992 resultados para Ferrovias - Obras de terra


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The life and work of Tatiana Belinky are steeped in fantasy, his works speak of magic and charm of the stories. This research aimed to investigate the knowledge that teachers in the early years of Primary Education (Early Childhood and 1st year of elemen tary school education) have on the work of Tatiana Belinky. Therefore, a survey research theoretical framework in printed documents and digital media (websites and platforms indexed) was performed in order that he might collect data about the life and work of this writer. Concomitantly, the benchmark survey, a field study with teachers from preschool (4) 1st year of elementary school (2), a public school in the town of Jaú, in which a questionnaire semi - structured questions was used was performed . The survey and qualitative study, a case study allowed the lifting of the life and work of the author, approximately 104 considered early childhood education. As to knowledge of teachers studied in the research almost all said they knew the author, however there were few works cited by them


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O presente trabalho objetivou oferecer subsídios para o Planejamento Territorial, através da caracterização geomorfológica da Bacia do Ribeirão Piracicamirim, caracterização esta que permitiu reconhecer a morfodinâmica dos ambientes pleiteados à ocupação e/ou já ocupados. Através desta caracterização foi possível conhecer as suscetibilidades geomorfológicas da área e, a partir daí, verificou-se algumas especificações da Legislação Ambiental Brasileira referente a estas áreas. Além das características do relevo, foram analisadas também algumas das regulamentações referentes à conservação da vegetação, para assim, apontar sob a forma de registro cartográfico, os setores onde ocorre legalmente a limitação ao uso e ocupação do solo. A fim de se alcançar os objetivos traçados, foi utilizada a abordagem direta e indireta da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Piracicamirim. A primeira foi realizada através de trabalhos de campo e a segunda foi efetuada através da revisão bibliográfica, cartográfica e da elaboração de documentos cartográficos da área. Como orientação metodológica foi adotada a Teoria Geral dos Sistemas aplicada à ciência geográfica. Os documentos cartográficos produzidos mostraram que alguns setores da presente bacia necessitam de uma melhor atenção quanto às questões ambientais. Tratase de áreas onde o conjunto das características físicas do ambiente, juntamente com o uso e ocupação da terra predominante tem ocasionado intensos processos erosivos em diferentes estágios de evolução. Constatou-se que a retirada da mata original para o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar tem ocasionado grandes problemas erosivos que merecem uma melhor atenção dos órgãos responsáveis pelo Planejamento Territorial da bacia.


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This study aims to analyze the relationship between deforestation in the highlands of the São Francisco River Basin over the past 45 years due to agricultural activities and livestock , and the observed changes in the dynamics of the same river in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso , as sinuosity , discharge sediment , flow, points of erosion and morphological changes . It is observed that deforestation occurs in the plain and on the plateau , however with much more intensity in the latter, provided the extensive land use in the region . Thus, the study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationships between the uplands and flood plains . To achieve this goal will be used proper methods of geomorphological and geological sciences , with emphasis on the use of satellite imagery and hydrological data side . The research will include the following steps : I) literature review ; II) characterization geomorphological , geological , hydrological and climate , III) Dynamics of vegetation ; IV) Analysis of cause-effect relationships in the river system . Product analysis will suggest preventive measures to minimize the effects caused by the practices of use and occupation in the study area, as well as other regions suffer the same impacts


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The Companhia Energetica de Sao Paulo - CESP owns six hydroelectric dams in the state of São Paulo. The dams, both in its construction and in operation, cause some environmental impacts, most of them negatives, for example, the flooding in regions before not flooded, deviation of the river’s course, among others, bringing harm to flora and fauna of these environments. As a way to compensating these damages, the CESP has acquired a region that was influenced by Sérgio Motta Hydroelectric Plant Engineer, or Porto Primavera, and turned it into Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Foz do Rio Aguapeí. By law it fits in a Conservation Unit, and thus should be contemplate for a management plan, ie, a multidisciplinary technical document which allows, simply, the practice of actions within and around in a sustainably way. This work aimed at developing a land cover map of the reserve for this plan can be made and executed more efficiently. Initially, the project included field visits and meetings with members of the CESP to be specified classes contained on the map. Later, we ran different types of classifications of multispectral images (TM / Landsat 5)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The building sector can cause the environmental degradation, by the natural resources consumption, machinery use and natural landscape modifying. The environmental management system (EMS) improves the environmental quality and makes the companies more competitive. So, this work developed an environmental management system in a building site focused on the solid waste and in the development of mitigation proposals for the most significant environmental impacts. To develop this work it was necessary to follow the building site activities; evaluate the solid waste management; identify the law requirements; identify the environmental aspects and impacts; evaluate the environmental impacts; and propose alternatives for mitigating the adverse environmental critical impacts. The main proposals are the reduction of the waste generation in the place that it’s generated; the reuse and correct final disposal of that wastes; the treatment and reuse of the effluent; and the supervising in the trucks and machineries avoiding the oil spilling and the air pollution


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pretende-se, com a apresentação deste trabalho, estudar não somente o escritor francês Guy de Maupassant no interior da vertente realista/naturalista, mas como explorador do veio do fantástico e como tais disposições literárias encontram-se trabalhadas em suas obras. As selecionadas para estudo são: o romance Bel- Ami de 1885 e os contos Bola de Sebo, publicado em 1880 e A Noite, publicado em 1887. Considera-se muito a vida literária de Maupassant, tanto como discípulo e correspondente de Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), como grande amigo de Èmile Zola (1840- 1902), que o admirou. Por fim, como fundamentação teórica, utiliza-se de dois teóricos – Boris Tomachevski e Tezvetan Todorov –, com os quais se busca entender, prioritariamente, como ler Maupassant por meio dos conceitos de “interesse”, “motivação realista” e “estética”, propostos por Tomachevski e o Fantástico, pelas considerações de Tezvetan Todorov


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Diante do desenfreado uso da terra, gerando impactos muitas vezes irreversíveis, o planejamento ambiental insere-se como uma ferramenta atualmente necessária. Visto que é sob o relevo que se consolidam as atividades antrópicas, a cartografia do relevo surge como um importante instrumento, indicando setores cujas características naturais impõem limites ao uso da terra. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as características geomorfológicas da alta bacia do Rio Itanhaém, com ênfase à questão morfográfica e morfométrica do relevo, avaliando também as modificações impostas a este em decorrência do uso da terra, contribuindo, portanto, com a gestão ambiental desta área. Para tanto, foram elaborados documentos cartográficos capazes de evidenciar as características do relevo que impõem limites ao uso antrópico, a saber: as cartas morfométricas (carta de declividade, carta de dissecação vertical, carta de dissecação horizontal e carta de energia do relevo), que são documentos que evidenciam a suscetibilidade potencial do relevo sob a influência da ação das águas e gravitacional; a carta geomorfológica (cenário de 1962), que possibilita a espacialização das formas do relevo, contribuindo para a análise da morfodinâmica; e as cartas de uso da terra (cenário de 1962 e 2000), que, em conjunto com os documentos já especificados, possibilitam a análise da influência da atuação antrópica sob o sistema relevo. De maneira geral, pôde-se detectar problemas na morfodinâmica da área de estudo, evidenciados pela presença de feições denudacionais localizadas, tais como sulcos erosivos, voçorocas, ravina e cicatrizes de escorregamentos, os quais vinculam-se ao potencial natural que o relevo da área de estudo possui ao desencadeamento de processos morfogenéticos; à dinamização de processos naturais pela atuação antrópica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Due to the large number of pathologies in the civil constructions justified to highlight the reasons for problems encountered and subsequently the most appropriate way of implementing procedures for certain services performed in civil construction. The intention here is to explain each of the subjects studied, identify and distinguish the conditions presented in the post delivery of civil constructions from construction X, through research and company documents, and highlight steps of the executives of some services civilians highlighted in this work to minimize, or cancel, future maintenance. Studies will be conducted in a more narrow, focused more specifically in the most happening pathologies in the constructions and how to perform each service to prevent future problems with masonry (non-structural cracks and crevices), waterproofing, window frames and cladding. Thus, this study seeks to protect the building, using material technology and equipment, to allow an increase in the service time of the building,


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This graduation project aims to study and analyze the reuse of solid waste projects in Civil Construction, checking the different factors such as economic viability, production processes, classification of the main materials, advantages and disadvantages, always seeking to guide themselves according Brazilian legislation establishing criteria for Waste Management of Construction. In addition, points are studied that prevent the expansion of recycling construction waste. It also offers needs improvements to the implementation of recycling to be carried out on a more expressive than current


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This work refers a comparison between a government’s index budget and another one which take into account the traditional method, in other words, taking real values practice in market as base. For its achievement will be used the design of a low standard single-family residence, quantifying all the materials needed for its construction with Prices Compositions Table for Budget, provided from the PINI publishing. After that, was made two budgets: one based on the SINAPI index costs, provided from Caixa Econômica Federal and calculated for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatistics; and another based on the costs used in the SESC work in Birigui city, as well as values collected from building material stores in the same city. Finally, with both finalized budgets, will be drawn a direct comparison in order to verifying if the index can be use as parameter for budget calculations for low standard residences