991 resultados para Fitzgerald, Dennis
This thesis explores how to represent image texture in order to obtain information about the geometry and structure of surfaces, with particular emphasis on locating surface discontinuities. Theoretical and psychophysical results lead to the following conclusions for the representation of image texture: (1) A texture edge primitive is needed to identify texture change contours, which are formed by an abrupt change in the 2-D organization of similar items in an image. The texture edge can be used for locating discontinuities in surface structure and surface geometry and for establishing motion correspondence. (2) Abrupt changes in attributes that vary with changing surface geometry ??ientation, density, length, and width ??ould be used to identify discontinuities in surface geometry and surface structure. (3) Texture tokens are needed to separate the effects of different physical processes operating on a surface. They represent the local structure of the image texture. Their spatial variation can be used in the detection of texture discontinuities and texture gradients, and their temporal variation may be used for establishing motion correspondence. What precisely constitutes the texture tokens is unknown; it appears, however, that the intensity changes alone will not suffice, but local groupings of them may. (4) The above primitives need to be assigned rapidly over a large range in an image.
This paper defines a structured methodology which is based on the foundational work of Al-Shaer et al. in [1] and that of Hamed and Al-Shaer in [2]. It defines a methodology for the declaration of policy field elements, through to the syntax, ontology and functional verification stages. In their works of [1] and [2] the authors concentrated on developing formal definitions of possible anomalies between rules in a network firewall rule set. Their work is considered as the foundation for further works on anomaly detection, including those of Fitzgerald et al. [3], Chen et al. [4], Hu et al. [5], among others. This paper extends this work by applying the methods to information sharing policies, and outlines the evaluation related to these.
Simon, B., Hanks, B., Murphy, L., Fitzgerald, S., McCauley, R., Thomas, L., and Zander, C. 2008. Saying isn't necessarily believing: influencing self-theories in computing. In Proceeding of the Fourth international Workshop on Computing Education Research (Sydney, Australia, September 06 - 07, 2008). ICER '08. ACM, New York, NY, 173-184.
Fitzgerald, S., Simon, B., and Thomas, L. 2005. Strategies that students use to trace code: an analysis based in grounded theory. In Proceedings of the First international Workshop on Computing Education Research (Seattle, WA, USA, October 01 - 02, 2005). ICER '05. ACM, New York, NY, 69-80
Fuller-Love, Nerys, et al., 'Euro-Commentary : Scenario Analysis and Regional Economic Development: The Case of Mid Wales', European Urban and Regional Studies (2006) 13(2) pp.143-149 RAE2008
Thomas, Dennis, Henley, Andrew, 'Public service employment and the public-private wage differential in British regions', Regional Studies (2001) 35(3) pp.229-240 RAE2008
Perdikis, Nicholas, Thomas, Dennis, Inter-regional transfer trade flows in the English football league', Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management (2002) 47 (4) 477-509 RAE2008
Fuller-Love, N., Midmore, P., Thomas, D., Henley, A. (2006). Entrepreneurship and rural economic development: A scenario analysis approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 12 (5), 289-305. RAE2008
Byers, D., Peel, D., Thomas, D. (2007). Habit, aggregation and long memory: Evidence from television audience data. Applied Economics, 39 (3), 321-327. RAE2008
Thomas, Dennis, Carmichael, Fiona, 'Home field effect and team performance: Evidence from English Premiership football', Journal of Sports Economics (2005) 6(3) pp.264-281 RAE2008
Thomas, D. (2001). Welsh Water: role model or special case?. Utilities Policy, 10 (2), 99-114. RAE2008
Dennis, P., Aspinall, R. J., Gordon, I. J. (2002). Spatial distribution of upland beetles in relation to landform vegetation and grazing management. Basic and Applied Ecology, 3 (2), 183?193. Sponsorship: SEERAD RAE2008
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, especialização em Relações Públicas.