996 resultados para Fluorescence Induction Kinetics


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La investigació que es presenta en aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació i millora de metodologies analítiques existents i el desenvolupament de nous procediments que poden ser utilitzats per a l'estudi dels efectes ambientals de la dispersió dels metalls entorn a les zones mineres abandonades. En primer lloc, es van aplicar diferents procediments d'extracció simple i seqüencial per a estudiar la mobilitat, perillositat i bio-disponibilitat dels metalls continguts en residus miners de característiques diferents. Per altra banda, per a estudiar les fonts potencials de Pb en la vegetació de les zones mineres d'estudi, una metodologia basada en la utilització de les relacions isotòpiques de Pb determinades mitjançant ICP-MS va ser avaluada. Finalment, tenint en compte l'elevat nombre de mostres analitzades per a avaluar l'impacte de les activitats mineres, es va considerar apropiat el desenvolupament de mètodes analítics d'elevada productivitat. En aquest sentit la implementació d'estratègies quantitatives així com l'aplicació de les millores instrumentals en els equips de XRF han estat avaluades per a aconseguir resultats analítics fiables en l'anàlisi de plantes. A més, alguns paràmetres de qualitat com la precisió, l'exactitud i els límits de detecció han estat curosament determinats en les diverses configuracions de espectròmetres de XRF utilitzats en el decurs d'aquest treball (EDXRF, WDXRF i EDPXRF) per a establir la capacitat de la tècnica de XRF com a tècnica alternativa a les clàssiques comunament aplicades en la determinació d'elements en mostres vegetals.


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Na sequência da integração da energia eólica em larga escala foram estabelecidos códigos de rede pelos vários operadores de sistema, exigindo que os parques eólicos permaneçam em serviço durante e após a ocorrência de defeitos na rede a montante. Nos parques eólicos equipados com sistemas de velocidade constante este requisito pode ser assegurado pela instalação, no ponto de interligação à rede, de equipamento de compensação dinâmica de potência reactiva, controlado como fonte de tensão, sendo as funções de controlo baseadas em medidas efectuadas no ponto de interligação relativamente às componentes directas da tensão e da corrente. Como a adopção deste tipo de soluções externas é adequada ao funcionamento do sistema em regime equilibrado, este artigo foca a avaliação do desempenho da solução no caso da ocorrência de defeitos assimétricos. Os resultados obtidos através das simulações dinâmicas evidenciam o aparecimento de sobre tensões nas fases não afectadas pelo defeito que poderão colocar o parque eólico fora de serviço.


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Reaction Injection Moulding (RIM) is a moulding technology used for the production of large size and complex plastic parts. The RIM process is characterized essentially by the injection of a highly reactive chemical system (usually polyurethane) and fast cure, in a mould properly closed and thermally controlled. Several studies show that rapid manufacturing moulds obtained in epoxy resins for Thermoplastic Injection Moulding (TIM) affect the moulding process and the final properties of parts. The cycle time and mechanical properties of final parts are reduced, due to a low thermal conductivity of epoxy materials. In contrast, the low conductivity of materials usually applied for the rapid manufacturing of RIM moulds, increase the mechanical properties of final injected parts and reduce the cycle time. This study shows the effect of the rapid manufacturing moulds material during the RIM process. Several materials have been tested for rapid manufacturing of RIM moulds and the analysis of both, temperature profile of moulded parts during injection and the cure data experimentally obtained in a mixing and reaction cell, allow to determine and model the real effect of the mould material on the RIM process.


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The relations between soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and top- and sub-soil physical properties were examined for an arable field in England. The correlation coefficients between ECa and the soil particle size fractions were large and their cross variograms showed that the coregionalization was also strong. The coregionalization was stronger for the subsoil properties than for the topsoil, the reverse to the correlation coefficients. The relations between ECa and some soil properties, such as clay and water content, appear complex and emphasize that a map of ECa cannot substitute for sampling the soil.


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The location of extracellular enzymes within the soil architecture and their association with the various soil components affects their catalytic potential. A soil fractionation study was carried out to investigate: (a) the distribution of a range of hydrolytic enzymes involved in C, N and P transformations, (b) the effect of the location on their respective kinetics, (c) the effect of long-term N fertilizer management on enzyme distribution and kinetic parameters. Soil (silty clay loam) from grassland which had received 0 or 200 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) was fractionated, and four particle-size fractions (> 200, 200-63, 63-2 and 0. 1-2 mum) were obtained by a combination of wet-sieving and centrifugation, after low-energy ultrasonication. All fractions were assayed for four carbohydrases (beta-cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosammidase, beta-glucosidase and beta-xylosidase), acid phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase using a microplate fluorimetric assay based on MUB-substrates. Enzyme kinetics (V-max and K-m) were estimated in three particle-size fractions and the unfractionated soil. The results showed that not all particle-size fractions were equally enzymatically active and that the distribution of enzymes between fractions depended on the enzyme. Carbohydrases predominated in the coarser fractions while phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase were predominant in the clay-size fraction. The Michaelis constant (K.) varied among fractions, indicating that the association of the same enzyme with different particle-size fractions affected its substrate affinity. The same values of Km were found in the same fractions from the soil under two contrasting fertilizer management regimes, indicating that the Michaelis constant was unaffected by soil changes caused by N fertilizer management. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that earthworms can accumulate metals. However, most accumulation studies focus on Cd-, Cu-, Pb- or Zn-amended soils, additionally few studies consider accumulation kinetics. Here we model the accumulation kinetics of 18 elements by Eisenia fetida, exposed to 8 metal-contaminated and 2 uncontaminated soils. Tissue metal concentration was determined after 3, 7,14, 21, 28 and 42 days. Metal elimination rate was important in determining time to reach steady-state tissue metal concentration. Uptake flux to elimination rate ratios showed less variation and lower values for essential than for non-essential metals. In theory kinetic rate constants are dependent only on species and metal. Therefore it should be possible to predict steady-state tissue metal concentrations on the basis of very few measurements using the rate constants. However, our experiments show that it is difficult to extrapolate the accumulation kinetic constants derived using one soil to another. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The frequency responses of two 50 Hz and one 400 Hz induction machines have been measured experimentally over a frequency range of 1 kHz to 400 kHz. This study has shown that the stator impedances of the machines behave in a similar manner to a parallel resonant circuit, and hence have a resonant point at which the Input impedance of the machine is at a maximum. This maximum impedance point was found experimentally to be as low as 33 kHz, which is well within the switching frequency ranges of modern inverter drives. This paper investigates the possibility of exploiting the maximum impedance point of the machine, by taking it into consideration when designing an inverter, in order to minimize ripple currents due to the switching frequency. Minimization of the ripple currents would reduce torque pulsation and losses, increasing overall performance. A modified machine model was developed to take into account the resonant point, and this model was then simulated with an inverter to demonstrate the possible advantages of matching the inverter switching frequency to the resonant point. Finally, in order to experimentally verify the simulated results, a real inverter with a variable switching frequency was used to drive an induction machine. Experimental results are presented.


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The results of a study of the variation of three-phase induction machines' input impedance with frequency are proposed. A range of motors were analysed, both two-pole and four-pole, and the magnitude and phase of the input impedance were obtained over a wide frequency range of 20 Hz-1 MHz. For test results that would be useful in the prediction of the performance of induction machines during typical use, a test procedure was developed to represent closely typical three-phase stator coil connections when the induction machine is driven by a three-phase inverter. In addition, tests were performed with the motor's cases both grounded and not grounded. The results of the study show that all induction machines of the type considered exhibit a multiresonant impedance profile, where the input impedance reaches at least one maximum as the input frequency is increased. Furthermore, the test results show that the grounding of the motor's case has a significant effect on the impedance profile. Methods to exploit the input impedance profile of an induction machine to optimise machine and inverter systems are also discussed.