999 resultados para Fernão de Oliveira
Background: Citrus canker is a disease caused by the phytopathogens Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolli and Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis. The first of the three species, which causes citrus bacterial canker type A, is the most widely spread and severe, attacking all citrus species. In Brazil, this species is the most important, being found in practically all areas where citrus canker has been detected. Like most phytobacterioses, there is no efficient way to control citrus canker. Considering the importance of the disease worldwide, investigation is needed to accurately detect which genes are related to the pathogen-host adaptation process and which are associated with pathogenesis. Results: Through transposon insertion mutagenesis, 10,000 mutants of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri strain 306 (Xcc) were obtained, and 3,300 were inoculated in Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) leaves. Their ability to cause citrus canker was analyzed every 3 days until 21 days after inoculation; a set of 44 mutants showed altered virulence, with 8 presenting a complete loss of causing citrus canker symptoms. Sequencing of the insertion site in all 44 mutants revealed that 35 different ORFs were hit, since some ORFs were hit in more than one mutant, with mutants for the same ORF presenting the same phenotype. An analysis of these ORFs showed that some encoded genes were previously known as related to pathogenicity in phytobacteria and, more interestingly, revealed new genes never implicated with Xanthomonas pathogenicity before, including hypothetical ORFs. Among the 8 mutants with no canker symptoms are the hrpB4 and hrpX genes, two genes that belong to type III secretion system (TTSS), two hypothetical ORFS and, surprisingly, the htrA gene, a gene reported as involved with the virulence process in animal-pathogenic bacteria but not described as involved in phytobacteria virulence. Nucleic acid hybridization using labeled cDNA probes showed that some of the mutated genes are differentially expressed when the bacterium is grown in citrus leaves. Finally, comparative genomic analysis revealed that 5 mutated ORFs are in new putative pathogenicity islands. Conclusion: The identification of these new genes related with Xcc infection and virulence is a great step towards the understanding of plant-pathogen interactions and could allow the development of strategies to control citrus canker.
It has been suggested that dispersal of seeds of Coussapoa asperifolia magnifolia could have endozoochoric dispersal by frugivorous birds and monkeys because the fruits are red when ripe, or exozoochoric dispersal, because the exocarp is mucilaginous and sticky. However, our field observations showed only stingless bees collecting the exocarp with seeds of C. asperifolia magnifolia, which are used for building and repairing their nests, from which the plants sprout. This paper aimed to determine the fruit chemical composition, since we postulated that C. asperifolia magnifolia is neither consumed by birds nor monkeys due to being very sticky and apparently resinous. Apolar extract analyses revealed the fruits are not resinous but extremely rich in waxes ( mainly esterified triglycerides), and polar extract analyses revealed the sugar content to be close to the sensorial minimum level. This probably accounts for why only stingless bees are seen visiting fruits and dispersing seeds.
This work describes the coupling of a biomimetic sensor to a flow injection system for the sensitive determination of paracetamol. The sensor was prepared as previously described in the literature (M. D. P. T. Sotomayor, A. Sigoli, M. R. V. Lanza, A. A. Tanaka and L. T. Kubota, J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 2008, 19, 734) by modifying a glassy carbon electrode surface with a Nafion (R) membrane doped with iron tetrapyridinoporphyrazine (FeTPyPz), a biomimetic catalyst of the P450 enzyme. The performance of the sensor for paracetamol detection was investigated and optimized in a flow injection system (FIA) using a wall jet electrochemical cell. Under optimized conditions a wide linear response range (1.0 x 10(-5) to 5.0 x 10(-2) mol L(-1)) was obtained, with a sensitivity of 2579 (+/- 129) mu A L mu mol(-1). The detection and quantification limits of the sensor for paracetamol in the FIA system were 1.0 and 3.5 mu mol L(-1), respectively. The analytical frequency was 51 samples h(-1), and over a period of five days (320 determinations) the biosensor maintained practically the same response. The system was successfully applied to paracetamol quantification in seven pharmaceutical formulations and in water samples from six rivers in Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
This paper describes the preparation of a Pt-Rh alloy surface electrodeposited on Pt electrodes and its electrocatalytic characterization for methanol oxidation. The X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy ( XPS) results demonstrate that the surface composition is approximately 24 at-% Rh and 76 % Pt. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical quartz crystal (EQCN) results for the alloy were associated, for platinum, to the well known profile in acidic medium. For Rh, on the alloy, the generation of rhodium hydroxide species (Rh(OH)(3) and RhO(OH)(3)) was measured. During the successive oxidation-reduction cycles the mass returns to its original value, indicating the reversibility of the processes. It was not observed rhodium dissolution during the cycling. The 76/24 at % Pt-Rh alloy presented singular electrocatalytic activity for methanol electrooxidation, which started at more negative potentials compared to pure Pt (70 mV). During the sweep towards more negative potentials, there is only weak CO re-adsorption on both Rh and Pt-Rh alloy surfaces, which can be explained by considering the interaction energy between Rh and CO.
The influence of political parties on decisions made by members of Congress is a hotly debated issue in political science. In foreign policy, which is usually considered nonpartisan, the matter is even more inconclusive. The current study analyzes all the roll-call votes taken on foreign policy issues in the 2002-2006 legislature of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies. After tracing a spatial map of foreign policy preferences among Chilean Deputies using the Nominate statistical package, we concluded that the ideology of the legislator's political party is a predictive factor for his or her foreign policy behavior. Our findings indicate that the way Chilean legislators structure their preferences on foreign policy issues does not differ significantly from the way they shape their domestic policy preferences.
Sedentary consumers play an important role on populations of prey and, hence, their patterns of abundance, distribution and coexistence on shores are important to evaluate their potential influence on ecosystem dynamics. Here, we aimed to describe their spatio-temporal distribution and abundance in relation to wave exposure in the intertidal rocky shores of the south-west Atlantic to provide a basis for further understanding of ecological processes in this system. The abundance and composition of the functional groups of sessile organisms and sedentary consumers were taken by sampling the intertidal of sheltered and moderately exposed shores during a period of one year. The sublittoral fringe of sheltered areas was dominated by macroalgae, while the low midlittoral was dominated by bare rock and barnacles. In contrast, filter-feeding animals prevailed at exposed shores, probably explaining the higher abundance of the predator Stramonita haemastoma at these locations. Limpets were more abundant at the midlittoral zone of all shores while sea urchins were exclusively found at the sublittoral fringe of moderately exposed shores, therefore, adding grazing pressure on these areas. The results showed patterns of coexistence, distribution and abundance of those organisms in this subtropical area, presumably as a result of wave action, competition and prey availability. It also brought insights on the influence of top-down and bottom-up processes in this area.
The roles of herbivory and predation in determining the structure and diversity of communities have been tested across most intertidal systems. In contrast, the importance of omnivorous consumers remains untested in many rocky shore communities. We tested the role of a small omnivorous crab in an intertidal food web on rocky shores of the sub-tropical southwest Atlantic. Exclusion of the grapsid crab Pachygrapsus transversus in the field resulted in significant changes in the abundance of functional groups in the sublittoral fringe of sheltered shores, where the dominant cover changed from a suite of macroalgae to an assemblage of filter-feeding animals (ascidians, sponges, mussels). In contrast, limpets, whelks, large crabs and fish did not significantly affect community composition of the assemblage. To examine the omnivorous feeding pattern of P. transversus, we did laboratory experiments to test its foraging behaviour among animal and algal groups. The crab showed selective behaviour, preferring invertebrate groups to macroalgae, and opportunistic behaviour among types of prey within those major groups. According to our results, the role of slow-moving and large fast-moving consumers is apparently negligible compared to the effect of an omnivorous consumer. P. transversus plays an important role in determining the intertidal community composition on these subtropical rocky shores, causing changes in the balance of functional groups and controlling invasive species.
To test whether plant species influence greenhouse gas production in diverse ecosystems, we measured wet season soil CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes close to similar to 300 large (>35 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH)) trees of 15 species at three clay-rich forest sites in central Amazonia. We found that soil CO(2) fluxes were 38% higher near large trees than at control sites >10 m away from any tree (P < 0.0001). After adjusting for large tree presence, a multiple linear regression of soil temperature, bulk density, and liana DBH explained 19% of remaining CO(2) flux variability. Soil N(2)O fluxes adjacent to Caryocar villosum, Lecythis lurida, Schefflera morototoni, and Manilkara huberi were 84%-196% greater than Erisma uncinatum and Vochysia maxima, both Vochysiaceae. Tree species identity was the most important explanatory factor for N(2)O fluxes, accounting for more than twice the N(2)O flux variability as all other factors combined. Two observations suggest a mechanism for this finding: (1) sugar addition increased N(2)O fluxes near C. villosum twice as much (P < 0.05) as near Vochysiaceae and (2) species mean N(2)O fluxes were strongly negatively correlated with tree growth rate (P = 0.002). These observations imply that through enhanced belowground carbon allocation liana and tree species can stimulate soil CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes (by enhancing denitrification when carbon limits microbial metabolism). Alternatively, low N(2)O fluxes potentially result from strong competition of tree species with microbes for nutrients. Species-specific patterns in CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes demonstrate that plant species can influence soil biogeochemical processes in a diverse tropical forest.
The biogeochemical processes affecting the transport and cycling of terrestrial organic carbon in coastal and transition areas are still not fully understood One means of distinguishing between the sources of organic materials contributing to particulate organic matter (POM) in Babitonga Bay waters and sediments is by the direct measurement of delta(13)C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and delta(13)C and delta(15)N in the organic constituents. An isotopic survey was taken from samples collected in the Bay in late spring of 2004. The results indicate that the delta(13)C and delta(15)N compositions of OM varied from -21.7 parts per thousand to -26 2 parts per thousand. and from + 9 2 parts per thousand. to -0 1 parts per thousand, respectively. delta(13)C from DIC ranges from +0.04 parts per thousand to -12.7 parts per thousand The difference in the isotope compositions enables the determination of three distinct end-members terrestrial, marine and urban Moreover, the evaluation of source contribution to the particulate organic matter (POM) in the Bay, enables assessment of the anthropogenic impact. Comparing the depleted values of delta(13)C(DIC) and delta(13)C(POC) it is possible to further understand the carbon dynamic within Babitonga Bay (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved
The main objective of this study was to evaluate dissolved organic and inorganic carbon dynamics along upstream and downstream reaches of the Acre River draining the city of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, Brazil. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the Acre River were significantly higher during the wet season, ranging from 385 +/- A 160 to 430 +/- A 131 mu M among the stations, with no difference in upstream and downstream concentrations. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) showed an inverse pattern, with higher concentrations in the dry season, ranging from 816 +/- A 215 to 998 +/- A 754 mu M among the stations, as well as no difference in upstream and downstream DIC concentrations. Bicarbonate was the dominant DIC fraction and was mainly observed during the dry season. Due to lower pH values during the wet season, CO(2) partial pressure (pCO(2)) in the Acre River was higher in the wet season, with values ranging from 4,567 +/- A 1,813 to 4,893 +/- A 837 ppm among the stations. Our results indicate that, although the Acre River drains a large city with significant sewage disposal into the river, seasonal hydrological processes are the main driver of dissolved carbon dynamics, even in the downstream study reach directly influenced by urbanization.
The Cerrado is the second largest Brazilian biome and contains the headwaters of three major hydrological basins in Brazil. In spite of the biological and ecological relevance of this biome, there is little information about how land use changes affect the chemistry of low-order streams in the Cerrado. To evaluate these effects streams that drain areas under natural, rural, and urban land cover were sampled near Brasilia, Brazil. Water samples were collected between September 2004 and December 2006. Chemical concentrations generally followed the pattern of Urban > Rural > Natural. Median conductivity of stream water of 21.6 (interquartile: 22.7) mu S/cm in urban streams was three and five-fold greater relative to rural and natural areas, respectively. In the wet season, despite of increasing discharge, concentration of many solutes were higher, particularly in rural and natural streams. Streams also presented higher total dissolved N (TDN) loads from natural to rural and urban although DIN:DON ratios did not differ significantly. In natural and urban streams TDN was 80 and 77% dissolved organic N, respectively. These results indicate that alterations in land cover from natural to rural and urban are changing stream water chemistry in the Cerrado with increasing solute concentrations, in addition to increased TDN output in areas under urban cover, with potential effects on ecosystem function.
The 30Si silicon isotope stable was used for assessing the accumulation and translocation of Si in rice and bean plants grown in labeled nutritive solution. The isotopic silicon composition in plant materials was determined by mass spectrometry (IRMS) using the method based on SiF4 formation. Considering the total-Si added into nutritive solutions, the quantity absorbed by plants was near to 51% for rice and 15% for bean plants. The accumulated amounts of Si per plant were about 150g in rice and 8.6g in bean. Approximately 70% of the total-Si accumulated was found in leaves. At presented experimental conditions, the results confirmed that once Si is accumulated in the old parts of rice and bean plant tissues it is not redistributed to new parts, even when Si is not supplied to plants from nutritive solution.
It has been demonstrated that laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) can be used as an alternative method for the determination of macro (P, K. Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn) in pellets of plant materials. However, information is required regarding the sample preparation for plant analysis by LIBS. In this work, methods involving cryogenic grinding and planetary ball milling were evaluated for leaves comminution before pellets preparation. The particle sizes were associated to chemical sample properties such as fiber and cellulose contents, as well as to pellets porosity and density. The pellets were ablated at 30 different sites by applying 25 laser pulses per site (Nd:YAG@1064 nm, 5 ns, 10 Hz, 25J cm(-2)). The plasma emission collected by lenses was directed through an optical fiber towards a high resolution echelle spectrometer equipped with an ICCD. Delay time and integration time gate were fixed at 2.0 and 4.5 mu s, respectively. Experiments carried out with pellets of sugarcane, orange tree and soy leaves showed a significant effect of the plant species for choosing the most appropriate grinding conditions. By using ball milling with agate materials, 20 min grinding for orange tree and soy, and 60 min for sugarcane leaves led to particle size distributions generally lower than 75 mu m. Cryogenic grinding yielded similar particle size distributions after 10 min for orange tree, 20 min for soy and 30 min for sugarcane leaves. There was up to 50% emission signal enhancement on LIBS measurements for most elements by improving particle size distribution and consequently the pellet porosity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Northeastern Brazil represents a strategic area in terms of Quaternary records of environmental changes in South America due to its distinct semi-arid climate in near equatorial latitudes. In this study, carbon isotope and charcoal distribution records in soils are used to characterize vegetation dynamics, forest fires and their relation to climate change since the Late Pleistocene in the States of Ceara, Piaui and Paraiba, Northeastern Brazil. At the Ceara site, the carbon isotope record showed an enrichment trend from -24%(o) to 19%(o) during the early-mid Holocene, indicating an opening of vegetation and expansion of savanna vegetation (C(4) plants) during this period. A trend toward more depleted delta(13)C values (similar to-32%.) in the late Holocene indicates an expansion of forest vegetation (C(3) plants). A similar trend is observed at the Piaui and Paraiba sites where values of similar to-24%0 are associated with open forest vegetation during the late Pleistocene. In the early-mid Holocene, delta(13)C values of up to -18.0%(o), suggest the expansion of C4 plants. Based on the carbon isotope data, it is postulated that from similar to 18,000 cal yr B.P. to similar to 11,800 cal yr B.P.-similar to 10,000 cal yr B.P. arboreal vegetation was dominant in northeastern Brazil and is associated with humid climates. The savanna expanded from similar to 10,000 cal yr B.P. to similar to 4500-3200 cal yr B.P. due to a less humid/drier climatic phase, also supported by the significant presence of fires (charcoal fragments in the soil). From approximately 3200-2000 cal yr B.P. to the present, carbon isotope records suggest forest expansion and a more humid phase. These results form part of a regional pattern since they are in agreement with paleovegetation records obtained in regions of Maranhao, northeastern Brazil and in the Amazon and Rondonia States, northern Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A green and highly sensitive analytical procedure was developed for the determination of free chlorine in natural waters, based on the reaction with N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD). The flow system was designed with solenoid micro-pumps in order to improve mixing conditions by pulsed flows and to minimize reagent consumption as well as waste generation. A 100-cm optical path flow cell based on a liquid core waveguide was employed to increase sensitivity. A linear response was observed within the range 10.0 to 100.0 mu g L(-1), with the detection limit, coefficient of variation and sampling rate estimated as 6.8 mu g (99.7% confidence level), 0.9% (n = 20) and 60 determinations per hour, respectively. The consumption of the most toxic reagent (DPD) was reduced 20,000-fold and 30-fold in comparison to the batch method and flow injection with continuous reagent addition, respectively. The results for natural and tap water samples agreed with those obtained by the reference batch spectrophotometric procedure at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.