963 resultados para Fractional anisotropy


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Pizgrischite, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35, is a new mineral species named after the type locality, Piz Grisch Mountain, Val Ferrera, Graubunden, Switzerland. This sulfosalt occurs as thin, striated, metallic lead-grey blades measuring up to I cm in length, embedded in quartz and associated with tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, emplectite and derivatives of the aikinite-bismuthinite series. In plane-polarized light, the new species is brownish grey with no perceptible pleochroism; under crossed nicols in oil immersion, it presents a weak anisotropy with dark brown tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance values (in %) in air are: 40.7-42.15 (470 nm), 41.2-43.1 (546 nm), 41.2-43.35 (589 nm) and 40.7-43.3 (650 nm). Cleavage is perfect along 001 I and well developed on {010}. Abundant polysynthetic twinning is observed on (010). The mean micro-indentation hardness is 190 kg/mm(2) (Mohs hardness 3.3), and the calculated density is 6.58 g/cm(3). Electron-microprobe analyses yield (wt%; mean result of seven analyses): Cu 16.48, Pb 2.10, Fe 0.77, Bi 60.70, Sb 0.35, S 19.16, Se 0.04, total 99.60. The resulting empirical chemical formula is (Cu15.24Fe0.80Pb0.60)(Sigma 16.64)(Bi17.07Sb0.17)(Sigma 17.24)(S35.09Se0.03)(Sigma 35.12), in accordance with the formula derived from the single-crystal refinement of the structure, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35. Pizgrischite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with the following unit-cell parameters: a 35.054(2), b3.91123(I), c43.192(2) angstrom, beta 96.713(4)degrees, V5881.24 angstrom(3), Z=4. The strongest seven X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl)] are: 5.364(40)((6) over bar 04), 4.080(50)((8) over bar 05), 3.120(40)(118), 3.104(68)((3) over bar 18), 2.759(53) ((9) over bar 11),2.752(44)(910) and 1.956(100)(020). The crystal structure is an expanded monoclinic derivative of kupcikite. Pizgrischite belongs to the cuprobismutite series of bismuth sulfosalts but, sensu stricto, it is not a homologue of cuprobismutite. At the type locality. pizarischite is the result of the Alpine metamorphism under greenschist-facies conditions of pre-Tertiary hydrothermal Cu-Bi mineralization.


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The geodynamic forces acting in the Earth's interior manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Volcanoes are amongst the most impressive examples in this respect, but like with an iceberg, they only represent the tip of a more extensive system hidden underground. This system consists of a source region where melt forms and accumulates, feeder connections in which magma is transported towards the surface, and different reservoirs where it is stored before it eventually erupts to form a volcano. A magma represents a mixture of melt and crystals. The latter can be extracted from the source region, or form anywhere along the path towards their final crystallization place. They will retain information of the overall plumbing system. The host rocks of an intrusion, in contrast, provide information at the emplacement level. They record the effects of thermal and mechanical forces imposed by the magma. For a better understanding of the system, both parts - magmatic and metamorphic petrology - have to be integrated. I will demonstrate in my thesis that information from both is complementary. It is an iterative process, using constraints from one field to better constrain the other. Reading the history of the host rocks is not always straightforward. This is shown in chapter two, where a model for the formation of clustered garnets observed in the contact aureole is proposed. Fragments of garnets, older than the intrusive rocks are overgrown by garnet crystallizing due to the reheating during emplacement of the adjacent pluton. The formation of the clusters is therefore not a single event as generally assumed but the result of a two-stage process, namely the alteration of the old grains and the overgrowth and amalgamation of new garnet rims. This makes an important difference when applying petrological methods such as thermobarometry, geochronology or grain size distributions. The thermal conditions in the aureole are a strong function of the emplacement style of the pluton. therefore it is necessary to understand the pluton before drawing conclusions about its aureole. A study investigating the intrusive rocks by means of field, geochemical, geochronologi- cal and structural methods is presented in chapter three. This provided important information about the assembly of the intrusion, but also new insights on the nature of large, homogeneous plutons and the structure of the plumbing system in general. The incremental nature of the emplacement of the Western Adamello tonalité is documented, and the existence of an intermediate reservoir beneath homogeneous plutons is proposed. In chapter four it is demonstrated that information extracted from the host rock provides further constraints on the emplacement process of the intrusion. The temperatures obtain by combining field observations with phase petrology modeling are used together with thermal models to constrain the magmatic activity in the immediate intrusion. Instead of using the thermal models to control the petrology result, the inverse is done. The model parameters were changed until a match with the aureole temperatures was obtained. It is shown, that only a few combinations give a positive match and that temperature estimates from the aureole can constrain the frequency of ancient magmatic systems. In the fifth chapter, the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of intrusive rocks is compared to 3D tomography. The obtained signal is a function of the shape and distribution of ferromagnetic grains, and is often used to infer flow directions of magma. It turns out that the signal is dominated by the shape of the magnetic crystals, and where they form tight clusters, also by their distribution. This is in good agreement with the predictions made in the theoretical and experimental literature. In the sixth chapter arguments for partial melting of host rock carbonates are presented. While at first very surprising, this is to be expected when considering the prior results from the intrusive study and experiments from the literature. Partial melting is documented by compelling microstructures, geochemical and structural data. The necessary conditions are far from extreme and this process might be more frequent than previously thought. The carbonate melt is highly mobile and can move along grain boundaries, infiltrating other rocks and ultimately alter the existing mineral assemblage. Finally, a mineralogical curiosity is presented in chapter seven. The mineral assemblage magne§site and calcite is in apparent equilibrium. It is well known that these two carbonates are not stable together in the system Ca0-Mg0-Fe0-C02. Indeed, magnesite and calcite should react to dolomite during metamorphism. The presented explanation for this '"forbidden" assemblage is, that a calcite melt infiltrated the magnesite bearing rock along grain boundaries and caused the peculiar microstructure. This is supported by isotopie disequilibrium between calcite and magnesite. A further implication of partially molten carbonates is, that the host rock drastically looses its strength so that its physical properties may be comparable to the ones of the intrusive rocks. This contrasting behavior of the host rock may ease the emplacement of the intrusion. We see that the circle closes and the iterative process of better constraining the emplacement could start again. - La Terre est en perpétuel mouvement et les forces tectoniques associées à ces mouvements se manifestent sous différentes formes. Les volcans en sont l'un des exemples les plus impressionnants, mais comme les icebergs, les laves émises en surfaces ne représentent que la pointe d'un vaste système caché dans les profondeurs. Ce système est constitué d'une région source, région où la roche source fond et produit le magma ; ce magma peut s'accumuler dans cette région source ou être transporté à travers différents conduits dans des réservoirs où le magma est stocké. Ce magma peut cristalliser in situ et produire des roches plutoniques ou alors être émis en surface. Un magma représente un mélange entre un liquide et des cristaux. Ces cristaux peuvent être extraits de la source ou se former tout au long du chemin jusqu'à l'endroit final de cristallisation. L'étude de ces cristaux peut ainsi donner des informations sur l'ensemble du système magmatique. Au contraire, les roches encaissantes fournissent des informations sur le niveau d'emplacement de l'intrusion. En effet ces roches enregistrent les effets thermiques et mécaniques imposés par le magma. Pour une meilleure compréhension du système, les deux parties, magmatique et métamorphique, doivent être intégrées. Cette thèse a pour but de montrer que les informations issues de l'étude des roches magmatiques et des roches encaissantes sont complémentaires. C'est un processus itératif qui utilise les contraintes d'un domaine pour améliorer la compréhension de l'autre. Comprendre l'histoire des roches encaissantes n'est pas toujours aisé. Ceci est démontré dans le chapitre deux, où un modèle de formation des grenats observés sous forme d'agrégats dans l'auréole de contact est proposé. Des fragments de grenats plus vieux que les roches intru- sives montrent une zone de surcroissance générée par l'apport thermique produit par la mise en place du pluton adjacent. La formation des agrégats de grenats n'est donc pas le résultat d'un seul événement, comme on le décrit habituellement, mais d'un processus en deux phases, soit l'altération de vieux grains engendrant une fracturation de ces grenats, puis la formation de zone de surcroissance autour de ces différents fragments expliquant la texture en agrégats observée. Cette interprétation en deux phases est importante, car elle engendre des différences notables lorsque l'on applique des méthodes pétrologiques comme la thermobarométrie, la géochronologie ou encore lorsque l'on étudie la distribution relative de la taille des grains. Les conditions thermales dans l'auréole de contact dépendent fortement du mode d'emplacement de l'intrusion et c'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de d'abord comprendre le pluton avant de faire des conclusions sur son auréole de contact. Une étude de terrain des roches intrusives ainsi qu'une étude géochimique, géochronologique et structurale est présente dans le troisième chapitre. Cette étude apporte des informations importantes sur la formation de l'intrusion mais également de nouvelles connaissances sur la nature de grands plutons homogènes et la structure de système magmatique en général. L'emplacement incrémental est mis en évidence et l'existence d'un réservoir intermédiaire en-dessous des plutons homogènes est proposé. Le quatrième chapitre de cette thèse illustre comment utiliser l'information extraite des roches encaissantes pour expliquer la mise en place de l'intrusion. Les températures obtenues par la combinaison des observations de terrain et l'assemblage métamorphique sont utilisées avec des modèles thermiques pour contraindre l'activité magmatique au contact directe de cette auréole. Au lieu d'utiliser le modèle thermique pour vérifier le résultat pétrologique, une approche inverse a été choisie. Les paramètres du modèle ont été changés jusqu'à ce qu'on obtienne une correspondance avec les températures observées dans l'auréole de contact. Ceci montre qu'il y a peu de combinaison qui peuvent expliquer les températures et qu'on peut contraindre la fréquence de l'activité magmatique d'un ancien système magmatique de cette manière. Dans le cinquième chapitre, les processus contrôlant l'anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique des roches intrusives sont expliqués à l'aide d'images de la distribution des minéraux dans les roches obtenues par tomographie 3D. Le signal associé à l'anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique est une fonction de la forme et de la distribution des grains ferromagnétiques. Ce signal est fréquemment utilisé pour déterminer la direction de mouvement d'un magma. En accord avec d'autres études de la littérature, les résultats montrent que le signal est dominé par la forme des cristaux magnétiques, ainsi que par la distribution des agglomérats de ces minéraux dans la roche. Dans le sixième chapitre, une étude associée à la fusion partielle de carbonates dans les roches encaissantes est présentée. Si la présence de liquides carbonatés dans les auréoles de contact a été proposée sur la base d'expériences de laboratoire, notre étude démontre clairement leur existence dans la nature. La fusion partielle est documentée par des microstructures caractéristiques pour la présence de liquides ainsi que par des données géochimiques et structurales. Les conditions nécessaires sont loin d'être extrêmes et ce processus pourrait être plus fréquent qu'attendu. Les liquides carbonatés sont très mobiles et peuvent circuler le long des limites de grain avant d'infiltrer d'autres roches en produisant une modification de leurs assemblages minéralogiques. Finalement, une curiosité minéralogique est présentée dans le chapitre sept. L'assemblage de minéraux de magnésite et de calcite en équilibre apparent est observé. Il est bien connu que ces deux carbonates ne sont pas stables ensemble dans le système CaO-MgO-FeO-CO.,. En effet, la magnésite et la calcite devraient réagir et produire de la dolomite pendant le métamorphisme. L'explication présentée pour cet assemblage à priori « interdit » est que un liquide carbonaté provenant des roches adjacentes infiltre cette roche et est responsable pour cette microstructure. Une autre implication associée à la présence de carbonates fondus est que la roche encaissante montre une diminution drastique de sa résistance et que les propriétés physiques de cette roche deviennent comparables à celles de la roche intrusive. Cette modification des propriétés rhéologiques des roches encaissantes peut faciliter la mise en place des roches intrusives. Ces différentes études démontrent bien le processus itératif utilisé et l'intérêt d'étudier aussi bien les roches intrusives que les roches encaissantes pour la compréhension des mécanismes de mise en place des magmas au sein de la croûte terrestre.


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Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentration is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease but this association seems to be largely mediated via conventional cardiovascular risk factors. In particular, the association between hs-CRP and obesity has been extensively demonstrated and correlations are stronger in women than men. We used fractional polynomials-a method that allows flexible modeling of non linear relations-to investigate the dose/response mathematical relationship between hs-CRP and several indicators of adiposity in Caucasians (Switzerland) and Africans (Seychelles) surveyed in two population-based studies. This relationship was non-linear exhibiting a steeper slope for low levels of hs-CRP and a higher level in women. The observed sex difference in the relationship between hs-CRP and adiposity almost disappeared upon adjustment for leptin, suggesting that these sex differences might be partially mediated, by leptin. All these relationship were similar in Caucasians and Africans. This is the first report on a non-linear relation, stratified by gender, between hs-CRP and adiposity.


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Several types of drugs currently used in clinical practice were screened in vitro for their potentiation of the antifungal effect of the fungistatic agent fluconazole (FLC) on Candida albicans. These drugs included inhibitors of multidrug efflux transporters, antimicrobial agents, antifungal agents, and membrane-active compounds with no antimicrobial activity, such as antiarrhythmic agents, proton pump inhibitors, and platelet aggregation inhibitors. Among the drugs tested in an agar disk diffusion assay, cyclosporine (Cy), which had no intrinsic antifungal activity, showed a potent antifungal effect in combination with FLC. In a checkerboard microtiter plate format, however, it was observed that the MIC of FLC, as classically defined by the NCCLS recommendations, was unchanged when FLC and Cy were combined. Nevertheless, if a different reading endpoint corresponding to the minimal fungicidal concentration needed to decrease viable counts by at least 3 logs in comparison to the growth control was chosen, the combination was synergistic (fractional inhibitory concentration index of <1). This endpoint fitted to the definition of MIC-0 (optically clear wells) and reflected the absence of the trailing effect, which is the result of a residual growth at FLC concentrations greater than the MIC. The MIC-0 values of FLC and Cy tested alone in C. albicans were >32 and >10 microg/ml, respectively, and decreased to 0.5 and 0.625 microg/ml when the two drugs were combined. The combination of 0.625 microg of Cy per ml with supra-MICs of FLC resulted in a potent antifungal effect in time-kill curve experiments. This effect was fungicidal or fungistatic, depending on the C. albicans strain used. Since the Cy concentration effective in vitro is achievable in vivo, the combination of this agent with FLC represents an attractive perspective for the development of new management strategies for candidiasis.


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This paper develops a new test of true versus spurious long memory, based on log-periodogram estimation of the long memory parameter using skip-sampled data. A correction factor is derived to overcome the bias in this estimator due to aliasing. The procedure is designed to be used in the context of a conventional test of significance of the long memory parameter, and composite test procedure described that has the properties of known asymptotic size and consistency. The test is implemented using the bootstrap, with the distribution under the null hypothesis being approximated using a dependent-sample bootstrap technique to approximate short-run dependence following fractional differencing. The properties of the test are investigated in a set of Monte Carlo experiments. The procedure is illustrated by applications to exchange rate volatility and dividend growth series.


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Excessive exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) is the main cause of skin cancer. Specific prevention should be further developed to target overexposed or highly vulnerable populations. A better characterisation of anatomical UV exposure patterns is however needed for specific prevention. To develop a regression model for predicting the UV exposure ratio (ER, ratio between the anatomical dose and the corresponding ground level dose) for each body site without requiring individual measurements. A 3D numeric model (SimUVEx) was used to compute ER for various body sites and postures. A multiple fractional polynomial regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of ER. The regression model used simulation data and its performance was tested on an independent data set. Two input variables were sufficient to explain ER: the cosine of the maximal daily solar zenith angle and the fraction of the sky visible from the body site. The regression model was in good agreement with the simulated data ER (R(2)=0.988). Relative errors up to +20% and -10% were found in daily doses predictions, whereas an average relative error of only 2.4% (-0.03% to 5.4%) was found in yearly dose predictions. The regression model predicts accurately ER and UV doses on the basis of readily available data such as global UV erythemal irradiance measured at ground surface stations or inferred from satellite information. It renders the development of exposure data on a wide temporal and geographical scale possible and opens broad perspectives for epidemiological studies and skin cancer prevention.


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BACKGROUND: We analysed 5-year treatment with agalsidase alfa enzyme replacement therapy in patients with Fabry's disease who were enrolled in the Fabry Outcome Survey observational database (FOS). METHODS: Baseline and 5-year data were available for up to 181 adults (126 men) in FOS. Serial data for cardiac mass and function, renal function, pain, and quality of life were assessed. Safety and sensitivity analyses were done in patients with baseline and at least one relevant follow-up measurement during the 5 years (n=555 and n=475, respectively). FINDINGS: In patients with baseline cardiac hypertrophy, treatment resulted in a sustained reduction in left ventricular mass (LVM) index after 5 years (from 71.4 [SD 22.5] g/m(2.7) to 64.1 [18.7] g/m(2.7), p=0.0111) and a significant increase in midwall fractional shortening (MFS) from 14.3% (2.3) to 16.0% (3.8) after 3 years (p=0.02). In patients without baseline hypertrophy, LVM index and MFS remained stable. Mean yearly fall in estimated glomerular filtration rate versus baseline after 5 years of enzyme replacement therapy was -3.17 mL/min per 1.73 m(2) for men and -0.89 mL/min per 1.73 m(2) for women. Average pain, measured by Brief Pain Inventory score, improved significantly, from 3.7 (2.3) at baseline to 2.5 (2.4) after 5 years (p=0.0023). Quality of life, measured by deviation scores from normal EuroQol values, improved significantly, from -0.24 (0.3) at baseline to -0.17 (0.3) after 5 years (p=0.0483). Findings were confirmed by sensitivity analysis. No unexpected safety concerns were identified. INTERPRETATION: By comparison with historical natural history data for patients with Fabry's disease who were not treated with enzyme replacement therapy, long-term treatment with agalsidase alfa leads to substantial and sustained clinical benefits. FUNDING: Shire Human Genetic Therapies AB.


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Impaired renal function was observed in sixteen Aotus nancymai 25 and 3 months following infection with the Uganda Palo Alto strain of Plasmodium falciparum. Decrease were noted in the clearance of endogenous creatinine, creatinine excretion, and urine volume while increases were observed in serum urea nitrogen, urine protein, urine potassium, fractional excretion of phosphorus and potassium, and activities of urinary enzymes. The results were suggestive of glomerulonephropathy and chronic renal disease.


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The endothelin receptor antagonist avosentan may cause fluid overload at doses of 25 and 50 mg, but the actual mechanisms of this effect are unclear. We conducted a placebo-controlled study in 23 healthy subjects to assess the renal effects of avosentan and the dose dependency of these effects. Oral avosentan was administered once daily for 8 days at doses of 0.5, 1.5, 5, and 50 mg. The drug induced a dose-dependent median increase in body weight, most pronounced at 50 mg (0.8 kg on day 8). Avosentan did not affect renal hemodynamics or plasma electrolytes. A dose-dependent median reduction in the fractional renal excretion of sodium was found (up to 8.7% at avosentan 50 mg); this reduction was paralleled by a dose-related increase in proximal sodium reabsorption. It is suggested that avosentan dose-dependently induces sodium retention by the kidney, mainly through proximal tubular effects. The potential clinical benefits of avosentan should therefore be investigated at doses of <or= 5 mg.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a smoking ban on lung function, fractional exhaled nitric oxide, and respiratory symptoms in nonsmoking hospitality workers. METHODS: Secondhand smoke exposure at the workplace, spirometry, and fractional exhaled nitric oxide were measured in 92 nonsmoking hospitality workers before as well as twice after a smoking ban. RESULTS: At baseline, secondhand smoke-exposed hospitality workers had lung function values significantly below the population average. After the smoking ban, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio for cough was 0.59 (95% confidence interval, 0.36 to 0.93) and for chronic bronchitis 0.75 (95% confidence interval, 0.55 to 1.02) compared with the preban period. CONCLUSIONS: The below-average lung function before the smoking ban indicates chronic damages from long-term exposure. Respiratory symptoms such as cough decreased within 12 months after the ban.


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From toddler to late teenager, the macroscopic pattern of axonal projections in the human brain remains largely unchanged while undergoing dramatic functional modifications that lead to network refinement. These functional modifications are mediated by increasing myelination and changes in axonal diameter and synaptic density, as well as changes in neurochemical mediators. Here we explore the contribution of white matter maturation to the development of connectivity between ages 2 and 18 y using high b-value diffusion MRI tractography and connectivity analysis. We measured changes in connection efficacy as the inverse of the average diffusivity along a fiber tract. We observed significant refinement in specific metrics of network topology, including a significant increase in node strength and efficiency along with a decrease in clustering. Major structural modules and hubs were in place by 2 y of age, and they continued to strengthen their profile during subsequent development. Recording resting-state functional MRI from a subset of subjects, we confirmed a positive correlation between structural and functional connectivity, and in addition observed that this relationship strengthened with age. Continuously increasing integration and decreasing segregation of structural connectivity with age suggests that network refinement mediated by white matter maturation promotes increased global efficiency. In addition, the strengthening of the correlation between structural and functional connectivity with age suggests that white matter connectivity in combination with other factors, such as differential modulation of axonal diameter and myelin thickness, that are partially captured by inverse average diffusivity, play an increasingly important role in creating brain-wide coherence and synchrony.


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Hypergraph width measures are a class of hypergraph invariants important in studying the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). We present a general exact exponential algorithm for a large variety of these measures. A connection between these and tree decompositions is established. This enables us to almost seamlessly adapt the combinatorial and algorithmic results known for tree decompositions of graphs to the case of hypergraphs and obtain fast exact algorithms. As a consequence, we provide algorithms which, given a hypergraph H on n vertices and m hyperedges, compute the generalized hypertree-width of H in time O*(2n) and compute the fractional hypertree-width of H in time O(1.734601n.m).1


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the endocrine and renal effects of the dual inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase, MDL 100,240. DESIGN: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study was performed in 12 healthy volunteers. METHODS: MDL 100,240 was administered intravenously over 20 min at single doses of 6.25 and 25 mg in subjects with a sodium intake of 280 (n = 6) or 80 (n = 6) mmol/day. Measurements were taken of supine and standing blood pressure, plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity, angiotensin II, atrial natriuretic peptide, urinary atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic GMP excretion, effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate as p-aminohippurate and inulin clearances, electrolytes and segmental tubular function by endogenous lithium clearance. RESULTS: Supine systolic blood pressure was consistently decreased by MDL 100,240, particularly after the high dose and during the low-salt intake. Diastolic blood pressure and heart rate did not change. Plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity decreased rapidly and dose-dependently. In both the high- and the low-salt treatment groups, plasma angiotensin II levels fell and renin activity rose accordingly, while plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels remained unchanged. In contrast, urinary atrial natriuretic peptide excretion increased dose-dependently under both diets, as did urinary cyclic GMP excretion. Effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate did not change. The urinary flow rate increased markedly during the first 2 h following administration of either dose of MDL 100,240 (P < 0.001) and, similarly, sodium excretion tended to increase from 0 to 4 h after the dose (P = 0.07). Potassium excretion remained stable. Proximal and distal fractional sodium reabsorption were not significantly altered by the treatment. Uric acid excretion was increased. The safety and clinical tolerance of MDL 100,240 were good. CONCLUSIONS: The increased fall in blood pressure in normal volunteers together with the preservation of renal hemodynamics and the increased urinary volume, atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic GMP excretion distinguish MDL 100,240 as a double-enzyme inhibitor from inhibitors of the angiotensin converting enzyme alone. The differences appear to be due, at least in part, to increased renal exposure to atrial natriuretic peptide following neutral endopeptidase blockade.


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The metasomatism observed in the oceanic and continental lithosphere is generally interpreted to represent a continuous differentiation process forming anhydrous and hydrous veins plus a cryptic enrichment in the surrounding peridotite. In order to constrain the mechanisms of vein formation and potentially clarify the nature and origin of the initial metasomatic agent, we performed a series of high-pressure experiments simulating the liquid line of descent of a basanitic magma differentiating within continental or mature oceanic lithosphere. This series of experiments has been conducted in an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus starting from an initial hydrous ne-normative basanite at 1.5 GPa and temperature varying between 1,250 and 980°C. Near-pure fractional crystallization process was achieved in a stepwise manner in 30°C temperature steps and starting compositions corresponding to the liquid composition of the previous, higher-temperature glass composition. Liquids evolve progressively from basanite to peralkaline, aluminum-rich compositions without significant SiO2 variation. The resulting cumulates are characterized by an anhydrous clinopyroxene + olivine assemblage at high temperature (1,250-1,160°C), while at lower temperature (1,130-980°C), hydrous cumulates with dominantly amphibole + minor clinopyroxene, spinel, ilmenite, titanomagnetite and apatite (1,130-980°C) are formed. This new data set supports the interpretation that anhydrous and hydrous metasomatic veins could be produced during continuous differentiation processes of primary, hydrous alkaline magmas at high pressure. However, the comparison between the cumulates generated by the fractional crystallization from an initial ne-normative liquid or from hy-normative initial compositions (hawaiite or picrobasalt) indicates that for all hydrous liquids, the different phases formed upon differentiation are mostly similar even though the proportions of hydrous versus anhydrous minerals could vary significantly. This suggests that the formation of amphibole-bearing metasomatic veins observed in the lithospheric mantle could be linked to the differentiation of initial liquids ranging from ne-normative to hy-normative in composition. The present study does not resolve the question whether the metasomatism observed in lithospheric mantle is a precursor or a consequence of alkaline magmatism; however, it confirms that the percolation and differentiation of a liquid produced by a low degree of partial melting of a source similar or slightly more enriched than depleted MORB mantle could generate hydrous metasomatic veins interpreted as a potential source for alkaline magmatism by various authors.


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OBJECTIVE: Renal cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) activity has been associated with blood pressure and salt sensitivity in humans. We determined whether CYP3A5 polymorphisms are associated with ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) and with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in African families. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional design, 375 individuals from 72 families, each with at least two hypertensive siblings, were recruited through a hypertension register in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean). We analyzed the association between the CYP3A5 alleles (*1, *3, *6 and *7) and ABP, GFR and renal sodium handling (fractional excretion of lithium), from pedigree data, allowing for other covariates and familial correlations. RESULTS: CYP3A5*1 carriers increased their daytime systolic and diastolic ABP with age (0.55 and 0.23 mmHg/year) more than non-carriers (0.21 and 0.04 mmHg/year). CYP3A5*1 had a significant main effect on daytime systolic/diastolic ABP [regression coefficient (SE): -29.6 (10.0)/-8.2 (4.1) mmHg, P = 0.003/0.045, respectively] and this effect was modified by age (CYP3A5*1 x age interactions, P = 0.017/0.018). For night-time ABP, the effect of CYP3A5*1 was modified by urinary sodium excretion, not by age. For renal function, CYP3A5*1 carriers had a 7.6(3.8) ml/min lower GFR (P = 0.045) than non-carriers. Proximal sodium reabsorption decreased with age in non-carriers, but not in CYP3A5*1 carriers (P for interaction = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that CYP3A5 polymorphisms are associated with ambulatory BP, CYP3A5*1 carriers showing a higher age- and sodium- related increase in ABP than non-carriers. The age effect may be due, in part, to the action of CYP3A5 on renal sodium handling.