 mM and 100 mM concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. In another group, injury (fluid percussion injury of 2.5 +/- 0.02 atmospheres) was induced over the left hemisphere. The VO2 of mug amounts of brain tissues were measured in a microrespirometry system (Cartesian diver). RESULTS: The VO2 was found to be independent of glucose concentrations, but dose-dependent for lactate. Moreover, the lactate dependent VO2s were all significantly higher than those generated by glucose. Injured rats on FIO2 0.21 had brain tissue VO2 rates that were significantly lower than those of shams or preinjury levels. In injured rats treated with FIO2 1.0, the reduction in VO2 levels was prevented. Injured rats that received an intravenous infusion of 100 mM lactate had VO2 rates that were significantly higher than those obtained with FIO2 1.0. Combined treatment further boosted the lactate generated VO2 rates by approximately 15%. CONCLUSION: Glucose sustains mitochondrial respiration at a low level "fixed" rate because, despite increasing its concentration nearly 100-fold, it cannot up-regulate VO2 after fluid percussion injury. Lactate produces a dose-dependent VO2 response, possibly enabling mitochondria to meet the increased energy needs of the injured brain.


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Background During the Soviet era, malaria was close to eradication in Tajikistan. Since the early 1990s, the disease has been on the rise and has become endemic in large areas of southern and western Tajikistan. The standard national treatment for Plasmodium vivax is based on primaquine. This entails the risk of severe haemolysis for patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Seasonal and geographical distribution patterns as well as G6PD deficiency frequency were analysed with a view to improve understanding of the current malaria situation in Tajikistan. Methods Spatial and seasonal distribution was analysed, applying a risk model that included key environmental factors such as temperature and the availability of mosquito breeding sites. The frequency of G6PD deficiency was studied at the health service level, including a cross-sectional sample of 382 adult men. Results Analysis revealed high rates of malaria transmission in most districts of the southern province of Khatlon, as well as in some zones in the northern province of Sughd. Three categories of risk areas were identified: (i) zones at relatively high malaria risk with high current incidence rates, where malaria control and prevention measures should be taken at all stages of the transmission cycle; (ii) zones at relatively high malaria risk with low current incidence rates, where malaria prevention measures are recommended; and (iii) zones at intermediate or low malaria risk with low current incidence rates where no particular measures appear necessary. The average prevalence of G6PD deficiency was 2.1% with apparent differences between ethnic groups and geographical regions. Conclusion The study clearly indicates that malaria is a serious health issue in specific regions of Tajikistan. Transmission is mainly determined by temperature. Consequently, locations at lower altitude are more malaria-prone. G6PD deficiency frequency is too moderate to require fundamental changes in standard national treatment of cases of P. vivax.


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Circumstantial evidence suggests that an increase in plasma glucose availability improves exercise capacity in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to assess exercise capacity in eu- and hyperglycaemic conditions in subjects with type 1 diabetes.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the microcirculatory and metabolic consequences of reduced mesenteric blood flow. DESIGN: Prospective, controlled animal study. SETTING: The surgical research unit of a university hospital. SUBJECTS: A total of 13 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs. INTERVENTIONS: Pigs were subjected to stepwise mesenteric blood flow reduction (15% in each step, n = 8) or served as controls (n = 5). Superior mesenteric arterial blood flow was measured with ultrasonic transit time flowmetry, and mucosal and muscularis microcirculatory perfusion in the small bowel were each measured with three laser Doppler flow probes. Small-bowel intramucosal Pco2 was measured by tonometry, and glucose, lactate (L), and pyruvate (P) were measured by microdialysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In control animals, superior mesenteric arterial blood flow, mucosal microcirculatory blood flow, intramucosal Pco2, and the lactate/pyruvate ratio remained unchanged. In both groups, mucosal blood flow was better preserved than muscularis blood flow. During stepwise mesenteric blood flow reduction, heterogeneous microcirculatory blood flow remained a prominent feature (coefficient of variation, approximately 45%). A 30% flow reduction from baseline was associated with a decrease in microdialysis glucose concentration from 2.37 (2.10-2.70) mmol/L to 0.57 (0.22-1.60) mmol/L (p < .05). After 75% flow reduction, the microdialysis lactate/pyruvate ratio increased from 8.6 (8.0-14.1) to 27.6 (15.5-37.4, p < .05), and arterial-intramucosal Pco2 gradients increased from 1.3 (0.4-3.5) kPa to 10.8 (8.0-16.0) kPa (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Blood flow redistribution and heterogeneous microcirculatory perfusion can explain apparently maintained regional oxidative metabolism during mesenteric hypoperfusion, despite local signs of anaerobic metabolism. Early decreasing glucose concentrations suggest that substrate supply may become crucial before oxygen consumption decreases.


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Colostrum feeding and glucocorticoid administration affect glucose metabolism and insulin release in calves. We have tested the hypothesis that dexamethasone as well as colostrum feeding influence insulin-dependent glucose metabolism in neonatal calves using the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Newborn calves were fed either colostrum or a milk-based formula (n=14 per group) and in each feeding group, half of the calves were treated with dexamethasone (30 microg/[kg body weight per day]). Preprandial blood samples were taken on days 1, 2, and 4. On day 5, insulin was infused for 3h and plasma glucose concentrations were kept at 5 mmol/L+/-10%. Clamps were combined with [(13)C]-bicarbonate and [6,6-(2)H]-glucose infusions for 5.5h (i.e., from -150 to 180 min, relative to insulin infusion) to determine glucose turnover, glucose appearance rate (Ra), endogenous glucose production (eGP), and gluconeogenesis before and at the end of the clamp. After the clamp liver biopsies were taken to measure mRNA levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and pyruvate carboxylase (PC). Dexamethasone increased plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations in the pre-clamp period thus necessitating a reduction in the rate of glucose infusion to maintain euglycemia during the clamp. Glucose turnover and Ra increased during the clamp and were lower at the end of the clamp in dexamethasone-treated calves. Dexamethasone treatment did not affect basal gluconeogenesis or eGP. At the end of the clamp, dexamethasone reduced eGP and PC mRNA levels, whereas mitochondrial PEPCK mRNA levels increased. In conclusion, insulin increased glucose turnover and dexamethasone impaired insulin-dependent glucose metabolism, and this was independent of different feeding.


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BACKGROUND: Many HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) experience metabolic complications including dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance, which may increase their coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. We developed a prognostic model for CHD tailored to the changes in risk factors observed in patients starting HAART. METHODS: Data from five cohort studies (British Regional Heart Study, Caerphilly and Speedwell Studies, Framingham Offspring Study, Whitehall II) on 13,100 men aged 40-70 and 114,443 years of follow up were used. CHD was defined as myocardial infarction or death from CHD. Model fit was assessed using the Akaike Information Criterion; generalizability across cohorts was examined using internal-external cross-validation. RESULTS: A parametric model based on the Gompertz distribution generalized best. Variables included in the model were systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, diabetes mellitus, body mass index and smoking status. Compared with patients not on HAART, the estimated CHD hazard ratio (HR) for patients on HAART was 1.46 (95% CI 1.15-1.86) for moderate and 2.48 (95% CI 1.76-3.51) for severe metabolic complications. CONCLUSIONS: The change in the risk of CHD in HIV-infected men starting HAART can be estimated based on typical changes in risk factors, assuming that HRs estimated using data from non-infected men are applicable to HIV-infected men. Based on this model the risk of CHD is likely to increase, but increases may often be modest, and could be offset by lifestyle changes.


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BACKGROUND: Starches are the major source of dietary glucose in weaned children and adults. However, small intestine alpha-glucogenesis by starch digestion is poorly understood due to substrate structural and chemical complexity, as well as the multiplicity of participating enzymes. Our objective was dissection of luminal and mucosal alpha-glucosidase activities participating in digestion of the soluble starch product maltodextrin (MDx). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Immunoprecipitated assays were performed on biopsy specimens and isolated enterocytes with MDx substrate. RESULTS: Mucosal sucrase-isomaltase (SI) and maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) contributed 85% of total in vitro alpha-glucogenesis. Recombinant human pancreatic alpha-amylase alone contributed <15% of in vitro alpha-glucogenesis; however, alpha-amylase strongly amplified the mucosal alpha-glucogenic activities by preprocessing of starch to short glucose oligomer substrates. At low glucose oligomer concentrations, MGAM was 10 times more active than SI, but at higher concentrations it experienced substrate inhibition whereas SI was not affected. The in vitro results indicated that MGAM activity is inhibited by alpha-amylase digested starch product "brake" and contributes only 20% of mucosal alpha-glucogenic activity. SI contributes most of the alpha-glucogenic activity at higher oligomer substrate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: MGAM primes and SI activity sustains and constrains prandial alpha-glucogenesis from starch oligomers at approximately 5% of the uninhibited rate. This coupled mucosal mechanism may contribute to highly efficient glucogenesis from low-starch diets and play a role in meeting the high requirement for glucose during children's brain maturation. The brake could play a constraining role on rates of glucose production from higher-starch diets consumed by an older population at risk for degenerative metabolic disorders.


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Statins exert anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic actions. The mechanisms responsible for these effects remain only partially elucidated. Diabetes and obesity are characterized by low-grade inflammation. Metabolic and endocrine adipocyte dysfunction is known to play a crucial role in the development of these disorders and the related cardiovascular complications. Thus, direct modulation of adipocyte function may represent a mechanism of pleiotropic statin actions. We investigated effects of atorvastatin on apoptosis, differentiation, endocrine, and metabolic functions in murine white and brown adipocyte lines. Direct exposure of differentiating preadipocytes to atorvastatin strongly reduced lipid accumulation and diminished protein expression of the differentiation marker CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-beta (CEBP-beta). In fully differentiated adipocytes, however, lipid accumulation remained unchanged after chronic atorvastatin treatment. Furthermore, cell viability was reduced in response to atorvastatin treatment in proliferating and differentiating preadipocytes, but not in differentiated cells. Moreover, atorvastatin induced apoptosis and inhibited protein kinase B (AKT) phosphorylation in proliferating and differentiating preadipocytes, but not in differentiated adipocytes. On the endocrine level, direct atorvastatin treatment of differentiated white adipocytes enhanced expression of the pro-inflammatory adipokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), and downregulated expression of the insulin-mimetic and anti-inflammatory adipokines visfatin and adiponectin. Finally, these direct adipotropic endocrine effects of atorvastatin were paralleled by the acute inhibition of insulin-induced glucose uptake in differentiated white adipocytes, while protein expression of the thermogenic uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) in brown adipocytes remained unchanged. Taken together, our data for the first time demonstrate direct differentiation state-dependent effects of atorvastatin including apoptosis, modulation of pro-inflammatory and glucostatic adipokine expression, and insulin resistance in adipose cells. These differential interactions may explain variable clinical observations.


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In vivo studies support selective neuronal vulnerability to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the developing brain. Since differences in intrinsic properties of neurons might be responsible, pure cultures containing immature neurons (6-8 days in vitro) isolated from mouse cortex and hippocampus, regions chosen for their marked vulnerability to oxidative stress, were studied under in vitro ischemic conditions-oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Twenty-four hours of reoxygenation after 2.5 h of OGD induced significantly greater cell death in hippocampal than in cortical neurons (67.8% vs. 33.4%, P = 0.0068). The expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) protein, production of nitric oxide (NO), and reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and intracellular levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), were measured as indicators of oxidative stress. Hippocampal neurons had markedly higher nNOS expression than cortical neurons by 24 h of reoxygenation, which coincided with an increase in NO production, and significantly greater ROS accumulation. GPx activity declined significantly in hippocampal but not in cortical neurons at 4 and 24 h after OGD. The decrease in GSH level in hippocampal neurons correlated with the decline of GPx activity. Our data suggest that developing hippocampal neurons are more sensitive to OGD than cortical neurons. This finding supports our in vivo studies showing that mouse hippocampus is more vulnerable than cortex after neonatal HI. An imbalance between excess prooxidant production (increased nNOS expression, and NO and ROS production) and insufficient antioxidant defenses created by reduced GPx activity and GSH levels may, in part, explain the higher susceptibility to OGD of immature hippocampal neurons.


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Glycated haemoglobin levels (HbA1 and HbA1c) are established parameters of long-term glycaemic control in diabetic patients. Depending on the method used, fetal haemoglobin interferes with the assays for glycated haemoglobin. If present in high amounts, fetal haemoglobin may lead to overestimation of glycated haemoglobin levels, and therefore, of average blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients. Glycated (HbA1c) and fetal haemoglobin levels were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography in 60 (30 female) adult Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients of Swiss descent, and were compared with levels obtained from 60 normal, non-diabetic control subjects matched for age and sex. Fetal haemoglobin levels were significantly higher in the diabetic patients (0.6 +/- 0.1%, mean +/- SEM; range: 0-3.6%) than in the control subjects (0.4 +/- 0.1%, p < 0.001). Elevated fetal haemoglobin levels (> or = 0.6%) were found in 23 of 60 diabetic patients (38%) compared to 9 of 60 control subjects (15%; chi 2 = 8.35, p < 0.01). In addition, fetal haemoglobin levels in diabetic patients are weakly correlated with glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) (r = 0.38, p < 0.01). Fetal haemoglobin results were confirmed with the alkali denaturation procedure, and by immunocytochemistry using a polyclonal rabbit anti-fetal haemoglobin antibody. A significant proportion of adult patients with Type 1 diabetes has elevated fetal haemoglobin levels. In certain patients this may lead to a substantial over-estimation of glycated haemoglobin levels, and consequently of estimated, average blood glucose levels. The reason for this increased prevalence of elevated fetal haemoglobin remains unclear, but it may be associated with poor glycaemic control.


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It has been established that successful pancreas transplantation in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients results in normal but exaggerated phasic glucose-induced insulin secretion, normal intravenous glucose disappearance rates, improved glucose recovery from insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, improved glucagon secretion during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, but no alterations in pancreatic polypeptide responses to hypoglycaemia. However, previous reports have not segregated the data in terms of the length of time following successful transplantation and very little prospective data collected over time in individual patients has been published. This article reports that in general there are no significant differences in the level of improvement when comparing responses as early as three months post-operatively up to as long as two years post-operatively when examining the data cross-sectionally in patients who have successfully maintained their allografts. Moreover, this remarkable constancy in pancreatic islet function is also seen in a smaller group of patients who have been examined prospectively at various intervals post-operatively. It is concluded that successful pancreas transplantation results in remarkable improvements in Alpha and Beta cell but not PP cell function that are maintained for at least one to two years.


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To ascertain the consequences of pancreas transplantation with systemic venous drainage on glucose homeostasis and insulin secretion, glucose and insulin responses to intravenous glucose were compared in 10 recipients and 15 normal control subjects. There were no differences in fasting glucose levels or intravenous glucose disappearance rates. However, basal insulin levels and acute insulin responses to glucose were threefold greater in the recipients. It is not clear whether this consequence of hyperinsulinemia in the recipients is due to the abnormal circulatory drainage, the lack of autonomic input, or concurrent immunosuppressive drug therapy.