987 resultados para Function Blocks


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The transcription factor Ets-1 is implicated in various physiological processes and invasive pathologies. We identified a novel variant of ets-1, ets-1Delta(III-VI), resulting from the alternative splicing of exons III to VI. This variant encodes a 27 kDa isoform, named Ets-1 p27. Ets-1 p27 lacks the threonine-38 residue, the Pointed domain and the transactivation domain, all of which are required for the transactivation of Ets-1 target genes. Both inhibitory domains surrounding the DNA-binding domain are conserved, suggesting that Ets-1 p27, like the full-length Ets-1 p51 isoform, is autoinhibited for DNA binding. We showed that Ets-1 p27 binds DNA in the same way as Ets-1 p51 does and that it acts both at a transcriptional and a subcellular localization level, thereby constituting a dual-acting dominant negative of Ets-1 p51. Ets-1 p27 blocks Ets-1 p51-mediated transactivation of target genes and induces the translocation of Ets-1 p51 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, Ets-1 p27 overexpression represses the tumor properties of MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells in correlation with the known implication of Ets-1 in various cellular mechanisms. Thus the dual-acting dominant-negative function of Ets-1 p27 gives to the Ets-1 p27/Ets-1 p51 ratio a determining effect on cell fate.


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Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue has been proposed for storing gametes of young patients at high risk of premature ovarian failure. Autotransplantation has recently provided some promising results and is still the unique option to restore ovarian function from cryopreserved ovarian tissue in humans. In this article, we analyse data from the combined orthotopic and heterotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue that restored the ovarian function and fertility. Orthotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue at ovarian and peritoneal sites, together with a heterotopic transplantation at the abdominal subcutaneous site, was performed to restore the ovarian function of a 29-year-old woman previously treated with bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for Hodgkin's disease. Ovarian reserve markers progressively suppress within values 5 months after the transplantation (basal FSH 5 mUI/ml and inhibin B 119 ng/ml). Follicular development was observed at all transplantation sites but was predominant at the ovarian site. Six natural cycles were fully documented and analysed. The patient became spontaneously pregnant following the sixth cycle, but unfortunately she later miscarried. Combined orthotopic and heterotopic transplantations succeeded in the restoration of normal spontaneous cycles. Furthermore, this spontaneous pregnancy confirmed the efficiency of this procedure for restoring human fertility.


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Signage systems are widely used in buildings to provide information for wayfinding, thereby assisting in navigation during normal circulation of pedestrians and, more importantly, exiting information during emergencies. An important consideration in determining the effectiveness of signs is establishing the region from which the sign is visible to occupants, the so-called Visibility Catchment Area (VCA). This paper attempts to factor into the determination of the VCA of signs, the observation angle of the observer using both experimental and theoretical analysis.


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Signage systems are widely used in buildings to provide information for wayfinding, thereby assisting in navigation during normal circulation of pedestrians and, more importantly, exiting information during emergencies. An important consideration in determining the effectiveness of signs is establishing the region from which the sign is visible to occupants, the so-called visibility catchment area (VCA). This study attempts to factor into the determination of the VCA of signs, the observation angle of the observer. In building regulations, it is implicitly assumed that the VCA is independent of the observation angle. A theoretical model is developed to explain the relationship between the VCA and observation angle and experimental trials are performed in order to assess the validity of this model. The experimental findings demonstrate a consistency with the theoretical model. Given this result, the functionality of a comprehensive evacuation model is extended in accordance with the assumptions on which the theoretical model is based and is then demonstrated using several examples


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Schraudolph proposed an excellent exponential approximation providing increased performance particularly suited to the logistic squashing function used within many neural networking applications. This note applies Intel's streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2), where SIMD is single instruction multiple data, of the Pentum IV class processor to Schraudolph's technique, further increasing the performance of the logistic squashing function. It was found that the calculation of the new 32-bit SSE2 logistic squashing function described here was up to 38 times faster than the conventional exponential function and up to 16 times faster than a Schraudolph-style 32-bit method on an Intel Pentum D 3.6 GHz CPU.


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Background: With the spread of pyrethroid resistance in mosquitoes, the combination of an insecticide (carbamate or organophosphate) with a repellent (DEET) is considered as a promising alternative strategy for the treatment of mosquito nets and other relevant materials. The efficacy of these mixtures comes from the fact that they reproduce pyrethroid features and that positive interactions occur between insecticides and repellent. To better understand the mechanisms involved and assess the impact of detoxifying enzymes (oxidases and esterases) in these interactions, bioassays were carried out in the laboratory against the main dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Methods: Topical applications of DEET and propoxur (carbamate), used alone or as a mixture, were carried out on female mosquitoes, using inhibitors of the two main detoxification pathways in the insect. PBO, an inhibitor of multi-function oxidases, and DEF, an inhibitor of esterases, were applied one hour prior to the main treatment. Results: Results showed that synergism between DEET and propoxur disappeared in the presence of PBO but not with DEF. This suggests that oxidases, contrary to esterases, play a key role in the interactions occurring between DEET and cholinesterase inhibitors in mosquitoes. Conclusion: These findings are of great interest for the implementation of "combination nets" in the field. They support the need to combine insecticide with repellent to overcome insecticide resistance in mosquitoes of public health importance.


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While some studies suggest that poor fetal growth rate, as indicated by lower birth weight, is associated with poor respiratory function in childhood, findings among adults remain inconsistent. A study was undertaken to determine the association between early growth and adult respiratory function.


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The Triassic Argilo-Gréseux Inférieur Formation (TAG-I) is one of the principal hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Berkine Basin of Algeria. Sedimentological studies have shown that it exhibits marked spatial and temporal facies variations on both a local field scale and a regional basinal scale. This variability, combined with a lack of diagnostic flora and fauna, makes regional correlation within the unit difficult. In turn, the lack of a consistent regional stratigraphic framework hampers the comparison of the various correlation schemes devised by operators in the basin. Contrasting the TAG-I in Blocks 402 and 405a exemplifies the problems encountered when attempting regionally to define a correlation framework for the interval. Between these two blocks, a distance of approximately 200 km, there are marked changes in the style of deposition from sand-dominated, proximal fluvial systems in the SW (Block 405a, MLN, MLC, KMD and MLNW fields) to a more distal, more clay-prone system in the NE (Block 402, ROD/BRSE/BSFN, SFNE and BSF fields). A chemostratigraphic study of the TAG-I in these two blocks has allowed a four-fold correlation framework to be defined, where each chemostratigraphic package has distinctive geochemical features. Chemostratigraphic Package 10, the oldest unit, lies above the Hercynian Unconformity, but beneath a geochemically identifiable hiatal surface. Chemostratigraphic Package 20 lies above the hiatal surface but is separated from the overlying packages by a mineralogical change identifiable in both claystone and sandstone geochemistry. Chemostratigraphic Packages 30 and 40 are chemically somewhat similar, but are separated by a regional event interpreted as a period of dolocrete and lacustrine development. By combining the geochemical differentiation of the units and recognition of their stratal boundaries, it is possible to define a correlation for the TAG-I between Blocks 402 and 405a. The proposed correlation between the two blocks suggests that the northern parts of Block 405a may have been occupied by a spur or subsidiary channel from the main SW–NE-trending fluvial system, resulting in one of the chemically defined packages being demonstrably absent in the MLNW, MLN, KMD and MLC fields when compared with the other areas of the study.