956 resultados para Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


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Contiene la organizacion y debates de la reunion que tuvo como objetivo analizar la situacion actual, evolucion proyectada, restricciones actuales y previsibles a la introduccion y expansion de la utilizacion de la energia nuclear con fines pacificos a la luz de las necesidades y prioridades de la region.


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The International Meeting on Gender Statistics and Indicators for Measuring the Incidence of and Trends in Violence against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean met from 21 to 23 November 2001 in La Paz, Bolivia. The meeting was attended by statisticians and specialists in gender studies on violence against women from various countries of the region, specialists of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations as well as international cooperation agencies. Once the group work sessions had concluded, the specialists adopted a series of political and technical recommendations addressed to national statistical institutes, national Women's offices, victim services, Women's organizations and international cooperation agencies.


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Lista bibliografica de los principales trabajos realizados en CEPAL sobre la mujer, ordenados cronologicamente para facilitar la apreciacion de la evolucion que ha tenido el tema a lo largo del decenio; incluye resenas de algunas de las publicaciones.