988 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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Sr2SbMnO6 (SSMO) ceramics were, fabricated using the nanocrystalline powders obtained via molten salt synthesis (MSS) method. High temperature X-ray diffraction studies confirmed the structural phase transition (room temperature tetragonal (I4/mcm) to the cubic phase (Pm-3m)) temperature to be around 736K. The discontinuity in the phase transition indicated its first order nature reflecting the presence of ferroelectric-like distortions in SSMO prepared from MSS which seemed to be unique as it was not observed so far in the case of SSMO prepared using solid-state reaction method. The dielectric behavior of SSMO was studied in the 300-950 K temperature range at high frequencies (MHz range) in order to suppress the of space charge and related effects that dominate at such higher temperatures and mask the real phase transition.


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We studied structural and magnetic properties of a series of insulating double perovskite compounds, La2-xSrxCuRuO6 (0 <= x <= 1), representing doping via A-site substitution. The end members La2CuRuO6 and LaSrCuRuO6 form in monoclinic structure while the intermediate Sr doped compounds stabilize in triclinic structure. The Cu and Ru ions sit on alternate B sites of the perovskite lattice with similar to 15% antisite defects in the undoped sample while the Sr-doped samples show a tendency to higher ordering at B sites. The undoped (x = 0) compound shows a ferrimagnetic-like behavior at low temperatures. In surprising contrast to the usual expectation of an enhancement of ferromagnetic interaction on doping, an antiferromagnetic-like ground state is realized for all doped samples (x > 0). Heat capacity measurements indicate the absence of any long-range magnetic order in any of these compounds. The magnetic relaxation and memory effects observed in all compounds suggest glassy dynamical properties associated with magnetic disorder and frustration. We show that the observed magnetic properties are dominated by the competition between the nearest-neighbor Ru-O-Cu 180 degrees superexchange interaction and the next-nearest-neighbor Ru-O-O-Ru 90 degrees superexchange interaction as well as by the formation of antisite defects with interchanged Cu and Ru positions. Our calculated exchange interaction parameters from first principles calculations for x = 0 and x = 1 support this interpretation.


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Free-standing ZnO nanocrystals simultaneously doped with Fe and Cu with varying Fe/Cu compositions have been synthesized using colloidal methods with a mean size of similar to 7.7 nm. Interestingly, while the Cu-doped ZnO nanocrystal remains diamagnetic and Fe-doped samples show antiferromagnetic interactions between Fe sites without any magnetic ordering down to the lowest temperature investigated, samples doped simultaneously with Fe and Cu show a qualitative departure in exhibiting ferromagnetic interactions, with suggestions of ferromagnetic order at low temperature. XAS measurements establish the presence of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions, with the concentration of the trivalent species increasing in the presence of Cu doping, providing direct evidence of the Fe2+ + Cu2+ sic Fe3+ + Cu+ redox couple being correlated with the ferromagnetic property. Using DFT, the unexpected ferromagnetic nature of these systems is explained in terms of a double exchange between Fe atoms, mediated by the Cu atom, in agreement with experimental observations.


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The lead free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) is shown to exhibit electric-field-induced monoclinic (Cc) to rhombohedral (R3c) phase transformation at room temperature. This phenomenon has been analyzed both from the viewpoint of the intrinsic polarization rotation and adaptive phase models. In analogy with the morphotropic phase boundary systems, NBT seems to possess intrinsic competing ferroelectric instabilities near room temperature.


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A temperature dependent neutron powder diffraction study, in conjunction with dielectric and ferroelectric characterization, of slightly Ca modified Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) revealed an instability with regard to a non-polar orthorhombic (Pbnm) distortion above room temperature. This intermediate orthorhombic phase has earlier been reported for unmodified NBT by electron diffraction studies, but has never been captured by global (x-ray/neutron) diffraction techniques. Calcium substitution seems to amplify the magnitude of this intermediate orthorhombic distortion thereby making the corresponding superlattice reflections become visible in the neutron diffraction pattern. The study revealed the following sequence of very complex structural evolution with temperature: Cc -> Cc + Pbnm -> Pbnm + P4/mbm -> P4/mbm -> Pm (3) over barm.


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We present compelling theoretical results showing that fused azulene molecules are strong candidates for exhibiting room temperature multiferroic behavior, i.e., having both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. If this is experimentally proved, these systems will be organic multiferroic materials with important potential applications.


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Suppose G = (V, E) is a simple graph and k is a fixed positive integer. A subset D subset of V is a distance k-dominating set of G if for every u is an element of V. there exists a vertex v is an element of D such that d(G)(u, v) <= k, where d(G)(u, v) is the distance between u and v in G. A set D subset of V is a distance k-paired-dominating set of G if D is a distance k-dominating set and the induced subgraph GD] contains a perfect matching. Given a graph G = (V, E) and a fixed integer k > 0, the MIN DISTANCE k-PAIRED-DOM SET problem is to find a minimum cardinality distance k-paired-dominating set of G. In this paper, we show that the decision version of MIN DISTANCE k-PAIRED-DOM SET iS NP-complete for undirected path graphs. This strengthens the complexity of decision version Of MIN DISTANCE k-PAIRED-DOM SET problem in chordal graphs. We show that for a given graph G, unless NP subset of DTIME (n(0)((log) (log) (n)) MIN DISTANCE k-PAIRED-Dom SET problem cannot be approximated within a factor of (1 -epsilon ) In n for any epsilon > 0, where n is the number of vertices in G. We also show that MIN DISTANCE k-PAIRED-DOM SET problem is APX-complete for graphs with degree bounded by 3. On the positive side, we present a linear time algorithm to compute the minimum cardinality of a distance k-paired-dominating set of a strongly chordal graph G if a strong elimination ordering of G is provided. We show that for a given graph G, MIN DISTANCE k-PAIRED-DOM SET problem can be approximated with an approximation factor of 1 + In 2 + k . In(Delta(G)), where Delta(G) denotes the maximum degree of G. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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A unit cube in (or a k-cube in short) is defined as the Cartesian product R (1) x R (2) x ... x R (k) where R (i) (for 1 a parts per thousand currency sign i a parts per thousand currency sign k) is a closed interval of the form a (i) , a (i) + 1] on the real line. A k-cube representation of a graph G is a mapping of the vertices of G to k-cubes such that two vertices in G are adjacent if and only if their corresponding k-cubes have a non-empty intersection. The cubicity of G is the minimum k such that G has a k-cube representation. From a geometric embedding point of view, a k-cube representation of G = (V, E) yields an embedding such that for any two vertices u and v, ||f(u) - f(v)||(a) a parts per thousand currency sign 1 if and only if . We first present a randomized algorithm that constructs the cube representation of any graph on n vertices with maximum degree Delta in O(Delta ln n) dimensions. This algorithm is then derandomized to obtain a polynomial time deterministic algorithm that also produces the cube representation of the input graph in the same number of dimensions. The bandwidth ordering of the graph is studied next and it is shown that our algorithm can be improved to produce a cube representation of the input graph G in O(Delta ln b) dimensions, where b is the bandwidth of G, given a bandwidth ordering of G. Note that b a parts per thousand currency sign n and b is much smaller than n for many well-known graph classes. Another upper bound of b + 1 on the cubicity of any graph with bandwidth b is also shown. Together, these results imply that for any graph G with maximum degree Delta and bandwidth b, the cubicity is O(min{b, Delta ln b}). The upper bound of b + 1 is used to derive upper bounds for the cubicity of circular-arc graphs, cocomparability graphs and AT-free graphs in terms of the maximum degree Delta.


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PbZr1-xTixO3 ceramics synthesised by low temperature calcination followed by sintering at 1280 degrees C show a Morphotropic Phase Boundary (MPB) for compositions of x=0.44-0.51. The morphotropic phase boundary is wider for samples with smaller grain sizes due to the synthesis route. A Rietveld analysis is performed on a composition of x=0.5 composition to quantify the phase fractions of the tetragonal and monoclinic phases present in the PZT system. Temperature dependent X-ray diffraction and dielectric studies of PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 composition demonstrated a phase transformation from monoclinic to tetragonal at 270 degrees C followed by a ferroelectric tetragonal to a paraelectric cubic transition at 370 degrees C. Thus, the poling of these ceramics should be performed below 270 degrees C to benefit from the presence of a monoclinic phase. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Decoding of linear space-time block codes (STBCs) with sphere-decoding (SD) is well known. A fast-version of the SD known as fast sphere decoding (FSD) has been recently studied by Biglieri, Hong and Viterbo. Viewing a linear STBC as a vector space spanned by its defining weight matrices over the real number field, we define a quadratic form (QF), called the Hurwitz-Radon QF (HRQF), on this vector space and give a QF interpretation of the FSD complexity of a linear STBC. It is shown that the FSD complexity is only a function of the weight matrices defining the code and their ordering, and not of the channel realization (even though the equivalent channel when SD is used depends on the channel realization) or the number of receive antennas. It is also shown that the FSD complexity is completely captured into a single matrix obtained from the HRQF. Moreover, for a given set of weight matrices, an algorithm to obtain a best ordering of them leading to the least FSD complexity is presented. The well known classes of low FSD complexity codes (multi-group decodable codes, fast decodable codes and fast group decodable codes) are presented in the framework of HRQF.


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SrRuO3 is widely known to be an itinerant ferromagnet with a T-C similar to 160 K. It is well known that glassy materials exhibit time dependent phenomena such as memory effect due to their generic slow dynamics. However, for the first time, we have observed memory effect in SrRu(1-x)O3 (0.01ordering temperature. Generally, time dependent phenomena such as aging, memory etc. arise in disordered glassy systems. Thus the observation of memory effect in case of an itinerant ferromagnetic system like SrRuO3 is quite strange. The emergence of such unusual magnetic response is strongly believed to be connected with a cryptic interactions arises in the low temperature. Our effort on neutron diffraction study has been able to trace the cause of such hidden magnetic interaction responsible for bringing glassiness in a ferromagnet.


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The emergence of low temperature glassy phase in widely known itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3 is remotely understood. In order to understand this aspect, we have undertaken a detailed temperature dependent (5-250 K) neutron diffraction study. We observe a freezing of the octahedral tilt near the ferromagnetic transition and an unusual deviation in the octahedral tilt near the onset of low temperature spin glass like phase. A reduction of the ordered magnetic moment and a decline in the total integrated magnetic intensity is observed around the temperature where the glassy behaviour starts to appear. The magnetotransport study also reveals the possibility for an additional magnetic ordering by demonstrating a peak in magnetoresistance at the low temperature side as well. The neutron diffraction study presented here provides useful information to understand the observed unusual low temperature magnetic phenomena in SrRuO3.


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The structure-property correlation in the lead-free piezoelectric (1 - x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3-(x)BaTiO3 has been systematically investigated in detail as a function of composition (0 < x <= 0.11), temperature, electric field, and mechanical impact by Raman scattering, ferroelectric, piezoelectric measurement, x-ray, and neutron powder diffraction methods. Although x-ray diffraction study revealed three distinct composition ranges characterizing different structural features in the equilibrium state at room temperature: (i) monoclinic (Cc) + rhombohedral (R3c) for the precritical compositions, 0 <= x <= 0.05, (ii) cubiclike for 0.06 <= x <= 0.0675, and (iii) morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) like for 0.07 <= x < 0.10, Raman and neutron powder diffraction studies revealed identical symmetry for the cubiclike and the MPB compositions. The cubiclike structure undergoes irreversible phase separation by electric poling as well as by pure mechanical impact. This cubiclike phase exhibits relaxor ferroelectricity in its equilibrium state. The short coherence length (similar to 50A degrees) of the out-of-phase octahedral tilts does not allow the normal ferroelectric state to develop below the dipolar freezing temperature, forcing the system to remain in a dipolar glass state at room temperature. Electric poling helps the dipolar glass state to transform to a normal ferroelectric state with a concomitant enhancement in the correlation length of the out-of-phase octahedral tilt.


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In this letter, we propose a reduced-complexity implementation of partial interference cancellation group decoder with successive interference cancellation (PIC-GD-SIC) by employing the theory of displacement structures. The proposed algorithm exploits the block-Toeplitz structure of the effective matrix and chooses an ordering of the groups such that the zero-forcing matrices associated with the various groups are obtained through Schur recursions without any approximations. We show using an example that the proposed implementation offers a significantly reduced computational complexity compared to the direct approach without any loss in performance.


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A simple approach for obtaining room temperature ferroelectricity in ZnO rod structures at the nanoscale is reported. A systematic comparative study between two kinds of nanorods prepared by different processes reveals the physics behind it. It is observed that ZnO nanorods grown (in-situ) by a sol gel method on platinum substrate show ferroelectric behaviour. On the contrary, ZnO nanorods first grown by a sol gel method and then spin-coated on a platinum substrate (ex-situ) do not demonstrate this kind of feature. X-ray diffraction analysis confirms partially (002) and (100) plane oriented growth of both samples. From photoluminescence (PL) spectral analysis it is interpreted that oxygen vacancies/zinc interstitial defects, which arises from the large lattice mismatch between the Pt substrate and the ZnO nanorods grown thereon, and preferential ZnO growth along 002], can be causes of this type of phenomena. C-V characterization, P-E hysteresis loop along with piezoelectric force microscopy support this observation.